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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

mindless reading.

barbos said:
We were not talking about PCB repairs as PCB itself repair. We were talking about PCB based electronics repair. That is when you have perfectly good looking motherboard or something like that which does not work.

Some of the links which you are dismissing out of hand have soldering in them.

barbos said:
Of course you can replace physically busted resistor or capacitor, but you have to bust it first.


Also, here's a guy using a cheap radio shack soldering gun to fix a circuit board very cheaply:
I think discussion got drifted off topic. ....
As for your posting and mindless googling then it suggests that you have no clue whatsoever.
I am an expert here, not you, and virtually all experts agree with me, this kid is an idiot and liar too.

For the record, I noticed that after I posted a video proving your point wrong, you claimed your sub-thread was off-topic and then used an argument from authority to try to get out of it. While the sub-thread isn't worth pursuing, I want you to know that most people around here will not find your argumentation style convincing: data is more important than an argument from authority.
What video? wrong about what? Oh. that video, I am sorry but I have not watched it.
That's not even PCB repair, that's PCB connections repairs I did that many times myself, it has nothing to do with PCB based electronics repair.
What you see on that video is a cheap chinese single layer PCB with loose wires which break all the time. PCB is effectively plastic of some kind. PCB itself breaks easily and traces can delaminate and soldering work is crap to begin with, but it is cheap and you can find in in ordinary phones, AM radios and clocks.
Board our genius is holding is more expensive variety of chinese crap, it breaks too but it has well made connectors and ribbons and soldering is usually fine. Now if you go further into area of multilayer PCBs then they are made from laminated epoxy-glass. these things don't break at all, I mean you can break it but then it's total loss and not a subject to any repair, period. And despite of your loud proclamations of otherwise I actually responded to your stupid googling and said I did not mean PCB repair, I meant PCB based electronics repair that is when you have perfectly fine PCB without any visible damage.

Also, let me remind you again, that our genius is not soldering anything on that picture, that's an established fact, he is using his soldering iron as a pointer. So you failed to provide the evidence that our genius can solder anything.

So, where is your evidence of ahmed soldering anything?
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Ahmeds electronics capability is of no matter at all.
Not quite. If he can't solder anything then he clearly did not modify that clock guts. That makes him a liar.

Wether he personally modified the clock or not is of no matter either.

Especially: if he is a liar and/or an "attention whore" is of no matter.
And here's what the evil engineering teacher/advisor who told him to keep his "invention" on the down-low looks like:


Of course, the teacher's story was that he thought it was a little bombish looking, but we all know that deep down inside, the teacher really thought it was very innocent looking. He just secretly hates brown skinned people, but won't openly admit it.

Damn racists.
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Nobody made this claim.

No, that would still be a hoax bomb, according to the legal definition.

This legal definition?

TEX PE. CODE ANN. § 46.08 : Texas Statutes - Section 46.08: HOAX BOMBS

(a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly manufactures, sells, purchases, transports, or possesses a hoax bomb with intent to use the hoax bomb to:

(1) make another believe that the hoax bomb is an explosive or incendiary device; or

(2) cause alarm or reaction of any type by an official of a public safety agency or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.

- See more at: http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/txstatutes/PE/10/46/46.08#sthash.sCYVkjY7.dpuf

(bolding mine)
Yes, that one.

- - - Updated - - -

The student code of conduct in the school district lists "look-alive weapons" as contraband. Danger is irrelevant, only what it looks like.
The school adm was not fooled, so it is a pretty strange argument to make that it looked like a bomb when no one thought it really did. Moreover, a violation of school policy does not require the police.
They don't have to be fooled, they just have to think that it looks like a weapon.

If someone brought a water pistol to school, it would be banned under the same grounds even if nobody was fooled.
islamophobic/raceist cops/school personal.

That what matters.

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islamophobic/raceist cops/school personal.

That what matters.

That black cop can't be racist.
And black Principal if I am not mistaken.

Actually, the Principal is a white dude (probably racist though). The associate Principal is a black dude (can't be racist). Here's the staff of the school:

Reason said:
In many absurd-sounding school discipline cases, the authorities refrain from telling their side of the story. This time, we have cops saying things like this:

Ahmed never claimed his device was anything but a clock, said police spokesman James McLellan. And police have no reason to think it was dangerous. But officers still didn't believe Ahmed was giving them the whole story.

"We have no information that he claimed it was a bomb," McLellan said. "He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation."

Asked what broader explanation the boy could have given, the spokesman explained:

"It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into custody?"​

So according to the police spokesman, as relayed by the Dallas News, Mohamed was sent to juvenile detention not for making a bomb, nor for falsely trying to convince people that he had made a bomb, but for making something that he could have pretended was a bomb, had he wanted to, though there's no sign he did. Got that?

We additionally know that Ahmed was not going to bring it to a bathroom and leave it there OR that he was going to leave it under a car because he showed it to his engineering teacher. It is highly illogical for him to show it to his teacher and then leave it somewhere alone because it would automatically trace back to him from his teacher's testimony. Therefore, that was not his intent. Therefore, there should have been no concern of a hoax based on police statements.
That does not follow. Possibility of getting caught does not mean that Ahmed could not still in theory use the device as described.
And here's what the evil engineering teacher/advisor who told him to keep his "invention" on the down-low looks like:


Of course, the teacher's story was that he thought it was a little bombish looking, but we all know that deep down inside, the teacher really thought it was very innocent looking. He just secretly hates brown skinned people, but won't openly admit it.

Damn racists.
Actually it's more likely to be this guy:



He's the one who teaches Engineering Math and Introduction to Engineering, two classes which are most likely to be the one Ahmed was attending, assuming he didn't make up the "engineering teacher" part altogether. Although, for some reason I can't find the list of teachers on the school website anymore... so not sure what that other guy teaches?
And here's what the evil engineering teacher/advisor who told him to keep his "invention" on the down-low looks like:


Of course, the teacher's story was that he thought it was a little bombish looking, but we all know that deep down inside, the teacher really thought it was very innocent looking. He just secretly hates brown skinned people, but won't openly admit it.

Damn racists.
Actually it's more likely to be this guy:



He's the one who teaches Engineering Math and Introduction to Engineering, two classes which are most likely to be the one Ahmed was attending, assuming he didn't make up the "engineering teacher" part altogether. Although, for some reason I can't find the list of teachers on the school website anymore... so not sure what that other guy teaches?

If you read the actual letter that Clockboy's lawyer sent, where he demanded $15 million (I posted it a few pages back), he mentions his engineering teacher (and English teacher) by name, Kelton Lemons.
Actually it's more likely to be this guy:



He's the one who teaches Engineering Math and Introduction to Engineering, two classes which are most likely to be the one Ahmed was attending, assuming he didn't make up the "engineering teacher" part altogether. Although, for some reason I can't find the list of teachers on the school website anymore... so not sure what that other guy teaches?

If you read the actual letter that Clockboy's lawyer sent, where he demanded $15 million (I posted it a few pages back), he mentions his engineering teacher (and English teacher) by name, Kelton Lemons.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. Do we know what class it was?
They don't have to be fooled, they just have to think that it looks like a weapon.
How does it look like a weapon if they look at it and can see it is not a weapon? And that does not explain involving the police.
If someone brought a water pistol to school, it would be banned under the same grounds even if nobody was fooled.
You know this how?
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