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An interesting story from the life of these chimps and their trainer
When we were on the Kelly Miller Show in the early 1950's they had such a large array of animals they decided to invite the public to the lot each morning to view their feeding which was augmented by the early opening of all the concessions, pony rides and pit shows.
A great success with the addition of School Groups etc. and on more than one occasion made the day's nut before the first ticket was sold.
It was difficult on some lots with the people milling around before all the trucks and equipment was spotted but well worth the effort.
As they arrived they were greeted by Joe Lewis proprietor of "Kong the Killer Gorilla" actually a big chimp, this picture taken several years later after being demoted to Anthropoid Ape, due no doubt to some heat.
Joe would inform everybody of the coming events of the day then segue into his saga of the death of Mrs. Carter who had raised "Kong" from infancy and slain due to his jealousy of the man she intended to marry then afterward cleared in a Court of Law.
Joe even had a blown up picture of a large crowd outside a Funeral Parlor (actually Al Jolson's funeral) legitimizing the event.
Smokey and I would often go out and watch this master at work, great entertainment.
On one occasion while being viewed, Kong threw a tantrum, slamming a few things around and upsetting the patrons and Joe yelled over the mike, "Don't be alarmed one of you ladies must resemble the the late Mrs. Carter of whom he so loved!"
Then seeing me and Smokey, reached in his pocket, took out a handkerchief and handed it inside saying, "Toss it to him so he can dry his eyes!"
After a while he asked "Did he wipe his eyes? and a voice came back saying "No he wiped his ass" and not missing a beat, quickly fired back, "That's what they all say ladies and gentlemen, the greatest attraction ever to come to your fair city!"

Over the years during a lull in our BS sessions, Smokey would come up with, "and that's what they all say ladies and gentlemen.....
TARZAN THE APE MAN was the first Tarzan film to use a chimpanzee as one of the principal characters. (Weissmuller would work with a total of 8 chimps during his film career.) When he was introduced to the first Cheetah in 1931, the ape bared his teeth, growled, and lunged as if to attack him. Weissmuller took out his Tarzan knife and held it in front of the chimp's nose to make sure he saw and smelled it. He then slammed the chimp on the top of the head with the knife’s handle before putting it back into its sheath. He then held out his hand to the chimp. After first glaring at him and baring his teeth, Cheetah jumped up and hugged him. Weissmuller never had any further problems with the chimp, although other members of the cast and crew did.
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