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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

If the school authorities thought that clock had any chance of being a bomb, then the school should have been cleared, but it wasn't. If the school authorities thought the clock was a bomb hoax, then there was no need to call the police. Once the school authorities determined that it was neither a bomb nor a bomb hoax, they were under no compulsion to suspend the child, they could have just said "Sorry, our bad".
You need to stop being obtuse and difficult and start behaving like a normal rational human being who can read posts and address the actual points.
You mean like your response and "Fucking bullshit, and you know that"? Both provide strong evidence of the vacuousness of your position.

I have given reasons (some of which have been repeatedly posted by a number of posters) showing why the response by the school authorities was fuck-witted. You have not addressed any of those points. I don't know if it is because you don't read them, or that you don't understand them or that you are incapable of rebutting them.
Read on McDuff.
You are absurd
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax?
Didn't he actually lie? Ahmed never said he had a bomb. He said he had a clock and it was a clock.
The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
He had been passive-agressive before he was arrested, that was part of the reason for the arrest.
Says who? The police who arrested him? What they took as passive-aggression could have just been fear. Same goes for your analysis.
Says police who are trained to detect that and me judging on his interviews.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?
Purpose is then cry about it all over the world to get sympathy.
And this is what happened in Irving TX, because the muslims in Irving TX are being persecuted by and having land issues with ... who again?
BTW, where on the map is Palestine?I believe we were talking about muslim fathers.
We were, but then you went to Palestine, where ever that is.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
So? He knew nothing bad would happen to him.
How did he know that?
Because he is a smart man.
What you are saying is that a father set his son up to be seen as a muslim terrorist carrying a bomb but he KNEW nothing would happen to him.
This is absolutely not what I am saying. I am saying he setup his son to be seen as a guy with a hoax-bomb yet not being able to be charged with it because it could be argued that it was just a clock. Which by the way he son did, he kept repeating "it's a clock"
You need to take a break.
I thin'k it's you.
NOW, getting back to this not an ordinary father.

Mohamed migrated to the United States from Sudan in the 1980s. Ahmed's eloquence -- which became clear to the world at the press conference he gave outside his house following his arrest -- resembles his father’s, who belongs to the Sudanese National Reform Party. He ran against current President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan's 2010 election, as well as earlier this year.

"It was a miserable election," Ahmed's uncle said. "Bashir's regime won’t allow anyone else to win."

But Ahmed’s father will not be discouraged from running for president in the upcoming elections, which will take place in 2020. "My brother is strong-willed, and he is confident that he has something to offer to his country," Moussa said. “He doesn’t know fear, threatening discourse won’t keep him from achieving what he wants."

So you think this is all, the clock, the school, the police, is just one big stunt to win the Sudanese presidential election five years from now?

My god, do you need rest.
That's not the only thing on his resume, so dig more.

I'm not the one digging. Go back and look at your last few posts. Those are not the words of person above sea level.
You need to stop being obtuse and difficult and start behaving like a normal rational human being who can read posts and address the actual points.
You mean like your response and "Fucking bullshit, and you know that"? Both provide strong evidence of the vacuousness of your position.

I have given reasons (some of which have been repeatedly posted by a number of posters) showing why the response by the school authorities was fuck-witted. You have not addressed any of those points. I don't know if it is because you don't read them, or that you don't understand them or that you are incapable of rebutting them.
You keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again, despite it being thoroughly refuted by a number of people including fucking Ahmed himself. And this is not the first time you behave that way, in fact you always behave that way, no matter facts or arguments you just keep maintaining the same position, always, in all threads, in all topics.
You are absurd
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax?
Didn't he actually lie? Ahmed never said he had a bomb. He said he had a clock and it was a clock.
The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
He had been passive-agressive before he was arrested, that was part of the reason for the arrest.
Says who? The police who arrested him? What they took as passive-aggression could have just been fear. Same goes for your analysis.
Says police who are trained to detect that and me judging on his interviews.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?
Purpose is then cry about it all over the world to get sympathy.
And this is what happened in Irving TX, because the muslims in Irving TX are being persecuted by and having land issues with ... who again?
BTW, where on the map is Palestine?I believe we were talking about muslim fathers.
We were, but then you went to Palestine, where ever that is.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
So? He knew nothing bad would happen to him.
How did he know that?
Because he is a smart man.
What you are saying is that a father set his son up to be seen as a muslim terrorist carrying a bomb but he KNEW nothing would happen to him.
This is absolutely not what I am saying. I am saying he setup his son to be seen as a guy with a hoax-bomb yet not being able to be charged with it because it could be argued that it was just a clock. Which by the way he son did, he kept repeating "it's a clock"
You need to take a break.
I thin'k it's you.
NOW, getting back to this not an ordinary father.

Mohamed migrated to the United States from Sudan in the 1980s. Ahmed's eloquence -- which became clear to the world at the press conference he gave outside his house following his arrest -- resembles his father’s, who belongs to the Sudanese National Reform Party. He ran against current President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan's 2010 election, as well as earlier this year.

"It was a miserable election," Ahmed's uncle said. "Bashir's regime won’t allow anyone else to win."

But Ahmed’s father will not be discouraged from running for president in the upcoming elections, which will take place in 2020. "My brother is strong-willed, and he is confident that he has something to offer to his country," Moussa said. “He doesn’t know fear, threatening discourse won’t keep him from achieving what he wants."

So you think this is all, the clock, the school, the police, is just one big stunt to win the Sudanese presidential election five years from now?

My god, do you need rest.
That's not the only thing on his resume, so dig more.

I'm not the one digging. Go back and look at your last few posts. Those are not the words of person above sea level.
You ARE digging, you digged something but conveniently decided not to mention some of it.
Ahmed father does have a history of publicity stunts, that's a fact and you know it.
You mean like your response and "Fucking bullshit, and you know that"? Both provide strong evidence of the vacuousness of your position.

I have given reasons (some of which have been repeatedly posted by a number of posters) showing why the response by the school authorities was fuck-witted. You have not addressed any of those points. I don't know if it is because you don't read them, or that you don't understand them or that you are incapable of rebutting them.
You keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again, despite it being thoroughly refuted by a number of people including fucking Ahmed himself.
Except that it hasn't been and when you are questioned on what you post, you don't answer.
And this is not the first time you behave that way, in fact you always behave that way, no matter facts or arguments you just keep maintaining the same position, always, in all threads, in all topics.
You do know that "always" and "never" and other absolute words make sentences easily disproven.
You keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again, despite it being thoroughly refuted by a number of people including fucking Ahmed himself.
Except that it hasn't been and when you are questioned on what you post, you don't answer.
yes it has been.

And this is not the first time you behave that way, in fact you always behave that way, no matter facts or arguments you just keep maintaining the same position, always, in all threads, in all topics.
You do know that "always" and "never" and other absolute words make sentences easily disproven.
Go ahead, make my day
You keep repeating the same bullshit over and over again, despite it being thoroughly refuted by a number of people including fucking Ahmed himself.
Then you should be able to point to it or make an actual argument. But you have not. Instead, you have resorted to name calling and unsubstantiated claims.
And this is not the first time you behave that way, in fact you always behave that way, no matter facts or arguments you just keep maintaining the same position, always, in all threads, in all topics.
LOL - that one broke every irony meter in this galaxy. Why not actually address the issues in this thread instead of spouting your opinion on an irrelevant issue.

From what I can tell, in this thread you have attacked Ahmed's engineering abilities (which are irrelevant to the issue), claimed that people are defending Ahmed because he is brown-skinned and/or Muslim (which confuses defense with criticism of the authorities behavior, and ignores the issue of the actual reactions of the authorities), defended the authorities reactions based on "it looked like a bomb" (which does not explain their inconsistent behavior or the suspension), claimed it is the father's publicity stunt (which is irrelevant, since the father did not over-react) and resorted to name calling. None of which are relevant or cogent arguments.

There is absolutely no evidence that I can see that you have read my posts in this thread. I have posted that I could understand why school authorities thought the clock might be a bomb. But if they did, the school should have been evacuated. But it wasn't. And once they determined it was a school project, that should have been the end of the issue. But it wasn't. Handwaved appeals to "zero tolerance" are totally unconvincing, because zero tolerance does not mandate suspensions for administrative mistakes or misdeeds. I know this because I read their policy and have had experience with "zero tolerance" attempted misapplications with a number of children.
Then you should be able to point to it or make an actual argument. But you have not. Instead, you have resorted to name calling and unsubstantiated claims.
And this is not the first time you behave that way, in fact you always behave that way, no matter facts or arguments you just keep maintaining the same position, always, in all threads, in all topics.
LOL - that one broke every irony meter in this galaxy. Why not actually address the issues in this thread instead of spouting your opinion on an irrelevant issue.

From what I can tell, in this thread you have attacked Ahmed's engineering abilities (which are irrelevant to the issue), claimed that people are defending Ahmed because he is brown-skinned and/or Muslim (which confuses defense with criticism of the authorities behavior, and ignores the issue of the actual reactions of the authorities), defended the authorities reactions based on "it looked like a bomb" (which does not explain their inconsistent behavior or the suspension), claimed it is the father's publicity stunt (which is irrelevant, since the father did not over-react) and resorted to name calling. None of which are relevant or cogent arguments.

There is absolutely no evidence that I can see that you have read my posts in this thread. I have posted that I could understand why school authorities thought the clock might be a bomb. But if they did, the school should have been evacuated. But it wasn't. And once they determined it was a school project, that should have been the end of the issue. But it wasn't. Handwaved appeals to "zero tolerance" are totally unconvincing, because zero tolerance does not mandate suspensions for administrative mistakes or misdeeds. I know this because I read their policy and have had experience with "zero tolerance" attempted misapplications with a number of children.

They initially thought it was suspicious or could be a bomb, but after further examination determined it was not, that there was no actual threat. They then asked what his intent was with putting it in that kind if a case in that manner. Why set off the alarm? Was it to make it look like a hoax bomb and scare people (which is in fact a crime in addition to a school rule violation)? And he refused to explain. This has been confirmed from multiple sources (Mark Cuban, the school, the police).

If the school authorities thought he was intentionally trying to scare people, why would they need to apologize?

Ahmed himself even admits he knew people might view it suspiciously or as a threat and yet chose that particular case to put it in anyway and bring it to school and liberally show it around. The only ones that need to apologize are the police. I don't see the school having done anything outrageous here.
Watch Maher video to the end.

I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.

I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.
I already have.

I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.
I already have.

No, you have not. Is that because you can't?

Show where you listed five things Cenk got wrong. You can't because you didn't.

And this is just one example of repeated behavior on your part.

Care to give the five things now?
They initially thought it was suspicious or could be a bomb, but after further examination determined it was not, that there was no actual threat.
Sorry, but if they had it was a bomb at any point, the school should have been evacuated.
They then asked what his intent was with putting it in that kind if a case in that manner. Why set off the alarm? Was it to make it look like a hoax bomb and scare people? And he refused to explain. This has been confirmed from multiple sources.
And this is relevant because....?
If the school authorities thought he was intentionally trying to scare people, why would they need to apologize?
I didn't say anything about apologizing - the father did. The school suspended him based on their unsubstantiated fear and dumbness. That was wrong.
Before I came to this forum, I would have been surprised that there are people who would willingly offer excuses for the behavior of the school officials and the police. To my dismay, I am no longer surprised at all.

I wish I could say that I am surprised that some people will defend the school officials and the police against an innocent brown-skinned young man... especially a Muslim. The sheer vehemence and complete fabrications they are displaying would be comical if it weren't so sad.
What fabrications?
Sorry, but if they had it was a bomb at any point, the school should have been evacuated.

That is completely illogical to evacuate the school after a brief examination confirms no threat.

this is relevant because....?

It is a crime in addition to a school rule violation to make something that looks suspiciously like it could be a bomb, even if only at first glance, and bring it to school to try to scare people. Duh.
I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.

I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.
I already have.

I have, But maher isn't in this Clock is a fraud video and I am not asking Maher, I am asking you. You can't speak for yourself?

- - - Updated - - -

Where? Where has Uyger been shown, and not THEORIZED, to be COMPLETELY wrong?

Is he over the top? Yes. Hyperbolic even? Yes. But how is he COMPLETELY wrong?
Hyperbolic is given when it comes to Uygur. He is completely wrong everywhere.

Well if he is wrong EVERYWHERE, then you should have no problem providing say, five specifics that exemplify his error.
I already have.

No, you have not. Is that because you can't?

Show where you listed five things Cenk got wrong. You can't because you didn't.

And this is just one example of repeated behavior on your part.

Care to give the five things now?
I am not in the mood to recall all 5 points I remember two biggest ones:
1. Teachers did not think it was a bomb ( Cenk said they did think that)
2. Kid did not make that clock, it is an established fact (Cenk said he made a clock)

I believe none of the pro-ahmed people commented on that.
Why should anyone watch an 8 minute video for no apparent reason other than your recommendation?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that complete trolls were excluded from my comments request
So if you think my recommendation is not worth a shit, don't comment because frankly I am of the same opinion about you.
What evidence do you have that the teachers and the police aren't? We don't know what happened exactly and the family is apparently not letting the police or the school discuss the details, which seems a bit fishy. I think more information is required, which right now should come mostly from the family, before condemning either party.

Some questions that I'd like to see answered, off the top of my head:

1) Was the clock on battery power or plugged in when the alarm went off during the English class?
2) What did the police mean when they say Ahmed was being "passive-aggressive" exactly?
3) What's the engineering teacher's version of events? Or the english teacher's for that matter.
4) Did Ahmed mention to the police that he had showed it to the engineering teacher? Did they contact him at that time?
5) Why did the police take him in, rather than call Ahmed's parents from the school?
WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?
How do you know they effed up, if you don't know the facts of the case? For example, what if it turns out that the clock doesn't run on battery, which would mean that Ahmed deliberately plugged it in during class so that he could get "caught" and show off his device, would that change your opinion at all about his motivations?

As for your "facts",
1) Ahmed's behaviour is unknown. We don't know exactly how he behaved or how he answered his questions. That's why it would be very interesting to see the actual police report or what questions were asked, or get the teacher's version of the story.

2) For the 1000th time, nobody said that they thought it was a bomb.

3) The kid's suspension was probably uncalled for, but given how many other things there are that we don't know, it's hard to say.
How do you know they effed up, if you don't know the facts of the case? For example, what if it turns out that the clock doesn't run on battery, which would mean that Ahmed deliberately plugged it in during class so that he could get "caught" and show off his device, would that change your opinion at all about his motivations?

Dude, we established that he did in fact plugged it during English class (he have said so in the interview)
WTF does this have to do with the plain facts
1) that Ahmed did not have a bomb or make a threat,
2) the despite the official hoopla, neither the school nor the police acted like there was a bomb, and
3) the kid was suspended.

The school and the police effed up. In the end, no real harm was done, but what in the world is driving the apologists for the school and the police?
How do you know they effed up, if you don't know the facts of the case? For example, what if it turns out that the clock doesn't run on battery, which would mean that Ahmed deliberately plugged it in during class so that he could get "caught" and show off his device, would that change your opinion at all about his motivations?

As for your "facts",
1) Ahmed's behaviour is unknown. We don't know exactly how he behaved or how he answered his questions. That's why it would be very interesting to see the actual police report or what questions were asked, or get the teacher's version of the story.

2) For the 1000th time, nobody said that they thought it was a bomb.
If no one thought is was a bomb, there was no reason to react. So the reactions are evidence of effing up.
3) The kid's suspension was probably uncalled for, but given how many other things there are that we don't know, it's hard to say.
You just tacitly admitted they effed up with the suspension.
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