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Londonistan, Eurabia

Also, it's increasingly hard to get a decent horse  Leberkäse. I'm sure that's because a vocal minority who is adhering the Anglo-Saxon quasi-religious indiction against horse meat demands pork only sausage and Leberkäse stalls, and the rest of us, out of fear of being branded anti-American, don't say or do anything about it.
I am not a vegetarian, but I don't buy cage eggs,
You do realize that cage free eggs has no actual meaning right?
Derec is right that the crazy, irrational beliefs of the religious have restricted choice and convenience,...
It has done neither. There are at least 7 other Subways in the one city mentioned that will be completely unaffected.
You do realize that cage free eggs has no actual meaning right?
Derec is right that the crazy, irrational beliefs of the religious have restricted choice and convenience,...
It has done neither. There are at least 7 other Subways in the one city mentioned that will be completely unaffected.
Cage free has no regulated definition, which isn't the same as "having no meaning." There do exist options for buying eggs sourced from chickens that live in much better conditions, conditions that you could even call "free range" and certainly "cage-free," available on the market. The problem is that almost anyone can write "cage-free" on their eggs. That doesn't mean that real, ethically sourced eggs don't exist. They are significantly more expensive than your standard egg, though.
Pork? We do not need any stinking pork. Or maybe someone needs an order of a big fat sloppy Camel Toe!

Thanks for the erudite incite/insight on what and or who gets pork butt in his or her's subway Derec. Uh does this terrible Muslim atrocity get the option of "toasted" or not? At least those religious zealots leave us to run our sandwich through the garden still at Slubway.

Sheez! Then some of us, the more cosmopolitan types , wonder why some folks act so reactionary to those Arab people. Or maybe it is not about a sandwich since we have to conclude why do so many Merikans spend so much time turning the hamster cage for the Kikes. Oh yeh that's right.It is all about Subway sandwiches and who gets the pork from the pig's ham, butt.

And just think for a second. Back in those good oel days of the Inquisition those caught not eating pork in public were gathered up and "put to the question." Now that is the way to see who eats their pork in public, right Derec? Why wastes our time at Slubway when we can go for the whole sandwich, chips and drink combo?

But then I thought that all those "Semites" were all off the hog. Hence the awesomeness of a pastrami on rye with extra pickles.

Thanks and damm those Arabs in the UK.


You do realize that cage free eggs has no actual meaning right?

It certainly does have a meaning, at least in Australia. In fact, I've done research on what 'cage' 'free range' 'barn laid' etc are supposed to mean, as well as researched what the law in Australia allows egg sellers to claim.

But thanks for the little condescending snipe. Nothing like snark from the ignorant before bedtime.

It has done neither. There are at least 7 other Subways in the one city mentioned that will be completely unaffected.

It has done both. People go to the stores most convenient to them. Maybe it's next to work. Maybe it's a short walk from home. The point is, the people who don't want halal and who used to go to the halal Subway before it was halal now have to travel to a less convenient one. The inconvenience might be minor, but it would not exist at all if crazy people did not believe God wanted them to shun pork and kill cattle in an economically inefficient and less humane way.
Due to Islamist pressure, many Subway stores across UK and Ireland are banning porn products and are only carrying meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic religious precepts (aka "halal").
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims

I think this is bullshit. This is directly restricting choices for non-Muslims just so Muslims are not offended by having to sit next to someone with bacon on their sandwich. Giving them choices they like (although halal slaughtering is very problematic in itself) is one thing, restricting choices of others is quite another.
Out of 1,734 Subway outlets in Ireland and the UK, 200 will only serve halal products while excluding pork. If they did not exclude pork from their menu, it would necessitate special training for their employees to avoid contact between pork products and halal products. Separate utensils, separate counters to prepare the food, separate refrigeration sections etc... That decision to dedicate 200 stores to halal only appears to be based not on "Islamist pressure" rather the customer demand based on demographics per location. It makes sense that Subway would provide a service compatible with the predominant cultural profile directing the consumer demand in each location.

As to objections to the halal slaughtering, Subway communicated that all their halal meat comes from halal slaughtering houses who use stunning prior to slaughter. As to "restricting choices of others", considering that there are still over 1200 Subways serving non halal products, how much "restriction" are you assuming will affect non Muslim consumers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland?
Stunning the animal is no longer a halal slaughtering method. Halal methods are a ritual killing of the animal while it's still alive and concious. a Dedication to their god.
It certainly does have a meaning, at least in Australia. In fact, I've done research on what 'cage' 'free range' 'barn laid' etc are supposed to mean, as well as researched what the law in Australia allows egg sellers to claim.
It must be nice to have consumer protection in labeling in Australia.
It certainly does have a meaning, at least in Australia. In fact, I've done research on what 'cage' 'free range' 'barn laid' etc are supposed to mean, as well as researched what the law in Australia allows egg sellers to claim.
It must be nice to have consumer protection in labeling in Australia.

Only recently a free range egg producer here in Perth was fined because the eggs were found not to be free range. They had too many chooks per hectare, but at least still not caged.
Also, it's increasingly hard to get a decent horse  Leberkäse. I'm sure that's because a vocal minority who is adhering the Anglo-Saxon quasi-religious indiction against horse meat demands pork only sausage and Leberkäse stalls, and the rest of us, out of fear of being branded anti-American, don't say or do anything about it.

I love horse leberkäse. Americans have no real idea of the wonderful world of prepared meat that is available in this wonderful world, and Germany is the absolute best at them.

And I sometimes dream about finding someone somewhere in this massive, diverse country who is capable of baking a simple brötchen, a breakfast roll. They have a hard, crisp, thin crust. You cut them all of the way around their perimeter and when you separate the two halves you have a perfect ball of bread to pluck out and eat leaving a perfect hallow to fill with your horse liver. Absolute heaven on earth.

This is something to truly get outraged about, the poor butchers and bakers in this country, not this twaddle of thinly disguised bigotry that leaves a bad taste in the mouth and wonderment that you read the whole thing.
Due to Islamist pressure, many Subway stores across UK and Ireland are banning porn products and are only carrying meat from animals slaughtered according to Islamic religious precepts (aka "halal").
Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 stores and offers halal meat only after 'strong demand' from Muslims

I think this is bullshit. This is directly restricting choices for non-Muslims just so Muslims are not offended by having to sit next to someone with bacon on their sandwich. Giving them choices they like (although halal slaughtering is very problematic in itself) is one thing, restricting choices of others is quite another.
Out of 1,734 Subway outlets in Ireland and the UK, 200 will only serve halal products while excluding pork. If they did not exclude pork from their menu, it would necessitate special training for their employees to avoid contact between pork products and halal products. Separate utensils, separate counters to prepare the food, separate refrigeration sections etc... That decision to dedicate 200 stores to halal only appears to be based not on "Islamist pressure" rather the customer demand based on demographics per location. It makes sense that Subway would provide a service compatible with the predominant cultural profile directing the consumer demand in each location.

As to objections to the halal slaughtering, Subway communicated that all their halal meat comes from halal slaughtering houses who use stunning prior to slaughter. As to "restricting choices of others", considering that there are still over 1200 Subways serving non halal products, how much "restriction" are you assuming will affect non Muslim consumers in the UK and the Republic of Ireland?
Stunning the animal is no longer a halal slaughtering method. Halal methods are a ritual killing of the animal while it's still alive and concious. a Dedication to their god.

There are as many opinions on what is or isn't sufficient for a halal slaughtering as there are Muslim schools of law, and then some. You don't get to say which one is the one and only correct one, and you don't get to determine according to which method the animals providing the meat for the Subway shops in question have been slaughtered on the basis of such a pronouncement of yours.
It certainly does have a meaning, at least in Australia. In fact, I've done research on what 'cage' 'free range' 'barn laid' etc are supposed to mean, as well as researched what the law in Australia allows egg sellers to claim.
It must be nice to have consumer protection in labeling in Australia.

It's not my fault you live in America, mate.
I know. It's Obama's fault. :D

I didn't take different nations into account. I keep forgetting every nation is not as lax on stuff like the US is, because anything else would be communism. In the US, labeling is more of an art than an attempt to tell people about what the product actually is. Right now the Supreme Court has heard a case about Coca Cola who's marketed Pomegranate juice really had very very little actual pomegranate juice in it. Cage free, free range in the US are legal free terms.
(Also, it's a shame that the origin of kebabs is from Muslim-majority nations. I would love to have a kebab with a bit of fried bacon in there.)

I love to grill kebabs, and I almost always use pork loin when making them. There are very few foods on a stick that are better than grilled pork loin kebabs with pineapple, cherry tomatoes and bell peppers.
No halal method is humane. Therefore whichever is wrong.

No method of slaughtering animals is humane, that's why it's called "slaughter".

Of course it doesn't bother me, I love eating slaughtered animal parts.
Bigotry is a two way gig. Its also bigotry to expect non muslims yo not eat pork.
I think THAT is more arrogance, it's arrogant to think non-muslims should avoid pork for muslim reasons.
As i understand the term, bigotry would be if one thought less of people for either not being muslims or for eating pork.
Bigotry is a two way gig. Its also bigotry to expect non muslims yo not eat pork.

And is it bigotry that prevents butchers and bakers in the US from making a decent product? I think not. It is ignorance pure and simple.

This thread though is, in my humble option, an example of anti-Muslim bigotry. Subway is not trying to prevent people from eating pork, they seem to be adjusting their offering in a few of their stores to meet a local demand. All of the fast food places in the suburban area of Atlanta that my house is in offer vegetarian meals because of the large Indian population here. It is not bigotry, it is good business.
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