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Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

Whoever wants to win this one is going to have to make arguments regarding the fact that the last two Commandments are anti-Capitalist! :D

There are no laws against coveting, except... oh gosh, these two!
I have developed the talking points. Take these to your leader.

The following is from my notes (I save stuff, this means I can't discard old damaged computing devices.)

October 6 2023 - Coveting - Ten Commandments on Flamy Grant video

Note: the man deleted the comment to which I replied.

3 days ago
@georgehibbs5063 Sure.

The Ten Commandments instruct followers not to covet, or, not to desire goods and things, not to covet other people's people.

Yet, the same people who claim to follow The Ten Commandments also created Capitalism, which requires exploitation to feed greed, and to possess more capital, to covet what others have, to keep up with the Joneses.

Shareholder dividends matter more than human people. The shareholders covet money.

Advertising and marketing create coveting.

No one is taking action to end greed, to end coveting, to end the coveting culture Christianity created.

People like me view people like you as cherry-picking the Bible to find verses that support views that we're fairly certain Jesus is not credited as having said.

The hypocrisy is astounding. We are appalled.

Reposted this hot take on Meta Facebook for a few hours, no replies, hid it.
Clearly we need the Satanists to come up with their 10 C's and start up the court cases.
Recently the Washington Post summarized the teachings of The Satanic Bible -- they just need to be codified and written Torah-style. Some of their teachings are very Trumpian, which should lead to some dramatic tightrope moments for Alito:
1."Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other." (cf. the Trumpian "If someone hits you, hit them back 15 times harder.")
2. "Say unto thine own heart, I am mine own redeemer." (cf. Trump's response to the question if he ever prays for forgiveness, with "No.")
3. "There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast." (Here DJT would disagree with the Satanists, as I believe it was in his last Christmas tweet that he wished all his enemies a quick trip to hell.)
That is as far as wikipedia quoted the WP. But the ball's in the Satanist's court. As Bush II used to say (in reference to evolution vs. ID), "Let's teach the controversy!"
Clearly we need the Satanists to come up with their 10 C's and start up the court cases.
Recently the Washington Post summarized the teachings of The Satanic Bible -- they just need to be codified and written Torah-style. Some of their teachings are very Trumpian, which should lead to some dramatic tightrope moments for Alito:
1."Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other." (cf. the Trumpian "If someone hits you, hit them back 15 times harder.")
2. "Say unto thine own heart, I am mine own redeemer." (cf. Trump's response to the question if he ever prays for forgiveness, with "No.")
3. "There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast." (Here DJT would disagree with the Satanists, as I believe it was in his last Christmas tweet that he wished all his enemies a quick trip to hell.)
That is as far as wikipedia quoted the WP. But the ball's in the Satanist's court. As Bush II used to say (in reference to evolution vs. ID), "Let's teach the controversy!"
Satanists have their 7 tenets. They should indeed demand that theirs be posted to or threaten to sue.

Of course the ACLU is already working on filing a lawsuit to stop this crap and indeed the court has ruled against these laws before. But that was a different court. I do worry that they fundamentally change that ruling.

However in more recent rulings the courts have made it clear that the government cannot discriminate amongst religions. Even satanism. That’s why their monument on the Louisiana capitol grounds was upheld. So if they do modify previous rulings then the Satanists would have an opening. I just suspect they’ll wait until there’s a ruling by the court on this sometime in about two years.
These "Christians" have a massive erection for the Old Testament. I doubt half of them even know the derivation of the word "Christian".
God commands Christians live as communists. See Acts 4 and Acts 2. Parts of the Bible that most Christians ignore.

Acts 4:31-35
31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.
32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
34 Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
35 And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

Acts 2:43-5
43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles.
44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.
Whoever wants to win this one is going to have to make arguments regarding the fact that the last two Commandments are anti-Capitalist! :D

There are no laws against coveting, except... oh gosh, these two!
The 2nd and 4th Commandments are anti-capitalist as well -- there's money to be made making graven images on the Sabbath. The 3rd too, come to think of it -- "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!" is pretty good advertising. :devil:
And never quote Romans 13:1-3 and 6-7 to them without identifying the source. That's Paul telling you to always respect and support elected officials and to pay your taxes like a good citizen. You'll be lucky if all they do is call you a commie lib.
Clearly we need the Satanists to come up with their 10 C's and start up the court cases.
Recently the Washington Post summarized the teachings of The Satanic Bible -- they just need to be codified and written Torah-style. Some of their teachings are very Trumpian, which should lead to some dramatic tightrope moments for Alito:
1."Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other." (cf. the Trumpian "If someone hits you, hit them back 15 times harder.")
2. "Say unto thine own heart, I am mine own redeemer." (cf. Trump's response to the question if he ever prays for forgiveness, with "No.")
3. "There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast." (Here DJT would disagree with the Satanists, as I believe it was in his last Christmas tweet that he wished all his enemies a quick trip to hell.)
That is as far as wikipedia quoted the WP. But the ball's in the Satanist's court. As Bush II used to say (in reference to evolution vs. ID), "Let's teach the controversy!"
Why do we the the ten commandments at all.

I find it strange that they chose the TC over Jesus' sermon on the mount, or the Beatitudes.

ETA: Crap, I see it's already been addressed.

I find it strange that they chose the TC over Jesus' sermon on the mount, or the Beatitudes.
Wow -- that is an interesting thought. It makes more sense than what they're pushing for, but that's me speaking from way outside their faith tradition. Perhaps switching from a list of no-no's to Jesus' list of what you ought to do would make it too obvious how far the Righties are from the gospel ideals.
Which version of the 10Cs did Louisiana choose to print?

Evangelicals only support the decalogue in Exodus. They don't know about the one in Deuteronomy.

Wait, wasn't Deuteronomy an Alan Parsons Project album?
Eh.. I prefer the other version in Exodus, (Ex 34) the only one that is actually called the 10 Commandments in the bible. You know, the one where the tenth commandment is "don't boil a goat in its mother's milk". I find that one very easy to follow.
Which version of the 10Cs did Louisiana choose to print?

Evangelicals only support the decalogue in Exodus. They don't know about the one in Deuteronomy.

Wait, wasn't Deuteronomy an Alan Parsons Project album?
Eh.. I prefer the other version in Exodus, (Ex 34) the only one that is actually called the 10 Commandments in the bible. You know, the one where the tenth commandment is "don't boil a goat in its mother's milk". I find that one very easy to follow.
Observant Jews tend to take that as a general prohibition on mixing milk with meat. No chili con queso.
Which version of the 10Cs did Louisiana choose to print?

Evangelicals only support the decalogue in Exodus. They don't know about the one in Deuteronomy.

Wait, wasn't Deuteronomy an Alan Parsons Project album?
Eh.. I prefer the other version in Exodus, (Ex 34) the only one that is actually called the 10 Commandments in the bible. You know, the one where the tenth commandment is "don't boil a goat in its mother's milk". I find that one very easy to follow.
Observant Jews tend to take that as a general prohibition on mixing milk with meat. No chili con queso.
Yea, that's the funny thing about religious traditions. A command about cooking goats in a very specific scenario. People wonder why bad things happen to them so they thing they are not following god's commands strictly enough, so they take it to extremes, so now observant Jews can't enjoy a Philly steak & cheese.
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