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Mississippi Passes "More Dead Kids Please" bill. Texas responds w/ "hold my beer"

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Emily deduces that the existence of some situation implies that we should leave that situation as it was without further intervention.
Absolutely false.
In almost every case, girls will develop breasts and begin to menstruate, their hips will broaden and they will begin to grow hair in their armpits and groin area.
And this is a product of hormones.

Different hormones, different result.
The same hormones don't cause the exact same results for people who produce the same gamete. Your point?

The effect of estrogen on a female is different from the effect of estrogen on a male. The effect of testosterone on a female is different from the effect of testosterone on a male.
Prove it. Go ahead. I'm waiting (I'm actually not and if you had evidence you would have provided it).

Giving a pubescent female testosterone is NOT EVER going to result in her growing a penis or having wet dreams. It's also NOT EVER going to result in male ligament joins, nor is it going to make her organs more fixed in place.
They didn't ask for that, and there is no guarantee that the humans seeking different hormones don't already have that.

It will not bring someone across those barriers but those barriers are meaningless to the discussion of what hormones WILL do.

What it will do is cause HIM to grow broad shoulders, it will cause HIM to have a deeper voice, it will cause HIM to grow stronger muscles, and it will cause HIS personality to change in line with the various effects of a "loud" testosterone detection system in the brain.

Giving a pubescent male estrogen is NOT EVER going to result in him starting his period and developing more lactation glands. It's also NOT EVER going to result in his pelvis widening and tilting.
Giving it to THEM will absolutely cause THEIR breast tissues to generally grow bigger lactation glands, and possibly more of them.

As it is, you are directly contradicting warnings that I myself received about my own actions, specifically that even though I have had my right breast tissue removed, that new lactation glands can grow and it can potentially restart growing a breast in the absence of testosterone.

As to whether receiving estrogen is going to cause differential bone growth, it will cause exactly the bone growth differentiations that happen during puberty because that is what causes bone growth differentiations during puberty.

Whether that just means differences in the broadness of the shoulders, or more, that's generally all they ask for.

No amount of estrogen will make a woman born without ovaries or a uterus ever start having periods either, but we can both well agree that there are such people and they are women.

Emily wants to pretend that the results are unpredictable when that happens, as if there is a major difference in how bodies process those secondary sex hormones. There's not.
I don't think they're unpredictable. I think they're entirely predictable. I also think they're largely deleterious, and that the health risks should not be underestimated or hand-waved away.
Then you have a mountain to climb carrying your burden of proof. Because the historical records says you are absolutely wrong, about the extent of the "health risk" concerned.

You are simply ill-informed here, and are no different than certain other posters here saying the likes of "masks don't work" and "Covid isn't real", denying science and actual observation to support your fantasy.

Furthermore, what is "deleterious" vs "beneficial" is not for you to decide, so quit trying to be the hormone police, please.

The one difference is that of the reproductive system and as has been discussed, that opens the door to some, but not all, of what Emily Lake might want.
You don't know what I want.
I know enough about what you want.

You want the right to discriminate in any way you feel is appropriate against anyone with a penis no matter what the material realities are as concerns who they are, no matter what the material realities are about what they cannot cannot do to you with said penis.

You have said outright, naked of any prevarication before that your goal is to discriminate against all you consider "men" and you consider everyone assigned "male" at birth a "man". Would you like me to find the post?

People do have a right to know what will probably happen to their body if they don't do anything about it and should be told this is a normal thing,
Being locked into a permanent juvenile state is NOT a normal thing.
It's quite normal throughout the world and quite accepted by large populations of non-americans, and it is not a "permanent juvenile state". It's a permanent non-sexualized state. Your rank prejudice and disdain for the very idea that someone be allowed to do this drips through.

It is a thing people will choose, chose today, have chosen for hundreds of thousands of years.
I pointed out exactly the cases where sex matters: where sperm can easily be exposed to egg.

That isn't a behavior, it's an absolute material reality of physical security concerns.

Jarhyn, you been saying this and variations of it for a while. That it isn’t penises that cause harm fear and anxiety for women, it’s sperm. That it’s not the fear of a penis being forcibly put in our bodies, it’s only a fear of being impregnated. Therefore trans women with penises should hold no danger for women because they don’t have sperm. And I need to say,


You do not speak for all women in this. I do not think you speak for any women in this. You are flat out wrong and insulting as hell.

I hope you will learn from the myriad feedback you have already received on this outlandish and insulting idea, and that you will take this additional feedback to heart and never utter this aggressively demeaning and destructive theory again.

Women who are not able to get pregnant still fear rape. Women who are too old to get pregnant still fear rape. Girls who are too young to get pregnant still fear rape. We fear it because it is a violence against us with physical and psychological consequences that are severe intrinsically and further exacerbated by society.

Whatever arguments you have that I agree with that trans women have rights, and that trans women are not what people should fear in bathrooms, you are FLAT FUCKING WRONG that women should therefore just erase their traumas or fears of penises because that one might not contain any sperm.

You actively HARM to acceptance of trans women by pretending to know and attempting to dictate what fears for women are and are not real.

Stop telling us what to feel. Stop telling us what rape is like. Stop telling us to turn off a lifetime of experience and conform to your unicorn world where the past does not exist. Stop harming the cause of trans women with your bullshit.
You want the right to discriminate in any way you feel is appropriate against anyone with a penis no matter what the material realities are as concerns who they are, no matter what the material realities are about what they cannot cannot do to you with said penis.

While you want to tell women that they should erase their life history of what constitutes a threat based on your personal wishes, and that is bullshit.

I am 100% for the rights and safety of trans women. I am 100% convinced that trans women are women in gender. And I have absolutely no issue with trans women who have fully transitioned being in women’s spaces. And I have no issue with people IN transition being accommodated to stay safe from harm, and for the same to be available to fluid people who have no intention to physically transition, but do it psychologically day by day. All of that I support.

But I do **NOT** support the bullying bullshit that women who have suffered trauma from penises should be forced into proximity with them just because the owner is “one of the good ones” or, even less usefully, “has no sperm”. In women’s shelters, men - even the good ones - are not allowed. For a reason. People with penises bring all the same threat and trauma with them. Even when they are not an actual threat. A separate shelter is needed for victimized people with penises. And if the victimized women with penises have a probalem being housed with the victimized men with penises, then maybe they’ve just expressed solidarity with what exactly is the problem with any penises being in the women without penises shelter.

The REALITY is that what they can do to us with their penises is bad, traumatic and comes with a lifetime of data. And we should not be lectured by you on how to descern which one is which.
I pointed out exactly the cases where sex matters: where sperm can easily be exposed to egg.

That isn't a behavior, it's an absolute material reality of physical security concerns.

Jarhyn, you been saying this and variations of it for a while. That it isn’t penises that cause harm fear and anxiety for women, it’s sperm. That it’s not the fear of a penis being forcibly put in our bodies, it’s only a fear of being impregnated. Therefore trans women with penises should hold no danger for women because they don’t have sperm. And I need to say,


You do not speak for all women in this. I do not think you speak for any women in this. You are flat out wrong and insulting as hell.

I hope you will learn from the myriad feedback you have already received on this outlandish and insulting idea, and that you will take this additional feedback to heart and never utter this aggressively demeaning and destructive theory again.

Women who are not able to get pregnant still fear rape. Women who are too old to get pregnant still fear rape. Girls who are too young to get pregnant still fear rape. We fear it because it is a violence against us with physical and psychological consequences that are severe intrinsically and further exacerbated by society.

Whatever arguments you have that I agree with that trans women have rights, and that trans women are not what people should fear in bathrooms, you are FLAT FUCKING WRONG that women should therefore just erase their traumas or fears of penises because that one might not contain any sperm.

You actively HARM to acceptance of trans women by pretending to know and attempting to dictate what fears for women are and are not real.

Stop telling us what to feel. Stop telling us what rape is like. Stop telling us to turn off a lifetime of experience and conform to your unicorn world where the past does not exist. Stop harming the cause of trans women with your bullshit.
You do not have a right to put other people who are not the person who raped you on trial for things they didn't do to you.

I'm sorry, but you just don't.

You don't have any right to fear all people with penises any more than anyone else has a right to fear all people who are poor, any more than people have a right to fear all people who are black.

I am asking you to shut off a lifetime of experience because it's being used to justify rank prejudice against people with penises who share NONE of the qualities associated with "men".

I can absolutely point to the fact that some of those fears, some of those fever pitched hate mongering calls are based on phantoms and hate.

If you wish to claim there is something to fear about a human in a place, you have to actually point at that thing, for that person, and say "I fear this" and if that is ONLY "they have a penis", not "they are or recently were on steroids (even the endogenous kind)" or "they have a history of harassing women", if there is nothing there but "they have a penis", or "they have something they can do to me that they can only possibly do with that penis and the things attached to it", then there is nothing there, and whoever it is needs to go down to their nearest psychiatrist and ask about assisted psychotherapy, to get past the penis and onto the reality of what they are, which is probably the "man" part, not the "penis" part.

PTSD is no joke, but it is not a justification for prejudice, especially prejudice as Emily shows against a little girl running track.

I am not going to stand ongoing prejudice that villainizes all those who happen to have been born with a penis.

You can figure out ways to "keep out" all the rest based on real, consistent, material concerns, or you can sacrifice that to be wrong and scream about penises.
Oh bullshit. You said over and over again that the only thing women need to fear is sperm, not penises. As if it was okay to block out anyone with sperm, but it’s OH! No! Not okay to block out anyone with penises. You are inconsistent.

Is it okay to block sperm-owners. But not penis owners? Why?

The FACT is that 1 in 4 women (and about 1 in 26 men) have experienced completed or attempted rape.
25% of women; a large portion of those don’t result in pregnancy. Those women did not become suddenly okay when they found out they were not pregnant. Your theory is bullshit.

It is not AND HAS NEVER BEEN only a fear of pregnancy. For most of us, that’s not even the first thing that crosses our minds. You insult us all by claiming that we should agree with you.

Women have always had to protect ourselves against sexual violence. And it is the violence of penises, not sperm. And it is high odds that we face: 1 in 4. And it is real, not perceived. You harm the case of trans women by trying to force it to override women’s safety from sexual violence.

The extension of this is that people who are in shelters for women who have experienced sexual violence do not have to cleave to your bullshit theory that they have no right to trauma because they aren’t pregnant.
I pointed out exactly the cases where sex matters: where sperm can easily be exposed to egg.

That isn't a behavior, it's an absolute material reality of physical security concerns.

Jarhyn, you been saying this and variations of it for a while. That it isn’t penises that cause harm fear and anxiety for women, it’s sperm. That it’s not the fear of a penis being forcibly put in our bodies, it’s only a fear of being impregnated. Therefore trans women with penises should hold no danger for women because they don’t have sperm. And I need to say,


You do not speak for all women in this. I do not think you speak for any women in this. You are flat out wrong and insulting as hell.

I hope you will learn from the myriad feedback you have already received on this outlandish and insulting idea, and that you will take this additional feedback to heart and never utter this aggressively demeaning and destructive theory again.

Women who are not able to get pregnant still fear rape. Women who are too old to get pregnant still fear rape. Girls who are too young to get pregnant still fear rape. We fear it because it is a violence against us with physical and psychological consequences that are severe intrinsically and further exacerbated by society.

Whatever arguments you have that I agree with that trans women have rights, and that trans women are not what people should fear in bathrooms, you are FLAT FUCKING WRONG that women should therefore just erase their traumas or fears of penises because that one might not contain any sperm.

You actively HARM to acceptance of trans women by pretending to know and attempting to dictate what fears for women are and are not real.

Stop telling us what to feel. Stop telling us what rape is like. Stop telling us to turn off a lifetime of experience and conform to your unicorn world where the past does not exist. Stop harming the cause of trans women with your bullshit.
You do not have a right to put other people who are not the person who raped you on trial for things they didn't do to you.

I'm sorry, but you just don't.

You don't have any right to fear all people with penises any more than anyone else has a right to fear all people who are poor, any more than people have a right to fear all people who are black.

I am asking you to shut off a lifetime of experience because it's being used to justify rank prejudice against people with penises who share NONE of the qualities associated with "men".

I can absolutely point to the fact that some of those fears, some of those fever pitched hate mongering calls are based on phantoms and hate.

If you wish to claim there is something to fear about a human in a place, you have to actually point at that thing, for that person, and say "I fear this" and if that is ONLY "they have a penis", not "they are or recently were on steroids (even the endogenous kind)" or "they have a history of harassing women", if there is nothing there but "they have a penis", or "they have something they can do to me that they can only possibly do with that penis and the things attached to it", then there is nothing there, and whoever it is needs to go down to their nearest psychiatrist and ask about assisted psychotherapy, to get past the penis and onto the reality of what they are, which is probably the "man" part, not the "penis" part.

PTSD is no joke, but it is not a justification for prejudice, especially prejudice as Emily shows against a little girl running track.

I am not going to stand ongoing prejudice that villainizes all those who happen to have been born with a penis.

You can figure out ways to "keep out" all the rest based on real, consistent, material concerns, or you can sacrifice that to be wrong and scream about penises.
Bullshit. No one is putting anyone on trial.

Given the absolute t history and current status quo that women are largely held responsible for causing and preventing their own rapes, given the absolute fact that most women who are sexually assaulted are assaulted by persons they know and often who are family members, but are also under threat from random persons with penises everywhere from their own homes to public transportation to public streets, women have the absolute right to not be forced to evaluate every exposed penis in a women only space on the basis of the threat the person with a penis poses to them or other girls and women at that particular moment.

Your position comes across as callous disregard for the safety of girls and women. Including, btw, transwomen.
Oh bullshit. You said over and over again that the only thing women need to fear is sperm, not penises. As if it was okay to block out anyone with sperm, but it’s OH! No! Not okay to block out anyone with penises. You are inconsistent
No, it isn't. Because people who produce sperm can do something even someone without a penis can do, assuming they can get any to come out.
The FACT is that 1 in 4 women (and about 1 in 26 men) have experienced completed or attempted rape.
25% of women; a large portion of those don’t result in pregnancy. Those women did not become suddenly okay when they found out they were not pregnant. Your theory is bullshit.
Yes? This does not speak against people with penises.

People get raped by people who entirely lack penises, too.

Even the fear that someone might be made pregnant is a major contributor and even finding out you were not does not change that.

It doesn't change the horrific nature of being raped even when you do not fear pregnancy.

Nobody has ever just been "ok" after being raped. The difference is that while I've been raped, I don't blame "people with penises", I fear something else. A bearing and mannerism, a way of acting. I fear rapists and people who posture like them.

It's possible to both reject rape and not fear penises.

It just takes some work.

Women have always had to protect ourselves against sexual violence. And it is the violence of penises, not sperm
I disagree.

It is the violence of testosterone.

The extension of this is that people who are in shelters for women who have experienced sexual violence do not have to cleave to your bullshit theory that they have no right to trauma because they aren’t pregnant
They have every right to feel their pain and they have no right to blame the penis.

They have every right to blame a violent man and a society that gives leave to violence, that doesn't protect people adequately from people taking steroids which makes people both stronger and more motivated to use that strength, but it does not create a right to fear the penis.

It creates a responsibility to produce treatments and manage mental health issues around inappropriate linkage of trauma to the penis, but it does not create a right to fear the penis on its lonesome.
If you want some mechanism to determine which penises are the bad ones, generally you just have to look a bit just a bit beyond, below, and behind the penis.
Thanks, Jarhyn, can you please go on telling us women how we should feel about the threat of rape?
If you want some mechanism to determine which penises are the bad ones, generally you just have to look a bit just a bit beyond, below, and behind the penis.
Hah hah! So funny! Great way to show us how well you understand! You’ve really gotten to the core of what it feels like to live as a woman! Hah hah!!
Thanks, Jarhyn, can you please go on telling us women how we should feel about the threat of rape?
I have been raped a few times in my life.

Do you want me to also stop telling white people how they should feel about the threat of crime? That they are wrong to blame black people even though a black person mugged them?
I will repeat. There is a really good reason why even the “good” men are not permitted in shelters for female victims of sexual violence. And you don’t understand it.
Thanks, Jarhyn, can you please go on telling us women how we should feel about the threat of rape?
I have been raped a few times in my life.
I am very sorry to hear that.
I expect there are things about being a male victim of rape that I will never comprehend.

And so I would be ashamed if I were to tell you how to feel about it. How can I know how it intersects with your self-identity, how society views you. How rapists view you.
Do you want me to also stop telling white people how they should feel about the threat of crime? That they are wrong to blame black people even though a black person mugged them?
If one in four white people were mugged by a black person and almost noone was ever mugged by a white person, you might have a point. But they aren’t, so you don’t.
I’m not afraid of penises. I’m not afraid of sperm. I’m not afraid of men. I’m not particularly afraid of rape having successfully fought off multiple rapists at various points in my life—which really was mostly a matter of having luck, surprise, fury and absolute determination in my side and a degree degree of hubris on theirs. Also perhaps no small degree of hubris on my part. I cannot become pregnant. I’m not afraid to fight back and I’m more than capable of inflicting damage on any one stupid enough to attack me—and also capable and willing to come to the defense of someone else being attacked. I’ve done that before, too.

I am, however, concerned about other women and girls and boys being raped. Or being made to feel afraid or uncomfortable enough that they are discouraged from utilizing womens’ facilities or just going about their lives.

More than one person has attempted to rape me when I was young enough to become pregnant. Fear of pregnancy never once factored into my revulsion or my anger or my absolute determination that my attacker would not succeed. No one—no other person in this world—has any right to touch or attempt to touch me in any sexual way or context without my explicit permission and consent. No one. I am willing to inflict significant damage—as much as necessary—to drive home that point to anyone who is too confused or arrogant to respect my bodily autonomy. Or yours. Or anyone else’s.

You say that you read body mannerisms, posture, etc. to assess risk. Women use those but also context. The context of naked male with penis in a womens only space is exactly a contrast text that women read as threat. For good reason.
I will repeat. There is a really good reason why even the “good” men are not permitted in shelters for female victims of sexual violence. And you don’t understand it.
I do understand it. Maybe it's you that don't, really. It's mainly down to the lack of available and affordable trauma and differentiation counseling. Seeing something like a penis after being raped by a penis triggers post traumatic stress.

I'm sure someone raped with a broom handle would feel the same way about brooms, generally.

There are ways to resolve that but they are hard, take time, and can be expensive, and generally there isn't time to sort those traumas in a timeframe conducive to housing them safe from the folks that abused them.

Historically, post traumatic stress triggers have been untreatable, but recent advances in drug assisted psychotherapies have shown there is a path forward for removing the specific trigger to the traumatic stress.

This is not to say people should trust a 6'2 linebacker built person who is giving them the evil eye as they get ready to use a bathroom stall. It just says that person is neither made safe nor unsafe simply by their lack of penis.

Do you want me to also stop telling white people how they should feel about the threat of crime? That they are wrong to blame black people even though a black person mugged them?
If one in four white people were mugged by a black person and almost noone was ever mugged by a white person, you might have a point. But they aren’t, so you don’t.
No, I wouldn't, because the fact is that the majority of folks around here who are the perpetrators of crime are black, and are poor. Certainly 100% of the crimes my parents are exposed to, hear about, involve a black antagonist. They do, after all, watch republican programming.

They don't have a right to their fantasy. I don't think they really understand on a visceral level that white people commit crimes at all.

Your sorting error is to place people with penises and no testicles on the "probably rapist" or "is deserving of fear" side.

To me it's more about the steroid whose side effect is mild derangement, clouding of the understanding of consent, and which makes it much easier to physically override consent.

We've seen two mass shooters now who are ostensibly female, after all, and they both had something in common.
I will repeat. There is a really good reason why even the “good” men are not permitted in shelters for female victims of sexual violence. And you don’t understand it.
I do understand it. Maybe it's you that don't, really. It's mainly down to the lack of available and affordable trauma and differentiation counseling. Seeing something like a penis after being raped by a penis triggers post traumatic stress.

I'm sure someone raped with a broom handle would feel the same way about brooms, generally.

There are ways to resolve that but they are hard, take time, and can be expensive, and generally there isn't time to sort those traumas in a timeframe conducive to housing them safe from the folks that abused them.

Historically, post traumatic stress triggers have been untreatable, but recent advances in drug assisted psychotherapies have shown there is a path forward for removing the specific trigger to the traumatic stress.

This is not to say people should trust a 6'2 linebacker built person who is giving them the evil eye as they get ready to use a bathroom stall. It just says that person is neither made safe nor unsafe simply by their lack of penis.

Do you want me to also stop telling white people how they should feel about the threat of crime? That they are wrong to blame black people even though a black person mugged them?
If one in four white people were mugged by a black person and almost noone was ever mugged by a white person, you might have a point. But they aren’t, so you don’t.
No, I wouldn't, because the fact is that the majority of folks around here who are the perpetrators of crime are black, and are poor. Certainly 100% of the crimes my parents are exposed to, hear about, involve a black antagonist. They do, after all, watch republican programming.

They don't have a right to their fantasy. I don't think they really understand on a visceral level that white people commit crimes at all.

Your sorting error is to place people with penises and no testicles on the "probably rapist" or "is deserving of fear" side.

To me it's more about the steroid whose side effect is mild derangement, clouding of the understanding of consent, and which makes it much easier to physically override consent.

We've seen two mass shooters now who are ostensibly female, after all, and they both had something in common.
Give some more information about ostensibly female perpetrators of mass shootings. Please.
I will repeat. There is a really good reason why even the “good” men are not permitted in shelters for female victims of sexual violence. And you don’t understand it.
I do understand it. Maybe it's you that don't, really. It's mainly down to the lack of available and affordable trauma and differentiation counseling. Seeing something like a penis after being raped by a penis triggers post traumatic stress.

I'm sure someone raped with a broom handle would feel the same way about brooms, generally.

There are ways to resolve that but they are hard, take time, and can be expensive, and generally there isn't time to sort those traumas in a timeframe conducive to housing them safe from the folks that abused them.

Historically, post traumatic stress triggers have been untreatable, but recent advances in drug assisted psychotherapies have shown there is a path forward for removing the specific trigger to the traumatic stress.

This is not to say people should trust a 6'2 linebacker built person who is giving them the evil eye as they get ready to use a bathroom stall. It just says that person is neither made safe nor unsafe simply by their lack of penis.

Do you want me to also stop telling white people how they should feel about the threat of crime? That they are wrong to blame black people even though a black person mugged them?
If one in four white people were mugged by a black person and almost noone was ever mugged by a white person, you might have a point. But they aren’t, so you don’t.
No, I wouldn't, because the fact is that the majority of folks around here who are the perpetrators of crime are black, and are poor. Certainly 100% of the crimes my parents are exposed to, hear about, involve a black antagonist. They do, after all, watch republican programming.

They don't have a right to their fantasy. I don't think they really understand on a visceral level that white people commit crimes at all.

Your sorting error is to place people with penises and no testicles on the "probably rapist" or "is deserving of fear" side.

To me it's more about the steroid whose side effect is mild derangement, clouding of the understanding of consent, and which makes it much easier to physically override consent.

We've seen two mass shooters now who are ostensibly female, after all, and they both had something in common.
Give some more information about ostensibly female perpetrators of mass shootings. Please.
Just that the two mass shooters the right could dig up who were trans were both on testosterone.
Your sorting error is to place people with penises and no testicles on the "probably rapist" or "is deserving of fear" side.
Your argument has been that trans women with penises should not be excluded from women’s shelters, and the reason you put forth has been that because they have no sperm, they are not a threat and should not be treated like one.

You then repeated over and over and over n this thread and others that violence against women is not something they should assign to penises, but to penises that make sperm.

And that is offensive and bullshit and flat wrong.
Stop telling us what to feel.

It is not at all like fearing Black people or other wrong stereotypes. It is not about a neighborhood that has a lot of crime by Black people, or a news cast that only shows crime by Black people.

It is about life as a women in a country where 1 in 4 have experienced sexual violence at the hands of a man, and another 1 in 4 have experienced harassment at the hands of men. Where the large majority of these attacks are by people we know, not just some stranger on the street (another way it’s different from your parent’s racial stereotype). We operate within society just fine not blaming all men, but we FOR DAMN SURE protect ourselves when the risk is high or the vulnerability is high. And for someone who has already and especially recently faced that violence is is NOT unreasnable.

And we don’t fucking need you telling us what to feel or how to navigate that, or to tell us what ”the real danger is.” You are mainsplaining and it is disgusting.

Talk all you want about the rights that trans people deserve, but please shut the fuck up about whether women are right or wrong to be wary of penises in places whether they have gone to be protected from penises. You are dead flat wrong on the issue.

Your sorting error is to place people with penises and no testicles on the "probably rapist" or "is deserving of fear" side.

Do they wear a special lapel pin so people can tell the difference while in trauma? That’s your error.
Penises do not produce sperm.

When confronted by a naked stranger with a penis in a women’s dressing room, there’s probably not a lot of thought or effort given to whether or not testicles are present, or whether or not, if testicles are present, the person has had a vasectomy or is taking female hormones or whatever.

It’s pretty much an immediate fight or flight reflex.
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