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Holy crap!

Yeah, this falls under the WTF category.
article said:
The film went on like this for more than four minutes, with brief interludes of missiles, soldiers and warships interrupting the pageantry. Some journalists, unable to understand the Korean-language narration, assumed they were watching one of Pyongyang’s infamous propaganda films. “What country are we in?” asked a reporter from the filing center.

But then the video looped, playing this time in English.

And then Trump walked onto the stage and confirmed what some had already realized.

The film was not North Korean propaganda. It had been made in America, by or on the orders of his White House, for the benefit of Kim.

Is it really all that different from what they show every day on FOX News?

Speaking of which, here's a reminder of how conservative/libertarian news sources cover Trump versus Obama when it comes to North Korea:


Isn't it amazing how people who supposedly believe in objective morality seem to think things are good or bad based on who does them rather than what is done?
This thread is lolz. It starts by making fun of Trump for being a diplomatic failure. On the day of the summit this thread is crickets. Ah you looney left, don't ever change.


The art of the deal.


No, this thread is still expressing disgust at a diplomatic failure. Except for you. And to a lesser degree, Jayjay, who compares it to Nixon going to China.

If you consider this to be a diplomatic success, or even, not a total failure, do you have any anything to back up your opinion other than that the looney left considers it to be a failure and the political and diplomatic judgment of Dennis Rodman?

I don't find either very persuasive.

The other posters here have presented much more persuasive points for the diplomatic failure argument.

Other than the rather obvious observation that the circus in Singapore was preferable to thermonuclear war there doesn't seem to anyone other than you arguing for the diplomatic success side. And better than war is a pretty low bar, especially when you consider that Trump was the only one who thought that it was a viable option.
And the 'better than war' line is stupid seeing that Trump was the one stoking at the flames about turning North Korea to ashes.
Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.
Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.

Nothing was normalized. Trump wasn't going to nuke North Korea... North Korea wasn't going to bomb anyone else. Trump and Kim met and agreed to nothing, left quickly, and pretended it was a major victory. For Kim it was a propaganda coup. For Trump, he got to make a historic moment (much like if he crapped on the front lawn of the White House, that'd also be historic). But the agreement was that of two parties that have no interest in making a peace. They didn't even bother to hash out what denuclearize meant! The big details is what they are supposed to drive, in other words, they handle the what, the diplomats handle the how, when, where. Neither of them cared to actually cover the big details. North Korea agreed to nothing they haven't agreed to before in other talks.

THIS MEETING MEANT NOTHING! It answered fewer questions than the series finale of Battlestar Galactica.
Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.

Nothing was normalized. Trump wasn't going to nuke North Korea... North Korea wasn't going to bomb anyone else. Trump and Kim met and agreed to nothing, left quickly, and pretended it was a major victory. For Kim it was a propaganda coup. For Trump, he got to make a historic moment (much like if he crapped on the front lawn of the White House, that'd also be historic). But the agreement was that of two parties that have no interest in making a peace. They didn't even bother to hash out what denuclearize meant! The big details is what they are supposed to drive, in other words, they handle the what, the diplomats handle the how, when, where. Neither of them cared to actually cover the big details. North Korea agreed to nothing they haven't agreed to before in other talks.

THIS MEETING MEANT NOTHING! It answered fewer questions than the series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

Sorry. I had meant that normalizing could have a benefit without calling this normalization. It's a step. Communicating one-on-one can be good and can lead to normalization which also could be good. I am thinking about all the North Koreans who are starving mostly who ultimately could benefit. I know Dumb and Dumber will skim off the top, but maybe something good can come out of it. In the future. What we have been doing for the last many decades clearly isn't working and there are victims. I want to have an open mind about a change.

As far as the Reich wing sheeple, watch this:

Trump had an idea about how to counter the nuclear threat posed by North Korea, which he got after speaking to Russian President Vladimir Putin: If the U.S. stopped joint military exercises with the South Koreans, it could help moderate Kim Jong Un’s behavior.

(Post #113, cough cough)

Pompeo blasts reporter for simply asking about verification.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had no answer Wednesday for how the verification of the denuclearization of North Korea might occur, instead berating the reporter who asked the question.


That's interesting. Even Obama managed to get some verification for his deal, and we were all told that Obama is terrible because he didn't get enough verification.

Now we have Trump's deal, and they won't tell us if we have any verification.

Gosh, it's almost as if the conservatives and the media are holding Trump and Obama to two completely different standards.
Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.

Nothing was normalized. Trump wasn't going to nuke North Korea... North Korea wasn't going to bomb anyone else. Trump and Kim met and agreed to nothing, left quickly, and pretended it was a major victory. For Kim it was a propaganda coup. For Trump, he got to make a historic moment (much like if he crapped on the front lawn of the White House, that'd also be historic). But the agreement was that of two parties that have no interest in making a peace. They didn't even bother to hash out what denuclearize meant! The big details is what they are supposed to drive, in other words, they handle the what, the diplomats handle the how, when, where. Neither of them cared to actually cover the big details. North Korea agreed to nothing they haven't agreed to before in other talks.

THIS MEETING MEANT NOTHING! It answered fewer questions than the series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

He did help to legitimize the North Korean regime.

Also, Trump keeps praising Kim Jong Un, which will help the world see him as normal instead of a dictator who brutalizes the North Korean population. So it is a kind of normalization, just not the good kind.
Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.

Nothing was normalized. Trump wasn't going to nuke North Korea... North Korea wasn't going to bomb anyone else. Trump and Kim met and agreed to nothing, left quickly, and pretended it was a major victory. For Kim it was a propaganda coup. For Trump, he got to make a historic moment (much like if he crapped on the front lawn of the White House, that'd also be historic). But the agreement was that of two parties that have no interest in making a peace. They didn't even bother to hash out what denuclearize meant! The big details is what they are supposed to drive, in other words, they handle the what, the diplomats handle the how, when, where. Neither of them cared to actually cover the big details. North Korea agreed to nothing they haven't agreed to before in other talks.

THIS MEETING MEANT NOTHING! It answered fewer questions than the series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

Jimmy, I have to disagree with you. This meeting was very consequential. North Korea and China got concessions out of it that they have been trying to get for decades--legitimization of the North Korean dictatorship, a promise to end joint military operations between US and South Korean forces, a pledge to work towards removing American troops, and a de facto dismantling of the economic sanctions against North Korea. The Kim regime is ecstatic, as are the Chinese and Russians. They are moving to end economic sanctions now. Kim really delivered for them. OTOH, Donald Trump has undermined the US alliance with South Korea and sidelined the Japanese. He has driven other Western allies away, guaranteeing that the US will have a difficult time rallying any opposition to the expansion of their influence. Mike Pompeo has warned that the US will not call off economic sanctions unless the North Koreans agree to serious steps to "denuclearize", but those sanctions are effectively dead without the cooperation of China and Russia. So that is an empty threat.

Hence, I disagree with your view that this meeting meant nothing. It just meant nothing for us in terms of concessions from North Korea.
Yup. Trump was played like a fiddle, and folded like a cheap suit.

The people who are crowing about his great success are fucking idiots. He achieved nothing other than to demolish decades of patient diplomacy, and to hand China, Russia and North Korea a beautifully gift-wrapped present with no reasonable expectation of getting a brass razoo in return.

But that's how everything works in this new era of post-factual politics; You fuck everything up royally, and then tell the morons who support you that you have scored a great victory, and they all cheer while the shit rains down.
Yup. Trump was played like a fiddle, and folded like a cheap suit.

The people who are crowing about his great success are fucking idiots. He achieved nothing other than to demolish decades of patient diplomacy, and to hand China, Russia and North Korea a beautifully gift-wrapped present with no reasonable expectation of getting a brass razoo in return.

But that's how everything works in this new era of post-factual politics; You fuck everything up royally, and then tell the morons who support you that you have scored a great victory, and they all cheer while the shit rains down.

You have amazing insight for a furriner, bilby. That's exactly right - Cheato did nothing whatsoever. In fact he got the same hollow promise that was given to three of his predecessors, but unlike his predecessors, he paid through the nose for it. He's a fucking moron.
What we have been doing for the last many decades clearly isn't working and there are victims. I want to have an open mind about a change.

On one hand it's true that it didn't work in that the same regime is still in charge. But that assumes it's actually been possible all this time to do something to change the situation. China and Russia have always had a strong interest in keeping NK the way it is. The Kim family has always had a strong interest in staying in power. The Kim family doesn't need the U.S. in order for it to maintain power. Going further, the Kim family has never been able to have normal relations with the U.S. or SK because they get their marching orders from China.

On the other hand, it's always worked because peace has been maintained for over 65 years now. That single thing has made maintenance of the status quo on the peninsula worthwhile. WW3 didn't break out and SK got to grow and become an important part of the world's economy. To achieve that, all we had to do was not start a war; and that's not a bad deal.

Blame NK, China, and now to a lesser extent, Russia for the condition of the North Korean people. Since the U.S. guarded SK, look what happened to that nation. Since China has guarded NK, well, look at that.

Anyway, unless further and numerous elaborate details are provided that show a serious agreement has been reached, this was nothing more than a photo op, and a lame one at that. We have Trump slobbering over what a great guy Kim is, which means that if Kim gives him the bird, Trump could have a temper tantrum the likes of which no kindergarten teacher has ever seen in the history of kindergarten.

Pompeo blasts reporter for simply asking about verification. ...

Just incredible. Like a quote from the Wizard of Oz:
QUESTION: But how will it be verified? Did you discuss that? Do you have --

SECRETARY POMPEO: Oh, we're – they're – the modalities are beginning to develop. There'll be a great deal of work to do. It's – there's a long way to go, there's much to think about, but don't say silly things. No, don't, don't. It's not productive. It's not productive to do that, to say silly things. It's just – it's unhelpful.

QUESTION: Well, I think --

SECRETARY POMPEO: It's unhelpful for your readers, your listeners, for the world. It's – because it doesn't remotely reflect the American position or the understandings that the North Koreans have either.

QUESTION: We're just trying to understand how it reflects what you asked that --

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, and I just articulated that for you.

Obama offered to do this with no preconditions and the conservative media went apoplectic. Later, Rodman visited NK and played some b-ball and everyone trashed him. Now, suddenly, Dear Leader meets with Kim Jong Un, gets a raw deal, and the Reich-wing is moving from just loving Twitler to full blown romantic love with him. Yet no one on the "looney left" is commenting how inconsistent this is. I guess I'm done calling on brainwashed right-wing sheeple to stop being brainwashed. On the flip side, I think that something good could come out of normalizing relations, even if it makes Trump and his military junta into fat cats. Let's see. I have an open mind.

Nothing was normalized. Trump wasn't going to nuke North Korea... North Korea wasn't going to bomb anyone else. Trump and Kim met and agreed to nothing, left quickly, and pretended it was a major victory. For Kim it was a propaganda coup. For Trump, he got to make a historic moment (much like if he crapped on the front lawn of the White House, that'd also be historic). But the agreement was that of two parties that have no interest in making a peace. They didn't even bother to hash out what denuclearize meant! The big details is what they are supposed to drive, in other words, they handle the what, the diplomats handle the how, when, where. Neither of them cared to actually cover the big details. North Korea agreed to nothing they haven't agreed to before in other talks.

THIS MEETING MEANT NOTHING! It answered fewer questions than the series finale of Battlestar Galactica.

Jimmy, I have to disagree with you.
Okay, I'll rephrase my statement, "With regards to disarming North Korea and ending the Korean War, this meeting accomplished absolutely nothing and to consider it historic or 'the first step' is ridiculous." I don't disagree with anything you said.

Colbert: "It's like someone let a lion loose in the house, Trump took a selfie with it, and declared everything safe."

Pompeo blasts reporter for simply asking about verification. ...

Just incredible. Like a quote from the Wizard of Oz:
QUESTION: But how will it be verified? Did you discuss that? Do you have --

SECRETARY POMPEO: Oh, we're – they're – the modalities are beginning to develop. There'll be a great deal of work to do. It's – there's a long way to go, there's much to think about, but don't say silly things. No, don't, don't. It's not productive. It's not productive to do that, to say silly things. It's just – it's unhelpful.

QUESTION: Well, I think --

SECRETARY POMPEO: It's unhelpful for your readers, your listeners, for the world. It's – because it doesn't remotely reflect the American position or the understandings that the North Koreans have either.

QUESTION: We're just trying to understand how it reflects what you asked that --

SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, and I just articulated that for you.

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I love how Obama was the biggest failure of a president ever because he didn't get enough verification, but Trump gets zero verification and the reporters are the bad guys for even asking questions about verification.

According to Republican logic, doesn't that mean Trump is now worser than the worstestest president ever?
According to Republican logic, doesn't that mean Trump is now worser than the worstestest president ever?

First, "Republican logic" is an oxymoron. Second, regardless of Rethuglicans's assessments of worstestestness, those who have made careers out of ranking presidents on objective criteria have already established the worstestness of the Cheato regime.

article said:
A classified report from Israel's foreign ministry raises doubts over President Trump's optimistic statements about his summit with Kim Jong-un, and determines the U.S. retreated from its positions on several issues relating to North Korea's nuclear program.


How will conservatives and libertarians know how to respond to this?

On the one hand, they must never criticize the Israeli government while the hardliners are in power, but on the other hand the Israeli government is saying that Trump was wrong about something, and everyone knows it's impossible for His Orangeness to be wrong about something.

Maybe they will need to posit a Jewish conspiracy to explain this? Maybe the Rothschilds are behind this report? Can we blame it on "globalist" (((bankers)))? That way, we can find the Israeli government blameless while still blaming "the Jews." (Scare quotes added because I'm not entirely certain what white supremacists the alt-right mean by "Jews" anymore, particularly in light of their pro-Israel, anti-Jewish views.)

- - - Updated - - -

According to Republican logic, doesn't that mean Trump is now worser than the worstestest president ever?

First, "Republican logic" is an oxymoron. Second, regardless of Rethuglicans's assessments of worstestestness, those who have made careers out of ranking presidents on objective criteria have already established the worstestness of the Cheato regime.

Yes, but those are intellectuals, and we all know that smart people are bad, so why should we believe what they have to say about this? Who are you going to believe? An elitist smart person, or someone like me? [/conservolibertarian]
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