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I feel guilty for having satisfaction from this story


Nov 11, 2005
Mlky Way galaxy
Basic Beliefs
Is it wrong to feel satisfaction from this story?
A Long Island man says he went from being a Merrill Lynch manager to a shattered school janitor after the feds — in a terrible case of mistaken identity — arrested him at work and threatened to ship him off to Mexico to face charges that he had sex with minors.

And no offense to janitors, but going from bankster to a janitor tells you something about how much these people are actually worth in real world.

I bet Elizabeth Warren feels satisfaction too.
What, precisely, brings you satisfaction?

That the police bungled an arrest and then reversed the burden of proof?

That a man has been layed off and is facing economic ruination?
Personally I'm not satisfied whenever any terrible event occurs, but that's just me.
You don't see the irony here? Bankster and economic ruination? Housing market meltdown, does not ring a bell? This could not have happened to more deserving professional.

One day you are big shot bankster, next day you are accused of being a pedophile and then you are school janitor.
Yes, I hate banksters, they are worthless scam for the most part.
Kinda reminds "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy :)
You don't see the irony here? Bankster and economic ruination? Housing market meltdown, does not ring a bell? This could not have happened to more deserving professional.

You blame the housing meltdown on this particular banker?

Yes, I hate banksters, they are worthless scam for the most part.

For the most part or universal? Because you appear to be taking joy in the misfortune of a man you know little to nothing about.
You blame the housing meltdown on this particular banker?
I am sure he took part in that corrupted system.
Yes, I hate banksters, they are worthless scam for the most part.

For the most part or universal? Because you appear to be taking joy in the misfortune of a man you know little to nothing about.
Well, credit unions are banks too, but these people are not banksters.

I know he is a bankster, that's a lot.
Ya, false accusations of pedophilia and people having their lives ruined by governments fucking them over for no reason are hilarious.
Despite what he claims I don't believe he was fired because of that false accusation.
He was let go a year later along with a large group of other unlucky employees.
I doubt they were all pedophiles.
I think he had bad karma (as all banksters do) and it finally caught with him.

Another hilarious part is the fact that his skills were only good enough to be a school janitor. And I agree with that, typical bankster is not good for anything else. The fact is, I can take any school janitor and make him a bankster, wait, I think i have an idea for comedy :)
Another hilarious part is the fact that his skills were only good enough to be a school janitor. And I agree with that, typical bankster is not good for anything else. The fact is, I can take any school janitor and make him a bankster, wait, I think i have an idea for comedy :)

I'll take that bet. We'll take one of our top bankers, trump up some charges against him so we can fire him and then get him a menial job. Then we'll take some poor person and put him in charge of some of our main accounts (I think pork bellies will work). If he succeeds, I will give you one dollar.
Is it wrong to feel satisfaction from this story?
I have to wonder why you ask this question?
Because it appears that when people answer it, you defend your position as if you already know the answer.
And the 'guilty' feeling seems to have had a half-life.
Another hilarious part is the fact that his skills were only good enough to be a school janitor. And I agree with that, typical bankster is not good for anything else. The fact is, I can take any school janitor and make him a bankster, wait, I think i have an idea for comedy :)

I'll take that bet. We'll take one of our top bankers, trump up some charges against him so we can fire him and then get him a menial job. Then we'll take some poor person and put him in charge of some of our main accounts (I think pork bellies will work). If he succeeds, I will give you one dollar.
We have a bet, Mr. Sawyer.
If this guy deserves empathy then what about career janitors? How do that make them feel?
It's not like got cancer or broke his leg. He has been sucking blood from better people than he is most of his career
How was that fair?
Is it wrong to feel satisfaction from this story?
A Long Island man says he went from being a Merrill Lynch manager to a shattered school janitor after the feds — in a terrible case of mistaken identity — arrested him at work and threatened to ship him off to Mexico to face charges that he had sex with minors.

And no offense to janitors, but going from bankster to a janitor tells you something about how much these people are actually worth in real world.

I bet Elizabeth Warren feels satisfaction too.

How does this say anything about what he's really worth in the world? He's got a skill for which there isn't enough demand at present. Realistically he has no chance at lesser positions because he's overqualified and thus they know he'll jump ship at the first opportunity. Thus he's left with unskilled work where there's so little investment they don't care if he jumps ship.

He's probably screwed for life. What I don't understand with the lawsuit is the primary wrongdoing wasn't by the guys he is suing.
Ya, false accusations of pedophilia and people having their lives ruined by governments fucking them over for no reason are hilarious.

I don't even see false allegations of pedophilia. This is not a case of false accusations but of mistaken identity. The primary wrongdoing was the Mexican cops who weren't careful with their extradition request.
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