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It was truly, An Affair to Remember.

I like how he gave a Press Conference with everyone around him to share in his self-caused diplomatic failure.
In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
Except that his rationale makes him look like an emotional 4 year old.
In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
Except that his rationale makes him look like an emotional 4 year old.

And as Jimmy said earlier - Mr. Passive Aggressive.
In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
He cancelled because they called Pence a bad name. The US was embarrassed. Yes, this is the best option of a dung heap pile of options. A dung heap he created.
In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
Except that his rationale makes him look like an emotional 4 year old.

First off, fuck the hell off. Four year olds have done nothing to you and don't deserve to be compared to Donald Trump. That kind of slur was way out of line. :mad:

Secondly, it's impossible for Trump to look like anything else.

- - - Updated - - -

In Trump's defence (no, I can't believe I said that either), this may have been the best option available to him. The other choices were having Kim be the one who cancels the meeting or having the meeting but not getting anything from it. This way, he looks like the power player that was able to walk away.
He cancelled because they called Pence a bad name. The US was embarrassed. Yes, this is the best option of a dung heap pile of options. A dung heap he created.

Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.
Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.
I disagree. At this point, the best thing he could do is post the video of Pence, Ryan and himself simultaneously masturbating Putin and peeing on child prostitutes and pooping on the King James version of the Holy Bible.
Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.
I disagree. At this point, the best thing he could do is post the video of Pence, Ryan and himself simultaneously masturbating Putin and peeing on child prostitutes.

True, but I felt that was so obvious that it went without saying.
Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.
I disagree. At this point, the best thing he could do is post the video of Pence, Ryan and himself simultaneously masturbating Putin and peeing on child prostitutes and pooping on the King James version of the Holy Bible.
Good for our democracy maybe, but it'd scare all of us for life!
Has anyone read that letter?!

Passive Aggressive 101.

His ego comes first always. This could only ever work as long as he didn't have to sacrifice any ego feels.

More importantly, is the coin worse more now or less?
Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.

As per Rex, that's "because he's a fucking moron who can't do anything right."
We all watched his position soften over the last few weeks. It was obvious, (except to his even dumber supporters) that Trump thought that just having the meeting, showing up essentially, would solve the problem. Well, now Trump understands just a bit, to be seen at the bargaining table with the US is itself a feat; even that used to involve concessions by the other side, especially if you were a 2-bit despot or a local strongman. To be seen at the table with the US was to be given credibility, and a world stage. This effect is much diminished in the age of Trump, and Trump did this mostly to stave off embarrassment. Had the meeting gone through, however, I think Trump would have been much. much more embarrassed, not just by being used as a tool by NK, but by his own what was sure to be incredible lack of expertise and preparation.
Had to chuckle at this in the failing NYT:

NYT said:
Ms. Choe said that Mr. Pence had made “unbridled and impudent remarks that North Korea might end like Libya.”
Bold added. I'm sure they meant "imprudent", but I love the image of Pence as a recalcitrant toddler spewing impudent commentary.

Nah, I think they meant impudent. Either --actually both are entirely appropriate. I admit I get a big kick out of Pence being dressed down as impudent. I'll wager no one has ever even considered such a description of him before in his entire life. And I almost think that maybe Trump slipped a little something to N. Korea to get them to put impudent in the statement. Trump has to know that Pence has been making all sorts of attempts at looking presidential in case Trump is forced from office.
America has been trying to negotiate with North Korea since its inception with the collapse of the Japanese Empire in 1945. In all of that time, nothing much has been achieved. Things got steadily worse for the first five years or so, culminating in the outbreak of open warfare in 1950; Then things very slowly and painfully got better to the point of a ceasefire after three years of bloodshed, since when there has been ongoing effort to negotiate an actual peace treaty, which has achieved almost exactly nothing, other than to send some of the American's best negotiators and diplomats insane.

Dealing with North Korea is fundamentally impossible; They will not and cannot be pinned down to any kind of commitment, even on trivia such as the design of the conference table at which negotiations might take place.

The idea that a buffoon like Trump could march in and resolve one of the most intractable and long-running diplomatic problems in the world was always completely laughable.

That anybody ever thought that it might happen is a horrifying indictment of the post-factual world in which we live. Flat Earth theorists have better support for their position than people who thought Trump could solve the Korean issue - or even could obtain any significant concessions from Kim.
America has been trying to negotiate with North Korea since its inception with the collapse of the Japanese Empire in 1945. In all of that time, nothing much has been achieved. Things got steadily worse for the first five years or so, culminating in the outbreak of open warfare in 1950; Then things very slowly and painfully got better to the point of a ceasefire after three years of bloodshed, since when there has been ongoing effort to negotiate an actual peace treaty, which has achieved almost exactly nothing, other than to send some of the American's best negotiators and diplomats insane.

Dealing with North Korea is fundamentally impossible; They will not and cannot be pinned down to any kind of commitment, even on trivia such as the design of the conference table at which negotiations might take place.

The idea that a buffoon like Trump could march in and resolve one of the most intractable and long-running diplomatic problems in the world was always completely laughable.

That anybody ever thought that it might happen is a horrifying indictment of the post-factual world in which we live. Flat Earth theorists have better support for their position than people who thought Trump could solve the Korean issue - or even could obtain any significant concessions from Kim.

Heck, I didn't ever think the meeting would actually happen.

Good thing we already released a commemorative coin celebrating the tremendous negotiating skills of His Orangeness! MAGA! USA! USA! USA!
Ya, he is entirely to blame because he's a moron who can't do anything right. This still was the best thing he could have done at this point.

As per Rex, that's "because he's a fucking moron who can't do anything right."

If he's such a moron, how did he outsmart everyone and get elected president?

Your girl Hilary wasn't smart enough to collude with a hostile foreign power to get elected. Only Trump was smart enough to do that. Because while you're playing tiddlywinks, Trump is playing 47th dimensional chess. He has outsmarted you at every possible turn because he's that much of a genius and you're that much of a moron!

MAGA! [/conservolibertarian]
I suspect that neither man really wanted the meeting. Kim was never going to give up his nuclear or missile program. Trump was only ever looking for that kind of concession. So Kim used the long-scheduled joint military exercises to suggest that he would cancel the meeting, and Trump used Kim's tantrum over that as an excuse to cancel the meeting. At this point, Kim has lost three hostages, but he has managed to soften his isolation and weaken the international sanctions against him. He got a lot of good press from Olympics and the junket to South Korea. He can now claim that he wasn't the one at fault for the breakup. He and Xi Jinping have restored friendly relations for now. Trump ends up with egg on his face, but he can now concentrate on backing out of his claim that he wanted to sit down with Mueller for an interview.
Tell you what; op-eds from conservatives like this one about the North Korea deal got dated real quickly


We all knew Trump would fuck this up. What's going to be entertaining is all the backflips Hannity, Limbaugh etc are now going to perform.
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All going to plan, apparently.


"The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the meeting is unexpected for us and we cannot but find it extremely regrettable," Kim Kye Gwan, North Korea's First Vice Foreign Minister, said in a statement carried by the state-run KCNA news agency.

"We again state to the US our willingness to sit face-to-face at any time in any form to resolve the problem," Kim added.

North Korea still open to talks with US as Donald Trump threatens Kim Jong-un after scrapping summit

Trump will get his main event on pay per view!

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