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#MeToo goes full prude. Never go full prude!

#MeToo: For when you want all the rights with none of the responsibilities.

I have a responsibility to allow passing strangers to finger my crotch as I walk down the street?

How often do you get fingered, NMN? Do you like it? I sure don't.
Yet another Derec I hate women spew.

Derec's OP would seem the very opposite of that.

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#MeToo: For when you want all the rights with none of the responsibilities.

I have a responsibility to allow passing strangers to finger my crotch as I walk down the street?

How often do you get fingered, NMN? Do you like it? I sure don't.

The pound me too movement obliges you let strangers finger your crotch.
Zoopla accused of using crabs to hijack #MeToo campaign


Manchester Art Gallery's #MeToo-inspired removal of nude Nymphs painting branded a 'pathetic stunt'

The painting, behind NSFW tags because I know there are plenty of #metoo snowflakes around here too.

Nonsensical censorship like that has been usually associated with those inspired by conservative religion. Not any longer!

Derec, do you even read past the headlines before you start screaming your anti-women rants?

Here is a quote in the article from a #MeToo supporter:

Conversation? What's there to talk about? As a victim of sexual abuse there's no conversation to be had here, just a pathetic stunt trying to hijack the essence of 'me too'. The painting belongs back on display. To remove it is and was an outrage.

Here is another reaction:

"I was going to leave a comment, but I resent your restrictive, arbitrary, patronising format. A post it note? Who the hell do you think you are? PS This is the most unoriginal exercise since the last Gilbert and George exhibition".

"I will not return to your gallery until this painting hangs there again," one visitor wrote. "This was a work that during my university years engaged me with my first appreciation of art. This is po faced censorship at and a dangerous retrograde step for 21st century morality. The comments here speak for themselves. Get off your high horse."

There was not a single quote in the article of anyone supporting this action. NOT ONE.

It sounds to me like a cynical stunt on the part of the gallery curator. Either that or he is the most repressed idiot to ever hold his position.

As to the NSFW tags, that has NOTHING to do with #MeToo or "snowflakes", and you fucking well know it, which makes it appear that you are purposely trying to goad people.

NSFW = 'not safe for work' Maybe you don't have a job, but a lot of TFT's members do, and they don't need to get into trouble at work for having nudity or graphic violence pop up on their computer screen. The NSFW tags are a courtesy to your fellow members.

You know how to be courteous, don't you?
It's an obsolete profession.
Why do you think that?
Nobody has banned anyone from anything.
Liberty Media did. The individual race organizers are no longer allowed to hire grid girls. Sure sounds like a top-down ban to me.
F1's marketers don't see a benefit to employing 'grid girls' to promote their sport anymore, so they are not going to continue to do it.
The drivers like them, the fans mostly like them. The reason for discontinuing them is certainly not that they bring no benefit. And they are not the reason for high cost of F1 either. No, the only plausible reason for the move is political correctness and the moral panic surrounding #MeToo.
If they decided not to buy newspaper advertisements, would you characterise that as 'F1 Bans Newspaper Advertising'?
1. The individual race organizers are not allowed to decide for themselves. That is a ban no matter how you cut it.
2. A decision made due to declining circulation is different than a decision made because of moral panics. Or do you have any data that supports the notion that fans dislike grid girls?
Next you will be telling us that the City of London has banned gas lamp lighters.
They got replaced because of technology, not an irrational moral panic. Your analogy would fit if grid girls were replaced by Westworld quality bots. :)

People who go into modelling as a career are entitled to work for anyone who wants to employ them;
But if say Interlagos still wanted to employ grid girls, they are now prohibited from doing so.

but if that's nobody, then that's tough shit.
Indeed. Leave it to the individual race organizers. Just like Monaco was free to employ grid boys that one year. Not one of their more brilliant ideas though.

F1 are under no obligation to continue employing a workforce that they no longer require.
They may have the right to do it, but that does not make it the right thing to do. It makes LM look like prudes and/or pushovers, and neither is a good look.

I didn't realise you were such a revolutionary pro-unionist as to demand that an employer should not be allowed to make any role redundant in response to a changing marketplace.
There is no evidence that this was in response to a "changing marketplace". There is no evidence that F1 fans have soured on the concept and reality of grid girls. This is an overreaction to a moral panic.
And no, I am not a "revolutionary pro-unionist". Even if I was, the labor situation is a something I would not even want to begin to discuss. The girls are not travelling with the F1, they are locals, hired by local organizers. and thus obeying local employment laws.

Presumably you feel that auto makers should continue to employ welders to watch the robots work, because banning human welders would be madness?
So you think a welding robot holding Seb's sign would be an improvement over this?

Maybe if you are a robosexual I guess ...

Or is it only madness if you can spin it as 'PC'?
It is PC and it is clearly madness. That you have to make unfitting comparisons with technologies made obsolete by better technologies shows how mad it is.

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That would be the same Berie Ecclestone who said about women car racing drivers in 2005, "You know I've got one of those wonderful ideas ... women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances."
No thanks.
He is not perfect by any means, which includes some aspects of how he ran F1 over the decades. But in hindsight, and on balance, he is much better than spineless Chase Carey.
If one reads the actual article, there is not one iota of evidence that supports the OP claims. Some grid girls blame "feminists" or "political correctness" for the decision, but they have no evidence. And there is no mention of #MeToo anywhere in the linked article.

One moral of this is to read your source and you may avoid looking like someone with a disgusting biased axe to grind.

You do not find the timing suspicious? In this climate of the #MeToo moral panic grid girls are banned from up high. So yes, I see a connection.
As to you seeing no evidence, there is no evidence for any other possible reason (like for example, going rates for models tripling, or guys suddenly deciding they do not like looking at pretty girls) which strengtehs the case for a connection with the #MeToo moral panic.

I wonder if the cheerleaders are the next to go. Fun fact, Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders were the grid girls for the first running of the US Grand Prix at Austin.


H.L. Mencken defined puritanism as "The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." We could borrow that and say that radical feminism is the haunting fear that some man, somewhere, may be having a good time.
I really dislike this misrepresentation of what PC is and does. Is joking around necessarily being disrespectful? Is having grid girls disrespectful? I do not think so.
When people talk disparagingly about political correctness, we are not against treating people with respect. But PC wants to take the fun out of everything because it offends somebody, preferably somebody belonging to groups higher on the progressive stack. I.e. a man getting offended carries far less PC weight than a woman getting offended.
Nope - Derec: "I hate women so I rant on anything I can to spew my hate."
Explained it for you.

Wrong. I do hate radical feminism though. They are always on the illiberal side. Against alcohol, against porn, against strip club, against sex work, and now even against artwork and grid girls.

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Yet another Derec I hate women spew.
You are a one-note poster, aren't you?
I have a responsibility to allow passing strangers to finger my crotch as I walk down the street?
Are you equating sexual assault with grid girls?

#MeToo may have started with sexual assaults, but the levels of offenses has quickly deteriorated to things like bad dates and now even to Victorian nude artwork and F1 grid girls.
Derec, do you even read past the headlines before you start screaming your anti-women rants?
I read the whole article.
Here is a quote in the article from a #MeToo supporter:
I guess it's #NotAllWomen and #NotAllMeTooSupporters :)

It sounds to me like a cynical stunt on the part of the gallery curator. Either that or he is the most repressed idiot to ever hold his position.
The curator is a she.

As to the NSFW tags, that has NOTHING to do with #MeToo or "snowflakes", and you fucking well know it, which makes it appear that you are purposely trying to goad people.
I was a bit snarky there, I admit.

NSFW = 'not safe for work' Maybe you don't have a job,
I do.
but a lot of TFT's members do, and they don't need to get into trouble at work for having nudity or graphic violence pop up on their computer screen. The NSFW tags are a courtesy to your fellow members.
I know what they are, thank you very much, and I have initially placed the tags for that very reason. But I could not resist to make a jab at over-sensitivity of SJWs.
I have a responsibility to allow passing strangers to finger my crotch as I walk down the street?
Are you equating sexual assault with grid girls?

I was responding to NMN's post:

#MeToo: For when you want all the rights with none of the responsibilities.

#MeToo is a movement protesting the prevalence of sexual assault and harassment. NMN appears to think people who join it are trying to shirk their responsibilities. I am questioning his reasoning and asking him if he thinks he has a responsibility to allow strangers to finger his crotch.

#MeToo may have started with sexual assaults, but the levels of offenses has quickly deteriorated to things like bad dates and now even to Victorian nude artwork and F1 grid girls.

I posted a link to an interesting opinion piece here in the Harvey Weinstein thread up in the Media and Culture forum. IMO it makes a pretty good case that what women mean by 'bad date' is something completely different than what most men suppose. So while I agree that a 'bad date' isn't usually a #MeToo sort of thing, it can be closely related.

The debate over nudity in art predates #MeToo by millennia.

I don't know how much the #MeToo movement has to do with the decision to drop the grid girls. The article you posted doesn't make that case very well.
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I know what they are, thank you very much, and I have initially placed the tags for that very reason. But I could not resist to make a jab at over-sensitivity of SJWs.

And yet you complain when people can not resist making jabs at your snowflake over-sensitivity. Huh and sheesh to that.
I don't watch F1 (I find it too boring, personally, and I'm not much into cars). I watch football (soccer, men's soccer mostly though women's sometimes). In soccer, they don't, in the UK, tend to have scantily-clad women (or men) prancing around at half time. If they did, I think I would wince.

I agree that one could say that 'this sort of thing' is relatively harmless. On the other hand, it's part and parcel of the objectification of women that has been going on for millennia. Whilst I think PC can go too far and sometimes does, I tend to lean towards agreeing that it mostly doesn't, that it's mostly a good thing.

I remember thinking the same thing when they took the Miss World Contest off the UK TV way way back*.

*Taken off the BBC in 1980 I see (from googling).

Even then, as a very young, straight man who might easily get an erection if the wind merely changed direction or a woman smiled at me, I could see that it (the Miss World Pageant) was tacky.

I also remember when the walls of most car repair garages used to be littered with Pirelli calendar pictures of pretty much nude, pouting women and thinking that it couldn't have been a particularly welcoming place for the average female customer to bring her car for repair.

On the other hand, I do think it would be a pity if all the sexy fun was taken out of life too. I don't know where I personally would draw the line if I was made PC Tsar of the World, but I'm pretty much ok with ditching the titty totty from sports events.

If Bernie Ecclestone said, as recently as 2005, that he thought women racing drivers should wear white to match other domestic appliances, I would more or less rest my F1 case. The remainder, as they say, is commentary.
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Ooops looks like Derec is triggered again. Well spring is coming and that´s when the snowflakes start melting.
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