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Sorry if this has been mentioned earlier in the thread, but the hypocrisy of "How dare these athletes use a <...>ball game to make a political statement!" has really gotten to me. Uh...standing and saluting during a national anthem is a political statement. Do you express outrage when they do that?
No shit, getting the rabble roused up to fight banker's wars sucks. Tired of thus fucking anthem.
I heard again today, IRL, how Kaep was disrespecting the flag because he was kneeling in quiet contemplation instead of standing with his hand over his heart. That's what he was doing. Let's look at what he was not doing.

  • He is not wearing the flag as a bikini, which people do and I find quite disrespectful (having to repeatedly pull the stars and stripes out of your butt crack is not cool).
  • He was not buying snacks or putting mustard on his hot dog or talking about the woman with the big bazingas two rows down, or throwing beers to his buddies during that national anthem (all things you can see and hear in any stadium on any given Sunday).
  • He is not wearing the flag (the actual flag like off a flagpole) as a cape and then shaking beer cans and opening them so beer can shower all over the flag.

Kaep did not do these things, even though these things are done routinely, more often than might be by the same people who curse Kaep's name.

He took an knee and spoke not a word.

Now others are doing the same. Not because they disrespect the country, but because they want their country to be better, to live up to the ideals and promise this country holds. They take a knee because they love this country. Even when this country doesn't love them back.
Yup. That's the fundamental flaw in Libertarianism; it has, as an axiom, the demonstrably insane claim that each individual is equally powerful,

Whoah now, whoah. Where in the hell did you ever get an idea like that? I assume (my bad...always gets me into trouble) that you've researched what libertarianism actually is, so...I can't help wondering how you could type such an outright falsehood.

No. Libertarians DO NOT claim that each individual is equally powerful. What Libertarians claim is that each individual has equal access to the law of the land, and equal rights.

Nowhere, at any point, in any literature that expounds libertarian political theory, will you find it suggested, implied, or patently stated, that "each individual is equally powerful".

As usual, bilby is talking about things of which he/she has no knowledge. - ??

OR - and this is far more likely: bilby is lying (typing an untruth he knows to be untrue), in order to cast suspicion on libertarians and libertarianism.

I seriously hope, with all my heart, that he/she's merely ignorant, and not purposefully deceitful.
I do not have the time to read through the entire thread. I did look through the first few posts.

Derec is right. Derec is correct.

All I can say is this: Yo, I make about 25K a year. I work my fucking ass off all fucking day. And here you are, a fucking millionaire, taking a kneel (how could you, you spoiled bastard), because the USA, comprised of millions of people of various backgrounds, happens to harbor a certain amount of the population who are racist, and who think black people are inferior? Well guess the fuck what, this country is founded on the idea that people can think whatever the fuck they want, as long as their thoughts DO NOT infringe on the rights of any other person. Guess what, Kapaernick, individuals have the right to think whatever the fuck they choose to think, and that INCLUDES people who think black people are inferior to white people. They are assholes, and any rational person knows that they are assholes, but in America, we tolerate the thoughts of assholes. DEAL WITH IT.

I say, go play in the Canadian league, where you won't make anywhere fucking near the money you are making playing in the NFL. And you know it, you hypocrite. Go play somewhere ELSE. In a few years, nobody will even remember who you are.

Stand the fuck up and appreciate what you have, where you are, and what breaks you've gotten. Stand the fuck up, or get the fuck out of this country.
I didn't have time to read this. William is incorrect. He is wrong. I make $75k a year and work hard. Some white people are assholes for making this into any sort of deal at all.

Didn't the Bruins' goalie refuse to see Obama? Don't remember that? Imagine that.

Jimmy Higgins: I wish I could grok WTF you're talking about.

Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.

Say, Dude, I heard there's these NFL players who don't feel any gratitude for playing in the USA and becoming mega-millionaires? I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea. THEN see how much dough you can rake in for throwing a ball around?

Simple. Sheeee-it.


Jimmy Higgins: I wish I could grok WTF you're talking about.

Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.

Say, Dude, I heard there's these NFL players who don't feel any gratitude for playing in the USA and becoming mega-millionaires? I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea. THEN see how much dough you can rake in for throwing a ball around?

Simple. Sheeee-it.

Man, your income is a clear indication of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.

Because otherwise you'd understand that a non-violent and consequence free protest against social injustice isn't exactly spitting on the flag. Defending Neo-Nazis is.
Now others are doing the same. Not because they disrespect the country, but because they want their country to be better, to live up to the ideals and promise this country holds. They take a knee because they love this country. Even when this country doesn't love them back.
And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.
They're going to have the fire the anthem singers too. Singer takes knee after singing national anthem in Detroit | TheHill



Jimmy Higgins: I wish I could grok WTF you're talking about.

Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.

Say, Dude, I heard there's these NFL players who don't feel any gratitude for playing in the USA and becoming mega-millionaires? I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea. THEN see how much dough you can rake in for throwing a ball around?

Simple. Sheeee-it.

Man, your income is a clear indication of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.

Because otherwise you'd understand that a non-violent and consequence free protest against social injustice isn't exactly spitting on the flag. Defending Neo-Nazis is.
The flag proudly waves high above bad and good people alike.
Man, your income is a clear indication of whatever judgement I feel like making. I'm guessing not smart enough to turn on a light bulb.

Because otherwise you'd understand that a non-violent and consequence free protest against social injustice isn't exactly spitting on the flag. Defending Neo-Nazis is.
The flag proudly waves high above bad and good people alike.
Maybe you should try replying with some thoughts and not a postcard.
They're going to have the fire the anthem singers too. Singer takes knee after singing national anthem in Detroit | TheHill



The way that game ended sucked huge donkey balls.
Off topic, but egad! Just read about it. What a horrible way to end a game. I mean other than losing the Super Bowl in OT having blown a 25 pt lead.

That rule needs to be changed inside the two minute warning. The NFL has too many darn rules.
Now others are doing the same. Not because they disrespect the country, but because they want their country to be better, to live up to the ideals and promise this country holds. They take a knee because they love this country. Even when this country doesn't love them back.
And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.

What are you saying, that race relations would be better quicker if people didn't protest?
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