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Trump won't drop it. Praises NASCAR.

Regarding ratings...

NASCAR has been struggling a lot more than the NFL with ratings.
I can only watch shiny cars driving around in circles for so long before it gets boring. Some of my friends want to go back to the old NASCAR days where the drivers would get out and fight with each other, kind of like those brawls in Hockey.
When was that? I watched NASCAR back in the 80s, and don't recall it. NASCAR is problematic as the cars are a bit too similar, passing is hard... it is a bit like Formula 1, but in circles. However, to make the cars go faster would be reckless. The drivers are dumber and crashes are through the roof in the last decade. NASCAR keeps trying to change the system to make the entire season more interesting after Jimmy Johnson kept winning every year. NASCAR worked better when there were fewer things to watch, especially in the South.
Trump is appealing to this type american, the one that doesn't think beyond what he feels and enjoys watching.
Indeed. The great unifier of the endangered White Guy.
I can only watch shiny cars driving around in circles for so long before it gets boring. Some of my friends want to go back to the old NASCAR days where the drivers would get out and fight with each other, kind of like those brawls in Hockey.
When was that? I watched NASCAR back in the 80s, and don't recall it. NASCAR is problematic as the cars are a bit too similar, passing is hard... it is a bit like Formula 1, but in circles. However, to make the cars go faster would be reckless. The drivers are dumber and crashes are through the roof in the last decade. NASCAR keeps trying to change the system to make the entire season more interesting after Jimmy Johnson kept winning every year. NASCAR worked better when there were fewer things to watch, especially in the South.
Trump is appealing to this type american, the one that doesn't think beyond what he feels and enjoys watching.
Indeed. The great unifier of the endangered White Guy.

It still happens occasionally. Sometimes the drivers and the pit crews go after each other. Used to happen pretty regularly, but fines and suspensions have modified behavior to some degree.

When was that? I watched NASCAR back in the 80s, and don't recall it. NASCAR is problematic as the cars are a bit too similar, passing is hard... it is a bit like Formula 1, but in circles. However, to make the cars go faster would be reckless. The drivers are dumber and crashes are through the roof in the last decade. NASCAR keeps trying to change the system to make the entire season more interesting after Jimmy Johnson kept winning every year. NASCAR worked better when there were fewer things to watch, especially in the South.
Trump is appealing to this type american, the one that doesn't think beyond what he feels and enjoys watching.
Indeed. The great unifier of the endangered White Guy.

It still happens occasionally. Sometimes the drivers and the pit crews go after each other. Used to happen pretty regularly, but fines and suspensions have modified behavior to some degree.

In the last 5 to 10 years, NASCAR actually marketed the fighting. I keep hearing about this golden age of fights and bumping, but the fights and crashes are current stuff, not as much old.
When was that? I watched NASCAR back in the 80s, and don't recall it. NASCAR is problematic as the cars are a bit too similar,
Under the skin they are all pretty much the same. And using very old-fashioned technology too - carburetors, pushrod valvetrain etc. which means they need almost 6L engines to get less power than Formula 1 with their 1.6L V6 turbo hybrids. The aerodynamics of NASCAR is also pretty much nonexistent, at least compared to very sophististicated aero packages of F1 cars.
But what gets me most is the fakeness. The skin is made to look like some production cars (and very ordinary cars at that!) but in a really fake way, with even the headlights painted on. That is very different than series like LeMans GTE where the cars are racing versions of production cars that are themselves quite racy, unlike Toyota Camrys or Ford Fusions of NASCAR.
If you do not want to race race versions of real production cars, fine, but style them to reflect that. Don't use a unified chasis and then slap on a fake-ass skin. Like F1 or the two prototype series of Le Mans.

Doesn't really look like any production car, but it's not meant to. That's what the GTE classes are for.
passing is hard...
Is it? I always thought it was two easy. They go three abreast into a "corner", bump and shove around, and who comes ahead is pretty much chance.
it is a bit like Formula 1, but in circles.
Blasphemer! It is nothing like F1. Especially since F1 drivers are capable of turning right. And can pass each other without always bumping into each other. Well, if their names are not Ocon and Perez that is. :)
However, to make the cars go faster would be reckless.
NASCAR is already pretty slow.
because I spent time in uniform, defending, among other things, your and Kapaernick's free speech rights.
Hey, you can not just pull rank on this when we are all a small part in the defense of free speech.
I like it when people choose to sit out the anthem, or sit out the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sure, it is far better than being hypocrites actually celebrating them.
Hey, you can not just pull rank on this when we are all a small part in the defense of free speech.
Wasn't pulling rank on anyone. but I'm one of the people who keep getting brought up as having made sacrifices so that people could stand for the anthem. Fact is, we also sacrificed so people could NOT stand if they didn't want to.
Well, it's clear from the above that you've paid no attention to what any of the people taking a knee have actually said. - namely, they're doing it to call attention to the racial disparities that effect others (such as: Trayvon Martin, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, John Crawford III...actually, I shouldn't even try to remember all of the names).
Very cherrypicked list of names when #BLM mostly protested the deaths of violent criminals like Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Keith Scott, Mario Woods or Freddie Grey.

There were no riots over Crawford for example.
Hey, you can not just pull rank on this when we are all a small part in the defense of free speech.
Wasn't pulling rank on anyone. but I'm one of the people who keep getting brought up as having made sacrifices so that people could stand for the anthem. Fact is, we also sacrificed so people could NOT stand if they didn't want to.

No one is going to haul you off to prison for not standing for the anthem. That's the extent of the right you have. You don't have the right to show up in your place of work in your company uniform and make a protest without getting fired.

If Trump had called for protestors to be sent to prison this would be a discussion about someone's first amendment rights. Since he suggested their employers might want to fire them, this has nothing to do with fist amendment rights.
Simply "no" answered the second part of your question; the first part came right afterward.

here is the original quote

sharon45 said:
AthenaAwakened said:
Quote Originally Posted by AthenaAwakened View Post
Now others are doing the same. Not because they disrespect the country, but because they want their country to be better, to live up to the ideals and promise this country holds. They take a knee because they love this country. Even when this country doesn't love them back.
And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.

Sounds like you're saying protest stands in the way of progress.
I probably should have only quoted the last two sentences to make it clearer, because those are what I was taking issue with.

Probably because that is what it is saying. Might not be what you meant, but it is how it came out. The rest just sounds like evasion and distraction.
It is about one's love of country, right or wrong. On the otherhand, Kapaernick's so-called love is heedlessly PC, lazy, and defeatism. He widely supported and lavishly benefited from a highly corrupt organization, and too many think this feeble step is going to make up for that.
Hey, you can not just pull rank on this when we are all a small part in the defense of free speech.
Wasn't pulling rank on anyone. but I'm one of the people who keep getting brought up as having made sacrifices so that people could stand for the anthem. Fact is, we also sacrificed so people could NOT stand if they didn't want to.
This again is what I said about pulling rank. The military does not exist in a vacuum.
Keith is right. Freedom means you don't have to stand. Just like freedom means you don't have to pray. The President clearly wants to be a dictator by telling all the NFL owners to fire players who won't stand and worship the government. This isn't Iran--it's America.
Wasn't pulling rank on anyone. but I'm one of the people who keep getting brought up as having made sacrifices so that people could stand for the anthem. Fact is, we also sacrificed so people could NOT stand if they didn't want to.
This again is what I said about pulling rank. The military does not exist in a vacuum.
Of course not. They'd all die from oxygen deprivation.
You don't have the right to show up in your place of work in your company uniform and make a protest without getting fired.
Then that would be a matter of farce.
Forcing people to show respect for the state while someone sings about the 'land of the free,' shows a marked misunderstanding of the terms.
Keith is right. Freedom means you don't have to stand. Just like freedom means you don't have to pray. The President clearly wants to be a dictator by telling all the NFL owners to fire players who won't stand and worship the government. This isn't Iran--it's America.

Freedom means you can fire workers who come to the workplace and protest if you want to. Freedom means Trump can call for it to be done.
Wasn't pulling rank on anyone. but I'm one of the people who keep getting brought up as having made sacrifices so that people could stand for the anthem. Fact is, we also sacrificed so people could NOT stand if they didn't want to.
This again is what I said about pulling rank. The military does not exist in a vacuum.
Okay, I begin to think you don't even WANT to make sense.
You don't have the right to show up in your place of work in your company uniform and make a protest without getting fired.
Well yeah... but the team owners and the League itself isn't calling for anyone being fired. That'd be the guy with the real small hands.
You don't have the right to show up in your place of work in your company uniform and make a protest without getting fired.
Then that would be a matter of farce.
Forcing people to show respect for the state while someone sings about the 'land of the free,' shows a marked misunderstanding of the terms.

Freedom means a private employer can turn the workplace into what you consider a farce.

- - - Updated - - -

You don't have the right to show up in your place of work in your company uniform and make a protest without getting fired.
Well yeah... but the team owners and the League itself isn't calling for anyone being fired. That'd be the guy with the real small hands.

Yeah, and...????

So what? Trump has a right to speak his opinion.
It is about one's love of country, right or wrong. On the otherhand, Kapaernick's so-called love is heedlessly PC, lazy, and defeatism. He widely supported and lavishly benefited from a highly corrupt organization, and too many think this feeble step is going to make up for that.

Thank goodness he's also been spreading some of that money he got from his football career around, as well. It's a bit much to ask him tio fix police brutality on his own v(if one person could fix it, it'd have fixed long ago),
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