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It appears the system is working

And Mueller is building a legal team that is experienced with money laundering and the mob. So while dealing with stupid, yes, but also serious crimes. Remember, we likely don't know 80% of what he does.

Want the House and Senate? Convictions help. Actually convictions. Trump is protected, but his minions aren't.

This is in motion.

But it cannot be the center of attention and great hope.

Democrats actually have to do something positive to attract people looking for positive change.

The reason this is the path to healing our nation (ridding Trump versus converting his core to a humanitarian lean) is that 4 years is too long to allow accumulation of damage. sure, he'll likely lose in 4 years, but ideally we repair this by the end of this year with an impeachment... best case scenario.

don't you want "the best" possible solution? "best" includes "fastest", when this type of risk is involved.
The American people are funny. Many voted for Trump and will be harmed greatly by his policies. People fall for political BS all the time.

What a system where the majority wants something and one party has the presidency and the Congress and they can't get it.

That is not a democratic system.
Yes, it actually is. Trump eeked out an electoral college victory by getting enough white people to vote for him in PA, OH, WI, and MI... as well as FL and NC.

No, when there is a total disconnect from the will of the people and the will of those in government there is no democracy.
The people voted for Trump. I'm sorry you can't accept that people are stupid and vote against their self-interests.
However, I recently learned that the statute of limitations for money laundering is 5 years... which is ridiculously short.
But I just learned that there's no statute of limitations for impeachments. Since impeachments are political in nature, not criminal, they don't have to worry about whether or not the act, criminal or otherwise, could lead to a valid conviction.
They can amass a huge pile of articles of impeachment based on money laundering going as far back as they care to follow the trail.

Yes, you are absolutely correct, but (in my opinion) without a well defined, blatant criminal act our Republican senate will hold off on impeachment indefinitely. He already is in clear violation of his oath of office.. from his tweets alone. A Democratically held Senate would already be voting on impeachment. I think he would actually have to shoot someone on 5th avenue to get a small handful of his loyalists in the Senate to roll him.
In other words, welfare programs for the middle class.
Two words come to mind, you and fuck. Do you have any idea how much it costs to go to a local public 4 yr college? My professor paid for an engineering degree by working over the summer.

And jebus, you have no kids, so shut up about day care support. I had no idea how poor I was until I found out how much day care costs. For a family with two children, it can be a few expensive car payments per month!

Some people, such as myself, deny childrearing as a guaranteed right. I agree with what you listed, except daycare. I begrudgingly pay a HUGE amount of money to support my local public schools through my property taxes. I oppose supporting your children for you beyond that. If you cannot afford 2, you should only have had 1... or none.
Two words come to mind, you and fuck. Do you have any idea how much it costs to go to a local public 4 yr college? My professor paid for an engineering degree by working over the summer.

And jebus, you have no kids, so shut up about day care support. I had no idea how poor I was until I found out how much day care costs. For a family with two children, it can be a few expensive car payments per month!

Some people, such as myself, deny childrearing as a guaranteed right. I agree with what you listed, except daycare. I begrudgingly pay a HUGE amount of money to support my local public schools through my property taxes. I oppose supporting your children for you beyond that. If you cannot afford 2, you should only have had 1... or none.

You're not supporting his children.

You're supporting a decent society and addressing the biggest needs, not every need.
You're supporting a decent society ...

I'm not sure I agree; this is a society that elected Donald J Trump for its president.

Having a government sponsored system of daycare is paying for a decent society.

A decent place to live.

It takes more, but this is something that could easily be done.

We just have to stop trying to rule the world by force.
Read electoral-vote.org this morning, and they are noting that Mueller is putting together an absurd level of lawyers that are experienced with money laundering and the mob. This could be one of the largest prosecutions in our nation's history. We'll know when things are about to go down as Manafort moves to live along the Black Sea.

I wonder if there would be such investigations if Trump didn't win. Losing might have been the best outcome for some of the players.
Read electoral-vote.org this morning, and they are noting that Mueller is putting together an absurd level of lawyers that are experienced with money laundering and the mob. This could be one of the largest prosecutions in our nation's history. We'll know when things are about to go down as Manafort moves to live along the Black Sea.

Dream on. The typical Trump supporter want's government "out of our lives" until you bring up those things government does that they take for granted, to which they reply, "but that's different," like medicare and social security. Then they want government.

These idiots vote. They want Trump made Fuhrer because he matches their intellectual and emotional level. They give a shit about Mueller and never will, not if trump is fingered for money laundering hundreds of millions. They will defend him to the last.
Two words come to mind, you and fuck. Do you have any idea how much it costs to go to a local public 4 yr college? My professor paid for an engineering degree by working over the summer.

And jebus, you have no kids, so shut up about day care support. I had no idea how poor I was until I found out how much day care costs. For a family with two children, it can be a few expensive car payments per month!

Some people, such as myself, deny childrearing as a guaranteed right. I agree with what you listed, except daycare. I begrudgingly pay a HUGE amount of money to support my local public schools through my property taxes. I oppose supporting your children for you beyond that. If you cannot afford 2, you should only have had 1... or none.
You don't seem to get it. In order to afford daycare for two kids, the parents must have high paying jobs. In many cases it is better to only have one parent with a job to save in the daycare costs. How the fuck is that right?

So why are you a stay at home mom?

Oh, we can't afford for me to have a job.
The American people are funny. Many voted for Trump and will be harmed greatly by his policies. People fall for political BS all the time.

What a system where the majority wants something and one party has the presidency and the Congress and they can't get it.

That is not a democratic system.
Yes, it actually is. Trump eeked out an electoral college victory by getting enough white people to vote for him in PA, OH, WI, and MI... as well as FL and NC.

No, when there is a total disconnect from the will of the people and the will of those in government there is no democracy.
The people voted for Trump. I'm sorry you can't accept that people are stupid and vote against their self-interests.

How is pulling out of the Paris agreement in the interest of ordinary people?

It only helps those who profit from polluting.
How is pulling out of the Paris agreement in the interest of ordinary people?
You seem to be having a hard time understanding the concept of "people voting against their self-interests". People may not want it, but it is what they voted for.
The American people are funny. Many voted for Trump and will be harmed greatly by his policies. People fall for political BS all the time.

What a system where the majority wants something and one party has the presidency and the Congress and they can't get it.

That is not a democratic system.
Yes, it actually is. Trump eeked out an electoral college victory by getting enough white people to vote for him in PA, OH, WI, and MI... as well as FL and NC.

No, when there is a total disconnect from the will of the people and the will of those in government there is no democracy.
The people voted for Trump. I'm sorry you can't accept that people are stupid and vote against their self-interests.
How is pulling out of the Paris agreement in the interest of ordinary people?
You seem to be having a hard time understanding the concept of "people voting against their self-interests".

Some voted FOR interests that mattered more. But they still want things like a universal health insurance system.

It's just that some would rather see Muslims denied entry, or Mexicans kicked out, than get a decent health insurance system.

The politics of hate and vengefulness.

Create an imaginary enemy and then claim you will save people from it. An old tactic that still works on some.
Some people, such as myself, deny childrearing as a guaranteed right. I agree with what you listed, except daycare. I begrudgingly pay a HUGE amount of money to support my local public schools through my property taxes. I oppose supporting your children for you beyond that. If you cannot afford 2, you should only have had 1... or none.

You're not supporting his children.

You're supporting a decent society and addressing the biggest needs, not every need.

Indeed. And besides that, the 14th Amendment holds that childrearing is a fundamental right along with the right to marry, freedom of travel, speech, etc.
OK I've scanned 24 er, 30 posts and I get democrates thought primaries were corporate-ist verses corporate-ist verses corporate-ist -socialist, an electoral college brew ha ha, Clinton had no programs other than those she had 35 years ago beyond her being a woman, and information lites actually think socialism has a real chance in america - last poll showed overall 28% of electorate favored single payer - and it was all rigged.

Comment. see above.

Doesn't anyone think it odd the most productive states in the union who aren't totally dependent of military and fuel are democrat controlled, doing well ,whilst most of the rest are getting worse and worse. Texas miracle is now Texas disaster for instance.

Boy, is the system working or what.
OK I've scanned 24 er, 30 posts and I get democrates thought primaries were corporate-ist verses corporate-ist verses corporate-ist -socialist, an electoral college brew ha ha, Clinton had no programs other than those she had 35 years ago beyond her being a woman, and information lites actually think socialism has a real chance in america - last poll showed overall 28% of electorate favored single payer - and it was all rigged.

Comment. see above.

Doesn't anyone think it odd the most productive states in the union who aren't totally dependent of military and fuel are democrat controlled, doing well ,whilst most of the rest are getting worse and worse. Texas miracle is now Texas disaster for instance.

Boy, is the system working or what.

Most of the civilized world has embraced socialism.

They see one of the obligations of government to improve the social welfare.

That a bunch of rich people in the US don't want to spend money on social welfare when they live like kings with servants is understandable.

That ordinary people don't want to spend money on it is a form of learned insanity.
OK I've scanned 24 er, 30 posts and I get democrates thought primaries were corporate-ist verses corporate-ist verses corporate-ist -socialist, an electoral college brew ha ha, Clinton had no programs other than those she had 35 years ago beyond her being a woman, and information lites actually think socialism has a real chance in america - last poll showed overall 28% of electorate favored single payer - and it was all rigged.

Comment. see above.

Doesn't anyone think it odd the most productive states in the union who aren't totally dependent of military and fuel are democrat controlled, doing well ,whilst most of the rest are getting worse and worse. Texas miracle is now Texas disaster for instance.

Boy, is the system working or what.
It is something isn't it? They are generally the more populated states, giving much more to the federal coffers than they receive, and where the ingenuity of new technologies are bred. Silicon Valley isn't in Ala-fucking-Bama.
Trying to get this thread on topic, both Coats and Rogers said that they never felt pressured to do anything unethical or illegal, but declined to say if Trump had asked them to say they had seen no evidence of Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Interesting. Top Democrat Mark Warner followed up with "You may not have felt pressured, but if he is even asking, to me that is a very relevant piece of information. At some point these facts have to come out." Good for him.

Isn't that pretty much saying that yes, Trump asked them to throw cold water on the Russian story, but they dismissed it as the ravings of a dumb ass? I think so.
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