But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.
It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as
Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?
First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.
Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.
Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.