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Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

Cross-linguistically, distinguishing singular and plural second-person pronouns is very common, so English is very exceptional. Some English speakers have tried to fix this loss by inventing new plural ones, like "you all", "you people" and "yous", but such forms have had only limited success.

As to inflections, languages often have very different ones.

Finnish and Hungarian have lots of noun cases, but the cases' endings are usually very regular, with plural forms being the plural ending followed by the case ending.

The house is new. The houses are new. I live in the house. I live in the houses.
Talo on uusi. Talot ovat uusia. Asun talossa. Asun taloissa.
A ház új. A házak újak. A házban lakom. A házakban lakom.

Finnish plural -t becomes -i- before most case endings.

Slavic languages distinguish imperfective and perfective aspects of verbs, and one has to learn them individually. Imperfective ones are for incomplete, continuing, or repeated actions, and perfective ones for complete ones. BTW, English verb tenses are more properly tense-aspect combinations.

Japanese has no personal verb endings -- and Japanese speakers don't use pronouns very much. Japanese has only two verb tenses, present-future and past, but it also has negative and polite forms of verbs, and also negative polite ones.

A thought on the Ten Commandments in every school class room. This could start a guerilla counter posting war. Young atheists, gays, feminists, agnostics, Satanists et all, making their own poster at home on the computers and printing them out. Smuggling them into schools and taping them up. Mark 10, Luke 18, Matthew 19. Sell all you have and give to the poor. Matthew 6:5-6. Praying in public is verboten. Small pamphlets to leave at desks or on lockers, especially for Christian proselytizing pests. Or Christian Nationalist teachers. This intrusion of religion in schools might have counter actions not so far anticipated. Student reading a pamphlet: "You mean Jesus tells us we have to sell all we have and give to the poor?! For real!" In a sense this is not new. Our founding fathers had this sort of debate long ago. Which is why America was founded as a secular nation.
Or just a blown up version of commandment number two, thou shalt not make for yourself a graven image, with "graven image" underlined and a big red arrow pointing to the adjoining printed (graven) image of the Ten Commandments,

There's a reason the original Ten Commandments, rather than being posted in a public forum, were kept carefully contained in an Ark and concealed carefully from public view in the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple where only trained priests ever went, and even they with great caution and rituals of purification and sacrifice. To the ancient Hebrews, the words of G-d and the Name of G-d were inherently powerful and somewhat dangerous, not the stuff of cheap rhetorical ploys.

Did you know we have never found any artistic representation of the Decalogue rules? We know from other written texts that they were important to Hebrew society, but they themselves weren't lightly written down and certainly would not have been displayed anywhere, especially not where Gentiles could read them. These were the terms of G-d's covenant with the Hebrews, the source of their king and city's power and might, not something a Phillistine or Assyrian had any right to know the secret of.

Of course, you cannot expect Christians to take their faith that seriously. Christians are interested in the Bible "the way a drunk is interested in a lightpost -- as support, rather than illumination" (to creatively paraphrase Andrew Lang).
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Basically, written Hebrew was not invented until 1000 BCE. And was pretty crude for another two centuries, not really good for complex documents like the Torah. At the time of Moses, if anybody wrote anything, it would have been cuneiform or Egyptian demotic script. Early Israelites would not have had easy access to papyrus anyway. For two centuries after Merneptah's raid on the Nine Bows, proto-Israel was confined to its hilltop farms. Not a single letter of written material has ever been found in any of these. Not so much as a single ostracon or inscription. These people were illiterate.
Basically, written Hebrew was not invented until 1000 BCE. And was pretty crude for another two centuries, not really good for complex documents like the Torah. At the time of Moses, if anybody wrote anything, it would have been cuneiform or Egyptian demotic script. Early Israelites would not have had easy access to papyrus anyway. For two centuries after Merneptah's raid on the Nine Bows, proto-Israel was confined to its hilltop farms. Not a single letter of written material has ever been found in any of these. Not so much as a single ostracon or inscription. These people were illiterate.
An excellent point.

And very suspicious of the written word once it arrived, for a long time afterward. As were many ancient peoples.
ohh back to the thread, Louisiana's 10C law is an unfunded mandate that sponsors claim "should be supported by unspecified donations." oh what a mess.

ohh back to the thread, Louisiana's 10C law is an unfunded mandate that sponsors claim "should be supported by unspecified donations." oh what a mess.

Paid for by local churches, in other words. Only they won't actually want to cough up $10,000, so it'll really just be the schools themselves, one more slice out of their nonexistent budgets.
Superintendent Ryan Walters just appeared on Faux Noise. He approves the far right pipe dream of eliminating the Department Of Education. Tea party extremists have been huffing and puffing to do that for years. Trumpo the Clown wants to also. Oklahoma gets $800 million from DoE yearly. 10% of Oklahoma's education budget. He is not exactly a deep thinker. Most red states would see their education systems collapse when the DoE money spigot gets shut off.

I resurrected an old Twitter (now X) account and have been educating Walters for two days now. He has so far not bothered to answer me. Nor have any of his ardent followers.

Oklahoma now ranks 50th in education. Right winged Republicans have been running education in Oklahoma for years.

Superintendent Ryan Walters just appeared on Faux Noise. He approves the far right pipe dream of eliminating the Department Of Education. Tea party extremists have been huffing and puffing to do that for years. Trumpo the Clown wants to also. Oklahoma gets $800 million from DoE yearly. 10% of Oklahoma's education budget. He is not exactly a deep thinker. Most red states would see their education systems collapse when the DoE money spigot gets shut off.

I resurrected an old Twitter (now X) account and have been educating Walters for two days now. He has so far not bothered to answer me. Nor have any of his ardent followers.

Oklahoma now ranks 50th in education. Right winged Republicans have been running education in Oklahoma for years.

Isn't that called the Mushroom system of education? Keep them in the dark and feed them shit. Sure seems to be working for right wingers.
The new law is already being challenged in court as an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

“We’re suing Louisiana for requiring all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom,” the American Civil Liberties Union announced on Wednesday. “Public schools are not Sunday schools.”

During Thursday’s edition of Outnumbered on Fox News, Marshall objected to the law, noting that Louisiana’s legislators should be focusing their efforts elsewhere.

“Louisiana’s 49th in education,” she declared. “We have 50 states. They are one from being the bottom in education. One. Two, [Louisiana has] one of the highest teen pregnancy rates. Three, school lunch programs – are we feeding the children? So, as a former Christian, one of the things that I would like to see, the Jesus that I know in the Bible… I think he would care more if we really cared about the children.”
Strive for 50! Gotta have peons!
What a country! Russia is destroying all non-Russian Orthodox churches in Russian controlled Ukraine.

Religious freedom is under attack in Ukraine. Not from Ukrainian lawmakers, as some critics have falsely alleged, but from actual Russian soldiers.
A forgotten element of Russia’s war on Ukraine is its calculated destruction of churches and religious sites, part of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s physical and spiritual assault against the Ukrainian people.
This combination was most recently seen in late March, when the World Russian People’s Council adopted a statement overseen by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. It described Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a “holy war” and declared that “the entire territory of present-day Ukraine should be included in the area of Russia’s exclusive influence.”

That's BS. It's actually Ukraine who banned Ukrainain orthodox church.
Russia hase plenty non-orthodox churches. catholic churches, anglican churches, etc....
I think scientology and a couple of christian sects are still banned in Russia.
Note "in Russian controlled Ukraine".

Why are you saying Ukraine is doing anything in areas under Russian control??
Among the Catholics I know, the main focus is to cover the “went to mass” square on their bingo card. They seem to lack the motivation to think about what they’re being fed.
That's what most religion is. Trying to use cheat codes to get to heaven.
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