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MAGA Rally In DC For Reality Denial

... voting for Trump is not and is not even anywhere near "exactly equivalent" to supporting fascism. Lol.

Right. It's exactly like the Germans who turned a blind eye to Hitler's excesses of the late 30s because he made the trains run on time and returned a sense of proud nationalism.

Lots of them were just plain afraid. Hitler ruled by terror.
... voting for Trump is not and is not even anywhere near "exactly equivalent" to supporting fascism. Lol.

Right. It's exactly like the Germans who turned a blind eye to Hitler's excesses of the late 30s because he made the trains run on time and returned a sense of proud nationalism.

Lots of them were just plain afraid. Hitler ruled by terror.

So then they are WORSE than Nazis. They don't even need to fear the fascist. They are choosing this path out of their own personal drives. There is no excuse. There shall be no quarter. Deplorable, ignorant losers whose opinion or feelings do not matter. Sit down and shut up you meaningless minority of ignorance and hate. Their time is over and.. wait for it... FUCK THEIR FEELINGS.
Except it's not generalization. It's an inhumane (at best) ideology that Republicans support, whether their hands are personally bloodstained or not.

Every Republican supports an inhumane and dangerous ideology. Every single one. Every trump fan supports fascism and oppressing others.

The hypocrisy, projection, and lying that naturally come with that ideology should damn well be called out.

This is not a generalization.

Every Trump fan supports fascism? Egads.
Considering most of them don't know the difference between socialism, fascism, communism, and other basic political terms, yeah.
Yes. That is exactly correct. Supporting what Trump is doing now is exactly equivalent to supporting anti-democratic fascision. Ignore the will of the democratic process by lying and cheating for the purpose of grasping as much power as possible.
They are no longer JUST a basket of deplorables... now they have moved into the territory of unamerican terroristic cunts that should be deported back to the shithole countries their ancestors slime-trailed over here.

Listen, believe what you like, but voting for Trump is not and is not even anywhere near "exactly equivalent" to supporting fascism. Lol.

Just promise me one thing: keep your big manly gun away from me.
The irony of this. You have multiple people not only disagreeing, but clearly laying out the parallels, but you think you, singly, are the only one capable of rational anaylsis here and everyone else is wrong.

At some point, how many explanations would it take for you to 'get a grip', and re-examine your beliefs?
Yes. That is exactly correct. Supporting what Trump is doing now is exactly equivalent to supporting anti-democratic fascision. Ignore the will of the democratic process by lying and cheating for the purpose of grasping as much power as possible.
They are no longer JUST a basket of deplorables... now they have moved into the territory of unamerican terroristic cunts that should be deported back to the shithole countries their ancestors slime-trailed over here.

Listen, believe what you like, but voting for Trump is not and is not even anywhere near "exactly equivalent" to supporting fascism. Lol.

Just promise me one thing: keep your big manly gun away from me.
The irony of this. You have multiple people not only disagreeing, but clearly laying out the parallels, but you think you, singly, are the only one capable of rational anaylsis here and everyone else is wrong.

At some point, how many explanations would it take for you to 'get a grip', and re-examine your beliefs?

What beliefs do you believe I have?

That the current administration is not actually fascist? That's not a belief, it's a fact. Is the administration fucked up? Sure. But it is not fascist. Trump doesn't know what that is. He probably doesn't tie his own shoes. He's a blustery businessman in a politician's costume. He's a red faced hot headed sixth grade soccer coach,but he's not a fascist. Ever read Hitler? He could actually compose intelligent sentences and paragraphs. Trump has the vocabulary of an eight year old.

I regret entering the thread. I did so in order to correct someone who had made an inaccurate statement, and naturally the usual suspects became hysterical. I am not the first person this has happened to, and there are plenty of instances of decent people getting shit on because of this tendency for certain people to become hysterical as soon as anyone dares to deviate from the accepted modes of thinking and modes of speech.

The point here is simple. People can do bad things and have bad intentions and actually not be fascists. There are degrees of wrongdoing. We do not, however, excuse or condone lesser instances of wrongdoing when we point out these differences in degree. If I say the detainment centers where immigrant children are placed are not as appallingly inhumane as the concentration camps in nazi Germany, I am stating a fact; but at the same time I am not excusing or condoning the former. In fact the former upsets me and I believe it to be egregiously wrong, but if I were to say it appalls me the way films of Nazi Germany concentration camps appall me, I would be a liar. Both are wrong, but one is even more wrong and appalling than the other.

Why is this distinction so difficult to accept?

We will not see immigrant children gassed, otherwise murdered, and their bodies shoved down chutes into giant piles of dead starved carcasses. We will not see that happen. It will not be perpetrated by the current administration, because the current administration does not want that to happen. Hitler stated early on that he wanted the Jewish people eradicated, erased, removed, killed off. Trump has not indicated that he wants this to happen to illegal immigrants! He's an idiot, but he is not Hitler. We must remember who Hitler was! We must remember how evil he was.

We must make these distinctions, lest we become an hysterical mob.
How many German citizens actually believed the holocaust could happen? The fact is that human history is filled with acts of genocide and oppression. In the US and any real democracy the struggle for decency never ends. Informed people don't think in terms of "us vs them" but rather how any population, given circumstance, can become monstrous. We have to do nothing less than protect ourselves from ourselves. Generally speaking, I don't think Trumpo's minions give two shits about that.
Trump has not indicated that he wants this to happen to illegal immigrants! He's an idiot, but he is not Hitler. We must remember who Hitler was! We must remember how evil he was.

Wait, are you seriously trying to tell me that a guy who doesn't give a single shit about 200k+ Americans dying in a pandemic, somehow cares about the wellbeing of immigrants? Seriously??
How many German citizens actually believed the holocaust could happen? The fact is that human history is filled with acts of genocide and oppression. In the US and any real democracy the struggle for decency never ends. Informed people don't think in terms of "us vs them" but rather how any population, given circumstance, can become monstrous. We have to do nothing less than protect ourselves from ourselves. Generally speaking, I don't think Trumpo's minions give two shits about that.

The German people should have known that Hitler had identified the Jewish people explicitly as a great problem, and they should have known of his desire to wipe them out, since he was making speeches about it.

I do agree, and we have enough evidence to know that the citizenry were not fully aware of what was actually going on. And of course a great many of them were shocked and appalled, too late; however, Mein Kampf was written in 1925, and there had been plenty of warning as to the severity of Hitler's intentions with respect to the Jews.

People act as if the American people have made no outcry against Trump, or let's say specifically in regard to his handling of illegal immigration. But the world has been condemning the man for four years, protesting in word and deed, including Americans. Few public officials have reaped more abuse. And now he has been elected out of office. Yay! That's what happens when people rally together and when enough of them choose to instigate change.

Sure, Trump will do what he can to hold onto the presidency, but the United States is still plenty stable enough to prevent him from doing it by force. He does not have the means to do it. And I don't actually think he would try to do it even if he could. Of course saying that will have the room falling about me again and I will be yet another little shitler to slap around on the internet. But I don't care.
Trump has not indicated that he wants this to happen to illegal immigrants! He's an idiot, but he is not Hitler. We must remember who Hitler was! We must remember how evil he was.

Wait, are you seriously trying to tell me that a guy who doesn't give a single shit about 200k+ Americans dying in a pandemic, somehow cares about the wellbeing of immigrants? Seriously??

Will you listen to yourself? I said that Trump has not indicated that he wants to wipe out illegal immigrants by way of genocide! I did NOT say that he cared about the welfare of immigrants!

I hate to tell you, but there are people around you who don't give a shit about immigrants; but I doubt that ANY of them think that illegal immigrants should all be killed!
Trump has not indicated that he wants this to happen to illegal immigrants! He's an idiot, but he is not Hitler. We must remember who Hitler was! We must remember how evil he was.

Wait, are you seriously trying to tell me that a guy who doesn't give a single shit about 200k+ Americans dying in a pandemic, somehow cares about the wellbeing of immigrants? Seriously??

Will you listen to yourself? I said that Trump has not indicated that he wants to wipe out illegal immigrants by way of genocide! I did NOT say that he cared about the welfare of immigrants!

I hate to tell you, but there are people around you who don't give a shit about immigrants; but I doubt that ANY of them think that illegal immigrants should all be killed!
See how it works, GN?

Unless, and until a person specifically and unequivocally states that they want to execute masses of certain people, and they have to specifically say they are going to commit genocide, or it doesn't count, they are not fascist.

I guess we need to update Merriam-Webster.
Will you listen to yourself? I said that Trump has not indicated that he wants to wipe out illegal immigrants by way of genocide! I did NOT say that he cared about the welfare of immigrants!

I hate to tell you, but there are people around you who don't give a shit about immigrants; but I doubt that ANY of them think that illegal immigrants should all be killed!
See how it works, GN?

Unless, and until a person specifically and unequivocally states that they want to execute masses of certain people, and they have to specifically say they are going to commit genocide, or it doesn't count, they are not fascist.

I guess we need to update Merriam-Webster.

Of course that is not what my words mean.

There are plenty of fascists who won't utter their true feelings, out of cowardice. And sure, these people can be firecrackers and suddenly go off.

But it is still important to draw a distinction between people like Hitler and people like Trump, and also between Trump and people who voted for him. There are degrees of evil. There are even degrees of stupid and dangerous behaviors that are not actually evil. Oh noes, perish the thought!
Will you listen to yourself? I said that Trump has not indicated that he wants to wipe out illegal immigrants by way of genocide! I did NOT say that he cared about the welfare of immigrants!

I hate to tell you, but there are people around you who don't give a shit about immigrants; but I doubt that ANY of them think that illegal immigrants should all be killed!
See how it works, GN?

Unless, and until a person specifically and unequivocally states that they want to execute masses of certain people, and they have to specifically say they are going to commit genocide, or it doesn't count, they are not fascist.

I guess we need to update Merriam-Webster.

The other side of that same coin is the implication that if he does not explicitly SAY he wants to exterminate immigrants than it means he has not expressed ANY racist, derogatory, or anti-democratic notions that lean that way.
Will you listen to yourself? I said that Trump has not indicated that he wants to wipe out illegal immigrants by way of genocide! I did NOT say that he cared about the welfare of immigrants!

I hate to tell you, but there are people around you who don't give a shit about immigrants; but I doubt that ANY of them think that illegal immigrants should all be killed!
See how it works, GN?

Unless, and until a person specifically and unequivocally states that they want to execute masses of certain people, and they have to specifically say they are going to commit genocide, or it doesn't count, they are not fascist.

I guess we need to update Merriam-Webster.

The other side of that same coin is the implication that if he does not explicitly SAY he wants to exterminate immigrants than it means he has not expressed ANY racist, derogatory, or anti-democratic notions that lean that way.


Of course one can be a racist and anti-democratic without also being a genocidal maniac.

To say that Trump has not suggested genocide, which he hasn't, is not the same as suggesting that he has not a racist or undemocratic bone in his body. There are a whole lot of positions one can hold that are not extreme.
The other side of that same coin is the implication that if he does not explicitly SAY he wants to exterminate immigrants than it means he has not expressed ANY racist, derogatory, or anti-democratic notions that lean that way.


Of course one can be a racist and anti-democratic without also being a genocidal maniac.

To say that Trump has not suggested genocide, which he hasn't, is not the same as suggesting that he has not a racist or undemocratic bone in his body. There are a whole lot of positions one can hold that are not extreme.

Then we agree and you can just call me Captain Obvious,then.
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