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Michael Brown Shooting and Aftermath

Releasing information not favorable to Brown is not going to affect the possible trial any more than releasing information favorable to him. So why is it ok to release latter, but somehow not ok to release the former?
One reason only: you wanted pro-Brown misconceptions to remain and unfairly shape public perceptions. Shades of Rodney King (where his attacking the police prior to the beating has been ignored) and Trayvon Martin (multiple school suspensions, probable burglary, history of drug use and dealing - imagine if all these facts had been censored).

If the information being released has no bearing on the actual crime being prosecuted, all it does is add another layer of confusion and bullshit to our incomplete understanding of what happened, when it happened, and why it happened.
In this particular case, the "actual crime to be prosecuted" would be justifiably prosecuted if it were demonstrated via evidence that Officer Wilson shot 6 times and killed Michael Brown without a justification for self defense. That is where the FOCUS ought to be. Unfortunately, what Brown may or may not having been doing prior to the timing of his being shot 6 times and killed at a distance of 35 feet from Officer Wilson's vehicle became a distraction from whether Officer Wilson can justifiably invoke self defense in view of the fatal shot to Brown's head to where Baden's forensic report already points to Brown not being in a standing up position at the time that bullet inflicted a fatal wound. Focus ought to be on whether those 6 shots with the culminating point of the fatal one to the head were necessary to stop an individual who would have been "charging" the Police Officer. This entire case should be about whether Officer Wilson shot Brown 6 times to include the fatal shot to the head under evidence supported self defense.

Case in point: the slander about Martin you cited. What does Martin's suspension for excessive tardiness have to do with Zimmerman killing him after an armed pursuit and fight on a sidewalk? What does one person's suspicion that a screwdriver was a burglary tool have to do with it? What does Martin's occasional pot-smoking have to do with it? Nothing, nothing, and nothing, and yet it's now part of the narrative, inserted there in order to vilify the unarmed teenaged victim.
To add that the non guilty verdict rendered by Jury members is not to be confused for the Jury affirming that they were provided with evidence that Martin is the party who had attacked Zimmerman. Such verdict was the product of Jury members applying reasonable doubt. A point missed by posters who kept harping and rehashing and may still do today as if it were an established fact that there was any eyewitness to the very moment Martin and Zimmerman came face to face. Of course, the same posters indulged in then bringing up Martin's past mischief attempting to portray him as as a violent thug who could only be the party who initiated an attack on Zimmerman while Zimmerman was to be portrayed as a peaceful individual who had no reason whatsoever to ever engage in unprovoked violence.

The release of the video footage of Brown engaging in aggressive physical contact against the store clerk IMO was meant to demonstrate that Brown was predisposed to engage in unprovoked violence. It is no surprise to me that the Police Depart. would release it in their effort to support Officer Wilson's claim of self defense by portraying the now dead victim as being pre disposed to engage in unprovoked and gratuitous violence. Other sign of the PD favoring Officer Wilson's slef defense claim is how he was enabled to forego providing a detailed report of the entire incident. The Police report obtained by the media clearly shows an awful lot of blank. He was most probably advised by his lawyer to NOT provide a detailed report and leave an awful a lot of blank. It sounds as if he were counseled to apply the 5th Amendment in order to not be obligated to comply with the standard procedure of providing a detailed report in writing. However, Officer Wilson will be testifying in front of the Grand Jury and present his own narrative of the entire incident. While the Grand Jury will have NO way to compare the content of the incident report with his testimony. Since the report is largely and mostly a series of blank.

If word comes out that the cop was reprimanded for several instances of arriving late for Roll Call, had "borrowed" hedge trimmers in his car, and was known to go skinny-dipping in the reservoir at night, would you call that relevant?
IMO it would be totally irrelevant.
A POLICE officer in Missouri has been taken off the beat pending an internal review over a YouTube video in which he boasted about being a Jesus-loving “killer.”

A second officer in the Midwestern state was suspended on Friday after he used Facebook to lash out at protesters condemning the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer.

: Michael Brown Shooting and Aftermath...

The after math has brought forth the fellow officer as quoted above rambling on like a maniac. Before all this we had the Florida killing by some sort of special constable and of course before all this we had the good folk of Mississippi and Oklahoma coming home after church and hanging strange fruit on a sycamore tree for Sunday entertainment..tricky...2.jpg

The attached cartoon recites the history of the indigenous wars by the British and Australian Natives , so how com USA and UK are berating Arabs for bad behavior.

.let he who has- not cast the firts stone
Tu coque. I may do a bad thing, but that does not invalidate any argument I make for it being bad. The message is not the messenger.
It's not bad when you do things to black people. You can even kill them if you like. However, if a black person does anything, it is automatically bad. If you have a problem with that, then you're a politically correct person who is persecuting me just because I'm white. Why do you hate white people?

Do you actually believe that?
Unfortunately, what Brown may or may not having been doing prior to the timing of his being shot 6 times and killed at a distance of 35 feet from Officer Wilson's vehicle became a distraction from whether Officer Wilson can justifiably invoke self defense in view of the fatal shot to Brown's head to where Baden's forensic report already points to Brown not being in a standing up position at the time that bullet inflicted a fatal wound.
I have searched for some information on how far the distance was between Michael Brown's position and the officer ( Darren Wilson).
does anybody have a source for the 35' measurement?
The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

Eulogies were given, songs were sung, tears were shed.

Thousands sat in attendance, many of whom never knew Michael in life. News cameras and reporters from around the world documented the service for posterity. And in the middle of it all…

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

Michael Brown was not a cause, not a movement, not a headline. He was a soul and now that soul has gone to memory.

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

There will be no cameras there when his mother calls his name for breakfast and in the silence she remembers. There will be no protest marches when his father dials Michael’s cell and on the fourth digit he remembers and puts down the phone. There will be no panel of experts available when two souls sit together and stare at a vacant chair …

And they weep.

You see…

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.
The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

Eulogies were given, songs were sung, tears were shed.

Thousands sat in attendance, many of whom never knew Michael in life. News cameras and reporters from around the world documented the service for posterity. And in the middle of it all…

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

Michael Brown was not a cause, not a movement, not a headline. He was a soul and now that soul has gone to memory.

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

There will be no cameras there when his mother calls his name for breakfast and in the silence she remembers. There will be no protest marches when his father dials Michael’s cell and on the fourth digit he remembers and puts down the phone. There will be no panel of experts available when two souls sit together and stare at a vacant chair …

And they weep.

You see…

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.

That is beautiful and heart-wrenching
I was listening to a live town hall meeting today from Ferguson. One of the speakers said MB did NOT steal the cigars. The altercation in the C store was because MB reached into the cashier area to get the cigars he wanted and the clerk got mad at him for doing so. I have no idea whether this is true or not but I'm just putting it out there.
Breaking News or maybe not....

CNN has an audio recording of a man on a Skype call chatting up a woman (just a coincidence) and you hear shots in the background. About 6 shots then a 3 second gap and 5 more shots. No voices are heard at all, and the loudness of the shots is such that voices would probably have been audible, IMO.

The FBI is on the case and the audio "witness" is lawyered up.

This is the same audio as on the CNN website, but this is easier to embed.
To Derec with love:

But seriously, how is poverty and truly broken homes (not just unmarried cohabiting parents) teased out from the statistics for finding the likelihood of similar blacks and whites being violent.

My idea is that there can be a critical mass of when enough poverty and broken homes are too common in a particular area. If most kids are that unguided then they are more likely to get involved in dangerous stuff. So focus on this direct problem, not lumping people literally into only black and white categories.
To Derec with love:

Uh-uh. Didn't even make it through the first sentence.

"Before we get into the bigger picture, of which the ongoing rioting in Ferguson..."

I will stab that talking point in the face, wherever I see it, whyever it appears. Nothing that Bill Whittle says afterwards matters.


Yeah, "Ongoing rioting".. People getting maced and tear-gassed, *by* the police. So, who is rioting?
Being in Australia it can be hard to get enough information about these incidents.

I am curious as to whether the policeman was injured during the shooting incident. I have no idea about that.
I was listening to a live town hall meeting today from Ferguson. One of the speakers said MB did NOT steal the cigars. The altercation in the C store was because MB reached into the cashier area to get the cigars he wanted and the clerk got mad at him for doing so. I have no idea whether this is true or not but I'm just putting it out there.

Michael Brown's buddy who was with him actually admitted that the cigarillos were stolen. There is a lot of misinformation going around concerning this case.

- - - Updated - - -

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.
Many other families bury their sons. Some of them are unarmed people shot by police. But if they are white they do not get White House staffers in attendance and their funeral broadcast on CNN.
Michael Brown's buddy who was with him actually admitted that the cigarillos were stolen. There is a lot of misinformation going around concerning this case.
Like the officer's "Broken eye socket"?

The Brown family buried their son Michael today.
Many other families bury their sons. Some of them are unarmed people shot by police. But if they are white they do not get White House staffers in attendance and their funeral broadcast on CNN.
Yeah, I remember that cargo ship run by white people was hijacked and Obama didn't order the Navy to intercept it and save the white crew.
Being in Australia it can be hard to get enough information about these incidents.

I am curious as to whether the policeman was injured during the shooting incident. I have no idea about that.
Someone leaked information about him having a broken eye socket, which would imply a serious impact blow from the person shot dead. The right-wing may be backing away from that claim now. But he had swelling! Serious swelling! It was so bad he went to the hospital but wasn't admitted.
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