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I must have missed the day in history class ...


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
... where the teacher talked about Royal Air Force was fighting in the Revolutionary War.

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That's hilarious. Kinda scary when yer living it, but 100 years from now the history books will be a fun read.
I'd like to understand how this happened and not because I want to make fun of President Twitler McCrazyPants. It looks like he is trying to read something and generally doing it well. Did he misread words? Did he try to improvise? Did someone put wrong things in the speech? If so, was it deliberate? Does he suffer from more mental illness than we thought? An eyesight or physical health problem? The bottom line is that there could actually be something serious here that citizens ought to know about.
I'd like to understand how this happened and not because I want to make fun of President Twitler McCrazyPants. It looks like he is trying to read something and generally doing it well. Did he misread words? Did he try to improvise? Did someone put wrong things in the speech? If so, was it deliberate? Does he suffer from more mental illness than we thought? An eyesight or physical health problem? The bottom line is that there could actually be something serious here that citizens ought to know about.
Probably, but our President has been making obvious bogus claims of facts for years. It is one of the reasons he is so popular with his base - they eat that stuff up.
I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes. We have Donald Trump saying we had air travel back in the Revolutionary war, and, if AOC gets her way with the GND, we soon won't have air travel at all! :banghead:
I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes. We have Donald Trump saying we had air travel back in the Revolutionary war, and, if AOC gets her way with the GND, we soon won't have air travel at all! :banghead:
No, bizarre is that I gave my friend a lift and he wanted to use my car to recharge his cigarette. But I was using it to recharge my book.
The future is stupid.

I think Trump's speech just said that they took 'the ports' and he embellished it a bit, forgetting that there are other types of ports. After all, he's not a shipping magnate, and his yacht went to a Marina.
Then there are the George Washington tweets, which few historians have utilized.
@realGeorgeWashington 6:15 a.m. Jan 3 1778
Don't believe fake gazettes, we are NEAR VICTORY and all are well fed and cheerful. Will take the Schuylkill Airstrip SOON, King G3 now fiting us with drunk fat Germans, some are Berliners, some Hamberders, all LOSERS. Valley Forge prime real estate and will be WORLDS LARGEST SPORTING CLUB someday. England bad!
Then there are the George Washington tweets, which few historians have utilized.
@realGeorgeWashington 10:10 a.m. Aug 3 1780
Benedict Arnold doing great things for us in this war. Just gave him command at West Point. Despite grumbles from sausage-sucking naysayers, he has my full confidence! Great guy! Only the best command the best!

@realGeorgeWashington 1:31 p.m. Sep 24 1780
Never did trust Benedict Arnold. Name says it all. Need a full investigation. Who picked this guy for a place like West Point? May trade a British spy for Arnold so we can LOCK HIM UP!!
Don't forget, these guys have been bravely "defending history" against the scourge of racist statues being taken down, for many years. If Trump says the 20th century happened in the 17th, I for one believe him! No one has ever loved history as much as Lord Trump.
Hey! Those of us who are veterans of the battle of LaGuardia don’t take kindly to the implications in this thread. It was hard fought battle. But fortified with Covfefe, we took the airport amidst heavy casualties.

And I was there. 245 years ago.

I feel like I live in the Bizzarro world sometimes. We have Donald Trump saying we had air travel back in the Revolutionary war, and, if AOC gets her way with the GND, we soon won't have air travel at all! :banghead:

Except that your false equivalence is based upon a deliberately dishonest misrepresentation of any in the GND or what AOC's office has said.
Unless you can quote from the GND house resolution or AOC saying "all air travel" will be ended, then it is a lie.

What the House resolution said was a goal of "overhauling transportation systems in the United States to remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible," which includes "investment in high-speed rail."

In reference to that broad language, AOC's office posted a FAQ expanding on that point which said that a goal would be to "build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary".

Note the absence of the word "all" in reference to air travel. And while the word "some" is also not explicit, such qualifiers are typically left implicit when they merely state what is the only logically possibility and thus only plausible interpretation. Also, it was in reference to the House resolution which already qualified "as much as technologically feasible." Also, note the total absence of any implication that air travel would not remain an option or that it would be forcibly restricted or eliminated. Rather, when read in it's context, the statement simply implies that in situations where "technologically feasible", high speed rail could make some air travel no longer "neccessary" because the the high speed rail would be a viable if not faster, easier, cheaper option.

You can try to quibble with my far more reasonable and context-relevant interpretation, but again, the burden is 100% on you to show where AOC said "all" would not exist at all as an option.
I can't decide which is more plausible: that Trump thought airports existed in 1776, or that he simply couldn't read the teleprompter. Both are possible.
I can't decide which is more plausible: that Trump thought airports existed in 1776, or that he simply couldn't read the teleprompter. Both are possible.
Attention to detail people!

We have been fed false information (for years apparently)—information that we would have gone on believing had new evidence not surfaced. A close examination by one with a trained eye can see that a fighter jet loomed in the background. If there wasn’t (and excuse me as I use actual reasoning) a runway (at places we call an airport) used for planes to take off and land, then how would they!!

I find it quite upsetting that we have been force fed bullshit about creation dates for such fine machinery. Military and their secrets! The truth is now out, and we would be remiss to now not re-examine prior (obviously we’ll orchestrated) preplanned time released information (a timeline) regarding the true advancement of technological innovation.
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