“The scientific method includes amongst its myriad results the surprising information that it is physically impossible for gods, ghosts, souls or any other phenomenon to interact with individual human beings, in ways which we would not have been easily able to detect, were any such interactions occurring; And therefore allows us to conclude that no such hypothetical phenomena can possibly exist”, that’s fine.
Nope. I’ll take issue with it until a rigid and enforceable “scientific” definition of “all gods” is offered as part of the statement. Otherwise, I think it wise to restrict statements about the impossible to specific gods with specific attributes that contradict observation.
I don’t believe science ‘says’ things about what isn’t, either as a method or as a body of knowledge. Science concerns what
is. We don’t hold science to saying the earth is not 6000 years old. Its job is to provide a best estimate of the earth’s age based on repeatable observations. If religious dogma contradicts, that’s not by design of science and is of zero scientific consequence either way.
You are absolutely correct; Which is why this result is so surprising.
The thing is, you don’t need to know anything about gods to make this determination.
If you want to know if A can influence B, you don’t need to know anything about A, as long as you know every possible way that B can interact with the rest of reality.
There was no particular philosophical reason to expect that we would ever know every possible way that humans can interact with the universe; But it turns out that we can and do know that - and that the number of possible interactions is small (four, to be precise).
Like many results from Quantum Physics, this result is counterintuitive, weird, unexpected, and at odds with a number of things we previously thought of as highly likely. And, also like other results from Quantum Physics, this one matches theory to experiment with astonishing accuracy. It’s not wrong; We have checked.
If you know all the ways humans (who are made of matter) can interact with everything else, then you can rule out any unknown influences, without needing to know any more about them than that they aren’t one of the four influences that can interact with matter at human scales and temperatures.
No hypothetical fifth force can exist that can interact with a human without atomising him. So if you posit that a human has an immaterial ‘soul’, you must be wrong, unless that ‘soul’ interacts with the corporeal body by one of the four forces. And if it did, we could have and would have detected it.
Any ‘fifth force’ that can interact non-explosively with a human would have to be carried by a particle of sufficiently low mass as to have been created and detected in the LHC. No such particles have been detected. So either mass-energy equivalence is wrong (ie E does NOT equal mc
2); Or Quantum Field Theory is wildly, hugely and obviously wrong (it’s not - QFT is one of the best tested theories in the history of science); Or gods cannot interact non-destructively with human scale matter without being obvious and easily detected doing so.
We almost certainly don’t know all of the possible ways that matter can interact. But we DO know all the ways that matter can interact at the modest temperatures and scales human beings inhabit.
A human being IS (at least in part) a physical phenomenon that can only interact with the rest of reality in four ways - Via the Strong and Weak nuclear forces, Electromagnetism, and Gravity.
Gravity cannot carry the soul of a dying man away without also affecting the whole population of Earth, because gravity acts at vast scales. The Strong and Weak nuclear forces cannot do it, for the opposite reason - they don’t have the range to get the soul (or the prayers, or the miracles) into or out of the body.
And Electromagnetic effects are well understood and very easy to detect. If they were responsible, we would see it.
Theologians have spent the entire period of the enlightenment claiming that there’s an unknown, possibly unknowable, way in which god interacts with man. But we now know ALL of the ways that man interacts with reality, and the only way that we could have missed detecting this ‘mysterious way’ would be for it to be non-real, or in other words, nonexistent.
Science tells us that the Earth isn’t 6,000 years old, by setting upper and lower bounds on possible ages for the Earth, and noting that “6,000 years” falls outside that possible range.
It similarly tells us that intervention by unknown influences (including, but certainly not limited to gods) can only occur outside the bounds of the energy density ranges we can test in the LHC. And we know that humans cannot survive (or even remain intact) except in a small range of energy densities that sits well within those bounds.
It’s just as correct to say that science tells us the Earth is not 6,000 years old as it is to say that science tells us that no gods exist. At least, no gods that interact, or can interact, in any way, with humans and their immediate environment.
Planets that are 6,000 years old certainly exist, but cannot possibly sustain human life. Unknown forces probably exist, but cannot possibly affect humans without disintegrating both the humans and a large volume of their surroundings.