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I agree with Deepak Chopra

Angry Floof

Tricksy Leftits
Staff member
Jul 17, 2008
Sector 001
Basic Beliefs
on this point, anyway. Stopped clocks and all. I'm glad he said it, though.

Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump Is ‘Emotionally Retarded, Maybe Mentally Retarded’

“I think he is,” Chopra said, adding: “I think he’s racist, he’s bigoted, he’s prejudiced. He’s full of fear. He is angry. He has a lot of hatred. He pouts, he’s belligerent, he’s emotionally retarded.”

Later in the interview, Chopra doubled down on the notion that Trump suffers from retardation.

“Maybe I was too kind when I said he was emotionally retarded, maybe he’s mentally retarded too,” he said.

I agree. There's a medical diagnosis of "mental retardation," of course, but before you get up in arms about the word, remember that retard (verb) and retarded also have a general definition that means "to stunt, to interrupt development or growth" or "stunted," respectively.

That virulent mixture of fear and hatred that gives rise to bigotry and prejudice serves as a powerful retardant to intellectual capacity. Most users here don't need me to explain that older, more reflexive and reactive brain functions and physiology that happen in states of fear or rage tend to hijack resources like oxygen and glucose, leaving the frontal lobes and functions of the newer brain without the fuel and support they need to operate at their best. The frontal lobes are diminished in their power of problem solving and analysis as well as things like empathy and the capacity for recognizing beauty and joy.

Add to that the power of ego gratification and entitlement as Trump wanders through his life of luxury and manipulation, his entire reality bubble full of people and events constantly reinforcing his neural pathways. His "good brain" is anything but. This knuckle dragger in expensive suits would not survive outside of his distorted little world.

It's almost an insult to Hitler to compare him to Trump. Whatever else you can say about Hitler, he was intelligent.
Given enough time a monkey will write the collected works of Shakespeare


I agree. I'm not promoting New Age bullshit, but simply posting Chopra's comment about Donald Trump. I'm glad he said it because I think it's true. even if he only accidentally got something right.

But you could have read my post to know this instead of making me type it out again.
on this point, anyway. Stopped clocks and all. I'm glad he said it, though.

Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump Is ‘Emotionally Retarded, Maybe Mentally Retarded’

“I think he is,” Chopra said, adding: “I think he’s racist, he’s bigoted, he’s prejudiced. He’s full of fear. He is angry. He has a lot of hatred. He pouts, he’s belligerent, he’s emotionally retarded.”

Later in the interview, Chopra doubled down on the notion that Trump suffers from retardation.

“Maybe I was too kind when I said he was emotionally retarded, maybe he’s mentally retarded too,” he said.

I agree. There's a medical diagnosis of "mental retardation," of course, but before you get up in arms about the word, remember that retard (verb) and retarded also have a general definition that means "to stunt, to interrupt development or growth" or "stunted," respectively.

That virulent mixture of fear and hatred that gives rise to bigotry and prejudice serves as a powerful retardant to intellectual capacity. Most users here don't need me to explain that older, more reflexive and reactive brain functions and physiology that happen in states of fear or rage tend to hijack resources like oxygen and glucose, leaving the frontal lobes and functions of the newer brain without the fuel and support they need to operate at their best. The frontal lobes are diminished in their power of problem solving and analysis as well as things like empathy and the capacity for recognizing beauty and joy.

Add to that the power of ego gratification and entitlement as Trump wanders through his life of luxury and manipulation, his entire reality bubble full of people and events constantly reinforcing his neural pathways. His "good brain" is anything but. This knuckle dragger in expensive suits would not survive outside of his distorted little world.

It's almost an insult to Hitler to compare him to Trump. Whatever else you can say about Hitler, he was intelligent.
Retarded? If we are going to arm chair psychology this, lets make with the reasonable diagnosis. He is a pathological liar, very likely a sociopath. He is not retarded.
Everybody sees this.

Supporting Trump is just a way for some to say fuck you to everyone else.

The candidate for those with suppressed hostility who's only pleasure is bringing displeasure to others.
on this point, anyway. Stopped clocks and all. I'm glad he said it, though.

Deepak Chopra: Donald Trump Is ‘Emotionally Retarded, Maybe Mentally Retarded’

“I think he is,” Chopra said, adding: “I think he’s racist, he’s bigoted, he’s prejudiced. He’s full of fear. He is angry. He has a lot of hatred. He pouts, he’s belligerent, he’s emotionally retarded.”

Later in the interview, Chopra doubled down on the notion that Trump suffers from retardation.

“Maybe I was too kind when I said he was emotionally retarded, maybe he’s mentally retarded too,” he said.

I don't think it's offensive to me to call someone retarded, BUT it IS offensive to the mentally retarded to call Trump one of them. I mean, I was acquainted with someone who was retarded when I was around 9 years old. I remember him from church. He was slow and thought it was funny to burp but other than that, he was a nice kid. Decades later I have no idea what happened to that kid. Maybe he is bagging groceries or delivering newspapers for a living. I don't think such a nice kid would want to be compared to Donald Trump.
I don't know about retardation, but this article on pathological lying seems to fit Trump very well:


I thought everybody agreed that Trump is a text-book narcissist. They often lie habitually and feel unfairly targeted when they are called on it. The reality a narcissist inhabits is quite different from the reality everybody else inhabits. So in their heads they didn't lie.

Any accountant/economist can tell you that Trump is a failed businessman. With the kind of money he started with, if he'd been playing it safe, he should have had four times as much money by now. And that is playing it safe. Trump has taken risk after risk after risk and failed almost every time. He's not only a gambler. But the worst kind of gambler. If he hadn't been born extremely rich that guy would be struggling to hold any job. Let alone, get rich. Also, the hallmark of a narcissist. They just don't know when to quit and cut their losses. In their heads they've always won at everything. In their own heads they're the genius who sees it all like it really is.

This is exactly the wrong person to be in charge of anything... let alone a nuclear arsenal.

Final note: it is quite common that prominent politicians are narcissists. All of them probably have a lot of narcissist traits. But if they reach fame, they've been called on it so many times they understand they're sick in the head. So they're good at masking it. It's pretty obvious that Trump has had none such insight.
Hillary Clinton should get a good psychology team to tell her how to enrage narcissists. She may already have a good idea. Then when they debate, she can pull a code red drill. Like in a Few Good Men, when they made Colonel Jessup go crazy on the stand.
Hillary Clinton should get a good psychology team to tell her how to enrage narcissists. She may already have a good idea. Then when they debate, she can pull a code red drill. Like in a Few Good Men, when they made Colonel Jessup go crazy on the stand.

I'm pretty sure Hillary also is a narcissist. Just by judging her career. I mean... she's pretty fucking far from morally upright. The difference is that women narcissists in public get checked on that shit early as fuck. So I'm equally sure she can manage it. And a narcissist who can manage it makes for excellent leaders. It's not all bad in leaders. It's just when it's out of control that it's extremely bad.
A narcissist like Trump is more concerned with looking good than actually doing good. That makes him a perfect President for some. I don't know what kind of crazy Hillary is. Maybe just a determined but worn down person who is trying really hard to hold on to her humanity. Her eyes have that look to them. Like a human is still in there but very numb. Painful to look at them really. I couldn't imagine what a long career in politics would do to a good person's mind. A truly good hearted person would go crazy.

I'm starting to dislike people for their political stance. I never thought I would take it that seriously but Trump supporters have me frustrated. Politics have been debased and American reality is bent because of this dumb stuff. Maybe Trump isn't such a low level narcissist actually. His role in screwing up the country may have nothing to do with becoming President but dang he sure did screw things up.
He isn't particularly bright, but he isn't intellectually retarded. He does appear to be stunted in his emotional and moral development, so the term "emotionally retarded" may actually apply to him. Although "retarded" typically is meant to refer to an underlying biological abnormality the causes the stunted development, whereas Trump's lack of emotional development is more likely due to parenting and a lifetime of spoiled privilege.

But using the same word for stunted development of both intellectual and non-intellectual capacities only creates confusion, much like the scientifically dubious concepts of "emotional intelligence" or "practical intelligence".
An intellect that allows childish emotions to run rampant is retarded.

Retarded meaning: existing in a less than fully developed state.

Adults develop an intellect that masters these childish emotions.

At least most have the potential to.
More Americans think like Trump than Hillary. Americans are stunted in their emotional development. Especially youngsters stuck in social media. Realities form over night for them. Things that used to take decades happen in a week. They're in a state where a beautiful Lincoln Speech means less than an immature tweet made while taking a dump. It makes me feel like someday billionaires will have twitter fights to determine the President.
More Americans think like Trump than Hillary. Americans are stunted in their emotional development. Especially youngsters stuck in social media. Realities form over night for them. Things that used to take decades happen in a week. They're in a state where a beautiful Lincoln Speech means less than an immature tweet made while taking a dump. It makes me feel like someday billionaires will have twitter fights to determine the President.

Most young people supported Bernie.

It is old white men, and many old white women, that are most deluded.

Old meaning over 40.
Was nauseating to watch Bernie bitch about rich people ruining the country. Young people seem to like that routine. They're likely to do anything now that they're all riled up.

Older people may be deluded in a different way. They still remember The Goonies and the good things. New people don't know any other reality than this. No knowledge of simpler and better times.
Most young people supported Bernie.

It is old white men, and many old white women, that are most deluded.

Old meaning over 40.

It is mostly uneducated old white men who support Trump. It was only a slight mis-calculation: Yes, 50% of all Americans are of below-average intelligence and half are of more ignorant than average. But the Trump campaign has been pandering to the bottom third, and you can't win a general election with a third of the electorate. That seems to be dawning on the Republicans about now...

I say this as a white male 66 year-old high school dropout. (And Bernie supporter)
Most young people supported Bernie.

It is old white men, and many old white women, that are most deluded.

Old meaning over 40.

It is mostly uneducated old white men who support Trump. It was only a slight mis-calculation: Yes, 50% of all Americans are of below-average intelligence and half are of more ignorant than average. But the Trump campaign has been pandering to the bottom third, and you can't win a general election with a third of the electorate. That seems to be dawning on the Republicans about now...

I say this as a white male 66 year-old high school dropout. (And Bernie supporter)

I don't equate education with intelligence.

It is a sign of subservience.

Usually doing a bunch of meaningless tasks at the command of some master.

The Trump supporter is living in another universe.

One where Mexicans are somehow a big problem and a crazed Muslim is hiding as a transgender in every girls bathroom.
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