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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Putin is doing to Ukraine what Hitler did to Ukraine and Russia. Genoci8de.
Where do you get this crap? Even MSM is not saying that.
Barbos, my old friend!
I made a thread that I am sure you will be interested in:

Are there widespread Russo-Nazism in Russia?

Please comment. :)
I can not imagine what it would be like livng in Russia, North Korea, China or Iran where you can be arrsted for speaskng freely on political and social issues.
No need to imagine. Go to Ukraine or Baltic States and you will see it in real life.
And Clinton recently promised that in US too.
You, Putin, and Trump are alike.

A continuous stream of falsehoods. Trump makes things up as he goes.

If you think Russia is a great place, fine, Just stay within your birders and leave us out of your misery,.
No, it's you. Baltic states routinely arrest people for expressing their opinions in case these opinions are supportive of Russia. And Ukraine simply murders them. Just the other day Ukrainian Police arrested a woman in Odessa for that and she is dead now. They claim she had a heart attack.
Falsehoods are all yours.
So it's bad when others do it but it's fine when your love doll Putin does it.
So it's bad when others do it but it's fine when your love doll Putin does it.
No, it's good when "democratic" countries do that and bad when Putin does that.
It's good when democratic countries invade and bomb other countries, it's bad when Putin does that (he does nor really do that)

By the way, the woman in Odessa I was talking about turned out to be alive, but she was arrested for expressing her opinion.
What Barbos is saying about some Baltic states appears to be accurate in certain cases. However, the actions taken by these countries are likely driven by historical relations with Russia and pressing national security concerns. Meaning it's more of a reaction to Russia's influence and potential threats rather than an attempt to suppress the views of their own citizens. Right barbos?
You're good, you can excuse anything. Let's try a harder exercise. Try to excuse Yaroslav Hunka.
Barbos wrote:
"Baltic states routinely arrest people for expressing their opinions in case these opinions are supportive of Russia. And Ukraine simply murders them. Just the other day Ukrainian Police arrested a woman in Odessa for that and she is dead now. They claim she had a heart attack.
Falsehoods are all yours."

Barbos wrote:
"Baltic states routinely arrest people for expressing their opinions in case these opinions are supportive of Russia. And Ukraine simply murders them. Just the other day Ukrainian Police arrested a woman in Odessa for that and she is dead now. They claim she had a heart attack.
Falsehoods are all yours."

Falsehoods appearently are NOT all yours:

barbos said:
the woman in Odessa I was talking about turned out to be alive
List the states you mean by Baltic.
Wow, and this guy constantly harass me with his "knowledge" of history.
I said list the Baltic states where people are arrested all the time for voicing opposition to government and specific cases.

I knew you can not.

On the other hand we know of media n Russia being shut down and reporters being arrested. American reporters as well as Russian. Russia is a police state.

Putin has isolated Russian people from global information.
I am starting to think Putin is not really all that smart. He is a shallow ignorant low IQ type who mostly by circumstances came to power.

Dictators compensate for lack of ability with brutality and rigid control.

Similar to Trump.
I am starting to think Putin is not really all that smart. He is a shallow ignorant low IQ type who mostly by circumstances came to power.

Dictators compensate for lack of ability with brutality and rigid control.

Similar to Trump.
The scary thing about that, is that Putin has been undeniably effective at retaining power through sheer stupid brutality. He has been tutoring the apricot on how to do the same, and it is so far from complicated that even the apricot’s 80-IQ lizard brain can understand and apply it.
The scary thing about that, is that Putin has been undeniably effective at retaining power through sheer stupid brutality.
Scary, but hardly surprising when you consider his background in East Germany, and the observed effectiveness of the organised crime system of management by fear and patronage (which is esssentially just a reworking of the Medieval feudal system which dominated Europe for a thousand years, and which never really went away in Russia).
Scary, but hardly surprising when you consider his background in East Germany, and the observed effectiveness of the organised crime system of management by fear and patronage (which is esssentially just a reworking of the Medieval feudal system which dominated Europe for a thousand years, and which never really went away in Russia).
That system became endemic in America too, from the start of the Euro-Nazi invasion that began at the end of the fifteenth century. But there has never been an overt attempt to turn the US Treasury, the US military, the US Justice Department, Court system, investigatory capabilities etc, over to the Mob, putting it all to use at the discretion of a Mob Boss.
Hitler was one of the best politicians of all times. Expert at manipulating people and situations. Expert art pushing cultural buttons.

But he was a miserable incompetence administrator. If he had let his professional military staff prosecute the war the world might be a different place today.

Accordng to people who knew Trump his first time running for president was more of a publicity stunt, he did not expect to win.

Trump manGED to amass money, but he is incompetent at business, and government administration. A comic said Trump is like a comic playing the room.

He says something and watches reactions figuring out what works.

Putin knows how to play the Russians, those he can't manipulate he suppresses.

When Hitler rose to power power people jumped on his platform of traditional German values as a means to personal power and money.

My mature opinion.

The decision to invade Ukraine and the miserble failure to me says it all about Putuin's cometnce, he has none. Like Trump all he has is a bizzre toxic mix of vitriol and conspircay theories.

You can go back to the Russian Olympics fiasco. Unfinished buildings, shoddy workmanship, toilets that did not work. It was to be a chance for Putin to paint Russia as a modern world state.

His minons are Brfbos bobble heads.
Hitler was one of the best politicians of all times. Expert at manipulating people and situations. Expert art pushing cultural buttons.
And when the end came he armed the children so they would defend him. Pewtin still has that card to play and certainly will.
I am starting to think Putin is not really all that smart. He is a shallow ignorant low IQ type who mostly by circumstances came to power.

Dictators compensate for lack of ability with brutality and rigid control.

Similar to Trump.
Compared to western rullers he is a genius.
On the other hand we know of media n Russia being shut down and reporters being arrested.
Ukraine is the same.
I said list the Baltic states where people are arrested all the time for voicing opposition to government and specific cases.

I knew you can not.
Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Did I pass the test?
And also the reported verified reports of your claim of people always getting arrested for opposing government.

Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania are EU and NATO members which requires agreeing to a set of human rights.
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I said list the Baltic states where people are arrested all the time for voicing opposition to government and specific cases.

I knew you can not.
Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Did I pass the test?
And also the reported verified reports of your claim of people always getting arrested for opposing government.
You know Barbos doesn't provide cites unless they support his stupid propaganda.
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