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McConnell Delays Health Care Retraction Bill While McCain Gets Surgery

The Republicans opposed the ACA from day 1. It became law in early 2010.

They have howled at the moon for seven years about how it is destroying the known universe, maybe more.

But in all that time they never thought to come up with an alternative.

That is a party that is useless. Absolutely useless. All it can do is destroy. It cannot create anything of value. It has no ideas. It has masters to please.

How anybody supports them is simply astounding.

They don't want an alternative. They never have, they don't today and they never will. They merely give it lip service because it is politically correct.

What the Repubs also forgot is that once you give an entitlement it is nearly impossible to take away.
When McConnell's office was asked whether they saw any irony to the announcement, a McConnell spokesperson said "No."
Of course not. The goal of Trumpcare isn't health care, it's profits.
If they had to delay the vote because half the Senate was getting audited, that'd be ironic.

Maybe we can spin this to make Obamacare a self-interest thing?
If only the wealthy can get this sort of surgery, that means doctors only get to practice on wealthy patients. The more poor people that are covered, the more practice they can get before they touch real people.

The other part of the goal is that rich people, of whom McCain is one, will still be able to get excellent health care.

We should all be like McCain, according to Republicans and would be, if only we had the gumption and worked hard. Then we would deserve health care.
What the Repubs also forgot is that once you give an entitlement it is nearly impossible to take away.

You mean once people are finally getting something they need like health care it is clearly counterproductive to take it away for no good reason.
With the "everybody is a crook but our guy" and the reelection rate of around 95%, I don't see much change in the House or Senate in the years to come.

(1994 and 2010 not withstanding)


"My first day in office, I am going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability," said Trump on Oct. 25, a day after he St. Augustine speech, in Sanford, Florida. "You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost. And it's going to be so easy."
It boggles the mind to realize that Cheato doesn't know that. What a fucking maroon.
According to CNN, Trump is in toddler mode and says he'll let Obamacare fail.

It is almost like he doesn't understand how this government thing works.

Or maybe he's just getting bad advice? "Yes Mr. President, if you tweet about how you're going to let Obamacare fail often enough, the law will just fall off the books eventually."
With the "everybody is a crook but our guy" and the reelection rate of around 95%, I don't see much change in the House or Senate in the years to come.

(1994 and 2010 not withstanding)


Are you going to vote in '18?
I think the reputhuglicans might be less enthusiastic than they were last year. We could see a major housecleaning if the Dems can turn people out.
Absolutely. Repubs now can't take it away for any good reason.

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What the Repubs also forgot is that once you give an entitlement it is nearly impossible to take away.

You mean once people are finally getting something they need like health care it is clearly counterproductive to take it away for no good reason.

forgot to quote above. People deserve healthcare that is for all not just the rich.
With the "everybody is a crook but our guy" and the reelection rate of around 95%, I don't see much change in the House or Senate in the years to come.

(1994 and 2010 not withstanding)


Are you going to vote in '18?
I think the reputhuglicans might be less enthusiastic than they were last year. We could see a major housecleaning if the Dems can turn people out.

Yes, I've voted in every election since 1972. Don't blame me, I voted for McGovern...

With the "everybody is a crook but our guy" and the reelection rate of around 95%, I don't see much change in the House or Senate in the years to come.

(1994 and 2010 not withstanding)

Are you going to vote in '18?
I think the reputhuglicans might be less enthusiastic than they were last year. We could see a major housecleaning if the Dems can turn people out.
A recent study on gerrymandering indicate that the Republicans have a net 22 seat advantage. Winning the House will be extremely hard. They held the Senate with Trump leading the ticket!
It boggles the mind to realize that Cheato doesn't know that. What a fucking maroon.
According to CNN, Trump is in toddler mode and says he'll let Obamacare fail.

Watch out for flying chicken nuggets.

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It boggles the mind to realize that Cheato doesn't know that. What a fucking maroon.
According to CNN, Trump is in toddler mode and says he'll let Obamacare fail.

Watch out for flying chicken nuggets.
I'd like to be standing outside the door when one of these pricks is leaving his doctor's office just to ask, "So how's that government subsidized health insurance working for you, asshole? Too bad millions of people paying for yours don't have any of their own, asshole."
What I fear, though, is a 'repeal with an IOU for a replacement.'

"Trump said he'd get to that later, once they work it out. MAGA!"
They can't get 50 votes for a replace, but they think they can get 60?!


Gotta fund the tax cuts somehow!
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