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McConnell Delays Health Care Retraction Bill While McCain Gets Surgery

They can't get 50 votes for a replace, but they think they can get 60?!


Gotta fund the tax cuts somehow!

Everyone wants to be a billionaire now (except me of course). You can't put a 90% income tax rate on income in excess of $10,000,000.00+ a year, and still expect everyone to become billionaires as Trump promised. But a graduated tax with a very steep top end is the only way to fund any kind of "medicare for all" system - not worth sacrificing the drams of all those wannabe Trumps I suppose.
"For seventeen years, people have suffered with the havoc of Obamacare." - Peanut butter and jelly
Thanks. I tried to get it from memory from the newscast.

And yes, I call Trump peanut butter and jelly.
McCain to return to the senate tomorrow, according to Rachel Maddow.
McCain returns!

Remember when Kennedy returned from illness to vote for the Medicare expansion? McCain is coming back to try and retract health care. This seems bad because the Republican Party isn't vile enough to get a guy dying of cancer to come to the Senate to not vote on a bill. Right?

Thanks. I tried to get it from memory from the newscast.

And yes, I call Trump peanut butter and jelly.

What a fucking moron he is :rolleyes: I WISH we've had ObamaCare for 17 years... and President Obama, too.
You know, at least this was a gaffe. Not something he actually believed. Nice change of pace.
McCain to return to the senate tomorrow, according to Rachel Maddow.

I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?
McCain to return to the senate tomorrow, according to Rachel Maddow.

I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?

For a long time (and I've been in AZ for 20 years) McCain was teetering on the edge of respectability. He was solidly conservative, but did the whole "reach across the aisle" thing enough to piss off the right wing of his party. He was a hawk, but unlike a lot of his colleagues on the hill he actually suffered for his country. His stance against torture was hard-won, but for some reason he also knuckled under when given the opportunity to buck the GOP on other principles like when he did an about face on Falwell and the religious right.

I've got a bad feeling that he'll return to the Senate and fall in line with McConnell.
McCain to return to the senate tomorrow, according to Rachel Maddow.

I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?
That is take away people's health care, funding for special education, and nursing homes for the elderly. All things Medicaid!

He's coming back to vote on a bill that the Senate Majority Leader doesn't even have the balls to tell his own party what bill it is.
I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?
That is take away people's health care, funding for special education, and nursing homes for the elderly. All things Medicaid!

He's coming back to vote on a bill that the Senate Majority Leader doesn't even have the balls to tell his own party what bill it is.

So McCain will jet in after receiving top notch medical care that removed a tumor, that probably cost in excess of $75k, to vote to take away the same right from others. Oh the irony.
That is take away people's health care, funding for special education, and nursing homes for the elderly. All things Medicaid!

He's coming back to vote on a bill that the Senate Majority Leader doesn't even have the balls to tell his own party what bill it is.

So McCain will jet in after receiving top notch medical care that removed a tumor, that probably cost in excess of $75k, to vote to take away the same right from others. Oh the irony.
So much irony, it graduates to douchebaggery.
McCain to return to the senate tomorrow, according to Rachel Maddow.

I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?

My thought too. Losing much of the respect for "The Maverick" I had.
I didn't vote for McCain, but I always liked him and respected him. I remember him correcting the woman who was calling Obama an evil Muslim. However, how pathetic. He's going to limp back to congress in order to do what? Take away some people's health care? That's what he wants his last act to read?

My thought too. Losing much of the respect for "The Maverick" I had.
Well that respect was mainly lost in '08 when he went from Maverick to douchebag Republican and gave a catapult to the movement that would eventually elect Donald Trump. This would pretty much erase any decency for his legacy.
If McCain was to come in and vote against his party, I could imagine what kind of egregious shit the likes of FOX would be insinuating, if not some republican members themselves.
Personally I lost some respect for the man when he decided to run for president. I used to enjoy his appearances on the Sunday morning news shows. He always gave straight answers. Then one day on a sit down with Tim Russert, he started sounding like a politician and the love was gone.
Guy with cancer comes back to Senate to pass critical 50-50 tying vote... to move forward with a bill that aims at decimating Medicaid spending. Now the "debate" begins. Rand Paul pussied out.

Kind of waiting for McConnell to call for a final vote in an hour.
My thought too. Losing much of the respect for "The Maverick" I had.
Well that respect was mainly lost in '08 when he went from Maverick to douchebag Republican and gave a catapult to the movement that would eventually elect Donald Trump. This would pretty much erase any decency for his legacy.
Yep! I didn't agree with McCain's neocon world view, but I could at least respect him, as he didn't just tow the Repug line. And even though he sold much of his soul for the 2008 race, he still hasn't been as bad as so many Repugs. If he goes out helping to trash the ACA, that will be a pathetic finale to his career.
I'd like to think that the hidden reason for going forward with a "debate" is to keep Congress in session so Cheato can't make a recess appointment for AG.

Probably not ... but I'd like to think so.
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