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January 6 Hearings Live

Matthew Chapman on Twitter: "I admit I thought Mace was one of the more open-minded freshman members of the GOP caucus. Every day she's revealing an uglier side.

She knows for a fact @AOC isn't making this up. But she's piling on a disgusting Twitter mob of Capitol truthers to score points off her." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Wild that @NancyMace is discrediting herself ..." / Twitter
Wild that @NancyMace is discrediting herself less than 1 mo in office w/ such dishonest attacks. She *went on record* saying she barricaded in fear.

@NancyMace who else’s experiences will you minimize? Capitol Police in Longworth? Custodial workers who cleaned up shards of glass?

All I can think of w/ folks like her dishonestly claiming that survivors are exaggerating are the stories of veterans and survivors in my community who deny themselves care they need & deserve bc they internalize voices like hers saying what they went through “wasn’t bad enough”

This is where the true damage of what @NancyMace is doing comes in.

How many survivors are watching her? Who now, seeing her, won’t get care or will feel further shame or silence? Who won’t speak up bc they know there are voices in leadership ready to minimize their experiences?

How many food workers or custodial workers or Capitol Police officers, who ran for their lives in Longworth or feared for their families in the weeks after the attacks, now think their terror is less valid because of her statements?

Mace’s attacks are attacks on them, too.
GOP Rep Nancy Mace: I don’t believe in Donald Trump anymore | The State - Jan 8
Republican Nancy Mace did not hesitate Thursday when asked if she still believed in President Donald Trump, the man she helped elect in 2016.

“No, I don’t,” the South Carolina Congresswoman said in an interview with The State newspaper. “I can’t condone the rhetoric from yesterday, where people died and all the violence. These were not protests. This was anarchy.”

After a violent mob stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in a futile effort to try and overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, Mace has had enough.

Mace said she barricaded herself inside her D.C. office during the attack. Fearing that Trump supporters she had seen staying at her hotel might target her after she voted to certify the electoral votes, Mace said she decided to sleep in her office that night.

She said her children keep texting her asking if the protesters are gone.
What a change for Rep. Mace.
Nancy Mace on Twitter: "*FACT CHECK*

I have not once discounted your fear. We were ALL terrified that day.

I’m stating the fact that insurrectionists were never in our hallway... because they weren’t. I deal in facts. Unlike you, apparently." / Twitter

Kara Swisher on Twitter: "Just for an actual fact check, ..." / Twitter
Just for an actual fact check, I just listened to the entire video ⁦AOC did on Instagram about this and she does not say insurrectionists were in the halls of her particular office area. She said she did not know what was going on in the chaos & was scared about where to go.

She def sounds and describes herself as someone who did not know what was going on and was nervous about the worst possibilities, which seems a pretty normal response to me given the level of hatred aimed at her. She was scary because it was scary and a moment of zero good info.

AOC clearly says “all these crazy thoughts go through your head.” It seems like a perfectly normal response to a surreal & potentially dangerous situation. So not exactly clear why Rep. Mace needs to dunk, other than to score her own points, since she had also expressed fear. Sad

If I had to guess, I suspect that Mace did not listen to the broadcast at all, so she was engaged in an unfortunate game of telephone. Had she done so, I cannot imagine she could have tweeted any of this. There is an oversized AOC fixation by the GOP, but feelings are not facts.

Lastly I had this exact convo with my Fox News loving mom this week who spouted this crap and I I made her listen to it. She admitted she was wrong. Still does not like AOC, but had to admit she was wrong.
She went to the source, as opposed to Fox News or whatever.
Sarah Ferris on Twitter: "WOW: ..." / Twitter
WOW: Greene just described "a media that is just as guilty as QAnon as presenting lies that divide us."

Very quick response from McGovern, who just took the floor: "To equate the media to QAnon is beyond the pale."

Greene isn't listening to the rebuttal. After her speech, she has a quick chat with Rep. Jackie Walorski -- one of just a few members sitting in chamber -- during her speech.

Then she just left the chamber.
This was in MTG's floor speech today.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Last night House Republicans gave a standing ovation to their GOP colleague who then went on the floor today to equate journalistic media outlets with QAnon.

These are the beliefs and actions they work to protect. It’s also a predictable outcome of 0 accountability for the 6th." / Twitter
I just read a headline that Greene Slime regrets making her QAnon posts. I'd ask her why she regrets having made them. The Dems would be cutting their own throats if they left her on any committees.
H.Res.72 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
"This resolution removes Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Committee on the Budget and the House Committee on Education and Labor."

H.Res.91 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Providing for consideration of the Resolution (H. Res. 72) removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Proud Boys may have planned Capitol breach to retaliate against police for member stabbed at earlier march, FBI alleges - The Washington Post
Social media posts by a Washington state member of the Proud Boys arrested Wednesday indicate that he and others were planning in advance to organize a group that would attempt to overwhelm police barricades and breach the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, U.S. prosecutors alleged. Ethan Nordean, 30, and others appeared motivated in part by what they perceived to be an insufficient police response to the stabbing of one of their members who attended a December pro-Trump demonstration in D.C., the FBI said in charging papers.
So he's grumbling that the cops weren't helpful enough to them.
I just read a headline that Greene Slime regrets making her QAnon posts. I'd ask her why she regrets having made them. The Dems would be cutting their own throats if they left her on any committees.
Chill out man, she's learned her lesson.

I find it quite funny... when you need to speak out that you think 9/11 happened... yeah... umm... we've got a problem.

And umm... the Holocaust isn't a lie... we really landed on the moon... and I totally believe that Trump lost the election *chokes*.
145 to 61 is a pretty good slap in the face to the Rs who are now Qs,

Heh ... in a secret vote. That will make the non-secret "removal from committees" vote all the more interesting.
Likely, the Rs will vote en masse not to remove her from leadership, hoping the Dems will do it for them, letting them avoid the wrath of Danger Yam
What a fucked up bunch of clowns.
Joy WE VOTED!! WEAR A MASK!! Reid 😷) on Twitter: "On the same day Margie Q Greene faked contrition on the House floor to try to save her seat on the education and other committees, she fired off a fundraising email smearing @aoc ⁦@RashidaTlaib⁩ & ⁦@IlhanMN⁩ (again) with conspiratorial lies. (link)" / Twitter

Marjorie Taylor Greene Fights Back—By Lying About AOC – Mother Jones - "And it’s all about fundraising."
At a Wednesday closed-door meeting of the House GOP caucus, Greene did apologize for her previous support of QAnon conspiracy theories, earning a standing ovation from some of her fellow GOPers. And on Thursday, as the House began debate, she attempted to mount a limited retraction, saying she no longer believes the QAnon nuttiness and declaring that 9/11 “absolutely happened” and that school shootings are indeed real. But she also decried those who “crucify me for words that I said and I regret a few years ago.” And she claimed the media are “just as guilty as QAnon” in mixing “truth and lies.” She did not address her previous comments that supported violence against prominent Democrats, and instead tried to present herself as someone who had made a slip or two and had learned her lesson. “These are words of the past,” she said.
But she showed zero contrition in her most recent fundraising e-mail.
“The liberals here in Washington, D.C., are entirely out of control,” she proclaimed. “They will be holding a vote to expel me from any legislative committees because I dared to stand up for you instead of the D.C. elites.”

“This is all retribution,” she asserted, “because they know I still question the results of the 2020 Election and I filed my bill to impeach Joe Biden last month. This is how the swamp treats people who stand up to them, because we work for YOU.”
She then smeared AOC, RT, and IO.
In smearing Ocasio-Cortez, Greene said that she had “encouraged protestors to “Punch a cop.” ...

To attack Omar, Greene claimed she had “has downplayed the 9/11 attacks as ‘some people did something.'” ...

With Tlaib, Greene insisted she has “known ties to terrorists in Hezbollah” ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene says she endorsed assassinating Democrats and questioned whether 9/11 happened because QAnon made her 'believe things that weren't true'
Speaking on the House floor ahead of a vote to strip her of her committee assignments, Greene said she "stumbled across" the conspiracy in late 2017 and "got very interested in it."

"So I posted about it on Facebook," she said. "I read about it, I talked about it, I asked questions about it. The problem with that, though, is that I was allowed to believe things that weren't true, and I would ask questions about them and talk about them."

"That is absolutely what I regret," Greene added. "Because if it weren't for the Facebook posts and comments that I liked in 2018, I wouldn't be standing here today and you couldn't point a finger and accuse me of anything wrong because I've lived a very good life that I'm proud of ... and that's what my district elected me for."
Not much contrition there either. No attempt to reach out to any of NP, AOC, RT, and IO about how wrong it was to threaten their lives. No willingness to resign in shame.
Here's the action in the House on MTG. I checked on House FloorCast to find the details.

It first considered
H.Res.91 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Providing for consideration of the Resolution (H. Res. 72) removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

On 12:26:03 PM some debate on it started, and on 2:26:13 PM was a vote on considering it.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 22
D 218 Yes, R 209 No, 2D's, 2R's nonvoting
NV D: Marcia Fudge, Deb Haaland, R: Rodney Davis, Wright
It passed

On 3:25:21 PM was a vote on this resolution itself.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 23
D 218 Yes, R 210 No, 2D's 1R nonvoting
NV D: MF DH, NV R: Wright
It passed

On 3:25:29 PM Rep. Chip Roy (R) proposed that the House adjourn.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 24
D 218 No, R 205 Yes, 2D's, 6R's nonvoting
NV D: MF DH, R: Kinzinger, LaMalfa, Mast, Reschenthaler, Stivers, Wright
It failed

I watched a bit of the voting in PBS's broadcast of C-SPAN on Twitter. Much of the voting was proxy voting, where a Rep casts a vote for another Rep.
Okay - apparently 11 traitors turned their backs on the Trump Qaucus and voted to punish the wannabe assassin lady.
That's one more than voted to impeach Trump.

Adam Kinzinger
Nicole Malliotakis
John Katko
Fred Upton
Brian Fitzpatrick
Carlos Gimenez
Chris Jacobs
Young Kim
Maria Salazar
Chris Smith
Mario Díaz-Balar

Who is the Newbie to the Dark Side???
Anyone know: did Greene publicly retract her remarks about school shootings being staged? If it happened -- or happens -- it would be a bit cynical, inasmuch as her back is against the wall, but it would be something. I haven't read or heard that she did this, so my guess is that, like Trump with his demented beliefs, it's beyond her.
On 4:23:27 PM they turned into the main business, H.Res.72 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Removing a certain Member from certain standing committees of the House of Representatives. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
"This resolution removes Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from the House Committee on the Budget and the House Committee on Education and Labor."

On 4:23:48 PM the House had an hour of debate on it. Then on 6:01:34 PM "The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule." and on 6:50:43 PM the vote itself.
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 25
D 219 Yes, R 11 Yes, 199 No. Not voting: D 1, R 1
NV D: MF, R: Wright
The R's who voted yes: Diaz-Balart, Fitzpatrick, Gimenez, Jacobs (NY), Katko, Kim (CA), Kinzinger, Malliotakis, Salazar, Smith (NJ), Upton
Mainly blue-state ones
It passed, 230 - 199

On 6:50:45 PM "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection."

On 7:06:21 PM "SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House has concluded all anticipated legislative business and has proceeded to Special Order speeches."

AOC kicked off that part by inviting everybody to tell their stories of what it was like on 2021 Jan 6, the day of the Capitol attack
Eliza Relman on Twitter: "AOC just kicked off a series of lawmakers talking about their experiences during the Capitol insurrection.

She said: “29 days ago, our Capitol was attacked. That’s the big story” and then adds that Jan 6 includes thousands of smaller stories" / Twitter

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "AOC says on the House floor that Republican efforts to minimize the insurrection "send a tremendously damaging message to survivors of trauma all across this country -- that the way to deal with trauma, violence, and targeting is to paper it over, minimize it, and move on." (link)" / Twitter
Great speech by her. She implies that Republicans are trying to cover up this horrible events.

Peter Welch, D-VT-01
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@PeterWelch: "We now have a Capitol ringed by these 7 ft fences with concertina wire. So, the trauma that we are feeling, working in this sense of isolation, is the trauma to our democracy." (link)" / Twitter

Cori Bush, D-MO-01
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@RepCori: "How can we trust that you will address the suffering that white supremacy causes on a day to day basis in the shadows if you can't even address the white supremacy that happens right in front of you in your House?

Does your silence speak to your agreement?" (link)" / Twitter

The Panzerkunst Exponent on Twitter: "@RepAOC @RepCori My favorite part of Rep Bush's speech was when she said if the Traitors got close to her staffers, that they would be "bangin." That was so awesome! If only the majority of the (R)s could grow similar spines as the 2 of you by next week, we'd be closer to Accountability!" / Twitter

Rashida Tlaib, D-MI-13
ABC News on Twitter: ""I ask my colleagues to please try not to dehumanize what's happening. This is real...Please take what happened on January 6 seriously."

Rep. Rashida Tlaib delivers emotional remarks on the House floor about the Jan. 6 Capitol siege. (links)" / Twitter

She talked about how paralyzed it makes her feel to receive death threats. During her speech, AOC went next to her and put a hand on her back.
Facing 'significant influx' of Capitol siege cases, DOJ issues 'urgent' internal plea for help to offices across country - ABC News
Facing "a significant influx of cases" from the fatal siege of the U.S. Capitol last month, the Justice Department has issued an internal plea for help to federal prosecutors across the country, asking the department's 93 U.S. attorneys' offices to send capable personnel to the office in Washington.

"The (office) has an urgent need for assistance with prosecuting hundreds of criminal cases," a senior Justice Department official wrote in an email to U.S. attorneys and other federal prosecutors last week. "Based on the importance and immediacy of the need, we ask each United States Attorney to consider whether he or she can offer critical assistance to the (office in Washington)."
More than 180 cases so far, of people who live in DC and in 39 states.
Federal authorities have already identified at least 400 people who may have committed crimes at the Capitol on Jan. 6. To gather enough evidence to file charges, authorities must undertake a painstaking process, including reviewing thousands of hours of video footage, scrutinizing an array of social media accounts and seeking court-approved subpoenas when necessary.
It helps that many of them gave themselves away.
Mary Gay Scanlon, D-PA-05
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@RepMGS read a letter on behalf of 400 House and Senate staffers calling on the Senate to convict former President Trump for inciting a riot that killed one of their co-workers and risked the lives of countless others. (link)" / Twitter

Dean Phillips, D-MN-03
Aaron Rupar on Twitter: "Rep. Dean Phillips: "I'm here tonight to say to my brothers & sisters in Congress & all around our country, I'm sorry. For I've never understood, really understood, what privilege really means. It took a violent mob of insurrectionists & lightning-bolt moment in this very room." (link)" / Twitter
He got the idea of going to the Republicans and trying to blend in. But he recognized that his non-honky colleagues don't have that option.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This was incredibly powerful and moving.
Thank you, @RepDeanPhillips." / Twitter

AOC herself could easily pass, as could Rashida Tlaib and maybe Pramila Jayapal, but not Ayanna Pressley or Jamaal Bowman or Cori Bush or Ilhan Omar.

Atima Omara on Twitter: "Wow....Rep Dean Phillips talking about how he realized his colleagues of color in Congress would not be able to blend in if the insurrectionists had reached the House Floor." / Twitter

Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX-28
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@JacksonLeeTX18: 'I'm here to say we will not be denied. We're never going to give up our love for democracy nor its vitality. Nor will we let our country be dominated by insurrectionists who came here to do nothing but act in a bloodthirsty manner. We are not afraid of you." (link)" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As I said earlier this week, my story of the attack on our Capitol is not the only story,nor is it the central story.

It is just one of 100s of stories.

Tonight, we will start to hear more on the House floor.

I invite all colleagues who wish to share to join our special order." / Twitter

Judd Legum on Twitter: "This fundraising appeal Marjorie Taylor Greene just sent is a lie. @AOC never encouraged protesters to “punch a cop.” (img link)" / Twitter
MTG's fundraising letter:

The liberals here in Washington, D.C., are entirely out of control. They will be holding a vote to expel me from any legislative committees because I dared to stand up for you instead of the D.C. elites. Today, they are coming after me to make sure I can't do the job I was elected to do - what will they do if you say something they don't like? I need every liberty-loving American to make an immediate donation and help me to fight back.

They don't have a problem with Ilhan Omar, who has downplayed the 9/11 attacks as "some people did something" or her numerous calls for Israel's eradication as she continues serving on the Foreign Affairs Committee. They've failed to punish Rashida Tlaib for her anti-Israel positions or her encouragement of violence by Black Lives Matter. They brushed over her known ties to terrorists in Hezbollah.

What did they do when AOC encouraged protestors to "Punch a cop"? This is all retribution because they know I still question the results of the 2020 Election and filed my bill to impeach Joe Biden last month.

This is how the swamp treats people who stand up to them, because we work for YOU.

If you love this nation and refuse to permit the DC Swamp to rule this nation, then I need you to continue to support my efforts to fight for the American people.

I am duly elected to hold this office and they have no right to punish me for exercising my First Amendment Rights, no matter how much they disagree.

So please remember, they are coming after me because I am standing up for you. We need to stick to her. Please donate today. God Bless America,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Not only did I never make this claim, but I would never, ever do this.

What Greene is doing pumping this lie to her insurrectionist base is making them feel justified in further violence.

The prospect of stripping her committees clearly isn’t quelling her. She must be expelled." / Twitter
MTG's Twitter feed - @mtgreenee - headlines her with "Congresswoman for Georgia's 14th CD, Christian, Wife, Mom, Small Business Owner, Proud American, 100% Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Trump #MAGA Likes =/= Endorsements"

CBS This Morning on Twitter: "EXCLUSIVE: @RepAOC & @RepJasonCrow will join @CBSThisMorning live on Friday to discuss dealing with trauma in the wake of the Capitol riots.

It's @AOC’s first & only interview since recently speaking out on Instagram Live about her experience. (link)" / Twitter

That should be good.

About Steny Hoyer, D-MD-05
Jake Sherman on Twitter: "Hoyer with a quite powerful floor speech. Walked around the floor w a picture @mtgreenee posted of herself holding w gun next to a photo of @RashidaTlaib @AOC and @IlhanMN. Said they aren’t the squad, they are rashida, Alexandria and Ilhan. Added they are our colleagues." / Twitter

Chris Sommerfeldt on Twitter: ".@LeaderHoyer just walked over the Republican side of the House with a giant of cutout of a Facebook photo Marjorie Taylor Greene posted of herself holding an assault rifle next to the faces of @AOC, @RashidaTlaib and @IlhanMN. https://t.co/Dweodd6M0y" / Twitter

Chris Sommerfeldt on Twitter: ""Imagine your faces on this poster. Imagine it’s a Democrat with an AR-15. Imagine what your response would be," @LeaderHoyer tells his Republican colleagues." / Twitter

Aaron Rupar on Twitter: ""They're not 'The Squad' They're Ilhan. They are Alexandria. And they're Rashida. They are people. They are our colleagues ... this is an AR-15" -- Steny Hoyer printed out one of Marjorie Taylor Greene's incendiary tweets (link)" / Twitter
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