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In one of Terry Pratchett's books, the protagonist had to research some stuff and found that saying 'It's for school' opened all sorts of doors. No one asked a second question. He began to suspect that Hitler could have conquered most of Europe if instead of blitzkrieg, they just drove calmly into countries and took over, and when asked, said, "It's for a school project."

Looking at that, the Nazghul wouldn't have had nearly as many problems if they'd each been issued a Bichon Frise. Disables all defenses. "Mr. Fluffins and i are looking for a ring?"
"Well, he's all the jewelry i got, see anything Mr. Fluffins would like? Who's a ring bearer? Is it you? IS IT YOU?"
My brother saw a bumper sticker once that said "Honk if you like peace and quiet."
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