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Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

The new law is already being challenged in court as an unconstitutional violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

“We’re suing Louisiana for requiring all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom,” the American Civil Liberties Union announced on Wednesday. “Public schools are not Sunday schools.”

During Thursday’s edition of Outnumbered on Fox News, Marshall objected to the law, noting that Louisiana’s legislators should be focusing their efforts elsewhere.

“Louisiana’s 49th in education,” she declared. “We have 50 states. They are one from being the bottom in education. One. Two, [Louisiana has] one of the highest teen pregnancy rates. Three, school lunch programs – are we feeding the children? So, as a former Christian, one of the things that I would like to see, the Jesus that I know in the Bible… I think he would care more if we really cared about the children.”
The Baton Rouge Jesus Posse is making a fairly sensible bet that the Supremes will sustain them. SCOTUS already decided that your boss's supernatural beliefs can dictate your health benefits, that vouchers for religious education are perfectly OK, that a coach can make a BFD of praying on the 50-yard-line (because apparently he has no closet to pray in), and that a huge concrete cross can stand on public property because after all, a cross isn't advancing a religion, plus passage of time, plus removing it would give the appearance of hostility to religion. They just better protect us from Sharia law because that would, you know, be the end of our freedom.
Which version of the 10Cs did Louisiana choose to print?

Evangelicals only support the decalogue in Exodus. They don't know about the one in Deuteronomy.

Wait, wasn't Deuteronomy an Alan Parsons Project album?
Eh.. I prefer the other version in Exodus, (Ex 34) the only one that is actually called the 10 Commandments in the bible. You know, the one where the tenth commandment is "don't boil a goat in its mother's milk". I find that one very easy to follow.
Observant Jews tend to take that as a general prohibition on mixing milk with meat. No chili con queso.
Yea, that's the funny thing about religious traditions. A command about cooking goats in a very specific scenario. People wonder why bad things happen to them so they thing they are not following god's commands strictly enough, so they take it to extremes, so now observant Jews can't enjoy a Philly steak & cheese.
It's much more serious than a Philly steak and cheese sandwich, something found in Louisiana only in franchise restaurants.

Leviticus also prohibits eating pork, shellfish, and fish which have no scales. This eliminates any pig products, crawfish, shrimp, and crabs, and catfish. This is basically the entire protein component of the typical Louisiana diet.
Yeah, but Leviticus 11 still gives you the basis for a hearty, diverse spread of food. You can eat all the crickets, locusts, and grasshoppers you want. (Just add a little sriracha.) The Leviticus writers seem to think these bugs have 4 legs, by the way, but maybe they closed their eyes before munching.
Or do like Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 and graze on grass for seven years. (There must be a missing verse where the people could milk him from his man udders after a couple of weeks.)
Yeah, but Leviticus 11 still gives you the basis for a hearty, diverse spread of food. You can eat all the crickets, locusts, and grasshoppers you want. (Just add a little sriracha.)
British paranoia of insectivory has no basis in rationality, chapulines are both tasty and healthy.
Guess who's 100% in favour of the commandments being displayed in schools. Go on, guess.

Hint: Has broken the adultery one many times.

On Kimmel Live a couple of nights ago, he covered this in his monologue...and his staff put together a Power Point of all 10 Commandments paired with images of Trump violating them. SPOILER:

...the best one was Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, showing Biden and the WH.
Guess who's 100% in favour of the commandments being displayed in schools. Go on, guess.

Hint: Has broken the adultery one many times.

On Kimmel Live a couple of nights ago, he covered this in his monologue...and his staff put together a Power Point of all 10 Commandments paired with images of Trump violating them. SPOILER:

...the best one was Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, showing Biden and the WH.
Oooh, linky?
Guess who's 100% in favour of the commandments being displayed in schools. Go on, guess.

Hint: Has broken the adultery one many times.

Is there any of the ten he hasn’t broken??
He's never worked on a Sunday, so there's that.
Sabbath is Saturday.
He never worked on a Saturday either.
Guess who's 100% in favour of the commandments being displayed in schools. Go on, guess.

Hint: Has broken the adultery one many times.

Is there any of the ten he hasn’t broken??
He's never worked on a Sunday, so there's that.
Sabbath is Saturday.
He never worked on a Saturday either.
There's also the whole Friday thing that Trump worshippers might not like...

...I'm just sayin'
Technically this is limited (at the moment) to one of the most backward states in the US.
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