Yes, we are limited in or ability to perception reality, stating the obvious. Cosmology is limited by our ability to detect photons. Our instruments have fundamental linits. That is something we all know.
Whether e know all there is to know is impossible to answer, we have no reference point to make the deduction. That is why scince can not really say whether a god can or can not exist. All we can do is apply science to relgious claims like Young Earth Creationism.
So, ypu csn freely speculate on the nature of reality and say scince has it all wrong. Howerve those like me will ask for expeimntal proof and dat. Otherose yiu are just one of many speculators. The onus is on you to experimentaly prove any sceince is wrong and you are right. Philsopical and relgious arguments are not sufficient.
Up through the 19th century hoes were drilled in skulls to let out the bad disease causing spirits, we know now the causes of disease and mental illness.
Experimentally prove any science is wrong?
No problem
Look at any object perceived as “physical”
Atoms? Look closer…
Protons electrons neutrons? Look closer..
Leptons muons quarks? Look closer
Subatomic particles? Look closer…
Everything is actually subatomic electromagnetic energy forces perceived as and labeled as particles… a perception of vibrating energy..
Sight angstroms vibrating energy
Sounds decibels vibrating energy
Consciousness firing synapses vibrating energy.
There is no physical t.
E=mc2 mass is just a perception of energy divided by velocity. m=E/c2
Neither of which is physical or has mass.
In the beginning god created the universe (1)
But it was void And without form so god created light by vibrating that energy in the nothingness of the universe (0). 10011100011100
Colours angstroms vibrating w
Sounds decibels vibrating energy
Consciousness thoughts firing synapsesall a perception of vibrating energy.
You can actually look up the rate of vibrating energy that cause blu green yellow
Energy that is sounds notes a a# bc c#
Energy that is consciousness thoughts firing synapses
All just vibrating energy we create our perception of a physical universe with.
It’s not physical at all.