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#IStandWithAhmed (or Inventing While Muslim is a thing?)

2015 September 11 was a Friday. I am pretty sure it was somehow mentioned during school day.
And then Ahmed mentioned it during dinner on Sunday. Then his father probably gave a lecture how America is to blame for everything and then ahmed's sister recollected the time when she was suspended for bomb threats by asshole teachers in the same stupid school district. Conversation went on and on, then sister suggested that it would be fair to actually have a fake bomb scare in the school, father agreed that was a good idea and could be good PR. So they told little Ahmed to make a fake hoax bomb which would cause an alarm and then he gets suspended. Ahmed took an old clock and put inside pencil box, it took him an a half an hour to make. .....
That sounds rather far-fetched. Besides I don't know ifhis dad even knew about the clock, he seemed confused about what it was.
2015 September 11 was a Friday. I am pretty sure it was somehow mentioned during school day.
And then Ahmed mentioned it during dinner on Sunday. Then his father probably gave a lecture how America is to blame for everything and then ahmed's sister recollected the time when she was suspended for bomb threats by asshole teachers in the same stupid school district. Conversation went on and on, then sister suggested that it would be fair to actually have a fake bomb scare in the school, father agreed that was a good idea and could be good PR. So they told little Ahmed to make a fake hoax bomb which would cause an alarm and then he gets suspended. Ahmed took an old clock and put inside pencil box, it took him an a half an hour to make. .....
That sounds rather far-fetched. Besides I don't know ifhis dad even knew about the clock, he seemed confused about what it was.
Not as far fetched as what ahmed's crowd suggest.
His dad claimed he knew about it.
That sounds rather far-fetched. Besides I don't know ifhis dad even knew about the clock, he seemed confused about what it was.
Not as far fetched as what ahmed's crowd suggest.
His dad claimed he knew about it.
His dad also said that it's the clock that he wakes up to every morning. He didn't seem to have known that Ahmed had taken its guts and put them in a case.
His dad also said that it's the clock that he wakes up to every morning. He didn't seem to have known that Ahmed had taken its guts and put them in a case.
Yes, it's a family of liars.

You insist they are liars but can't identify any lies we can confirm. You insist Ahmed's story doesn't conform to the facts but you can't identify any facts that defy his story.
Yes, it's a family of liars.

You insist they are liars but can't identify any lies we can confirm. You insist Ahmed's story doesn't conform to the facts but you can't identify any facts that defy his story.

Ahmed on the one hand is dumb as a mud flap, on the other he's an evil genius. Facts be damned.
You insist they are liars but can't identify any lies we can confirm. You insist Ahmed's story doesn't conform to the facts but you can't identify any facts that defy his story.

Ahmed on the one hand is dumb as a mud flap, on the other he's an evil genius. Facts be damned.
He's going to be a pretty rich kid soon. I'd call him an evil genius!
Ahmed on the one hand is dumb as a mud flap, on the other he's an evil genius. Facts be damned.
This is a false dichotomy that's been repeated numerous times here. The fact that he has gotten attention and benefits for his attention whoring ways is not a sign of genius. Becoming a viral celebrity is mostly luck. Most people that perpetrate hoaxes wouldn't receive the benefits Ahmed has.

Here's a fact that contradicts his narrative. He plugged in his clock in English class and set the alarm. That action points to an attention whore seeking attention not someone proud of their "invention" seeking admiration.

For Ahmed admirers watch this 20 second video and marvel at skill required for his invention.

Ahmed on the one hand is dumb as a mud flap, on the other he's an evil genius. Facts be damned.
This is a false dichotomy that's been repeated numerous times here. The fact that he has gotten attention and benefits for his attention whoring ways is not a sign of genius. Becoming a viral celebrity is mostly luck. Most people that perpetrate hoaxes wouldn't receive the benefits Ahmed has.

Here's a fact that contradicts his narrative. He plugged in his clock in English class and set the alarm. That action points to an attention whore seeking attention not someone proud of their "invention" seeking admiration.

For Ahmed admirers watch this 20 second video and marvel at skill required for his invention.


So being a "attention whore" is illegal and require being handcuffed???
2015 September 11 was a Friday. I am pretty sure it was somehow mentioned during school day.
And then Ahmed mentioned it during dinner on Sunday. Then his father probably gave a lecture how America is to blame for everything and then ahmed's sister recollected the time when she was suspended for bomb threats by asshole teachers in the same stupid school district. Conversation went on and on, then sister suggested that it would be fair to actually have a fake bomb scare in the school, father agreed that was a good idea and could be good PR. So they told little Ahmed to make a fake hoax bomb which would cause an alarm and then he gets suspended. Ahmed took an old clock and put inside pencil box, it took him an a half an hour to make. .....
That sounds rather far-fetched. Besides I don't know ifhis dad even knew about the clock, he seemed confused about what it was.
Doesn't seem confused about the suing for 15 mill.
Yes, it's a family of liars.

You insist they are liars but can't identify any lies we can confirm. You insist Ahmed's story doesn't conform to the facts but you can't identify any facts that defy his story.
The facts are that Moslems are allowed to lie for the cause. The cause in this case is the defence of Islamics everywhere.
Here's a fact that contradicts his narrative. He plugged in his clock in English class and set the alarm. That action points to an attention whore seeking attention not someone proud of their "invention" seeking admiration.
Talk about a false dichotomy. Since when is seeking attention at odds with seeking admiration? In fact, the latter seemingly always coincides with the former.

Try again.
For Ahmed admirers watch this 20 second video and marvel at skill required for his invention.
I'm not an Ahmed admirer, (perhaps another false dichotomy there?) but I think it's worth noting that that video doesn't show any of the dis-assembly of the clock or any of the mounting of the required to attach the clock innards to the pencil case and it isn't clear that the popular photo released by the police of the device wasn't already partially disassembled. It is therefore deceptive to present that video as an example of the skill required to make the device Ahmed had created.

If anyone is lying here, it's ...
You insist they are liars but can't identify any lies we can confirm. You insist Ahmed's story doesn't conform to the facts but you can't identify any facts that defy his story.
The facts are that Moslems are allowed to lie for the cause. The cause in this case is the defence of Islamics everywhere.
And police are allowed to lie to the public all the time, anytime, about whatever they want, except when they are under oath. Does that mean that all police are lying to the public all the time?

Go find some actual evidence of a lie.
The facts are that Moslems are allowed to lie for the cause. The cause in this case is the defence of Islamics everywhere.
And police are allowed to lie to the public all the time, anytime, about whatever they want, except when they are under oath. Does that mean that all police are lying to the public all the time?

Go find some actual evidence of a lie.
The evidence is in their death cults holy book. Honest citizens need not fear the police unless they're breaking the law.
And police are allowed to lie to the public all the time, anytime, about whatever they want, except when they are under oath. Does that mean that all police are lying to the public all the time?

Go find some actual evidence of a lie.
The evidence is in their death cults holy book.
No, I'm pretty sure there is no evidence that Ahmed is a liar written in any of the holy books that he may believe in. Feel free to quote the lies Ahmed wrote into the quran if you like. But in the meantime, Try again.

Honest citizens need not fear the police unless they're breaking the law.
... Or unless the police are corrupt or having a bad day, but that's not the point. The point is that if you want to prove someone is lying you have to demonstrate a lie.
Talk about a false dichotomy. Since when is seeking attention at odds with seeking admiration? In fact, the latter seemingly always coincides with the former.

Try again.
Attention whoring is being disruptive to gain attention for unjustified reasons. Doing something that people would admire and wanting admiration is not the same at all. Setting off an alarm clock in English class to bring attention for a crappy clock mod is attention whoring.

I'm not an Ahmed admirer, (perhaps another false dichotomy there?) but I think it's worth noting that that video doesn't show any of the dis-assembly of the clock or any of the mounting of the required to attach the clock innards to the pencil case and it isn't clear that the popular photo released by the police of the device wasn't already partially disassembled. It is therefore deceptive to present that video as an example of the skill required to make the device Ahmed had created.
Its not deceptive at all unless you're unaware of the how simple it is to unscrew the case of a alarm clock. If you think it takes skill to take the electronic guts out of one case and sloppily attach them to another you're hopeless.
Attention whoring is being disruptive to gain attention for unjustified reasons. Doing something that people would admire and wanting admiration is not the same at all. Setting off an alarm clock in English class to bring attention for a crappy clock mod is attention whoring.
:rolleyes: I'm not sure I trust you to define attention whoring or to ascribe it fairly, but my point still stands.
These motives are not in conflict with each other.
People can be an attention whores who also seeking admiration, check out half of the personalities in Hollywood.

I'm not an Ahmed admirer, (perhaps another false dichotomy there?) but I think it's worth noting that that video doesn't show any of the dis-assembly of the clock or any of the mounting of the required to attach the clock innards to the pencil case and it isn't clear that the popular photo released by the police of the device wasn't already partially disassembled. It is therefore deceptive to present that video as an example of the skill required to make the device Ahmed had created.
Its not deceptive at all unless you're unaware of the how simple it is to unscrew the case of a alarm clock. If you think it takes skill to take the electronic guts out of one case and sloppily attach them to another you're hopeless.
If it's as simple as you say then the poster of that video could have easily shown and completed the entire project of disassembly and assembly and posted it to you tube in a similar fashion and presented an honest depiction of the skills and materials required to complete the project. But they chose a dishonest depiction and you vouched for it. What does that tell you about yourself?
The evidence is in their death cults holy book.
No, I'm pretty sure there is no evidence that Ahmed is a liar written in any of the holy books that he may believe in. Feel free to quote the lies Ahmed wrote into the quran if you like. But in the meantime, Try again.

Honest citizens need not fear the police unless they're breaking the law.
... Or unless the police are corrupt or having a bad day, but that's not the point. The point is that if you want to prove someone is lying you have to demonstrate a lie.
You have to ask yourself. How would this case pan out in a court of law?
Any sane judge would throw the case out of his courtroom, just like the 15 mill outrage will!
That sounds rather far-fetched. Besides I don't know ifhis dad even knew about the clock, he seemed confused about what it was.
Doesn't seem confused about the suing for 15 mill.

I don't think anybody, including Ahmed's lawyers, think he will get anywhere near $15 mil.
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