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A young boy's unintentionally hilarious home-made Christmas card has found fame after his mother shared it online.
Posting a photograph of the design on the Unmumsy Mum blog's Facebook page, Elletia pointed out that her son had made Santa's stocking look rather phallic.
'School want to know if I would like to pay £16 for a pack of cards and gift tags,' she wrote. 'Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like Santa's giant red c**k, I suppose.'

  • A child's Christmas card has gone viral after his mother posted it on Facebook, drawing attention to the unfortunately phallic shape of Santa's stocking. The image has been liked almost 15,000 times on the Unmumsy Mum Facebook page

Her post has been liked almost 15,000 times and other mothers rushed to share their children's Christmas card designs.
A woman called Fiona shared a reindeer card she had helped her son make using hand prints, after following a tutorial on Pinterest.
However, the reindeer's nose ended up looking not unlike a male appendage.
'Wasn't until I got to the preschool with the order form, that I looked again and my innocence at the time of creation suddenly appeared wrong on so many levels,' she said.

'Why on earth did we glitter the end of his "nose".
'Still bought them all the same so my son can see Mum's epic Pinterest fail.'

A mother called Fiona helped her son make this reindeer card by following a Pinterest tutorial. Afterwards she realised the nose looked a lot like a male appendage


  • Mhairi's child drew this picture of a reindeer, which she captioned: 'Looks like Rudolph is getting excited about Christmas already!'

Mhairi's child had also created an unintentionally rude version of Rudolph.
The drawing made the reindeer's body look like male genitalia.
She captioned her picture: 'Looks like Rudolph is getting excited about Christmas already!'
A mother called Rebecca ran into similar problems with her child's picture of an elf.
Her child apparently decided to give one of Santa's helpers a tail.
However, the finished result made it look like he was letting it all hang out.

  • This elf card made by Rebecca's child left her confused when she noticed what may have been intended as a tail poking out between his legs


Natasha's paid the school £10 for a set of Christmas cards featuring her child's drawing of a penguin with no beak or face and 'unnaturally long' toenails

A snowman ended up getting a rude makeover in Ruth's daughter's card.
She added a blue appendage to his head which may have been intended to be his woolly hat.
But to Ruth's eyes, it looked like something rather different.
'What has the snowman got on his head?' she questioned.

Natasha posted her child's effort and received more than 300 likes for their drawing of a fat bird with no face, which she explained was meant to be a penguin.

I've just forked out a tenner on a faceless, beakless penguin (so I'm told) with unnaturally long toenails,' she said.

Sam questioned if Santa was suffering from a liver disease when her child drew him with a lurid yellow face


After seeing the yellow-faced Santa, Natalie pointed out that at least it was a less violent image than her child's creation which showed a snowman being attacked by a plane

Sam's child's at least gave Santa a face, although it was an alarming shade of yellow.
'Our Santa is clearly suffering some kind of liver failure,' she joked.
'Too much brandy perhaps?'
However, she looked on the bright side pointing out that the school had only charged £5 for the pack.
In response to her post, Natalie added an image of her child's card which showed a snowman under attack from the air.
'At least the snowman isn't being shot by a plane,' she wrote.
Angela's son also came up with a design that was slightly more frightening than festive.
His black 'dragon reindeer' with yellow bore no resemblance to Rudolph.

Ruth's daughter accidentally gave a snowman a rude makeover by adding a blue appendage to his head


Angela's son's 'dragon reindeer' made his card seem more fearsome than festive

At first glance Shellie's son's artwork seemed the most innocent of the bunch.
But then she pointed out that he'd emblazoned Santa's sleigh with: 'The Ho-mobile'.

A mother called Jane added an image her son had coloured in of the baby Jesus in his crib.
And it would have looked perfectly normal, were it not for the fireball underneath the manger.
Her post explained: 'Last year we had this. "What is this?" we asked. "I turned the crib into a rocket!" he replied.'

  • Shellie's son innocently added 'The Ho Mobile' to the livery of Santa's sleigh


Jane's son did a good job colouring in this picture, but then added a fireball to turn the crib into a rocket

Another mother left bemused was Angela. Her son drew a picture of his parents and sister for his Christmas card.
The trouble was, nobody was wearing anything bar a Santa hat.
'We are all naked with him and Daddy having three legs, but my daughter and I only have two,' she explained.

Angela's son drew the family stark naked with the exception of Santa hats


'Can you feel the Christmas love?' X asked of this card which shows her looking miserable, her partner wearing a ninja mask and a cat eating out of a tin, while Santa goes up in flames in the chimney

Dyanne was also left slightly baffled by her child's representation of the family.
A picture drawn by her child shows her looking miserable, her partner wearing a ninja mask and a cat eating out of a tin, while Santa goes up in flames in the chimney.
'Can you feel the Christmas love?' she wrote.
Lynsey then shared her daughter's Christmas card, which had arrived that very day.
It said Christmas Merry and showed four figures with red and green bodies and large ponytails sticking out of their heads.


Facebook users thought the figures on Lynsey's child's card (left) looked a lot like the girl band 4th Impact who were recently eliminated from X Factor. Meanwhile Matgorzata convinced her son that the green squiggle he'd drawn was in fact a Christmas tree

She couldn't quite figure out what her child was getting at, but fellow posters commented that they bore a striking resemblance to X Factor girl band 4th Impact.
Matgorzata was even more unsure as to what her four-year-old son was trying to portray with his giant green scribble.
'Oh I feel better now,' she said. 'This post has made my day.
'He wasn't sure himself initially what it was, but we have managed to convince him it's a Christmas tree.'
lot of trust to not worry about having her head banged into the portal dock! Haha.
Something looks a little fake about him tossing the woman. I'm wondering if this is some kind of hoax or faked video. NASA does have a history of pulling this crap. You know, like the moon landing stuff.
Something looks a little fake about him tossing the woman. I'm wondering if this is some kind of hoax or faked video. NASA does have a history of pulling this crap. You know, like the moon landing stuff.

Yeah, I'm not buying it. She's holding her body position very, very well--not something I would expect of most people. He also seems to be handling her more easily than I would think he could--while she's weightless she still has mass and thus inertia.
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