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McCarthey out as Speaker of the House - Bozo the clown on deck

I agree with this. It was a stupid move for all Dems to join 8 MAGAs to remove McCarthy. They put party over country.

You think that the Dems put party over country?
Despite the fact that Gaetz started this and the Republican members kept the fires going for weeks?

Lemme give you a clue.
Gaetz is a Republican.
MTG, who said she would only vote for Trump as Speaker, is also a Republican.

Republicans have consistently made it clear that they would only vote for Speaker candidates who oppose U.S. democratic institutions like the Electoral College.

And you still think it's the Democrats who are putting party over country?

Partisan bullshit.

Derec just tried to explain why the speakership mess went on for so long. Democrats couldn't get it through their thick skulls and into their tiny brains that it was unpatriotic not to support a Republican who rejected everything they stood for. Democrats could have had their pick, but they put their country through hell. So Republicans finally had to get together and elect a Speaker who rejects everything the Democrats stand for. They actually had to do the Democrats' job for them.
The Democrats must be absolutely thrilled. They joined forces with the far-right to oust McCarthy, essentially rolling out the red carpet and saying 'by all means, choose your candidate' to the far-right. And who did they chose? Mike Johnson. Fucking brilliant.
I agree with this. It was a stupid move for all Dems to join 8 MAGAs to remove McCarthy. They put party over country.
I disagree with Jimmy and Elixir. McCarthy will prove to be a lot easier to work with than Johnson. Dems got a favorable debt ceiling and short term continuing resolution under him. I doubt they will get nearly as much under Johnson.
Succumbed to the classic Hollywood ruse, wherein the protagonist is led to believe their actions are self-beneficial, only to discover at the film’s climax that they’ve inadvertently been aiding the antagonist all along.

Nah, McCarthy was a shit speaker. Reneged on a deal, allowed hearing for impeaching Hunter Biden, did a 180 on opposing Trump for 1/6. It was right to remove him from Dem pov.
The Democrats must be absolutely thrilled. They joined forces with the far-right to oust McCarthy, essentially rolling out the red carpet and saying 'by all means, choose your candidate' to the far-right. And who did they chose? Mike Johnson. Fucking brilliant.
I agree with this. It was a stupid move for all Dems to join 8 MAGAs to remove McCarthy. They put party over country.
I disagree with Jimmy and Elixir. McCarthy will prove to be a lot easier to work with than Johnson. Dems got a favorable debt ceiling and short term continuing resolution under him. I doubt they will get nearly as much under Johnson.
Do you know how many Republicans voted for Nancy Pelosi for speaker over her career? Not one.

You're clearly asking for a double standard.
Yeah, the Dems really goofed by allowing the shithead who launched a baseless impeachment inquiry (according the GOP's star witnesses) to get axed.
Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives - Vote Details
Roll Call 527
Oct 25, 2023, 01:50 PM | 118th Congress, 1st Session
Vote Question: Election of the Speaker
Johnson (LA): 220 -- all R's
Jeffries: 209 -- all D's
Present: 0
Not Voting: 4 -- D 3, R 1

Do you want a creationist for Speaker of the House? by PZ Myers
After chewing up 3 nominees in the last few weeks, the Republicans have thrown up a fourth ugly slug: Mike Johnson, a far right goober from Louisiana. Nothing good comes out of Louisiana politics, but I also know something else about him. He’s a creationist. He writes for Answers in Genesis.
Yes indeed: Mike Johnson | Answers in Genesis

PZ then chortled about a letter that he wrote to a Kentucky newspaper, complaining about a negative review of Ark Encounter, a Noah's-Ark theme park.

Life-size Noah’s Ark | Ark Encounter
'I've prayed for each of you': How Mike Johnson led a campaign of election denial - POLITICO - "The new speaker, an unsung enabler of Trump’s last-ditch effort, privately urged his colleagues to oppose the election results the day before the attack on the Capitol."
One day before a mob bludgeoned its way into the Capitol, Rep. Mike Johnson huddled with colleagues in a closed-door meeting about Congress’ task on Jan. 6, 2021.

“This is a very weighty decision. All of us have prayed for God’s discernment. I know I’ve prayed for each of you individually,” Johnson said at the meeting, according to a record of his comments obtained by POLITICO, before urging his fellow Republicans to join him in opposing the results.
He helped plan the legal strategies behind at least some of the 60+ lawsuits that the Trump Admin filed to invalidate the 2020 election results. But not all of his fellow Republicans agreed.
Some of Johnson’s vocal opponents at the Jan. 5, 2021, closed-door meeting were Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Don Bacon (R-Neb.), who warned Johnson’s plan would lead to a constitutional and political catastrophe.

“Let us not turn the last firewall for liberty we have remaining on its head in a bit of populist rage for political expediency,” Roy said at the time, according to the record.
Though both of them joined their fellow R's in voting for him.
Buck opposed two other candidates for speaker, Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), in part because they had refused to accept the results of the 2020 election, but he made an exception for Johnson.

Buck told reporters Wednesday that Johnson’s “amicus brief is fundamentally different than trying to overturn something on the floor.” Going through the courts was “absolutely appropriate,” according to Buck, who noted that “most of the conference voted to decertify the election.”
I have a hard time taking that seriously. Did the R's simply get tired of the drama llama around Speaker votes?
But a review of his closed-door comments and public statements at the time reveal the newly elected speaker as a ubiquitous contact for Trump at key moments, within days of the former president’s defeat at the polls and throughout his increasingly desperate effort to subvert the 2020 election.

“I have just called President Trump to say this: ‘Stay strong and keep fighting, sir! The nation is depending upon your resolve. We must exhaust every available legal remedy to restore Americans’ trust in the fairness of our election system,’” Johnson tweeted on Nov. 7, 2020, the day pollsters and media outlets largely called the race for Biden.

A day later, Johnson and Trump spoke again. “President Trump called me last night.” Johnson tweeted on Nov. 9, “and I was encouraged to hear his continued resolve to ensure that every LEGAL vote gets properly counted and that all instances of fraud and illegality are investigated and prosecuted.”
The Democrats must be absolutely thrilled. They joined forces with the far-right to oust McCarthy, essentially rolling out the red carpet and saying 'by all means, choose your candidate' to the far-right. And who did they chose? Mike Johnson. Fucking brilliant.
I agree with this. It was a stupid move for all Dems to join 8 MAGAs to remove McCarthy. They put party over country.
I disagree with Jimmy and Elixir. McCarthy will prove to be a lot easier to work with than Johnson. Dems got a favorable debt ceiling and short term continuing resolution under him. I doubt they will get nearly as much under Johnson.
Or, and I understand how this escapes you, it might prove once and for all the GOP is not fit to govern and in fact the GOP is the best example to why a one party state works. It shouldn't but if the alternative is these cunts...

I'm sorry Derec. Your McGovern Democrats don't exist anymore - and won't be coming back.
It is possible the Democrats looked at the situation and saw that there was no feasible GOP speaker in the current GOP lot. Instead of submitting to a disaster, they decided to let the GOP stew in their fetid mess to show the public how incompetent they are in the hopes of a longer term gain for the country and themselves.

The Dems hold the Senate so they can minimize any damage the House tries to inflict on the world
The tail continues to wag the dog. The country as a whole is nowhere near this far right. Even most republicans aren't. When will they realize that their republican party exists in name only?
‘I killed him': How Trump torpedoed Tom Emmer’s speaker bid - POLITICO - "Just when the congressman thought he had neutralized Trump, the former president lowered the boom."
Just hours after Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) won the Republican Conference’s nomination to be House speaker on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to deride the congressman as “totally out-of-touch with Republican Voters” and a “Globalist RINO.”

He then got on the phone with members to express his aversion for Emmer and his bid for speaker.

By Tuesday afternoon Trump called one person close to him with the message, “He’s done. It’s over. I killed him.”

Just minutes later, Emmer officially dropped out of the race.
Why do the Congressional Republicans cower before him?

Democrats rev up the opposition machine against Mike Johnson - POLITICO - "The party sees him as a particularly ripe target for their messaging to retake the House."

What a juicy target he is.
“House Republicans may be breathing a short-sighted sigh of relief now that they’ve elected a new Speaker,” it read, “but their decision to elevate an anti-abortion extremist who has pushed to gut Social Security and Medicare and who was one of the main architects of the illegal attempt to overturn the 2020 election will lose them the majority in 2024.”

Johnson’s time as a private attorney is a rich target for opposition researchers. Before getting elected to Congress, he worked for the Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian legal advocacy group now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom, and has opposed same-sex marriage and other LGBTQ rights.

Johnson once filed a 2003 lawsuit that argued gay city employees’ partners should be blocked from receiving health care benefits. He authored editorials in his local paper that argued LGBT people shouldn’t be included in the legal definition of employment discrimination, “We don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.”

But as opposition researchers dig through the archives, Democrats say they have more than enough to point to from his time in Congress. When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Johnson called it a “joyous occasion.” Johnson has also spoken in favor of entitlement reform, which Democrats argue is code for cutting programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Rep. Pete Aguilar called Johnson the “architect of Electoral College objections” in a floor speech on Wednesday. Johnson voted against certifying the 2020 election, and asked other Republican members to sign onto a legal brief in a case challenging the election results in multiple states.
Mike Johnson is a social conservative’s social conservative - POLITICO
What’s clear, however, is that Johnson is a social conservative’s social conservative — the most culturally conservative lawmaker to ascend to the speakership in decades, if not longer.

He has longstanding ties to the evangelical activist group Family Research Council — which could one day prove discomfiting to members from swing districts or of a more secular orientation.
Mike Johnson’s ascension is already sparking a cash frenzy - POLITICO - "But there are doubts the new speaker can match Kevin McCarthy’s fundraising prowess."
Someone should challenge
* the election that put MJ in office
* the election the gave him the gavel

Both were rigged - lots of allegations of irregularities.
Are we really going to let Vladimir Putin to install our Speaker AS WELL AS our president?
The House should swing back to the Dems on a tight majority. The Speaker is an important position, but it isn't a dictatorship. Johnson is beholden to the narrative of the GOP. The GOP still looks like crap if they let the government shutdown. The McCarthy led house wasn't exactly providing the Dems much in the way of favors, or common courtesy, or barely even basic governance. Johnson doesn't change that. Johnson seems unwell, but he just sets the agenda in the House, and that agenda is little different than under McCarthy.
little different

I'll remember this.
Do you think McCarthy WANTED to make a deal on spending? No. He didn't. But the political reality, as seen by the GOP In the Senate, was a shutdown would be bad for the GOP. This hasn't changed. This guy is going to be in charge for probably a short period of time as well. The Dems will likely retake the House (while losing the Senate).
I agree. My point revolves around the increased audacity we are likely to witness from the far-right, as they perceive the ascent of one of their affiliates to a position of considerable influence as a significant advantage and encouragement for their cause.
I agree. My point revolves around the increased audacity we are likely to witness from the far-right, as they perceive the ascent of one of their affiliates to a position of considerable influence as a significant advantage and encouragement for their cause.
McCarthy voted to reverse the results of the US Election in 2020. He is the far-right. Over half of the GOP is in the House.
"I don’t think anybody is questioning the legitimacy of the presidential election,” McCarthy said. “I think that is all over with. We’re sitting here with the president today."

While he was a trash speaker he's not Jim Jordan or the current speaker of the house, who to this day still believes in the election fraud.
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