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Media treatment of Bernie Sanders: a story in pictures

In what ways was he shafted? I get it that some in the democratic leadership were meanies to him. I want the democrats to be just neutral and allow the person with the greatest chance to win the nomination. But people are people. People tend to favor those whom they know and trust. Sanders was a new commodity. Like Bill Clinton and Obama, it's not easy to be an outsider and pull off the upset. But BC and Obama were able to, and wound up being much stronger due to that adversity. Sanders did not.

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You had to really dig deep for that one! Wyoming is a quirky state that has an election system that makes the Electoral College seem fair:


So, if you think that Sanders got screwed by the Wyoming system, do you also believe that HRC got screwed by the EC? Are you trying to say that elections should only be decided by popular vote? If so, I agree. But then HRC wins the democratic nomination and the presidency.
Sanders lost the nomination because he didn't secure the African American vote. Despite actually having a decent record when he was younger on Civil Rights, he wasn't able to do what Obama did when he was able to claw the African American vote from Clinton (who had it initially). So losing all of the Southern states hurt him a lot.
You had to really dig deep for that one! Wyoming is a quirky state that has an election system that makes the Electoral College seem fair:


So, if you think that Sanders got screwed by the Wyoming system, do you also believe that HRC got screwed by the EC? Are you trying to say that elections should only be decided by popular vote? If so, I agree. But then HRC wins the democratic nomination and the presidency.

When did I say that superdelegates were the only way that Bernie was shafted by the Democratic party? It's just one example, and Wyoming wasn't much of a dig (first page in Google images, Hawaii is another example).

Remember when the only piece of Sanders merchandise at the 2016 DNC convention was a caricature of him as a rat-faced Jew on a shirt, while Clinton had fucking sunbeams coming out of her head like Chairman Mao?

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Sorry, but you are just buying this Russian Bot meme that meanie democrats shafted Sanders. Sanders didn't have a majority of votes in 2016, he doesn't have them today, and he probably won't have them in November 2020. There's no grand conspiracy. The Bots want to divide the democrats and depress our turnout. Don't be a tool...
Yes, I'm the one with the wild conspiracy theory, not the person talking about The Bots
The same forces in the media that are against Sanders are aligned with the Democrats who are against him.

Because he's a terrible candidate and a fraud and he did tremendous damage to our party (not his party; our party) and, worse, to our country. You just refuse to accept it in the exact same way a Trump supporter blindly defends Trump.

Maybe that will do it. Try--for once--to understand that when you use the word "Sanders" it is identical to you using the word "Trump." Thus:

The same forces in the media that are against Trump are aligned with the Democrats who are against him.

See now why that's a good thing for the majority of Democrats?

You don't have to agree with it, but that's exactly what you are saying to most Democrats. And our response is, "Good, the media should be against him and aligned with the Democrats. He's a dangerous, duplicitous, self-serving fraud who duped a core group of fanatics that are myopically blind to his bullshit because they seek a messiah, not an effectual leader who can actually do the job."

Or many such words to that effect.

You don't get to stand in shit and then act incredulous when no one wants to stand next to you.
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Yes, I'm the one with the wild conspiracy theory, not the person talking about The Bots

Oh, you didn't know about that? Let google be your buddy! NY Times and Newsweek did a very good job in covering the issue. But I'll let you take it from here...
You had to really dig deep for that one! Wyoming is a quirky state that has an election system that makes the Electoral College seem fair:


So, if you think that Sanders got screwed by the Wyoming system, do you also believe that HRC got screwed by the EC? Are you trying to say that elections should only be decided by popular vote? If so, I agree. But then HRC wins the democratic nomination and the presidency.
Sanders lost the nomination because he didn't secure the African American vote. Despite actually having a decent record when he was younger on Civil Rights, he wasn't able to do what Obama did when he was able to claw the African American vote from Clinton (who had it initially). So losing all of the Southern states hurt him a lot.

Exactly, he didn't just lose Black voters, especially women, in the South; HRC beat the brakes off him down there. HRC got the majority of the pledged delegates, & the majority of the primary vote. Did Bernie's supporters really expect that the super delegates would go against both the popular vote & the pledged delegate count? If the super delegates didn't exist, Bernie still loses the primary.

Now if Bernie supporters want to fault DWS's scheduling of the debates, they have a point on that specific front. DWS scheduled them in such a way that a reasonable person, with knowledge of American culture, could conclude that she intended to keep the viewership low. That was unfair to anyone with less national name recognition than HRC, as it made it more difficult for them to get airtime.
Does anybody have any reaction at all to the main purpose of this thread, which is to reveal that the media are already transparently lying in their reporting of Sanders? We can have a thread about his overall chances, but this one is supposed to be about the media's treatment of him.

I didn't see any actual lies. Biden is getting top billing over Sanders, which may or may not reflect bias.

The truth is that both of these men are frankly too old for POTUS and are badly showing their age. Bernie isn't the only one with progressive ideas and 'his' ideas did not originate with him.

IMO, Sanders would be a disaster because he's an old crank who doesn't play well with others. We already have one of those, albeit a less intelligent, much more morally compromised and looney toons version.

Sanders is incapable of bringing people together. Add in that he's only a Democrat when it suits him and lacks the guts (and support) to run as an independent and he's just a no-go to me.

Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going. Biden is not cranky, though. Frankly, I think that Bernie's crankiness schtict is his main appeal for hipsters. Neither have a stellar reputation when it comes to women or minorities.

I like and admire Biden but he's a no-go for me. Given the choice, I'd choose Biden over Sanders any day of the week.

I don't think either would beat Trump. That's another no-go for me.

I thought that AOC was to blame for Amazon pulling out of NYC. Now, it's Bernie who gets credit for them paying their workers more. I see how that works.

I get it: Bernie is the sputtering, spittle spewing cranky old grandpa who tells everybody what's wrong with the world these days. That makes a great cartoon but not a great leader.
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Does anybody have any reaction at all to the main purpose of this thread, which is to reveal that the media are already transparently lying in their reporting of Sanders? We can have a thread about his overall chances, but this one is supposed to be about the media's treatment of him.

I didn't see any actual lies. Biden is getting top billing over Sanders, which may or may not reflect bias.

The truth is that both of these men are frankly too old for POTUS and are badly showing their age. Bernie isn't the only one with progressive ideas and 'his' ideas did not originate with him.

IMO, Sanders would be a disaster because he's an old crank who doesn't play well with others. We already have one of those, albeit a less intelligent, much more morally compromised and looney toons version.

Sanders is incapable of bringing people together. Add in that he's only a Democrat when it suits him and lacks the guts (and support) to run as an independent and he's just a no-go to me.

Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going. Biden is not cranky, though. Frankly, I think that Bernie's crankiness schtict is his main appeal for hipsters. Neither have a stellar reputation when it comes to women or minorities.

I like and admire Biden but he's a no-go for me. Given the choice, I'd choose Biden over Sanders any day of the week.

I don't think either would beat Trump. That's another no-go for me.

I get it: Bernie is the sputtering, spittle spewing cranky old grandpa who tells everybody what's wrong with the world these days. That makes a great cartoon but not a great leader.

Totally agree. "Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going" is the funny quote of the day! I'm getting a little distressed about the prospects of anyone beating Trump. But my favorite so far is Harris. She's wicked smart. Cool. Calm. Funny sense of humor. She's a fighter.
Does anybody have any reaction at all to the main purpose of this thread, which is to reveal that the media are already transparently lying in their reporting of Sanders? We can have a thread about his overall chances, but this one is supposed to be about the media's treatment of him.

I didn't see any actual lies. Biden is getting top billing over Sanders, which may or may not reflect bias.

The truth is that both of these men are frankly too old for POTUS and are badly showing their age. Bernie isn't the only one with progressive ideas and 'his' ideas did not originate with him.

IMO, Sanders would be a disaster because he's an old crank who doesn't play well with others. We already have one of those, albeit a less intelligent, much more morally compromised and looney toons version.

Sanders is incapable of bringing people together. Add in that he's only a Democrat when it suits him and lacks the guts (and support) to run as an independent and he's just a no-go to me.

Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going. Biden is not cranky, though. Frankly, I think that Bernie's crankiness schtict is his main appeal for hipsters. Neither have a stellar reputation when it comes to women or minorities.

I like and admire Biden but he's a no-go for me. Given the choice, I'd choose Biden over Sanders any day of the week.

I don't think either would beat Trump. That's another no-go for me.

I get it: Bernie is the sputtering, spittle spewing cranky old grandpa who tells everybody what's wrong with the world these days. That makes a great cartoon but not a great leader.

Totally agree. "Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going" is the funny quote of the day! I'm getting a little distressed about the prospects of anyone beating Trump. But my favorite so far is Harris. She's wicked smart. Cool. Calm. Funny sense of humor. She's a fighter.

Harris is my favorite, too, although I do love Warren and like Booker and Klobuchar a lot. Right now: my top 5. Others are really showing how well they would fit in to head various agencies, cabinet posts.
You both have no grasp of reality and it makes me want to have been dead forever
You both have no grasp of reality and it makes me want to have been dead forever

I’m really sorry that the opinions of a couple of people on the internet have such a negative effect on you and your feelings of well being. I heartily recommend that you stay off of Twitter. Which, imo, is good advice for anyone.
Bernie supporters always need someone to blame!

And Hillary supporters need everyone to blame. Everyone and everything but herself. Racism, sexism, Bernie, Bernie "bros", Comey, Russia, bots, the media, magical ponies, and on and on. Anything to admit what a train wreck of a Candidate she was. She came in the clear favourite, actually has a shocking challenge from a complete nobody that nobody had ever heard of before (Bernie) in the primary, and then actually managed to lose to Donald Trump.
Bernie isn't the only one with progressive ideas and 'his' ideas did not originate with him.

Of those in the debates, he is pretty close to it. Warren would be the closest to him, and she's also very old. Who do you have in mind? It's pretty much those two for the progressives, whereas the corporate Democrats have a bunch more on the debate stage (Booker and Harris hiding among them).

Sanders is incapable of bringing people together.

He brought plenty of people into his "Medicare for all", minimum wage, and tuition free college ideas. He has shifted the Democratic Party significantly. He talks almost exclusively about policy. Trump talks almost exclusively from ego. The two are not even remotely the same.

Add in that he's only a Democrat when it suits him and lacks the guts (and support) to run as an independent

You have created a 2 party system with first past the post voting. It makes perfect sense to change one of the two parties from within instead of coming at it from the outside. I like the Green party but few vote for them because we know they can't win.

Both men have the hip, cool grandpa thing going. Biden is not cranky, though. Frankly, I think that Bernie's crankiness schtict is his main appeal for hipsters. Neither have a stellar reputation when it comes to women or minorities.

Trump's record with minorities is way way worse. I don't even know what you are thinking of when you say Sanders isn't stellar. Is it because he meekly stood by as BLM rushed the stage at one of his speeches, and actually let these crashers speak? Or is it because the Hillary shills opportunistically tried to malign Sanders supporters as sexist when she ran against (and beat) him?

I like and admire Biden but he's a no-go for me. Given the choice, I'd choose Biden over Sanders any day of the week.

Why? Because he is the handsy former VP with a link to Obama who had good qualities? Or is there some good thing there? He does have a bit of charm, though low on substance.

I don't think either would beat Trump. That's another no-go for me.

I think either would. Who do you think can beat Trump if not them? Warren would be a good president but she shot herself in the foot a bit too much, don't you think? Yang could if his message got enough exposure. Tulsi maybe. Williamson vs Trump would be an absolutely hilarious contest.

I thought that AOC was to blame for Amazon pulling out of NYC. Now, it's Bernie who gets credit for them paying their workers more. I see how that works.

Wait what? AOC is a disciple of Bernie. She shares most of his views (adding in too much additional identity politics that draws ire; but that's more style than substance; their policies are nearly a perfect match) and worked on his campaign. Why would you support her but oppose him? Or did I read that wrong and you don't support her?
Anyone who thinks Bernie can't mobilize large numbers of people needs their head examined, and should be provided with a laminated copy of his donor map.


Or they could just look at his turnout in Iowa the other day, despite everybody in the media saying he didn't talk to anybody


Neoliberal Democrats from the managerial class should be honest about why they don't like Bernie. It's not electability, because he's the 2nd place candidate behind a declining frontrunner and has among the best numbers for general favorability, success versus Trump overall and in key states, and support for the policies he advocates. It's not popular support, as he has broken Obama's individual donor record with 14 months until the general election, and has raised more funds from more people than any other candidate, even those with corporate and big finance in their corner.

It's not his record with minorities, who are represented in high frequency in his base of support and polling demographics compared to almost any other candidate in the running. Please stop repeating this meme.

The reason they don't like Bernie is because the focus of his candidacy, and the purpose of his life, is to enfranchise people who are uneducated, poor, and work all the time for not enough money. The comfortably middle class segment of meritocratic policy wonks gravitate towards Buttigieg and, yes, Warren because they see in those candidates a reflection of the same system that worked for them: the Ivy League education leading to petty bourgeois success in one or another sector of law, finance, consulting, business, or marketing. What is expressed as concerns about electability and age is, and I am not happy to say it, a real disdain for people who lack marketable skills and live in poverty--unless those people can be rescued from irrelevance by their superficial identity characteristics. They see in Warren, for example, someone who fulfills a shallow identitarian requirement while remaining fully committed to the technocratic vision of a future run by smart, politically savvy, financially successful people who make life-altering decisions on behalf of the rabble. Bernie rejects that entire picture of reality and is a material threat to it.

What it boils down to is the fear of political and economic irrelevance, the fear of a political movement that does not have the upper middle class business owner or TED Talk junkie as its central beneficiary.
Bernie supporters always need someone to blame!

And Hillary supporters need everyone to blame. Everyone and everything but herself. Racism, sexism, Bernie, Bernie "bros", Comey, Russia, bots, the media, magical ponies, and on and on. Anything to admit what a train wreck of a Candidate she was. She came in the clear favourite, actually has a shocking challenge from a complete nobody that nobody had ever heard of before (Bernie) in the primary, and then actually managed to lose to Donald Trump.

Mr. Trump, Hillary Clinton is not running for POTUS.
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