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Is it racist for a prostitute to reject black men?

In a country where most services are run by private entrepreneurs discrimantion by color/gender/physical/mental handicap etc where it really doesnt matter is a really bad thing. This isnt about the freedom of the entrepreneurs. This is about letting people not to be discriminated! As an entrepreneur you take advantage of the society and there is no right to dismiss people just because have another color.
Yeah, except prostitution and working in pornography are hardly counted as typical jobs, especially since engaging in sex for normal folks is a very personal and private choice, and of course also highly discriminatory.

If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?
In a country where most services are run by private entrepreneurs discrimantion by color/gender/physical/mental handicap etc where it really doesnt matter is a really bad thing. This isnt about the freedom of the entrepreneurs. This is about letting people not to be discriminated! As an entrepreneur you take advantage of the society and there is no right to dismiss people just because have another color.
Yeah, except prostitution and working in pornography are hardly counted as typical jobs, especially since engaging in sex for normal folks is a very personal and private choice, and of course also highly discriminatory.

If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?
Yet, as I've said, these are far from regular jobs, and being discriminatory in one small segment, doesn't necessarily mean one is racist on the whole. Once again, it should be respected as a personal choice, because it is dealing with a very personal act, even if it is still considered a public service.
Getting back to the restart of this thread because of August Ames, I think this is about second hand risk.

It seems like the say porn industry is more lax on HIV testing frequency, but instead relies on using condoms and "PrEP" medicine. There are also some amount of HIV+ performers, who use condoms.

So a straight woman who has sex with gay performer "A" who is tested like a straight performer has been having sex recently with weakly tested men B, C, D, E and F.
If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?
Yet, as I've said, these are far from regular jobs, and being discriminatory in one small segment, doesn't necessarily mean one is racist on the whole. Once again, it should be respected as a personal choice, because it is dealing with a very personal act, even if it is still considered a public service.

But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.

It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as
If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?
Yet, as I've said, these are far from regular jobs, and being discriminatory in one small segment, doesn't necessarily mean one is racist on the whole. Once again, it should be respected as a personal choice, because it is dealing with a very personal act, even if it is still considered a public service.

But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.

It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as

Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?

First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.

Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.

Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.
Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?

First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.

Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.

Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.

So, it looks like you, and everybody else here, as far as I can tell (unless I've missed something) would at least say 'yes' to the OP question then.
Is it racist for a black woman to reject sex with a Caucasian for any reason?

Surely it would be the same (ie racism) in that sort of reverse scenario, yes.

That said, you haven't suggested the same scenario exactly. By saying 'a caucasian' and 'for any reason' you are not talking about all caucasians and secondly, in an individual case, there may be reasons other than skin colour.

In short, it would be racism if it were based on race, so 'No Caucasians' would qualify, imo.
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Small caveat to the above: It might be said to be a racist act or statement, even if the person is not themselves a racist. So, for example, hypothetically, if a prostitute, male or female, is operating in a largely 'white' market where there is a good deal of 'anti-black' racism on the part of the (mostly white) customers (resulting in them not wanting to have sex with a person who has sex with blacks) then it could be a business decision and the prostitute could, in theory, have a black boyfriend at home. I'm not sure if that's realistically what is the case, but it's hypothetically possible.

In any case, the racism in the statement (if not necessarily in the personal attitude of the prostitute) would still exist, imo.
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There really is no argument from me. Unless the prostitute suspects a person may be infected by some STD, he/she is racist if he/she refuses sex on the basis of colour.
In a country where most services are run by private entrepreneurs discrimantion by color/gender/physical/mental handicap etc where it really doesnt matter is a really bad thing. This isnt about the freedom of the entrepreneurs. This is about letting people not to be discriminated! As an entrepreneur you take advantage of the society and there is no right to dismiss people just because have another color.
Yeah, except prostitution and working in pornography are hardly counted as typical jobs, especially since engaging in sex for normal folks is a very personal and private choice, and of course also highly discriminatory.

If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?

Pornstars do not provide a "service to the public". They perform with whom they consent to perform.
Is it racist for a black woman to reject sex with a Caucasian for any reason?

Good question, as many here have claimed that black people can't be racist because racism is prejudice plus power. And the same people have argued that prostitution involves an imbalance of power against (and not it favour of) the prostitute.

In would like to see how they would answer this question.
Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?

First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.

Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.

Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.

So, it looks like you, and everybody else here, as far as I can tell (unless I've missed something) would at least say 'yes' to the OP question then.

I've already said yes, it's racist a couple of times in this thread. That doesn't mean that it is disallowed.

People are allowed to be racist, even if we don't like it and think that racism is a very bad thing.

People are allowed to choose their sex partners and sexual practices based on whatever criteria they wish to use.

Prostitutes are people.

I don't think that last sentence is fully accepted by a lot of posters in this thread.
Well, yeah, I'd be willing to give it the title of "racism", but I wouldn't be willing to say "and that means she's barred from the industry until she changes her ways" as some in this thread would. I won't sacrifice the individual on the altar of diversity.
But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.

It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as

Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?

First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.

Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.

Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.

But that doesn't really deal with the issue at hand.

Of course all of those people can reject customers for most any reason. An attorney, prostitute, contractor or porn star can always say "I don't want to do business with you" and then not do business with that person and there's absolutely no issue.

The issue comes up when they specify that they don't want to do business with them for discriminatory reasons. If an attorney advertises "No Mexican clients", then they can't do business as an attorney. That's a completely separate matter for not wanting to do business with them for any other reason or simply not specifying the reason they doesn't want to do business with them. If a prostitute says that lesbians are icky and he doesn't want to stick his penis in some rug-muncher, then he can't run a legal prostitution business with that attitude.

That's irrespective of whether or not it's a good business plan. A prostitute may very well want to cater to a racist clientele by advertising that no blacks are welcome and an accountant may very well want to cater to the local Nazis by advertising his office as a Jew-free zone. Anti-discrimination laws forbid them from running their businesses with those strategies, though.
But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.

It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as

Of course it is a personal, intimate service---not a product but a service. It's also not one that is offered in public, generally. Shouldn't prostitutes be allowed to decline to service a customer whose requests they find unreasonable? A customer that they fear may become violent? Or who seems to be too attached? Or just too weird?

First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.

Secondly, in many professions, independent contractors are free to accept or turn down clients for any reason at all--or no reason. Actors and in fact, many who work in the entertainment industry, can and do choose to work with some individuals and not others. One would hope that the reasons are only a matter of professional incompatibility but I think we all are quite aware that some actors have strong dislikes for other actors and when they can, choose not to work with certain individuals. Mel Gibson is pretty infamous for his racism, antisemitism, and his history of domestic abuse and it's hurt him professionally quite a bit--until recently when he seems to have paid his penance. I cannot imagine anyone faulting a person of color, a Jewish person, or a woman for preferring not to work with Mr. Gibson just as I cannot imagine anyone faulting someone for choosing not to work with Woody Allen or Roman Polanski although many still do so, eagerly. I'm pretty sure that if a young actress made it known that she would not work with Allen or Polanski she would not, in fact, work at all.

Dog breeders --and rescuers--can be extremely selective about who will receive (for $$) one of their puppies. Attorneys do not accept all clients. Nor do building contractors or a host of other professionals.

But that doesn't really deal with the issue at hand.

Of course all of those people can reject customers for most any reason. An attorney, prostitute, contractor or porn star can always say "I don't want to do business with you" and then not do business with that person and there's absolutely no issue.

The issue comes up when they specify that they don't want to do business with them for discriminatory reasons. If an attorney advertises "No Mexican clients", then they can't do business as an attorney. That's a completely separate matter for not wanting to do business with them for any other reason or simply not specifying the reason they doesn't want to do business with them. If a prostitute says that lesbians are icky and he doesn't want to stick his penis in some rug-muncher, then he can't run a legal prostitution business with that attitude.

That's irrespective of whether or not it's a good business plan. A prostitute may very well want to cater to a racist clientele by advertising that no blacks are welcome and an accountant may very well want to cater to the local Nazis by advertising his office as a Jew-free zone. Anti-discrimination laws forbid them from running their businesses with those strategies, though.

What discrimination laws are you referring to?

There are female pornstars that sleep only with women. What law are they breaking?

There are websites that hire only black pornstars. What law are they breaking?

Please be specific.
If you provide a service to the public you should not discriminate people just because of color etc. what is this so hard to understandhave you all forgotten Rosa Parks?
Yet, as I've said, these are far from regular jobs, and being discriminatory in one small segment, doesn't necessarily mean one is racist on the whole. Once again, it should be respected as a personal choice, because it is dealing with a very personal act, even if it is still considered a public service.

But that isnt a good argument.
Discrimination is discrimnation.

It isnt really a ”personal act” if you provide it as a service to the public.
Prostitutes do it for the money. Nuff said..
This IS a case where people are using the acess to customers as
I think that racism should be only about judging a particular race is superior to another, which ought to be considered bad, and that discrimination or prejudice against other people or other races is not necessarily a bad thing. A movie with an all-black cast is obviously discrimination on display, but it can be just a personal decision, same as if a prostitute will only service black guys. Both cases do not have to necessarily believe that one race is superior to another.
First of all, prostitutes who advertise that they don't accept black customers are probably utilizing the racism of their prospective clientele--there are those who prefer not to utilize the same services, especially intimate services, as black customers. Of course, this is racist and not admirable. But also not illegal.
From what I understand, this is a big sign that the prostitute is being pimped. Apparently, this is demanded black pimps, because in pimping culture, it is a cardinal sin for a prostitute to be in a room with another pimp.

That, or maybe the prostitute has been pimped before, and no longer trusts black men.
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