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McCarthy opens impeachment inquiry

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
So yeah, in order to pass a spending bill, McCarthy had to open an impeachment inquiry or lose the Speaker position in the House. Yeah, the GOP is completely not derailing.
article said:
“These are allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption and warrant further investigation by the House of Representatives,” McCarthy told reporters Tuesday morning. “That’s why today I am directing our House committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. … We will go wherever the evidence takes us.”
So, they are looking into wrong doing with Hunter Biden's business affairs in Ukraine 8 or so years ago.

article said:
The House faces a critical Sept. 30 deadline to fund the government and avoid a shutdown. McCarthy has been trying to hang on to support for a funding bill from far-right GOP lawmakers, who have been pushing to impeach Biden. Republican leaders had been weighing whether to use an impeachment inquiry vote as a bargaining chip in the funding negotiations.
This is insane! Instead of making a deal with the Democrats that'd end this alt-right siege of the House GOP, they just give in to the alt-right.
Allegations allegations allegations ... all the GOP has is allegations.
Allegations of election fraud, allegations of Biden wrongdoing, allegations ...

Since when do naked fucking baseless allegations hold the spotlight, while the truth of gets swept under the rug?
... fucking Republitards. This will not end well for them. I welcome their waste of time and money, if it ends up getting the idiotic asswipes voted out of Congress.
This is a legacy project. After 73 years, they have another breathless McCarthy alerting the country to the dark underbelly of the Dems. Don't blow it, Kev -- let's see if, at long last, you have no sense of decency (the calling card of the successful Republican these days.)
Jebus! What, opening a baseless impeachment inquiry regarding nothing but bald faced allegations isn't enough. What is he expecting McCarthy to do above that? Just go straight to the trial or impeachment vote?

McCarthy already went way too far and Gaetz is saying 'Dude, that is barely a start!'
Full access to jan 6th footage so they can cherry-pick
Balanced budget (remove social programs for the poor but not the rich)
A promise to be part of the next Insurrection.

Just kidding about the last one.

I think.
Joe Biden has a literal Trump card to play against the House’s new impeachment inquiry.

In January 2020, the Donald Trump-led Justice Department formally declared that impeachment inquiries by the House are invalid unless the chamber takes formal votes to authorize them.

That opinion — issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel — came in response to then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to launch an impeachment inquiry into Trump without initially holding a vote for it. Not only is it still on the books, it is binding on the current administration as it responds to Tuesday’s announcement by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to authorize an impeachment inquiry into Biden, again without a vote.
If they do not follow the above rule any subpoenas they submit will not be valid.
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How is an offense committed by someone else at a time when one wasn't president anyway an impeachable matter?
Just let them get started, they’re sure they’ll figure it out along the way….

It will be like Whitewater, 5 years, $47 million dollars and no crimes uncovered by the Clintons. Until the never ending witch hunt finally got shut down. This is what this will end up being more of the same. BS going on and on, weaponizing impeachment and finding nothing while the Republicans slobber and drool angrily, telling us where there is smoke, there must be fire.

Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazzzzzzzi! Her emails! Hunter Biden's laptop! Whitewater!
Bill Clinton's blowjob!
How is an offense committed by someone else at a time when one wasn't president anyway an impeachable matter?
Just let them get started, they’re sure they’ll figure it out along the way….

It will be like Whitewater, 5 years, $47 million dollars and no crimes uncovered by the Clintons. Until the never ending witch hunt finally got shut down. This is what this will end up being more of the same.

The Whitewater investigation went nowhere, 'tis true...but it led to the investigation of Bubba's sexcapades, which led to a completely unrelated trial where he lied under oath, and that was a (barely) legit reason to at least try impeachment...? Perjury over a blow job is what counted as a "high crime and misdemeanor" because that was all they could come up with. So the witch hunt didn't so much get shut down as it evolved (morphed? Mutated?) into "well shit...we'll find something eventually" endeavor. I'm of the opinion that - like this time - the GOP settled on impeachment first, then set about trying to find a crime that fit.

The difference here is that unlike in the 90s, the GOP is fractured. The "Freedom Caucus" wanted this inquiry, while the less bonkers reps (and the Senate) knew there was no "there" there and wanted to hold off. Yet the former has the Speaker by the short ones, and if he didn't go along they'd remove him and throw the House into another fight for that gavel. The unfortunate (for the country) thing is that when push comes to shove on the short term spending bill to keep the government open, Gaetz, Marjorie Trailer Queen, and the rest of the nutty far right will force McCarthy's hand there as well, and we'll have a government shutdown.

As some commentators have pointed out, K-Mac could have reached across the aisle and got a spending deal done that would pass the Senate easily (and put the crazies in their corner), but he knuckled under because he loves his precious gavel too much.

The House GOP campaign against Clinton was concerted, and the party was fairly well united under Gingrich...one of the more powerful GOP Speakers in recent memory. This is a mess put forth by a divided party under a feckless leader. If the Democrats had any fight in them, they'd forcefully pin any after effects from the looming shutdown on the House GOP nutbags. But they don't do anything forcefully. They're like that kid being bullied who just sits there and takes it, hoping the beatings will stop one day.
Sad but true. To reach maximum political power in the USA today, you have to produce nonstop, shrill, fact-free propaganda. And the right has the absolute masters of the craft.
If senile, corrupt war criminal Biden can not be impeached then who can?

When I saw this I immediately "knew" it was a typical sarcastic joke, of a genre often seen here.

Then I glanced at the poster's name and revised that judgement! :ROFLMAO: Putin is famous for hiring troll-bot farms to spread pro-Trump lies on social media. Is that where barbos gets his "information"?
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