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Bragg is Trump's political opponent? Or was it Biden?
I meant Bragg in the sense that he is a political hack who desires to hurt Republicans, not in the sense that he directly runs against him.
Or are you just tying yourself in knots out of frustration that your boy got caught and convicted?
He is not "my boy" as I have explained.
He’s not? Then commit right now to voting for someone else. Doesn’t have to be Biden. You can vote for libertarian party, write in Liz Cheney, or Donald fucking Duck . . . Just not trump. If you’re going to vote for trump, he’s your boy and you’re his bitch. Simple as that.
I am saying that Bragg only prosecuted this case because Trump is a political opponent.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've posted in a long long time (hopefully).

Why are you parroting pure unadulterated Trump lies?
Even if it were true, he apparently had a winnable case. Unless of course the entire jury is also purely politically motivated.
I am saying that Bragg only prosecuted this case because Trump is a political opponent.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've posted in a long long time (hopefully).

Why are you parroting pure unadulterated Trump lies?
Even if it were true, he apparently had a winnable case. Unless of course the entire jury is also purely politically motivated.

Of the criminal cases that Trump was facing, I think it's fair to say this may have been the weakest. Yet a jury of 12 citizens - agreed upon by Trump's own defense team - found him guilty of all 34 counts in a surprisingly short amount of time. The judge was about to send them home for the day and they were like "nope...just give us a minute to write up the verdicts. Actually....give us about 34 minutes."
He's in New York. He committed the crimes in New York. He is a New Yorker, where the fuck else should the trial be? West Buttocks, TX?
There are counties in NY state that are not as lopsided politically as New York County (i.e. Manhattan). Change of venue to a different county in a state is not unusual in high profile cases.
This was a political trial from the beginning. Again, Alvin Bragg doesn't want to prosecute straightforward felonies such as armed robberies as such, but is now using questionable arguments to elevate a straightforward misdemeanor to a felony, just because he is going after a political opponent.

Let me ask you think, would you find that ok if the shoe was on the other foot?

Moreover, I fear that this will make Trump more popular politically.
How do you figure? I get it that you think there should have been a change of venue. I honestly don’t know that the verdicts would have differed. I understand that you believe those politically motive voted to support Trump would have been more inclined to acquit but as far as I can tell, his attorneys were not terribly good at their jobs. That would not have changed with venue. But I don’t think the Manhattan jury pool was too tainted to render a fair verdict. There are a lot of people in Manhattan and surely some like Trump. But like/hate should not make a difference in evaluating the truth of the charges and evidence.

As to WHY these were felonies instead of misdemeanors as many times similar charges of fraudulent business records are only treated as misdemeanors: because of the sheer number of fraudulent records indicate a very elaborate scheme to commit fraud, to deceive. I believe this was pointed out near the beginning of this investigation.

Look I don’t give two shits about Donald Trump’s sex life or anyone else’s except my own, assuming mutual consent between competent adults. The whole Trump paid a porn star hush money is just titillation, and pretty minor, even boring titillation at that, inherent contradiction. Lots of men cheat on their wives and try to hide it. Yawn. Who cares? Doubtful many voters do and Melania seems not to give a shit so why should anyone??

What is important is committing business fraud in order to cover up violations of campaign finance laws. Everyone should be extremely concerned about that, no matter who!
I was listening to the story on the way home, and what struck me was how...well...defeated our Convict in Chief sounded while giving his remarks to the press. Kinda like he had "low energy" and was feeling like a "loser."

I'm sure he'll rage in about 12 hours on his social media site, but he sounded tired and stunned.
You must remember...this man was forced to sit in an icebox for six weeks. He could barely move. He was clearly suffering from hypothermia. Try sitting in shirt sleeves in Antarctica and delivering remarks in a normal voice. I'm surprised that his jaws didn't freeze together. Trump prevailed over a deep freeze only because of his burning love for this nation.
He's in New York. He committed the crimes in New York. He is a New Yorker, where the fuck else should the trial be? West Buttocks, TX?
There are counties in NY state that are not as lopsided politically as New York County (i.e. Manhattan). Change of venue to a different county in a state is not unusual in high profile cases.
This was a political trial from the beginning. Again, Alvin Bragg doesn't want to prosecute straightforward felonies such as armed robberies as such, but is now using questionable arguments to elevate a straightforward misdemeanor to a felony, just because he is going after a political opponent.

Let me ask you think, would you find that ok if the shoe was on the other foot?

Moreover, I fear that this will make Trump more popular politically.

Why on earth should it be changed? Why would he NOT be appropriately judged by the people who live and work in the city where trump lived and worked, who do business legally in the city where Trump did illegal business?

Why on earth would Trump be entitled to a jury of people who are NOT his peers, just so that a group who doesn’t understand the business and life in NY could be misled by the attorneys?

I honestly don’t understand your claim. It doesn’t get any MORE peer-ey than NYC. Anything else would just be hunting for partisans.
Did you learn that from all the criminal procedure courses you took in law school and your subsequent time spent trying cases for criminal defendants? Surely all these "questionable elevation" of charges are based on your familiarity with the elements of the charges and the burden prosecutors are required to meet in order to obtain a guilty verdict, right?
I have read articles by several legal experts who have questioned the soundness of Bragg's "novel legal theories".
Btw, are you a lawyer yourself?
Do you know that there were two lawyers on the jury?
I am saying that Bragg only prosecuted this case because Trump is a political opponent.

That has to be the dumbest thing you've posted in a long long time (hopefully).

Why are you parroting pure unadulterated Trump lies?
Even if it were true, he apparently had a winnable case. Unless of course the entire jury is also purely politically motivated.

Of the criminal cases that Trump was facing, I think it's fair to say this may have been the weakest. Yet a jury of 12 citizens - agreed upon by Trump's own defense team - found him guilty of all 34 counts in a surprisingly short amount of time. The judge was about to send them home for the day and they were like "nope...just give us a minute to write up the verdicts. Actually....give us about 34 minutes."
I think the jury just wanted to make sure they snuck in a three day weekend.
They’re probably all at the bar now, laughing and making Trump jokes.
Did you learn that from all the criminal procedure courses you took in law school and your subsequent time spent trying cases for criminal defendants? Surely all these "questionable elevation" of charges are based on your familiarity with the elements of the charges and the burden prosecutors are required to meet in order to obtain a guilty verdict, right?
I have read articles by several legal experts who have questioned the soundness of Bragg's "novel legal theories".
Btw, are you a lawyer yourself?
Why yes. Yes I am an attorney. I'm an attorney that's tried a lot of cases under a much less strict burden (preponderance and clear and convincing) than the reasonable doubt burden and been successful at it.

But surely your reading of some articles by "legal experts" makes you qualified to speak about the merits of any given legal matter. But hey, what do I know? I just had to do the work to get into law school, get all the way through it, pass the f'ing California bar exam, write trial and appellate briefs during f'ing internships, start my own practice, get my own clients, and research and try all cases that merited going to trial, but by all means, please let's hear you pontificate about your oh-so-credible opinion on any legal matter that you like.
Do you have a "feel" for how the appeal will go?
It goes to SCOTUS. "not guilty by virtue of presidential immunity"

IOW, the big lie all over again.

The crimes in this case (and I love that I don't have to attach the word "alleged") mostly happened when he was just a regular citizen running for President, so I'm not sure there's enough luxury motor coaches that would get the Supremes to rule that he was immune before he was even sworn in.
Obviously, the president is entitled to make executive decisions for the good of the country, it doesn't matter if they aren't in office yet because of you don't make them immune something something *kicks you in the balls and runs away*
I just had to do the work to get into law school, get all the way through it, pass the f'ing California bar exam, write trial and appellate briefs during f'ing internships, start my own practice, get my own clients, and research and try all cases that merited going to trial
Yabut, did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
You didn't follow the trial and hear the evidence, did you.
I did. I understand the questionable elevation of the charges to a felony. I understand that Michael Cohen is a liar whose testimony was not credible.
Michael Cohen lied for Trump. All his statements in this trial were backed up by documents. If you were actually paying attention to the trial you would know this and not slander Cohen.

Is anyone who has women testifying against men always not guilty in your book?

Maybe my fav line from the whole ordeal was Steinglass:
“We didn't choose Michael Cohen as our witness. We didn't pick him up at the witness store. The defendant chose Mr. Cohen"
Did you learn that from all the criminal procedure courses you took in law school and your subsequent time spent trying cases for criminal defendants? Surely all these "questionable elevation" of charges are based on your familiarity with the elements of the charges and the burden prosecutors are required to meet in order to obtain a guilty verdict, right?
I have read articles by several legal experts who have questioned the soundness of Bragg's "novel legal theories".
Btw, are you a lawyer yourself?
Why yes. Yes I am an attorney. I'm an attorney that's tried a lot of cases under a much less strict burden (preponderance and clear and convincing) than the reasonable doubt burden and been successful at it.

But surely your reading of some articles by "legal experts" makes you qualified to speak about the merits of any given legal matter. But hey, what do I know? I just had to do the work to get into law school, get all the way through it, pass the f'ing California bar exam, write trial and appellate briefs during f'ing internships, start my own practice, get my own clients, and research and try all cases that merited going to trial, but by all means, please let's hear you pontificate about your oh-so-credible opinion on any legal matter that you like.
Do you have a "feel" for how the appeal will go?
My guess is that any appeal(s) will be shot down in short. The problem is that while that process proceeds, Trump is likely to remain free for another year or so. Therefore, don't hold your breath waiting to see Trump live on video from a prison cell during the Republican convention.
OMG! Little Mikey is already suggesting that SCOTUS get involved in appealing this case before the November election. o_O

The prosecution did an excellent job of proving that Trump was guilty, but little Mikey and company want to pretend that Biden was behind it and it was all about interfering in an election. Project much?

Did they bother to notice that one of the jurors got his news from Truth Social? Did they bother to notice that the jurors were a mix of men, women and different races? Plus Trump is a native of NYCIty, so having a trial in NYCIty allows him to be judged literally by a jury of his peers. These people don't want to know the truth. They only see the truth through the eyes of a the biggest liar of all times. Every time his lips are moving, he's lying. Cohen owned up to his lies and his crime. Trump will never admit he lies constantly and has committed many crimes.

Oh, my favorite line was, "Cohen isn't on trial here. Trump is on trial". I don't remember which one said it, but I loved it. It was like all the defense could do is try and prosecute Cohen who already served some jail time for doing what Trump asked him to do. Meanwhile, Trump, until now, got away with the crime. I don't think he will get prison time, but, it's still good to know that he's now officially a felon.
In America, felons can run for president and potentially access the world's most powerful military and nuclear arsenal, yet they are prohibited from owning a firearm. :unsure:
Trump Trial Updates Tomorrow Today

President Trump picking up litter in Central Park as part of his community service.

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