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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

What has this to do with his arrest, the school's letter to parents, and the lack of an apology? What?

Isn't this the same pattern we see with every young man of color abused by the policing system? Attack/belittle the young man in an effort to shift the blame to him. The difficulty in this case is that they have yet to find any Arizonia beverages or "baby mamas" in Ahemed's past, so they are stuck with tearing down his academic ability.

An academic ability that already has MIT and Harvard interested.

And that has some people seething with envy.
What has this to do with his arrest, the school's letter to parents, and the lack of an apology? What?

Isn't this the same pattern we see with every young man of color abused by the policing system? Attack/belittle the young man in an effort to shift the blame to him. The difficulty in this case is that they have yet to find any Arizonia beverages or "baby mamas" in Ahemed's past, so they are stuck with tearing down his academic ability.
Yes we have the same pattern here, but not the one you are talking about.
Person of color and/or minority get automatic support from the left long before any facts discovered.
Imagine if it was disabled muslim lesbian from Syria.
Isn't this the same pattern we see with every young man of color abused by the policing system? Attack/belittle the young man in an effort to shift the blame to him. The difficulty in this case is that they have yet to find any Arizonia beverages or "baby mamas" in Ahemed's past, so they are stuck with tearing down his academic ability.

An academic ability that already has MIT and Harvard interested.
You honestly believe that they base this "interest" on anything other than media bullshit?
nobody knows anything about his academic abilities.
All we know for a fact that he has weird fantasies about becoming an engineer which have not translated into any actual achievements.
[Ahmed] talked about how happy he is about all these offers from schools he is getting. Really makes you think this is perfectly designed (by his father) and executed PR stunt.

a perfectly designed and executed PR stunt that the school officials and police must have been voluntary partners in since without the 1.5 hour interrogation of a minor, arrest and perp-walk, plus the letter to the other parents afterwards, there would be zero publicity. This must be this school's "help a Muslim get a college scholarship" program? The Muslim version of the sports program for jocks?
[Ahmed] talked about how happy he is about all these offers from schools he is getting. Really makes you think this is perfectly designed (by his father) and executed PR stunt.

a perfectly designed and executed PR stunt that the school officials and police must have been voluntary partners in since without the 1.5 hour interrogation of a minor, arrest and perp-walk, plus the letter to the other parents afterwards, there would be zero publicity. This must be this school's "help a Muslim get a college scholarship" program? The Muslim version of the sports program for jocks?
School followed instructions for such cases exactly. As for police, I have a suspicion that they too did everything according to the book. I am perfectly fine with what police have said and agree with their explanation, I don't sense anything suspicious in their interview.
The only thing which clearly deserves a blame here is media which predictably did not bother getting the facts and run their usual script - islamophobia, brown kid, etc.

And please feel free to provide proof for 1.5 hours long interrogation.
You mean like where I said "Extremes always make moderates look more reasonable."

You comparison is silly.

Extreme clown fetishists make typical foot fetishists look reasonable. It's silly to compare them because you are already differentiating them by degree.
I merely implied that people defending Ahmed are extreme.
If you not absolutely and positively clean and truthful, then we cannot take that conclusion seriously.

- - - Updated - - -

That's gotta hurt, even Nightly Show think it looks like a fucking bomb:

Unfortunately for your persistently illogical position, the actions of the authorities in this case were inconsistent with that view, since they did not clear the building.
Unfortunately for your persistently illogical position, the actions of the authorities in this case were inconsistent with that view, since they did not clear the building.
How is that "Unfortunately"?
How is my position illogical?
That thing did not look like a clock it looked like a bomb (even liberal left wing comedy show admit that), fake one at that but nevertheless a bomb, which if you are familiar with school rules are serious thing.
Unfortunately for your persistently illogical position, the actions of the authorities in this case were inconsistent with that view, since they did not clear the building.
How is that "Unfortunately"?
Because your argument is wrong.
How is my position is illogical?
If it looked like a bomb to the school authorities, they should have cleared the building before they called the police. This is been explained a number of times. I can explain it for you but I cannot understand it for you.
That thing did not look like a clock it looked like a bomb, fake one at that but nevertheless a bomb, which if you are familiar with school rules are serious thing.
I am familiar with zero tolerance rules, and you are wrong.
How is that "Unfortunately"?
Because your argument is wrong.
How is my position is illogical?
If it looked like a bomb to the school authorities, they should have cleared the building before they called the police. This is been explained a number of times. I can explain it for you but I cannot understand it for you.
That thing did not look like a clock it looked like a bomb, fake one at that but nevertheless a bomb, which if you are familiar with school rules are serious thing.
I am familiar with zero tolerance rules, and you are wrong.
Fucking bullshit, and you know that
Interesting part Mark Cuban was on Maher and he was pro-Ahmed there overall saying he is bright kid. etc, but even he could not help it but to simply admit that Ahmed's behavior in this story was weird, he admitted getting impression that he was coached during their phone conversation and then he talked about how happy he is about all these offers from schools he is getting. Really makes you think this is perfectly designed (by his father) and executed PR stunt.

Yeah, it is a popular thing for brown-skinned fathers to do, think of ways to get their children into the custody of southern police. Not like a brown-skinned boy EVER have trouble with the police. Why I remember my father staying up nights worrying about how he could get his son arrested as getting arrested was such a great career move.
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Interesting part Mark Cuban was on Maher and he was pro-Ahmed there overall saying he is bright kid. etc, but even he could not help it but to simply admit that Ahmed's behavior in this story was weird, he admitted getting impression that he was coached during their phone conversation and then he talked about how happy he is about all these offers from schools he is getting. Really makes you think this is perfectly designed (by his father) and executed PR stunt.

Yeah, it is a popular thing for brown-skinned fathers to do, think of ways to get their children into the custody of southern police. Not like a brown-skinned boys EVER have trouble with the police. Why I remember my father staying up nights worrying about how he could get his son arrested as getting arrested was such a great career move.
I did not say if was popular. But it not being popular does not disprove anything. That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax? The boy does in fact look coached and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
And again, Mark Cuban agrees with me about this part, the only thing were we disagree is where he claims Ahmed is a bright boy, he is not.
Yeah, it is a popular thing for brown-skinned fathers to do, think of ways to get their children into the custody of southern police. Not like a brown-skinned boys EVER have trouble with the police. Why I remember my father staying up nights worrying about how he could get his son arrested as getting arrested was such a great career move.
I did not say if was popular. But it not being popular does not disprove anything.
It proves that it is absurd to think the father planned to get his son arrested.
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax? The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?

BTW, where on the map is Palestine?
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
I did not say if was popular. But it not being popular does not disprove anything.
It proves that it is absurd to think the father planned to get his son arrested.
How is that absurd? seriously, how is that absurd?
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax? The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
Speaking slowly and using language 14 year old would not normally use and having older sister listening and giving answers. Ask Cuban he will tell you more.

and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
He had been passive-agressive before he was arrested, that was part of the reason for the arrest.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?
Purpose is then cry about it all over the world to get sympathy.
BTW, where on the map is Palestine?
I believe we were talking about muslim fathers.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
So? He knew nothing bad would happen to him and he was right.
What does that even mean? What is the purpose of "positively clean and truthful?"

A kid put together a clock. The kid never said it was anything but a clock. Adults, who are supposed to know what to do,
  1. thought it was bomb
  2. thought it was a hoax bomb
  3. now think it was a clock all along

Along the way to this startling revelation, they did nothing with the bomb then hoax bomb then clock, but they did call the police, and FIVE police officers, interrogated the boy, arrested the boy and took him into custody.

This was not about the device, it was about the boy.

And all this hubbub after, is still about the boy.

BTW, by what standard does this clock look like a bomb?
It was four police officers, not five.

The device looked like a part of a bomb enough that the teacher confiscated it, and another teacher had adviced not to show it to anyone. And we've all seen what it looks like, it's silly to claim that for a casual viewer it would obviously be a clock. And nobody thought it was an actual, functioning bomb at any point. How many times do we have to go through that canard?

The kid himself admits in his video he wrapped it in a cord so it wouldn't look suspicious.

And the kid is a saint and an engineering genius whose words must not be questioned.

Except for the fact that he thinks wrapping something in a cord makes it look less like a bomb.
It proves that it is absurd to think the father planned to get his son arrested.
How is that absurd? seriously, how is that absurd?
Read on McDuff.
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax?
Didn't he actually lie? Ahmed never said he had a bomb. He said he had a clock and it was a clock.
The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
He had been passive-agressive before he was arrested, that was part of the reason for the arrest.
Says who? The police who arrested him? What they took as passive-aggression could have just been fear. Same goes for your analysis.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?
Purpose is then cry about it all over the world to get sympathy.
And this is what happened in Irving TX, because the muslims in Irving TX are being persecuted by and having land issues with ... who again?
BTW, where on the map is Palestine?I believe we were talking about muslim fathers.
We were, but then you went to Palestine, where ever that is.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
So? He knew nothing bad would happen to him.
How did he know that?

What you are saying is that a father set his son up to be seen as a muslim terrorist carrying a bomb but he KNEW nothing would happen to him.

You need to take a break.

NOW, getting back to this not an ordinary father.

Mohamed migrated to the United States from Sudan in the 1980s. Ahmed's eloquence -- which became clear to the world at the press conference he gave outside his house following his arrest -- resembles his father’s, who belongs to the Sudanese National Reform Party. He ran against current President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan's 2010 election, as well as earlier this year.

"It was a miserable election," Ahmed's uncle said. "Bashir's regime won’t allow anyone else to win."

But Ahmed’s father will not be discouraged from running for president in the upcoming elections, which will take place in 2020. "My brother is strong-willed, and he is confident that he has something to offer to his country," Moussa said. “He doesn’t know fear, threatening discourse won’t keep him from achieving what he wants."

So you think this is all, the clock, the school, the police, is just one big stunt to win the Sudanese presidential election five years from now?

My god, do you need rest.
How is that absurd? seriously, how is that absurd?
Read on McDuff.
You are absurd
That kind of stunts do happen, remember boy on a balloon hoax?
Didn't he actually lie? Ahmed never said he had a bomb. He said he had a clock and it was a clock.
The boy does in fact looked coached
How exactly does one look coached?
and is in fact passive-aggressive when he talks about police.
Which proves what? He feels wrongfully arrested. Do you expected him to speak of the police in loving tones and fawning words?
He had been passive-agressive before he was arrested, that was part of the reason for the arrest.
Says who? The police who arrested him? What they took as passive-aggression could have just been fear. Same goes for your analysis.
Says police who are trained to detect that and me judging on his interviews.
In any case muslim fathers are known for that kind of shit at least in Palestine, they do use kids, nothing uncommon here.
they use their kids to get arrested, to be taken into custody by the police? What purpose is there for the common practice of getting your kid arrested?
Purpose is then cry about it all over the world to get sympathy.
And this is what happened in Irving TX, because the muslims in Irving TX are being persecuted by and having land issues with ... who again?
BTW, where on the map is Palestine?I believe we were talking about muslim fathers.
We were, but then you went to Palestine, where ever that is.
Also, Ahmed's father is no ordinary muslim, he has a history of publicity stunts.
where he gets his kid arrested?
So? He knew nothing bad would happen to him.
How did he know that?
Because he is a smart man.
What you are saying is that a father set his son up to be seen as a muslim terrorist carrying a bomb but he KNEW nothing would happen to him.
This is absolutely not what I am saying. I am saying he setup his son to be seen as a guy with a hoax-bomb yet not being able to be charged with it because it could be argued that it was just a clock. Which by the way he son did, he kept repeating "it's a clock"
You need to take a break.
I thin'k it's you.
NOW, getting back to this not an ordinary father.

Mohamed migrated to the United States from Sudan in the 1980s. Ahmed's eloquence -- which became clear to the world at the press conference he gave outside his house following his arrest -- resembles his father’s, who belongs to the Sudanese National Reform Party. He ran against current President Omar al-Bashir in Sudan's 2010 election, as well as earlier this year.

"It was a miserable election," Ahmed's uncle said. "Bashir's regime won’t allow anyone else to win."

But Ahmed’s father will not be discouraged from running for president in the upcoming elections, which will take place in 2020. "My brother is strong-willed, and he is confident that he has something to offer to his country," Moussa said. “He doesn’t know fear, threatening discourse won’t keep him from achieving what he wants."

So you think this is all, the clock, the school, the police, is just one big stunt to win the Sudanese presidential election five years from now?

My god, do you need rest.
That's not the only thing on his resume, so dig more.
Because your argument is wrong.
How is my position is illogical?
If it looked like a bomb to the school authorities, they should have cleared the building before they called the police. This is been explained a number of times. I can explain it for you but I cannot understand it for you.
That thing did not look like a clock it looked like a bomb, fake one at that but nevertheless a bomb, which if you are familiar with school rules are serious thing.
I am familiar with zero tolerance rules, and you are wrong.
Fucking bullshit, and you know that.
If the school authorities thought that clock had any chance of being a bomb, then the school should have been cleared, but it wasn't. If the school authorities thought the clock was a bomb hoax, then there was no need to call the police. Once the school authorities determined that it was neither a bomb nor a bomb hoax, they were under no compulsion to suspend the child, they could have just said "Sorry, our bad".

So, the only fucking bullshit that I know is fucking bullshit is your responses.

If the school authorities thought that clock had any chance of being a bomb, then the school should have been cleared, but it wasn't. If the school authorities thought the clock was a bomb hoax, then there was no need to call the police. Once the school authorities determined that it was neither a bomb nor a bomb hoax, they were under no compulsion to suspend the child, they could have just said "Sorry, our bad".
You need to stop being obtuse and difficult and start behaving like a normal rational human being who can read posts and address the actual points.
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