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January 6 Hearings Live

Black Capitol Police Officers Describe The Racism They Faced - Jan 9
The first glimpse of the deadly tragedy that was about to unfold came at 9 a.m. on the morning of the insurrection for one Black veteran of the US Capitol Police. But it didn’t come from his superiors — instead the officer had to rely on a screenshot from Instagram sent to him by a friend.

“I found out what they were planning when a friend of mine screenshot me an Instagram story from the Proud Boys saying, ‘We’re breaching the Capitol today, guys. I hope y’all ready.’” The officer, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of retaliation from his superiors, told BuzzFeed News that it was just a sign of the chaos that was to come, which saw officers regularly finding themselves unprepared and then outmanned and overpowered by the mob.
Then described how they were outnumbered by the mob and overpowered by it -- a mob that waved "Blue Lives Matter" flags.
While it was a hard day for almost every officer at the Capitol, Black officers were in a particularly difficult position, he said, and he drew a stark contrast with how police handled the Black Lives Matter protests this summer.

“There’s quite a big difference when the Black Lives Matter protests come up to the Capitol,” he said. “[On Wednesday], some officers were catering to the rioters.”

He said that what upset him the most was when he later saw images of a white colleague taking a selfie with the attackers, seeming to enjoy his time with the insurrectionists who were roaming the US Capitol with Confederate flags and other symbols of white supremacy.

“That one hurt me the most because I was on the other side of the Capitol getting my ass kicked,” he said.
He was sure that these cops would not have given similar consideration to Black Lives Matter activist.
Marie Newman on Twitter: "No one should have to live in constant fear of people who want them dead just because they simply exist.

This is the reality of the hateful, racist rhetoric from @mtgreenee & other GOP members.

I can’t begin to understand how @RashidaTlaib feels but I am with her all the way ❤️" / Twitter

Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“On my very first day of orientation, I got my first death threat.” -@RashidaTlaib https://t.co/ScWStkNjYr" / Twitter

Far-right message boards push murder conspiracy theory regarding Rep. Ilhan Omar | Media Matters for America
Alex Kaplan on Twitter: "A reminder that @IlhanMN was the target of a false conspiracy theory in 2019 on 4chan -- where QAnon originated -- about her hiring a hitman that then spread extensively online & was eventually embraced by one of her Republican primary opponents. https://t.co/ioIfpkaYyI" / Twitter
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "For four years they have targeted me with the weirdest and wildest conspiracy theories.

I underestimated just how crazy they are and how everyone arrested for threatening my life cites these false conspiracies.

Surprisingly, they seem organized for delusional violent people." / Twitter

Nicholas Grossman on Twitter: "Over 5.5m have seen @AOC's video about her experience of the Capitol attack.
MAGA media, both professional & social, have fixated on discrediting it, because they know the power of emotion in politics, and they'd rather sweep this event under the rug.
Me: (link)" / Twitter

AOC Made the Capitol Attack Personal | by Nicholas Grossman | Arc Digital | Arc Digital

Rep. Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "As a survivor of civil conflict, I know political violence does not go away on its own.

This is about whether or not we will continue to be a peaceful and functioning democracy. (link)" / Twitter

It must have been a horrible experience for IO to go through the sort of thing that her family had fled - civil war in Somalia.

The Recount on Twitter: "House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy defends Marjorie Taylor Greene:

"Denouncing Q-on, I don't know if I say it right, I don't even know what it is-- any from the shootings, she said she knew nothing about lasers" (link)" / Twitter

Is he serious?
Adam Schiff on Twitter: "Kevin McCarthy on QAnon: "I don't even know what it is."

Donald Trump: "I don't know who Proud Boys are."

When your party is so beholden to violent fringe groups that your only defense is to play dumb, you are no longer a political party.

You are nothing more than a cult." / Twitter

I agree about that assessment. Given what they have been involved in, they can't avoid mention of QAnon and the Proud Boys.
People for Bernie on Twitter: "Here's @CoriBush' full speech tonight on the House floor tonight. (vid link)" / Twitter

People for Bernie on Twitter: "Text of @CoriBush' speech tonight (pix link)" / Twitter

Ilhan Omar, MN-05
Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“This is about whether it is okay to hold an assault rifle next to Members’ heads in a campaign ad.”

This is about whether it is okay to encourage the murder of the Speaker of the House.” -@IlhanMN on removing Marjorie Taylor Greene (link)" / Twitter

How Women Survive and What We Remember | by Sara Benincasa | Feb, 2021 | GEN
noting AOC on Instagram about what she went through on Jan 6. Also Katie Porter.
Katie Porter Survived Domestic Abuse, Only To Have It Used Against Her In Her Campaign | HuffPost - "A nasty primary race has made the congressional candidate tell the difficult story of escaping her violent ex-husband."
Four years before law professor Katie Porter launched her campaign for Congress, the single mother of three was flossing her teeth in the bathroom of her home in Irvine, California, when her then-husband barged in.

Matthew Hoffman grabbed his wife’s hands, ripped the floss out of them and threw it away, and then punched the wall so hard that he shattered the faceplate on the light switch and knocked the lights out. He would later tell a judge he was angry because his wife had been brushing her teeth too slowly.
That's her ex-husband. KP says that MH became very abusive toward her in an effort to keep her from divorcing him.
He pushed her into a wall, threw things at her, called her a “dumb bitch” in front of their three young children and would bang so loudly on her bedroom door at night that she had to prop a chair against it to keep him at bay. She said he shoved their 1-year-old daughter across the kitchen in her high chair, threatened to kill himself and once held the door of Porter’s car open to stop her from driving to a school meeting.

Porter cried as she told me these stories in the basement conference room of a Marriott in Washington, D.C.
Greg Bluestein on Twitter: "Rep. Jim McGovern on Georgia Republican @mtgreenee: "Anyone who suggests putting a bullet in the head of a member, shouldn't serve on any committee, period." #gapol" / Twitter
Rep. Jim McGovern on Georgia Republican @mtgreenee: "Anyone who suggests putting a bullet in the head of a member, shouldn't serve on any committee, period." #gapol

Greene is portraying herself as a victim, saying Democrats haven’t gotten to know her yet and blaming the media for depicting herself in a negative light. “What you need to know about me is I’m a very regular American, just like the people I represent in the district…” #gapol

The AJC's @JeremyLRedmon just published this piece about how Greene's district sees her now: An "embarrassment" or a conservative champion. #gapol
In Marjorie Taylor Greene's Georgia district, what are the voters saying about her? - Atlanta J-C
Greene ducked questions for months about whether she still embraces the deranged QAnon conspiracy theory. She just said on the House floor she stopped believing in it in 2018. #gapol

Words I never thought I'd hear on the House floor: "I also want to tell you 9/11 absolutely happened ... I do not believe it's fake." #gapol

McGovern says "we could be here all week" going thru all of Greene's hateful comments. "I did not hear a disavowment or an apology" for her anti-Semitic, xenophobic and violent remarks. #gapol

Now speaking in support of Greene is Rep. Austin Scott, a Georgia Republican who said last year that Greene's “statements would render her incapable of being an effective member of Congress.” #gapol

McGovern on Greene's lack of contrition: "This is not ancient history - she continues to fundraise off this stuff." Yep .... #gapol
Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene says she raised $1.6M after calls to remove her from Congress - Atlanta J-C
By calling herself a victim. Naughty naughty naughty.
Greene's district is overwhelmingly Republican, but a group of local Democrats promise to be a voice of opposition. In a new statement, they say she is "unfit to serve in Congress" as Democrats seek to strip her of committee assignments. #gapol

Still going: Greene’s fellow freshman Georgia Republican colleague, Andrew Clyde, calls it an “unprecedented power grab” by Democrats, echoing pretty much every other GOP speaker. “The past is past … This body is putting itself on an extremely dangerous path.” #gapol

.@StenyHoyer brings an oversized placard of a now-deleted Facebook post from Greene a few months ago. She had posted a photoshopped pic of herself with an assault rifle next to three of her future Democratic House colleagues reading: “Squad’s worst nightmare.” #gapol

Hoyer: "This is not about party. It's about whether or not you'll vote for decency and truth ... Let us not do nothing. Mr. Speaker, let us do the right thing." #gapol

Interesting: Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois votes yes to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from her House committee assignments. #gapol

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania is the second Republican to vote for the resolution to strip Greene of committee assignments #gapol

It’s over #gapol
Jake Sherman on Twitter: "MTG STRIPPED OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS … 230-199" / Twitter
Gaetz requests Judiciary Committee start each hearing with Pledge of Allegiance, Nadler calls it 'unnecessary' - Sara A. Carter : Sara A. Carter

Rep. Mondaire Jones on Twitter: "After they incited the attempted overthrow of the federal government, it’s so deeply offensive to watch my Republican colleagues on the Judiciary Committee lecture Democrats on the importance of saying the pledge of allegiance.

Their pledge clearly meant nothing on January 6th." / Twitter

John J. Allen on Twitter: "@RepMondaire The Pledge has been changed by Congress multiple times. Can we change the "under God" part to say "under the deity of your choice or simply the will and wisdom of humanity?" The Republicans love to profess faith and allegiance to God and Country, but their actions are opposite!" / Twitter

Jane Beckwith on Twitter: "@JJAesq @RepMondaire I think we should say "one nation, with a sacred purpose to provide liberty, and justice for all!"" / Twitter

Cruel Angel's Hypothesis on Twitter: "@jb4civilrights @JJAesq @RepMondaire Just go back to "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Or scrap the whole pledge. That works, too." / Twitter

Haaretz.com on Twitter: "“Ilhan Omar is not antisemitic; she has apologized for remarks that she realized were inappropriate” https://t.co/XBZaxnFXxg" / Twitter

Marjorie Taylor Greene: House votes to remove Greene from committee assignments - CNNPolitics

11 Republicans voted to remove Greene from committee assignments: Mario Diaz-Balart FL-25, Brian Fitzpatrick PA-01, Carlos Gimenez FL-26, Chris Jacobs NY-27, John Katko NY-24, Young Kim CA-39, Adam Kinzinger IL-16, Nicole Malliotakis NY-11, Maria E. Salazar FL-27, Chris Smith NJ-04, Fred Upton MI-06

Most of them are in northeastern, northern-midwestern, and west-coast states -- Democratic strongholds.
Referring to MTG:
Marie Newman on Twitter: "Her office is directly across from mine.

We are literally door to door. My staff and I go to work every day knowing an anti-Semite, QAnon believer, and white supremacist is a few feet away.

This lack of accountability from @GOPLeader isn’t just tiring anymore — it is scary." / Twitter

Karyn Caplan 😷 on Twitter: "News to me. This video played on the Ellipse in between Rudy and Trump speaking and before the violent mob headed to the Capitol. My suggestion, if you're going to do this, is watch the video first, read the short essay, watch it again.(Then you may want to read Albright's book!)" / Twitter
John Scott-Railton on Twitter: "Until I read Prof. @jasonintrator's essay I hadn't paid attention to this shocking movie from the rally.
Now I can't stop thinking about it. Stanley argues it's shot-through with fascist imagery & symbolism.
Watch & judge for yourself. Must read essay: (links)" / Twitter

Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda
Tries to see anti-Semitism in it, but I think that that's overinterpreting it. In fact, I think that it's the other way around, that a certain stereotype of Jewish villainy is that they are globalists who are plotting to control the nations of the world. But I do think that its Trump personality cultism is suspicious.

I think that it says something about the Right that right-wingers find it hard to be anti-capitalist unless they can convince themselves that capitalists are Jews or globalists or whatever villains.
Donald Trump backers didn't oust Liz Cheney but GOP civil war goes on

Donald Trump takes up a post-presidency hobby: revenge | Donald Trump | The Guardian
The 45th president has amassed a post-presidential war chest of $31m. He has endorsed a former aide in an upcoming gubernatorial election in the shape of his former press secretary Sarah Sanders in Arkansas.

And he has vowed to take revenge on high-profile Republicans who he sees as the chief reason he is out of office – like Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia or the House Republican Conference chairwoman, Liz Cheney, the highest-ranking member of her caucus to vote for impeaching the former president.

Some of Trump’s allies are also either keeping roles in the political campaign sphere to maintain Trumpism or beginning the siege on his opponents. Matt Gaetz, the Florida congressman and staunch Trump ally, has already traveled to Wyoming to encourage opposition to Cheney. In Arizona, pro-Trump Republicans censured the former senator Jeff Flake, Governor Doug Ducey and Cindy McCain, the widow of the late senator John McCain.
Seems like the Tea Party turned into Trumpism. Will this lead to Trumpies doing primary challenges of non-Trumpie R's?
Back to How Women Survive and What We Remember | by Sara Benincasa | Feb, 2021 | GEN
On AOC and Katie Porter working together,
In reviewing each woman’s recent remarks, I am reminded of how a successful team working in emergency conditions often features individuals with contrasting yet complementary approaches to addressing a problem.

I am reminded of people who’ve seen combat in the military, worked as part of a search and rescue team, or done emergency medical treatment in collaboration with others. Some look incredibly tense as they engage in dangerous work. Others appear serene. Both styles can be appropriate at the same time. One does not indicate weakness and the other strength. In fact, they can mesh well together.

Twitter Users Eviscerate Marjorie Taylor Greene's Non-Apology On House Floor | HuffPost
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s speech on the House floor Thursday was a whole lot of something, but it wasn’t an apology.

That is the consensus of Twitter users who watched the Georgia Republican’s 10-minute speech online and came away unimpressed.

But while she claimed that her past social media posts “[do] not represent my values,” she didn’t actually apologize for them, saying only that she ”was allowed to believe things that weren’t true.”

RawStory noted that Greene’s non-apologetic apology didn’t explain why, if she didn’t believe QAnon theories after 2018, she shouted conspiratorial accusations at Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivor David Hogg in 2019 and cited conspiracy theories on the House floor this year contending that she was being censored.
She also called herself a victim of left-wing "cancel culture".
Marjorie Taylor Greene vs. AOC: A ridiculous comparison - Vox - "No, Democrats and Republicans don’t have have a similar “extremism” problem."

Compares AOC and MTG.
Ocasio-Cortez’s alleged “extremism” is her advocacy of a democratic socialist politics common among peer democracies; her signature policy proposal is a top marginal tax rate of 70 percent. Greene is a conspiracy theorist who has called for executing Barack Obama, claimed the Parkland school shooting was staged, and suggested a space laser controlled by wealthy Jews caused the 2018 California wildfires.

One advocates for left-wing policy ideas in good faith; the other spreads absurd, offensive, and even dangerous lies.

Ocasio-Cortez promotes policy ideas that are controversial, but the sort of thing people of good faith can disagree about. You may think the Green New Deal or Medicare-for-all are bad policy, but they’re not necessarily unreasonable — ideas so absurd that believing in them is itself evidence of a kind of irrationality on the believer’s part.

Greene, by contrast, has been one of the most vocal supporters of the idea that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election, to the point where she wore a “Trump won” face mask on the House floor in early January. On her Facebook page, she has expressed far more absurd and even bigoted ideas, including the notion that the Pentagon wasn’t hit by a plane on 9/11 or the idea that Muslim immigration to Europe is part of a Jewish plot to destroy white Christian Europe via “miscegenation.”
So MTG is much more extreme than AOC.
How oblivious and deluded does someone have to be to need that to be explained to them?
Joy WE VOTED!! WEAR A MASK!! Reid 😷) on Twitter: "On the same day Margie Q Greene faked contrition on the House floor to try to save her seat on the education and other committees, she fired off a fundraising email smearing @aoc ⁦@RashidaTlaib⁩ & ⁦@IlhanMN⁩ (again) with conspiratorial lies. (link)" / Twitter

Marjorie Taylor Greene Fights Back—By Lying About AOC – Mother Jones - "And it’s all about fundraising."

But she showed zero contrition in her most recent fundraising e-mail.

She then smeared AOC, RT, and IO.
In smearing Ocasio-Cortez, Greene said that she had “encouraged protestors to “Punch a cop.” ...

To attack Omar, Greene claimed she had “has downplayed the 9/11 attacks as ‘some people did something.'” ...

With Tlaib, Greene insisted she has “known ties to terrorists in Hezbollah” ...
Marjorie Taylor Greene says she endorsed assassinating Democrats and questioned whether 9/11 happened because QAnon made her 'believe things that weren't true'
Speaking on the House floor ahead of a vote to strip her of her committee assignments, Greene said she "stumbled across" the conspiracy in late 2017 and "got very interested in it."

"So I posted about it on Facebook," she said. "I read about it, I talked about it, I asked questions about it. The problem with that, though, is that I was allowed to believe things that weren't true, and I would ask questions about them and talk about them."

"That is absolutely what I regret," Greene added. "Because if it weren't for the Facebook posts and comments that I liked in 2018, I wouldn't be standing here today and you couldn't point a finger and accuse me of anything wrong because I've lived a very good life that I'm proud of ... and that's what my district elected me for."
Not much contrition there either. No attempt to reach out to any of NP, AOC, RT, and IO about how wrong it was to threaten their lives. No willingness to resign in shame.

"I was allowed to believe": use of the bureaucratic agentless passive to avoid accepting or assigning responsibility. Also a stereotyped "female" assumption of complete lack of power or agency.

"I was allowed to believe": use of the bureaucratic agentless passive to avoid accepting or assigning responsibility. Also a stereotyped "female" assumption of complete lack of power or agency.

People who have very little capacity for taking responsibility for themselves are typically going to be drawn to right wing ideologies. Blaming everyone else is a cornerstone of right wing mentality.
Ilhan Omar on Twitter: "Only 11 Republicans voted against the woman who called for the execution of the Speaker of the House.

Meanwhile, 61 Republicans vote against the woman who voted to impeach Trump for inciting an insurrection.

Let that sink in." / Twitter

MTG vs. Liz Cheney. At least LC has a tiny bit of decency.

CBS This Morning on Twitter: "Democratic @RepAOC joined fellow lawmakers on the House floor last night, sharing stories and some traumatic memories from the assault on the Capitol. ..." / Twitter
Democratic @RepAOC joined fellow lawmakers on the House floor last night, sharing stories and some traumatic memories from the assault on the Capitol.

@AOC and Democratic @RepJasonCrow were forced to hide as rioters stormed the building.

They join us now exclusively.

“Telling our stories & retelling it especially right after the events transpired is a really important part to healing & getting through it...there's anger at folks who attacked our nation's Capitol...there's also determination for us to never allow this to happen again” —@RepAOC

"I felt that for transparency to people to understand why I was responding in the way that I did on the 6th, I had to share what I was bringing with me, part of what I was bringing with me that day." — Rep. @AOC on sharing her experience of sexual assault

“Why @AOC and I are here is because one of the biggest problems as a nation, as a society, is the stigma that's put on survivors and that prevents survivors from actually coming forward and getting the help that they need, and it's killing people.” — @RepJasonCrow
AOC said that it was good to tell one's story. About her revealing being sexual assaulted, she said that it was an important bit of context. JC said about trauma that everybody's different and that our society is not very good at helping trauma survivors. Lots of veterans commit suicide, she noted. AOC said that she sat on her story in part because many trauma survivors fear being publicly doubted. JC said that the last 20 minutes in the House chamber were horrible because of learning that the Capitol building had been overrun by rioters and that one of his staffers had barricaded herself in her office. AOC said that she hoped that MTG would reflect on what she had said in her past.
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