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McConnell Delays Health Care Retraction Bill While McCain Gets Surgery

And McCain aids and abets towards the next step of Repug ownership of US health care 'system' :boom:
Senate advances health care bill as McCain makes dramatic return, Pence breaks tie
The odd thing is that the Republicans are trying to make health care better, yet, their plan seems to make it worse than what it was prior to ACA. If ACA is so bad, just go back to the previous system. If you can't just do that, then the ACA isn't as bad as they say.
And McCain aids and abets towards the next step of Repug ownership of US health care 'system' :boom:
The odd thing is that the Republicans are saying that they are trying to make health care better, yet, their plan seems to make it worse than what it was prior to ACA. If ACA is so bad, just go back to the previous system. If you can't just do that, then the ACA isn't as bad as they say.
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That is take away people's health care, funding for special education, and nursing homes for the elderly. All things Medicaid!

He's coming back to vote on a bill that the Senate Majority Leader doesn't even have the balls to tell his own party what bill it is.

So McCain will jet in after receiving top notch medical care that removed a tumor, that probably cost in excess of $75k, to vote to take away the same right from others. Oh the irony.

The word "irony" does not covey the depths of depravity of such a move (if he, indeed, votes for repeal of ACA).

I know that it will never ever happen because Congress would need to vote to make it happen (and they never ever will), but I would like to see all Congress people have to have the same exact health care options that they want to give to the general public.
Edit: nevermind I heard wrong.
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These Republicans are going to shove a Bill down the throats of Americans that they wrote without any hearings. Without any investigation. Without asking one person one question.

Where exactly did the ideas in this Bill come from?

How did they get so much power that they don't have to explain this?

That's the stuff of dictatorship.

Why do Republican voters stand for it?
The odd thing is that the Republicans are saying that they are trying to make health care better, yet, their plan seems to make it worse than what it was prior to ACA. If ACA is so bad, just go back to the previous system. If you can't just do that, then the ACA isn't as bad as they say.

This bears repeating. The goal of the GOP was never...has never...will never be to give us a better system. They've been trying to gut medical safety nets like Medicare and Medicaid since those were passed into law. They've been working on this for generations. If you think that the Republicans are trying to replace Obamacare with something better, then you're a gullible idiot.

So yesterday, the Republicans very narrowly got through a resolution to move forward in the bill process and modify the bill via debate and amendments. Except... there is no single bill and the Republicans are almost literally throwing any bill against the wall and seeing if it will stick.

Next up flat up repeal. That thing Republicans voted for repeatedly, but apparently is no longer doable now that there are real world consequences to passing such a bill.

Possibly afterwards is the Senate bill that nixes Planned Parenthood spending... something that does not fall under reconciliation, so they'd need 60 votes to pass.
Senate Voting Frenzy

Senate voted and said no to the Senate bill (BCRA) 43 to 57... and umm... they needed 60 votes because of the Planned Parenthood part.

Now the Senate is voting on the full repeal, no replace. Currently 3 Republicans have voted no on it, which would put it at 49 to 51. What is interesting is that Capito is one of the no votes, so Murkowski hasn't voted yet.
Senate Voting Frenzy

Senate voted and said no to the Senate bill (BCRA) 43 to 57... and umm... they needed 60 votes because of the Planned Parenthood part.

Now the Senate is voting on the skinny repeal. Currently 3 Republicans have voted no on it, which would put it at 49 to 51. What is interesting is that Capito is one of the no votes, so Murkowski hasn't voted yet.

OK, not that I know the inner workings of the Senate or am trying to imply a modicum of an expectation of competence upon the Republicans, but shouldn't that all have been worked out beforehand, so that they know who's going to vote for what and not just randomly fail to pass shit over and over again?
Senate Voting Frenzy

Senate voted and said no to the Senate bill (BCRA) 43 to 57... and umm... they needed 60 votes because of the Planned Parenthood part.

Now the Senate is voting on the skinny repeal. Currently 3 Republicans have voted no on it, which would put it at 49 to 51. What is interesting is that Capito is one of the no votes, so Murkowski hasn't voted yet.

OK, not that I know the inner workings of the Senate or am trying to imply a modicum of an expectation of competence upon the Republicans, but shouldn't that all have been worked out beforehand, so that they know who's going to vote for what and not just randomly fail to pass shit over and over again?
That usually is how it goes and it is odd McConnell is having votes fail, usually you just give up. The really funny thing is that the "Just repeal" vote was two votes closer to passage than the BCRA repeal and replace bill that McConnell came up with. That is pretty sad.

So the next plan on the "throwing everything but the kitchen sink" program is to vote on an uber-skinny repeal, where they vote on a single thing to repeal in the ACA, hope it passes and then reconcile the shit House bill with the bullshit Senate bill. We'll see if this works.
McConnell is trying to get people "on the record" to possibly be "primaried" by the Tea party


...more likely, to get torn a new asshole if/when they are confronted constituents during recess. I'd love to see more teabaggers nominated by teh Pugs in '18...
McConnell is trying to get people "on the record" to possibly be "primaried" by the Tea party

I'm waiting for 50 vote swerve. McConnell is supposed to be too smart for this sort of stupidity. So he must have a final vote to resurrect repeal and replace from the ashes. Probably propose a bill that repeals a tax on medical equipment and then take that to reconcile with the House.
McConnell is trying to get people "on the record" to possibly be "primaried" by the Tea party


Which is good. The GOP should be very open about exactly what it stands for and go to the voters with that as opposed to trying to hide what they stand for and pretending that they're something else. Say what you will about the Tea Party, but at least they're honest and upfront about their agenda.

On a similar note, the Dems should also try to figure out what they stand for and then maybe mention it to someone.
That young woman is a typical Trump supporter.

She can't possibly name one way he has helped the middle class yet she believes he has.

Living in a world of their own delusions.
That young woman is a typical Trump supporter.

She can't possibly name one way he has helped the middle class yet she believes he has.

Living in a world of their own delusions.
Many from the right-wing tried around this same tactic against Obama supporters, and it didn't work good enough.
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