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And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.

What are you saying, that race relations would be better quicker if people didn't protest?

If the protest is ill conceived it might make things worse. A well founded protest should help race relations.
What if a significant number of people pretend it's ill-conceived and/or not well-founded, like pretending kneeling before the flag is disrespectful?
I find it endlessly fascinating that I live in a country where a significant portion of the population stockpiles guns on the off chance that they'll be needed to fight a revolution against "tyranny," yet some of the very same people are freaking out over a football player or two protesting against tyranny.
And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.

What are you saying, that race relations would be better quicker if people didn't protest?
No, I am saying that I am not an enabler. So, I don't love this country, and not because it doesn't love me back, but because it is self-hating. Now, if I am to ever sincerely love this country, it had better straighten up and actually earn my worthy affection.
I find it endlessly fascinating that I live in a country where a significant portion of the population stockpiles guns on the off chance that they'll be needed to fight a revolution against "tyranny," yet some of the very same people are freaking out over a football player or two protesting against tyranny.
Just a very minute part of why the country is self-hating.

- - - Updated - - -

He probably already heard a version of it many times.

I doubt he would find room for genocidal maniacs.
He is not supposed to. That is why it is drivel.
What are you saying, that race relations would be better quicker if people didn't protest?

If the protest is ill conceived it might make things worse. A well founded protest should help race relations.

Why? Are the people responding to the protest incapable of controlling how they react to it? What would a well founded protest look like?
What are you saying, that race relations would be better quicker if people didn't protest?
No, I am saying that I am not an enabler. So, I don't love this country, and not because it doesn't love me back, but because it is self-hating. Now, if I am to ever sincerely love this country, it had better straighten up and actually earn my worthy affection.

That doesn't answer the question.

Jimmy Higgins: I wish I could grok WTF you're talking about.

Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.

Say, Dude, I heard there's these NFL players who don't feel any gratitude for playing in the USA and becoming mega-millionaires? I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea. THEN see how much dough you can rake in for throwing a ball around?

Simple. Sheeee-it.

For some obscure reason, you feel that protesting a situation in the USA means does not have any gratitude or love for the USA. That is very very shallow "thinking". Apparently you are saying that rich people do not have the right to exercise free speech in protest.
If the protest is ill conceived it might make things worse. A well founded protest should help race relations.

Why? Are the people responding to the protest incapable of controlling how they react to it? What would a well founded protest look like?
Sorry, well founded reason to protest.

BLM and cop killings of civilians (of all races by all races) and the subsequent non prosecutions (not by police, but by prosecutors) is a murky topic that has an even murkier protest movement.

If you buy into BLM these protests are great.
No, I am saying that I am not an enabler. So, I don't love this country, and not because it doesn't love me back, but because it is self-hating. Now, if I am to ever sincerely love this country, it had better straighten up and actually earn my worthy affection.

That doesn't answer the question.
Simply "no" answered the second part of your question; the first part came right afterward.
Why? Are the people responding to the protest incapable of controlling how they react to it? What would a well founded protest look like?
Sorry, well founded reason to protest.

BLM and cop killings of civilians (of all races by all races) and the subsequent non prosecutions (not by police, but by prosecutors) is a murky topic that has an even murkier protest movement.

If you buy into BLM these protests are great.

Nothing "murky" about a person being unarmed.

There was a day when the police were able to bring in unarmed suspects alive.
Hey, I'd love to make 75K a year! I'd be able to buy a new car, and maybe a fuckin' house! DUDE! A HOUSE!
I do make 75k a year. And I have this job exactly because I spent time in uniform, defending, among other things, your and Kapaernick's free speech rights.
I like it when people choose to sit out the anthem, or sit out the Pledge of Allegiance. Even if they're only doing it because they're too lazy, it does demonstrate that we're not a fascist state. We do not look over our shoulders in fear before ordering French Fries, just in case a political officer is watching, and France is currently not in favor. the upcoming trade war with Chine won't change the frequency with which I order dumplings from the Amazing Pavilion. We don't HAVE to watch the state of the union, or travel to the nearest Trump rally, or vote a straight party ticket, or salute the flag when it goes past.
I actually kinda hate how kids in school chant the pledge by rote but can't explain any of the ideas behind anything they're saying. I'd rather they sit it out than mindlessly mumble withlibertyandjustusferall simply because it's easier than drawing the teacher's attention.

But, with my 25K -30K, I have to settle for rentin' and whatnot, and livin' from check to check.
I really don't understand how the relative salaries of anyone involved come into play, here. Either he has a fundamental right to choose not to participate, or he does not. If you were getting 7 million a year, would your attitude suddenly change from gratitude at the opportunities presented by the country? I hope mine wouldn't.

I say, go play in the Canadian football league, or move to Syria, Iraq, or North Korea.
Right, right. Or maybe we can send them to a political reeducation camp in the off season? We can do that. It's not like anyone gave their life to keep us from being a country that indoctrinates its citizens into blind obedience.

Of course, _I_ would just as soon send someone like you to a political reeducation camp. Anyone concentrating more on the fact that he protested, rather than any attention to the object of his protests. You guys, and those guys that want activists to be drafted into the military until they agree with them.
But of course, in my political reeducation camp, you'd get off the bus, prodded by the guards, shouted at by the educators, then get to the front gate where a guy in a long black robe says, "Hey, dude, really, we don't DO this! Hope we got your attention. You can go home, now. G'head. S'alright."
That doesn't answer the question.
Simply "no" answered the second part of your question; the first part came right afterward.

here is the original quote

sharon45 said:
AthenaAwakened said:
Quote Originally Posted by AthenaAwakened View Post
Now others are doing the same. Not because they disrespect the country, but because they want their country to be better, to live up to the ideals and promise this country holds. They take a knee because they love this country. Even when this country doesn't love them back.
And this is largely why so much needed change does not happen at all, or nearly fast enough.

Sounds like you're saying protest stands in the way of progress.

Probably because that is what it is saying. Might not be what you meant, but it is how it came out. The rest just sounds like evasion and distraction.
Nothing "murky" about a person being unarmed.
- #BLM love to protest/riot even when the suspect was armed. See Keith L. Scott who had an illegal gun but #BLM still rioted in Charlotte.
- unarmed does not mean harmless, or that a shooting is unjustified. An attack on a police officer by an unarmed perp (like Mike Brown) is a deadly threat because the assailant can gain control of the officer's sidearm.

There was a day when the police were able to bring in unarmed suspects alive.
Vast majority of suspects are arrested alive. They just don't make the news.
Police in the US makes over 10M arrests and kills about 1000. So about 0.01% of attempted arrests result in a killing.
Trump won't drop it. Praises NASCAR.

article said:
"So proud of NASCAR and its supporters and fans," Trump wrote on Twitter at 7:25 a.m. ET. "They won't put up with disrespecting our Country or our Flag - they said it loud and clear!"

He went on to write eight minutes later: "Many people booed the players who kneeled yesterday (which was a small percentage of total). These are fans who demand respect for our Flag!" He later tweeted "#StandForOurAnthem" and retweeted a user who cited for NFL player Pat Tillman, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2004 while serving with the Army Rangers.

Regarding ratings...
article said:
Television ratings have been declining for NASCAR over the past decade, as they have for the NFL.
NASCAR has been struggling a lot more than the NFL with ratings.
Trump won't drop it. Praises NASCAR.

Regarding ratings...
article said:
Television ratings have been declining for NASCAR over the past decade, as they have for the NFL.
NASCAR has been struggling a lot more than the NFL with ratings.
I can only watch shiny cars driving around in circles for so long before it gets boring. Some of my friends want to go back to the old NASCAR days where the drivers would get out and fight with each other, kind of like those brawls in Hockey. Trump is appealing to this type american, the one that doesn't think beyond what he feels and enjoys watching.

The Romans called it Bread and Circus.
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