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Mirror Universe Caption Contest

Maybe an Australian who has lived in Canada for a while. The idioms didn't seem forced and he pronounced tomato correctly (there is only one right way). Having said that, I'm terrible with accents; to me he sounded English.

He sounds English to me too - But having lived half my life in each country, I often get confused between English and Australian accents, both of which sound to me like 'normal' speech.
Okay, what about this guy?


Murray Walker's younger brother?

I'll reiterate; I'm terrible with accents. Can't separate Scottish from Welsh. Have difficulty with Canadian and American as well.

On Topic:


You bloody ripper!

Winner! Though I was hoping for something from Kingswood Country!
"Tell 'em they're dreaming"

A bit of context for the non-Australian members:


"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it."
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