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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

An interesting article on Putin’s weaknesses, and Russian discontent over the war. Inflation is hurting people and they are complaining. The Kremlin’s response isn’t convincing people much about how great things are and how they are going. Lots of frustration expressed online, but it is muted. One of the more interesting points was on issues of healthcare. Russia has had to decrease its spending on healthcare and this has caused serious overall issues. It’s behind a paywall but a good read if you can access.

I was quite amazed of this video. Absolutely worth watching. Also our most dear friend, Barbos should watch this.

Sleeper Agents, FSB Assassinations, & GRU Black Ops Unit 29155
— Russia's Shadow War on NATO

Listen to the whole speech - the video is quite short:

00:00 - Russia's Covert War on NATO Territory
01:03 - FSB Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko
01:25 - GRU Black Ops Unit 29155 - Sabotage Bombings in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria
03:53 - GRU Black Ops Unit 29155 - Poisoning of Bulgarian Arms Dealer Emilian Gebrev
04:47 - Putin's Personal Hitman: FSB Agent Vladim Krasikov
05:24 - Recruitment of Native EU Citizens on Telegram
06:59 - Russian Operatives & Sleeper Agents in Europe

In short:
Despite being an expert on covert operations, Weiss believes there is nothing shadowy about what's been going on for nearly 20 years - it's war, he says, that Russia has been waging across NATO and EU territory. He notes that the Russian soldiers have been given state medals, positions in the Russian presidential administration, and serving as diplomats abroad. Weiss says that this war has almost always involved Ukraine, specifically Western efforts to arm Kyiv before, during, and after the full-scale invasion, beginning in 2011 even before Crimea. This was has caused civilian casualties and evacuations of communities in 3 different NATO countries. He says it has involved sleeper agents deeply embedded in Western society, who have aided and abetted terrorist operations. Weiss says that now Russia is relying on native citizens of Western societies who are recruited remotely to carry out operations.

Weiss notes the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, using a radioactive isotope, polonium-210 - later discovered all over London, Hamburg, Germany, and commercial airliners. Europe has been most hit by GRU's Unit 29155, a special black ops unit of Russia's military intelligence service. In 2011, they bombed an ammunition storage facility in Lovnidol, Bulgaria. It was destined for Georgia, re-arming after the 2008 war, and Ukraine, still 3 years from its Revolution of Dignity and under Viktor Yanukovych. Planted in Vrbětice, it traveled 800 miles of Europe, through major population centers of Bratislava, Belgrade, Budapest, and Sofia. In 2014, Unit 29155 blew up the Czech facility, destroying ammunitions for Ukraine and anti-Assad rebels in Syria. 29155 recruited a family of Czech spies, the Shaposhnikovs, who bought a Greek villa which 29155 used as its safe house. They also destroyed forensic evidence of earlier crimes.

They also sought to eliminate the arms dealer selling weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, Emilian Gebrev. The CEO of EMKO, 29155 poisoned him with a Novichok-like substance in 2015. Alexander Mishkin and Anatoliy Chepiga poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury, an English town. One also led an insurrection attempt in Montenegro in 2016, before their accession to NATO.

In 2019, Vladimir Putin's personal hitman, FSB assassin Vladim Krasikov, killed Chechen dissident and former military commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, in Berlin's Tiergarten Park. Krasikov was recently traded to Russia, and Putin was willing to give up Alexei Navalny.

GRU is on the radar of every counter-intelligence organization, so they now emulate non-state actors like ISIS, recruiting remotely using social media platforms like Telegram, paying in cryptocurrency. They're across NATO, setting fire to a shopping center in Warsaw, an IKEA warehouse in Vilnius, a bus depot in Prague, an industrial estate in East London, and a metals factory in Berlin.

They recruit Latvian and Estonian amateurs with criminal backgrounds. Some went to Kyiv in January of 2022, to firebomb a military facility. They put graffiti on the NATO Cyber Defense Centre in Tallinn, saying the institution was hacked by Russian hackers. They never meet their handlers.

Weiss says Russian spies and operatives are still here. CEO of the German arms giant, Rheinmetall, has been earmarked for assassination, due to Germany's Ukraine support. This summer, the French arrested Kirill Gryaznov, a Le Cordon Bleu-trained chef, influencer, and Russian TV reality dating star, who's been living in France for over a decade. He's an FSB operative who planned a kinetic operation during the Paris Summer Olympics. There were operations at the Charles de Gaulle Airport, against Emmanuel Macron's policy in Ukraine, and drumming up anti-Semitic fears.

Weiss says the GRU has tried to overthrow democratically-elected governments since founding in 1918. In the 1920s, they fomented insurrections in Germany, recruiting Communist Party members who they trained to do operations, including terrorism. But now they have greater technological capability.

Weiss closes his testimony suggesting that the West has been very non-vigilant in paying attention to these operations. He believes that Western countries need to be on the lookout for future assassinations, firebombings, and sabotage operations."


In my opinion, the democratic countries are still very lame.
I think that some main players does not want Russia to lose the war.
Rome keeps invading England. Perhaps the English should nuke Rome.

Well, Rome invaded England at least two times in the past, so that is the obvious conclusion to draw.
Rome currently has a lot of irregulars in England. You realize the Vatican is inside Rome?
An interesting article on Putin’s weaknesses, and Russian discontent over the war. Inflation is hurting people and they are complaining. The Kremlin’s response isn’t convincing people much about how great things are and how they are going. Lots of frustration expressed online, but it is muted.
Just becasue it's muted does not mean there is a lot of it. Russian government has annoying habit to mute things which are not needed to be muted, they need to be dealt the way west deals with it - ignore.
I recently clicked on the channel of russian opposition. They complained that they maxed out and there is not many more supporters they can get. Also, I noted that they petty much parrot western propaganda which is basically "Putin, Putin Putin Putin...... Putin, Ukraine must defeat Putin, Putin, Putin, Putin" No analysis whatsoever.
I contrast it with Ukrainian opposition (to Elensky regime) which goes into 100% analysis and commentary who said/did what.
There were tons of people with both the technical capacity and financial motivation to sabotage that pipeline. From other gas suppliers to corporations that build the ships that transport it across the ocean. I can't help but suspect that the Russian invasion gave cover to the people who really wanted it trashed.
Yes, these people are US fracking and their regime in Washington.
Why do you think it's only US people?
Care to name one? I mean people who are not on US payroll.
I'll agree, US interests were definitely some of the big players. Huge corporations that had a vested interest in sabotaging Nordstream. But that's not only US interests, much less the US government.
It was lots of people, and Putin just gave cover to anyone who got it done.
US government has opposed "NordStream" since 1960-1970.
The lastest specific hate for Putin coincided with US development of fracking.
I despise someone who invades another country without cause and threatens nuclear weapons i if opposed. I despise someone who says Ukrainian culture never really existed and it will be eliminated replaced by Russia, I despise Putin who senselessly destroys Ukraine who was never a threat to Russia,
In other news Potin's two week war is going on without end.

There are reports circulating in the news of possible North Korean troops in Russia. Is Putin rung out of cannon fodder?

Every day more Russians killed and injured, some crippled for life. All for Putin's glory.

I wider what hospitals and health care is like in Russia, and militarily medicine.
In other news Potin's two week war is going on without end.
TWO WEEKS? It was supposed to just be a weekend.
I wider what hospitals and health care is like in Russia, and militarily medicine.
You don’t get health care in Russia. Poootey had to extort PPE from Trump during the pandemic.
Every day more Russians killed and injured, some crippled for life. All for Putin's glory.
Yes, Ukro-Aryans kill russian untermensch in millions while not suffering any losses themselves.
Hunka and Canadian Parliament are very proud of that.
No one is claiming that Ukranians aren't dying in Ukraine fighting the Russian stormtroopers. However, they have no choice. Either they fight and die. Or they surrender and die (and lose land). Utin has a choice. Ukranians don't. Plus they are fighting for their land. Your side is fighting to steal stuff, rape women, and kidnap children. Surely you see the difference?
Surely you see the difference?
Seeing the difference is probably a deadly choice for a Putinista propagandist. Hell, he can’t even acknowledge the difference between a weekend jaunt into Kyiv and a years long bloody stalemate killing hundreds of thousands of Russo-Nazis and Ukranians. It must be more than a little unsettling to know how very expendable you are if you are in the ranks of Pootey pushers.
Every day more Russians killed and injured, some crippled for life. All for Putin's glory.
Yes, Ukro-Aryans kill russian untermensch in millions while not suffering any losses themselves.
Hunka and Canadian Parliament are very proud of that.
I doubt the Nazis considers Ukrainians or Russians Aryan. It has been a long time since I read it, I believe in Mein Kemph Hitler outlined his pan to conquer and depopulate to the Urals to make way for German expansion.

Apparently Stalin never read Mein Kemph which before WWII was al best seller. Stalin was a fool played by Hitler like a violin.

The program's operational guidelines were based on the policy of Lebensraum proposed by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in fulfilment of the Drang nach Osten (drive to the East) ideology of German expansionism. As such, it was intended to be a part of the New Order in Europe.[13] Approximately 3.3 million Soviet POWs captured by the Wehrmacht were killed as part of the GPO. The plan intended for the genocide of the majority of Slavic inhabitants by various means – mass killings, forced starvations, slave labour and other occupation policies. The remaining populations were to be forcibly deported beyond the Urals, paving the way for German settlers.[14]

Putin is doing to Ukraine what Hitler did to Ukraine and Russia. Genoci8de.
I doubt the Nazis considers Ukrainians or Russians Aryan
Yeah, one of Hitler's blunders was to fail to recognise and fully leverage the anti-Stalinist sentiment in Ukraine. Plenty of Ukranians did fight against Stalin, but the Wehrmacht could have gotten a lot more support from that quarter, if they hadn't been labouring under an ideology that declared those allies and potential allies to be subhuman.
I doubt the Nazis considers Ukrainians or Russians Aryan
Yeah, one of Hitler's blunders was to fail to recognise and fully leverage the anti-Stalinist sentiment in Ukraine. Plenty of Ukranians did fight against Stalin, but the Wehrmacht could have gotten a lot more support from that quarter, if they hadn't been labouring under an ideology that declared those allies and potential allies to be subhuman.
This is very true.
I doubt the Nazis considers Ukrainians or Russians Aryan.
Does not matter what german and american nazis really think. What matter is what ukro-nazi think themselves and they think they ARE aryan.
I doubt the Nazis considers Ukrainians or Russians Aryan
Yeah, one of Hitler's blunders was to fail to recognise and fully leverage the anti-Stalinist sentiment in Ukraine. Plenty of Ukranians did fight against Stalin, but the Wehrmacht could have gotten a lot more support from that quarter, if they hadn't been labouring under an ideology that declared those allies and potential allies to be subhuman.
Nuland is not making Hitler's mistake, she utilized nazis to the fullest.
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