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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

The police knew very quickly it was not a bomb. No one here has written that even if it had been a bomb or been suspected as a bomb that the police had no business reacting the way they did. Hence your entire response is predicated on an impossible scenario.
Remove your idealistic glasses please!! The fact is that up to 95% of terrorist attacks on the planet are by the followers of Islam!

The fact is that any number between 0 and 95% is 'up to' 95%, so your statement is meaningless.

The other, more salient fact is that of the 56 million deaths each year, 0.06% are due to terrorism. 1.53% are due to suicide; so you are more than twenty five times more likely to be killed by yourself than by a terrorist.

Measles alone caused 1.07% of deaths; so anti-vaxxers are more than 17 times as dangerous to you than terrorists.

The chance of being killed by terrorists is approximately fuck all. 95% of approximately fuck all, is approximately fuck all.

Your fear of terrorists is groundless; You are twice as likely to die from a skin disease as you are to be killed by terrorists. Are you calling for the prohibition of people with eczema from coming to your country? Of course not. That would be crazy. But only half as crazy as calling for a ban on Muslim immigration.

It would be funny, if people like you were not using their groundless fears to set policies that directly harm others.
bllby, your terrorism numbers assume current level of anti-terrorism efforts. To have closer to reality data I suggest conducting an experiment with shutting down all anti-terrorism efforts (TSA, FBI, etc) and opening borders for all, for year or so.
The police knew very quickly it was not a bomb. No one here has written that even if it had been a bomb or been suspected as a bomb that the police had no business reacting the way they did. Hence your entire response is predicated on an impossible scenario.
Remove your idealistic glasses please!! The fact is that up to 95% of terrorist attacks on the planet are by the followers of Islam!
Since the authorities quickly established there was no real bomb and no real terrorist attack, one wonders what you are babbling about. However, your post does seem to suggest you believe Ahmed was treated with such great attention because he was muslim.
Yes! There's no way in the world one can blame the authorities. They were only doing their job.

It's their job to overreact to some kid tinkering with a few circuit boards and wires?
No, their "job" was to "overreact" to some kid behaving suspiciously and weirdly and they failed at that "job" in my opinion, but media and leftists did not.
That depends on how you define the term "build". Do people in Mexico build Dodge trucks, or do they just take parts out of shipping containers and stick them into truck shaped housings?

It was a hoax device, that he knew could look threatening (he said so).

You have no evidence it was a hoax device. None.

And from what I have read about the interviews with the police, the cops kept asking him if he understood that some people might think it looked threatening until he agreed with them. He did not say he personally thought it looked threatening, or that he intended it to look threatening.
I take it you know this kid personally, and he told you all this? [emoji10]

I take it you missed part of my post.
Nerds Rage Over Ahmed Mohamed's Clock

For some electronics experts, Mohamed’s windfall is unfair to students that actually invent things. Bryan Bergeron, an author of electronics books and editor in chief of the magazine Nuts & Volts, said that Mohamed’s project “would be ‘cute’ for someone age 7. But even then, not ‘inventive.’”

“The problem with giving this 14-year-old—whom I have nothing against; I really know very little of him—kudos for being inventive, is that there are tens of thousands of 11-year-olds out there actually designing circuits, building them from scratch and ‘innovating,’” Bergeron told The Daily Beast.
It's their job to overreact to some kid tinkering with a few circuit boards and wires?

It may seem like an overreaction now, but was it at the time? Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

It's almost never better to be safe than sorry.

Life is risky. Those who give up freedom in exchange for security neither find nor deserve either.

Terrorists are a minuscule risk. As a society, we currently suffer far more harm from fear of terrorists than from their actions.
The police knew very quickly it was not a bomb. No one here has written that even if it had been a bomb or been suspected as a bomb that the police had no business reacting the way they did. Hence your entire response is predicated on an impossible scenario.
Remove your idealistic glasses please!! The fact is that up to 95% of terrorist attacks on the planet are by the followers of Islam!

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims.
It may seem like an overreaction now, but was it at the time? Isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

It's almost never better to be safe than sorry.

Life is risky. Those who give up freedom in exchange for security neither find nor deserve either.

Terrorists are a minuscule risk. As a society, we currently suffer far more harm from fear of terrorists than from their actions.

That's cute, now go and tell that to passengers on that plane with shoe-bomber.
Chances are, you would be the first take that guy down if you were there.
It's almost never better to be safe than sorry.

Life is risky. Those who give up freedom in exchange for security neither find nor deserve either.

Terrorists are a minuscule risk. As a society, we currently suffer far more harm from fear of terrorists than from their actions.

That's cute, now go and tell that to passengers on that plane with shoe-bomber.
Chances are, you would be the first take that guy down if you were there.

For fucks sake; I wasn't there - almost nobody was there. The proportion of commercial aircraft with terrorists on board is lower than the proportion with suicidal pilots. It's a non-risk.

Sure, it happens to someone, and when it does, it makes the news. But really it is not significant. You are more likely to be killed by a (non terrorist) professional pilot than by a shoe bomber- or any kind of bomber.

You are far more likely to be killed in a car crash on your way to the airport than to be killed by a terrorist on the plane.

More people died after 9-11 in the USA from the increase in road traffic accidents, caused because they chose to drive rather than 'risk' flying, than were killed in the twin towers.

Fear of terrorism is, quite literally, more dangerous than terrorism itself.

Learn some basic mathematics. This stuff really isn't hard to work out; but humans are very, very bad indeed at guessing the probability, so when they are too dumb or too lazy to do some simple arithmetic, they come up with stupid statements like "now go and tell that to passengers on that plane with shoe-bomber". I can't; because I don't know any of them. I don't know anyone who knows any of them. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who knows any of them. They are statistically non-existent; and they have zero impact on my life.

To worry about terrorism - if you don't work in the counter-terrorism branch of a police force - is as pointless and stupid as worrying about being struck by lightning. Actually, lightning is rather more of a threat.

And the cost of worry is non-zero, as those excess road crash victims could tell you, if they had chosen to fly, and as a result were still alive to speak.
That's cute, now go and tell that to passengers on that plane with shoe-bomber.
Chances are, you would be the first take that guy down if you were there.

For fucks sake; I wasn't there - almost nobody was there. The proportion of commercial aircraft with terrorists on board is lower than the proportion with suicidal pilots. It's a non-risk.

Sure, it happens to someone, and when it does, it makes the news. But really it is not significant. You are more likely to be killed by a (non terrorist) professional pilot than by a shoe bomber- or any kind of bomber.

You are far more likely to be killed in a car crash on your way to the airport than to be killed by a terrorist on the plane.

More people died after 9-11 in the USA from the increase in road traffic accidents, caused because they chose to drive rather than 'risk' flying, than were killed in the twin towers.

Fear of terrorism is, quite literally, more dangerous than terrorism itself.

Learn some basic mathematics. This stuff really isn't hard to work out; but humans are very, very bad indeed at guessing the probability, so when they are too dumb or too lazy to do some simple arithmetic, they come up with stupid statements like "now go and tell that to passengers on that plane with shoe-bomber". I can't; because I don't know any of them. I don't know anyone who knows any of them. I don't know anyone who knows anyone who knows any of them. They are statistically non-existent; and they have zero impact on my life.

To worry about terrorism - if you don't work in the counter-terrorism branch of a police force - is as pointless and stupid as worrying about being struck by lightning. Actually, lightning is rather more of a threat.

And the cost of worry is non-zero, as those excess road crash victims could tell you, if they had chosen to fly, and as a result were still alive to speak.
Don't lecture me on statistics. I know the numbers. According to these numbers these scientists who say we need asteroid defense are idiots, yet they are not. If you stop paying attention to religious nuts intentionally and completely then how long do you think before some of them manage to bring a nuke to NY? And then all your statistics goes down the drain in one second.

And your statistical argument goes both way. How many muslims (actually) suffered from islamophobia compared to being blown into pieces by their own islamic terrorists?
OK I know one muslim guy who was kicked by that hungarian female reporter. Seems like islamophobia and he suffered, kinda. How many more? Maybe media should just shut up, because nobody actually suffers from islamophobia and it is not as big as they think?
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Are you afraid of Electronophobia? can you sleep at night?

I am not scared of that particular circuit board in the case. I am scared of leftist's complete lack of intelligence and their fanatic obsession with seeing islamophobia everywhere. I think people should be able to do their work without being harassed hordes of leftist degenerates who don't listen and don't care for any explanation
The average FOX news viewer.:D

What are the odds an English teacher at a poor, 90% minority school is a rightist?

I am not scared of that particular circuit board in the case. I am scared of leftist's complete lack of intelligence and their fanatic obsession with seeing islamophobia everywhere. I think people should be able to do their work without being harassed hordes of leftist degenerates who don't listen and don't care for any explanation
The average FOX news viewer.:D

What are the odds an English teacher at a poor, 90% minority school is a rightist?

Yeah, in a similar vein, it has been said here by several people that Ahmed was singled out because of his brown skin. Presumably by the evil racist white teachers, administrators and police who hate the color brown. But do we really know the skin color of these people? Like the English teacher who turned him in? If she was brown skinned also (e.g. African American, Native American, Hispanic, Indian, Middle Eastern, Inuit), does that make her one of these self-loathing brown-skin-hating racists? I noticed a brown skinned (African American) cop standing behind Ahmed in the handcuffs. Is he one of the brown skin haters? I've heard black people can't be racist, so maybe he gets a pass, but what about the others?

I am not scared of that particular circuit board in the case. I am scared of leftist's complete lack of intelligence and their fanatic obsession with seeing islamophobia everywhere. I think people should be able to do their work without being harassed hordes of leftist degenerates who don't listen and don't care for any explanation
The average FOX news viewer.:D

What are the odds an English teacher at a poor, 90% minority school is a rightist?

I don't know, and you don't either.

So what is your point? Or do you have one?

I am not scared of that particular circuit board in the case. I am scared of leftist's complete lack of intelligence and their fanatic obsession with seeing islamophobia everywhere. I think people should be able to do their work without being harassed hordes of leftist degenerates who don't listen and don't care for any explanation
The average FOX news viewer.:D

What are the odds an English teacher at a poor, 90% minority school is a rightist?

I don't know, and you don't either.

So what is your point? Or do you have one?

My point was that an English teacher at a poor, minority school is probably not a rightist, so if you are required to believe she is to maintain your narrative your narrative is probably wrong.
Remove your idealistic glasses please!! The fact is that up to 95% of terrorist attacks on the planet are by the followers of Islam!

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close

Overwhelmingly, those who have committed terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe aren’t Muslims. Let’s give that a moment to sink in.

Now, it’s not your fault if you aren’t aware of that fact. You can blame the media. (Yes, Sarah Palin and I actually agree on one thing: The mainstream media sucks.)

So here are some statistics for those interested. Let’s start with Europe. Want to guess what percent of the terrorist attacks there were committed by Muslims over the past five years? Wrong. That is, unless you said less than 2 percent.


An FBI study looking at terrorism committed on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 found that 94 percent of the terror attacks were committed by non-Muslims.

LOL !! A puff piece written by a muslim. Dear oh dear.
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