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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

Remove your idealistic glasses please!! The fact is that up to 95% of terrorist attacks on the planet are by the followers of Islam!

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

The source for this:


In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period.”

In other words, trying to show Islamic terrorism is only a small part of terrorism by comparing it to non-terrorism. Obviously the actual percent of terrorist deaths that are due to Islam is high. (If it weren't they wouldn't have resorted to this deception to downplay it.)
In other words, trying to show Islamic terrorism is only a small part of terrorism by comparing it to non-terrorism. Obviously the actual percent of terrorist deaths that are due to Islam is high. (If it weren't they wouldn't have resorted to this deception to downplay it.)
Hey, be thankful he did not include obesity deaths.
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims.

LOL !! A puff piece written by a muslim. Dear oh dear.

From FBI statistics

List of terrorist attacks and by whom are listed.

This article below relies on the above but I have seen others
So lets see: the kid knowingly carried a suspicious hinged case to school, supposedly to "impress" his science teacher with his 'science project' of a brief case clock; claimed the faked invention of as his own creation, ignores his teacher's warning, and scares the poop out of an English class - triggering the beeping alarm in the case.

On its face, it is a page 3 story in the local newspaper. For those of us who remember a much different country its easy to see this a nothing-burger story. Even then one knew one could get into serious trouble for such fakery (one reason a friend of mine did not pull a similar hoax in a teacher's desk). And yes, sometimes, a "joke" got to the point it required police intervention and arrests (such as the time a couple of students at my high school set off tear gas canister in a school trash can, clearing a good part of the school.). BUT the national interest (and knowledge) of such incidents was zero.zero (regardless of the race or religion of the miscreants).

By in large, the interest is still nill, at least for most of the annual 1.3 million juvenile arrests for offenses of any type (including murders). So what is different?

First, today we have an entire generation (and their tutors) programmed in hyper-moralist taboos and narratives of the identity-politics trivial; for this group, even the slightest shadow of racial-ethnic, gender or third-world cultural intolerance is a cause celebre', an opportunity to demonstrate their own moral purity and group outrage.

The triviality of these mob expressions of outrage is breath-taking. One might recall the historical actual cause celebre's of substance and seriousness - e.g., the Dreyfus affair, the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, the Scopes Trial, the Hollywood Ten, the Free Huey movement, or the boycott of Rhodesia - but today the left is reduced to hysteria over a baker in Oregon or a smartass student faker in Texas. Apparently, a generation inculcated on the moral battles of prior generations are desperately hungry to have their own crusade...no matter how stupid.

The second difference is the fusion of media circuses with the tabloid internet mob, the contemporary ability of the national media to pounce and sensationalize a local story - to turn a brief (and perhaps silly) arrest of a local smartass into a national "in real time" moral crusade. Combine it with the tabloid virtual mob, the ability of people to generate shared "insta-outrage" and then pass around their mutual ignorances as truthies, and you have millions going batshit guano crazy over nothing - drawing the attention and endorsement of the leaders of Google, Microsoft, MIT, the President, and most recently the Prime Minister of Turkey (who hosted the lad at the UN).

What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

If the generation of WWII that fought fascism and genocide is considered 'the greatest', then the needy "triggering warning" generation has to win the title for the greatest moral trivialists and hysterics.
What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

Ya, that's about it. I agree with everything you wrote here, Max. What can we say... Kids these days are willfully stupid. Their freedom and rights will disappear like the vapor of their whole existence, called internet, by mob-ruled dodos.
So lets see:

Yes, let's see:

the kid knowingly carried a suspicious hinged pencil case clock to school, supposedly to "impress" show it to his science teacher with his 'science project' of a brief case clock; claimed the faked invention of construction as his own creation work, ignores his teacher's warning, and scares the poop out of an English class - triggering the beeping alarm in the case accidentally set off the alarm in English class, scaring no one.

On its face, it is a page 3 story in the local newspaper. For those of us who remember a much different country its easy to see this a nothing-burger story. Even then one knew one could get into serious trouble for such fakery setting off an alarm in class (one reason a friend of mine did not pull a similar hoax in a teacher's desk). And yes, sometimes, a "joke" got to the point it required police intervention and arrests (such as the time a couple of students at my high school set off tear gas canister in a school trash can, clearing a good part of the school.). BUT the national interest (and knowledge) of such incidents was zero.zero (regardless of the race or religion of the miscreants).

By in large, the interest is still nill, at least for most of the annual 1.3 million juvenile arrests for offenses of any type (including murders). So what is different?

Good question. The answer is a combination of factors, primarily social media driving the national discourse, but also including ill-conceived zero tolerance policies which bring about absurd consequences for minor offenses, and hot-button issues like second amendment rights, religious bigotry, and smart black kids getting in trouble for behavior that earns smart white kids indulgent smiles in Texas.

First, today we have an entire generation (and their tutors) programmed in hyper-moralist taboos and narratives of the identity-politics trivial; for this group, even the slightest shadow of racial-ethnic, gender or third-world cultural intolerance is a cause celebre', an opportunity to demonstrate their own moral purity and group outrage.

Yes, but let's not pretend this is something new. Hyper-moralist taboos, identity-politics, intolerance, and seizing opportunities to demonstrate moral purity and group outrage have been commonplace within groups of people throughout history. I doubt you could find a single example of a tribe, a clan, or a nation that did not feature them.

The triviality of these mob expressions of outrage is breath-taking. One might recall the historical actual cause celebre's of substance and seriousness - e.g., the Dreyfus affair, the Sacco and Vanzetti trial, the Scopes Trial, the Hollywood Ten, the Free Huey movement, or the boycott of Rhodesia - but today the left is reduced to hysteria over a baker in Oregon or a smartass student faker in Texas. Apparently, a every generation, inculcated on the moral battles of prior generations, are is desperately hungry to have their own crusade... no matter how stupid others might think it is.

The second difference is the fusion of media circuses with the tabloid internet mob, aka social media, the contemporary ability of the national media to pounce and sensationalize a local story - to turn a brief (and perhaps silly) arrest of a local smartass into a national "in real time" moral crusade. Combine it with the tabloid virtual mob, the ability of people to generate shared "insta-outrage" and then pass around their mutual ignorances as truthies, and you have millions going batshit guano crazy over nothing something - drawing the attention and endorsement of the leaders of Google, Microsoft, MIT, the President, and most recently the Prime Minister of Turkey (who hosted the lad at the UN).

What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

It tells us to be wary of the resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine among us, to seek reliable sources of information, do our own research, and to be mindful of the difference between fact and opinion.

If the generation of WWII that fought fascism and genocide is considered 'the greatest', then the needy "triggering warning" generation has to win the title for the greatest moral trivialists and hysterics.

That's for a future generation to decide.
What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

Ya, that's about it. I agree with everything you wrote here, Max. What can we say... Kids these days are willfully stupid. Their freedom and rights will disappear like the vapor of their whole existence, called internet, by mob-ruled dodos.

That is deeply ironic, considering the topic of our discussion and the subject of maxparrish's derision is the internet uproar over the arrest and suspension of a kid who did not break any laws, nor violate any school policies except minor ones about having electronic devices in the classroom and having an alarm go off in class, but was nevertheless treated as though he perpetrated a bomb hoax, presumably (and with the wholehearted support of Dawkins, Maher, angelo, barbos, et al.) because he's Muslim.

Our freedoms and rights will indeed disappear like vapor if we ignore instances where the freedoms and rights of our fellow citizens are infringed upon, suspended, or denied.
Actish, some of your 'corrections' to Max's post were incorrect. For example, this kid repeatedly refers to his hobby of disassembling things around the house as his 'inventions'. It is a little weird, actually. He did not think of himself as 'constructing' a modified clock into a case... He took the guts out of a digital clock, slapped it into a metal case, and referred to it as his 'invention'.
You obscured the point you were trying to make with hyperbole.
Ahmed’s been misidentified as a budding scientist or engineer rather than a budding Dada artist and performer. He’s just too avant-garde for people to even have noticed.
Actish, some of your 'corrections' to Max's post were incorrect. For example, this kid repeatedly refers to his hobby of disassembling things around the house as his 'inventions'. It is a little weird, actually. He did not think of himself as 'constructing' a modified clock into a case... He took the guts out of a digital clock, slapped it into a metal case, and referred to it as his 'invention'.
You obscured the point you were trying to make with hyperbole.

It wasn't the disassembly that he called his 'inventions', it was the construction of various items from salvaged parts. Some of his constructs were more complicated than others. His case modded digital clock was one of the simple ones. He said in interviews that it only took him about 20 minutes to make it, and he didn't think it was anything special.

The accusation that Ahmed was trying to take credit for inventing the digital clock or circuit boards rests on deliberately misconstruing what the kid actually said, and a certain amount of pedantry. The only 'fakery' involved is coming from people trying to skew the narrative about what Ahmed was and wasn't claiming to have done.

ETA: Also, the personal attacks on Ahmed are being used to deflect criticism of the way the school administration and the police handled the situation. The school Principal and the cops knew there was no danger, and could find no evidence of a threat. They knew the gadget wasn't a bomb, they knew Ahmed had consistently told the truth about the nature of the device, and they knew bringing a clock into class is not an offense that merits an arrest and suspension from school, but they arrested and suspended him anyway.

Ahmed Mohamed could be the biggest self-aggrandizing ass in Texas and it still wouldn't justify the actions of school officials and the police. But as long as his critics can keep the conversation focused on his alleged flaws, the real issue can be overlooked.
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What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

I find to be a quite ironic statement considering that the only support given for the claim that the object in question is "suspicious looking" in the first place is that it superficially resembles a television prop.

The source for this:


In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period.”

In other words, trying to show Islamic terrorism is only a small part of terrorism by comparing it to non-terrorism. Obviously the actual percent of terrorist deaths that are due to Islam is high. (If it weren't they wouldn't have resorted to this deception to downplay it.)
A little context please

Charles Kurzman, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina, has called Muslim Americans “a minuscule threat to public safety.”

In his most recent report tracking Islamist militancy in America, he included this startling figure. “The United States suffered approximately 14,000 murders in 2013. Since 9/11, Muslim-American terrorism has claimed 37 lives in the United States, out of more than 190,000 murders during this period.”

So what Kurzman (not the author of the piece but one person referenced in the piece) was talking about was the portion of terror murders to total murders.

The article I posted IS NOT the same article Loren took his quote from.

What does it tell us, other than how resplendently (and dangerously) gullible and asinine the generational mob, and their mentors, are?

Ya, that's about it. I agree with everything you wrote here, Max. What can we say... Kids these days are willfully stupid. Their freedom and rights will disappear like the vapor of their whole existence, called internet, by mob-ruled dodos.
Whatever. That "willfully stupid" kid is making lots of adults look like addle-bated nimcompoops who appear afraid of their own shadows.
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims.

LOL !! A puff piece written by a muslim. Dear oh dear.

From FBI statistics

List of terrorist attacks and by whom are listed.

This article below relies on the above but I have seen others

The statement was "since 9/11". That listing doesn't really go far enough but I see 7 deaths--2 known to be Islamic and 5 unknown. Most of those terrorist attacks harmed nobody.
actish said:
the kid knowingly carried a suspicious hinged [1] pencil case clock to school, supposedly to "impress" show it to [2] his science teacher with his 'science project' of a brief case clock; claimed the faked invention of construction as his own creation [3] work, ignores his teacher's warning, and scares the poop out of an English class - triggering the beeping alarm in the case accidentally set off the alarm in English class, scaring no one. [4]

Feel free to make misleading characterizations on your own, but don't mangle and confuse with strikeouts of others quoted work - its a little too Jr. High silly. Also while I normally don't care to challenge someone's pointless quibbling, particularly because their usual aim is to drag us into maze tangential disputes, in your case these quibbles are so disingenuous that it requires Max Diogenes to hold up the lamp.

[1]The kid knowingly brought a suspicious case; a case that most have noted is reminiscent of the Hollywood props for hinged, metal edge cased, bombs. How do we know he knew so? The kid said so, he confessed that he had feared (before he brought it to school) that it looked suspicious or like a threat, and he (oddly) put a cable around it. You can't back walk his confession...regardless of what the case was made for originally.

[2] The press says he took it to school to show his science teacher because, according to CNN "Ahmed Mohamed says he made the clock to impress one of his teachers". Your denial that it was intended to impress is bizarre, unless you are willing to believe that he did it for the more sinister purpose of frightening others. Either he thought it worthy of brandishing to impress, OR he had more sinister motives. Your choice.

[3] He did claim he made and invented the clock. Ahmed told Chris Hayes he put it together himself. He told the Dallas Morning News that he “made a clock,” (and) elsewhere claimed “I’m the person who built a clock and got in trouble with it,” and claimed that the clock was “[his] invention.”"


[4] Alarms don't go off "accidentally". He programmed the digital clock radio to sound an alarm in the middle of the day His supporters say he is creative, inventive and smart...right? So, then, why did this "genius" set it to start buzzing in the middle of the class?

Your only 'half-point' is that it 'scared no one'. But you (we) actually don't know that. Most of what is known is either the backstory reported by the press OR self-serving statements by Ahmed (or supplied by his sister whispering to him). Due to confidentiality requirements, neither the school nor the police are allowed to provide the details or exculpatory facts.

In fact, both the Police and the School have requested Ahmed's parents sign a waiver so they can tell their side - guess what, the parents won't do it. The City Mayor, Beth Van Duyne, has revealed that the family of Ahmed Mohammed repeatedly refuses to meet with city officials, and refuses to release records that the City says will show appropriate police conduct.

Gee, I wonder why?


So before you try to paint the lad, his sister (also once in trouble for a bomb scare), and his crazy father as innocent victims you ought to do a little reading and less one-sided gullibility.
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Feel free to make misleading characterizations on your own, but don't mangle and confuse with strikeouts of others quoted work - its a little too Jr. High silly. Also while I normally don't care to challenge someone's pointless quibbling, particularly because their usual aim is to drag us into maze tangential disputes, in your case these quibbles are so disingenuous that it requires Max Diogenes to hold up the lamp.

[1]The kid knowingly brought a suspicious case; a case that most have noted is reminiscent of the Hollywood props for hinged, metal edge cased, bombs. How do we know he knew so? The kid said so, he confessed that he had feared (before he brought it to school) that it looked suspicious or like a threat, and he (oddly) put a cable around it. You can't back walk his confession...regardless of what the case was made for originally.

[2] The press says he took it to school to show his science teacher because, according to CNN "Ahmed Mohamed says he made the clock to impress one of his teachers". Your denial that it was intended to impress is bizarre, unless you are willing to believe that he did it for the more sinister purpose of frightening others. Either he thought it worthy of brandishing to impress, OR he had more sinister motives. Your choice.

[3] He did claim he made and invented the clock. Ahmed told Chris Hayes he put it together himself. He told the Dallas Morning News that he “made a clock,” (and) elsewhere claimed “I’m the person who built a clock and got in trouble with it,” and claimed that the clock was “[his] invention.”"


[4] Alarms don't go off "accidentally". He programmed the digital clock radio to sound an alarm in the middle of the day His supporters say he is creative, inventive and smart...right? So, then, why did this "genius" set it to start buzzing in the middle of the class?

Your only 'half-point' is that it 'scared no one'. But you (we) actually don't know that. Most of what is known is either the backstory reported by the press OR self-serving statements by Ahmed (or supplied by his sister whispering to him). Due to confidentiality requirements, neither the school nor the police are allowed to provide the details or exculpatory facts.

In fact, both the Police and the School have requested Ahmed's parents sign a waiver so they can tell their side - guess what, the parents won't do it. The City Mayor, Beth Van Duyne, has revealed that the family of Ahmed Mohammed repeatedly refuses to meet with city officials, and refuses to release records that the City says will show appropriate police conduct.

Gee, I wonder why?


So before you try to paint the lad, his sister (also once in trouble for a bomb scare), and his crazy father as innocent victims you ought to do a little reading and less one-sided gullibility.
You have fallen for the "hoax bomb"/ "bomb hoax" rationale hook, line and sinker. Even use a rightwing site to bolster your "position" that quotes the Mayor of Irving (who has a massive conflict of interest) as saying he had heard the kid was "passive aggressive" or "nonresponsive" from "sources". You and your fellow bedwetters are the poster children for gullibility.
Just for kicks, I went to the MacArthur High School (Ahmed's high school) web page to get a feel for the place. Found the page of the English teachers at Ahmed's high school.


We don't know which is the one who reported Ahmed, since no name has been provided, but since he's a freshman, he would be taking English I, presumably. So, given that, take your pick of the English I teachers. There are two white women, two black women and one hispanic man to choose from.

Am disappointed to discover that none fit the mold of the white male Texas redneck tobaccy chewing racist who hates brown skinned people. :pouting:

Also, couldn't find any reference to Engineering teachers at the school. Maybe its someone in the science department? Yet another fishy element to the story.
It may seem like an overreaction now, but was it at the time? Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

It's almost never better to be safe than sorry.

Life is risky. Those who give up freedom in exchange for security neither find nor deserve either.

Terrorists are a minuscule risk. As a society, we currently suffer far more harm from fear of terrorists than from their actions.
Tell that to the Lindt Cafe victims!
Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims.

LOL !! A puff piece written by a muslim. Dear oh dear.

From FBI statistics

List of terrorist attacks and by whom are listed.

This article below relies on the above but I have seen others

The statement was "since 9/11". That listing doesn't really go far enough but I see 7 deaths--2 known to be Islamic and 5 unknown. Most of those terrorist attacks harmed nobody.
What about the deaths prevented since 9/11 because of heightened security? How many wannabees have been arrested before they could do any harm!
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