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Mississippi Passes "More Dead Kids Please" bill. Texas responds w/ "hold my beer"

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Aside from that: Exactly WHAT do you not get that I’m talking about a flight/fight response on the part of people who are likely extremely vulnerable and are likely to gave been traumatized by some kind of sexual assault in their lives, mostly by someone they thought they could trust in a situation that seemed safe?????
The part where nobody is asking you to "just trust" here, seeing as there is either a desk to verify important details before they ever get in through the front door let alone the shower room door, or a lone ungendered shower stand where there is no protection for anyone anyway, or a place where we would expect and demand that they go through the trouble of installing a third option for ANYONE who might need additional privacy and space ala the ADA.

Womens locker rooms are supposed to be safe. No naked person wants to encounter a perceived threat
Not every perception of threat is justified by reality.

AFAIK, everyone here supports trans rights
The point here is that Emily and Bomb very much do not.

Emily vociferously shouts down, with myriad bad faith and myriad bad medical understanding, any effort to afford kids with useful, meaningful solutions:
IF clinicians were doing the due diligence of identifying and treating conditions which may be contributing to dysphoria (autism, anxiety, depression, childhood sexual trauma, confusion about sexual orientation) prior to prescribing either blockers or cross-sex hormones

She is absolutely using bad faith here because DEPRESSION IS CAUSED BY DYSPHORIA, and autism itself is a physiological brain configuration that is going to be fundamental to the formation of much of dysphoria itself, and that doesn't go away when you take Ritalin.

In fact, it would have led to a reduction in my autism symptoms had I just been able to access blockers, had I known they were even an option, because a lot of the distraction and difficulty comes from having "foreign" and otherwise conflicting noise in one's head, and that is a source of "foreign" noise to me.

All of those are medical red herrings designed to delay shutting the metaphorical door until the cat is already dead in the road.
I don’t think you really understand fight or flight.
I've taken much of my life learning how to control inappropriate fight or flight reflexes, caused by generations of child abuse at the hands of well meaning but abusive parents who promote theater and anxiety over the non-issue rather than contributing to behaviors and education for identifying real risks.

Of course, because of the abuse perpetrated by my own well-meaning but unknowingly racist parents, and conservative media at large, I have to frequently swallow an unwanted and inappropriate fight or flight reflex with regards to black people.

I expect women to not blame the penis, to swallow the reflex, and blame their parents and themselves instead of the penis, because it's nothing less than what I have frequent experience with doing myself, albeit in a different abusively arranged context.
Aside from that: Exactly WHAT do you not get that I’m talking about a flight/fight response on the part of people who are likely extremely vulnerable and are likely to gave been traumatized by some kind of sexual assault in their lives, mostly by someone they thought they could trust in a situation that seemed safe?????
The part where nobody is asking you to "just trust" here, seeing as there is either a desk to verify important details before they ever get in through the front door let alone the shower room door, or a lone ungendered shower stand where there is no protection for anyone anyway,
What kind of locker rooms have you been in???
There are no desks, no one is checking ID. What are you talking about?

Maybe your individual one data point is not representative of women’s lives, Jarhyn.
You want to be in the women’s space without ever bothering to understand women’s issues.

or a place where we would expect and demand that they go through the trouble of installing a third option for ANYONE who might need additional privacy and space ala the ADA.

All of us support this. What’s your complaint?

Womens locker rooms are supposed to be safe. No naked person wants to encounter a perceived threat
Not every perception of threat is justified by reality.

Here you are again trying to mansplain what women’s lives are like.
You. Don’t. Know.
And you prove it with every post.

You consistently misrepresent what our dangers are and have been. You have a fairy tale vision of what women’s lives are like and you’re telling us that we’re living them wrong.

I thought you said with your testoserone gone you wouldn’t act like a man any more?? You’re kind of undermining your own argument.

AFAIK, everyone here supports trans rights
The point here is that Emily and Bomb very much do not.

Emily vociferously shouts down, with myriad bad faith and myriad bad medical understanding, any effort to afford kids with useful, meaningful solutions:
Yup. She’s wrong, IMHO. And that is a vastly different argument than you asking all women to completely change their risk managment strategy so as to not offend eunochs.

And I will reiterate - I DO NOT think that trans women agree with your arguments.

IF clinicians were doing the due diligence of identifying and treating conditions which may be contributing to dysphoria (autism, anxiety, depression, childhood sexual trauma, confusion about sexual orientation) prior to prescribing either blockers or cross-sex hormones

She is absolutely using bad faith here because DEPRESSION IS CAUSED BY DYSPHORIA, and autism itself is a physiological brain configuration that is going to be fundamental to the formation of much of dysphoria itself, and that doesn't go away when you take Ritalin.

In fact, it would have led to a reduction in my autism symptoms had I just been able to access blockers, had I known they were even an option, because a lot of the distraction and difficulty comes from having "foreign" and otherwise conflicting noise in one's head, and that is a source of "foreign" noise to me.

All of those are medical red herrings designed to delay shutting the metaphorical door until the cat is already dead in the road.

Separate argument and yes it is stupid to ignore the obvious fact that gender dysphoria can cause the depression.

You would do well to examine these dramatically different issues in different threads. Because they have different solutions and different arguments. Your insistence on bringing up ALL OF THEM in EVERY THREAD about trans issues results in a lack of consensus that harms your overall cause.

Different people will agree on different things and disagree on others. You would find me pushing back against Emily’s harmful (IMHO) views on trans life, but then you muddy it by insisting that I agree with your harmful (IMHO) views on women’s life. And then you’ll see the predictable responses when you ask people to accept harm to hundreds of millions so that you can prevent harm to a million. Nope. We do not create a new harm to a large population to overreach on a tiny population. There are many ways to create locker room and shelter safety for trans women and trans men that do not require creating depression, fear and anxiety for 10x as many people.

I repeat - you would do well to separate the issues and address them separately. You’d be better ably to recognize (and not antagonize) your allies.
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Some recommended topic titles to discuss without losing your way in a global argument:
Trans people and childhood medical care
Trans People and responsible age of consent for transition
Trans people and protected spaces
Trans people and public life

There is not one answer that fits all of these questions. And if someone brings in a side topic, you could direct them to that topic.

We women have known this all our lives regarding what’s appropriate at different ages, what’s appropriate in trauma, what’s appropriate in a workplace, what’s appropriate in a public venue. It’s not one global conversation for all. If you knew ANYTHING about the women’s movement and what its been like to live through it, you would be able to predict reactions and learn from our struggles, and develop ally-ship. Many trans women do this successfully. You - so far - have not.
And it's something your side completely ignores. You're effectively saying you can't safely be trans in a red state. Outlaw it by vigilante rather than by law.
No one is supporting vigilantism. We are merely saying that it, and sexual aggression, does exist. That is by no means the same as supporting it. You cannot be safely trans in a red state until red states take strong measures to protect trans people.
No, you're simply setting up a situation where it's bound to happen and pretending that wasn't the desired outcome.

And Loren, I really do wish you would stop with this ‘your side’ bit. AFAIK, everyone here supports trans rights. No one wants anyone to be traumatized or frightened to to feel unsafe. Including transwomen.
You say that, but it doesn't match up with the effects you'll get.
You accused her of assuming it has goals because she made claims about what our anatomy evolved to produce, even though, as you note, "evolved to produce" does not imply goals. That was the self-contradiction.
The assumptions ABOUT what we evolved to produce, as in assumptions "around", as in the essentialism that she imposes constantly as to what is "around" the egg.
That's word salad. Hint: if you have a thought you want to express, try including a main verb in your sentence.

The fact that mammals and our anatomy evolved (reproduced and mutated over generations) without any intent in no way supports your claim that "every intersex person" who produces both gametes evolved to produce both gametes
Yes it does. That is what evolution is.
No. Evolution is statistical changes in a population's gene pool over generations. An individual person didn't evolve. Nobody evolved to do anything. You're committing the "fallacy of division".

To say that is not is to impute intent on evolution, the idea that it totally "intended" one or the other and not the example of "both".
Saying that over and over doesn't make it true. When a branch of the tree of life shares a common feature which evolved over many generations, whether an individual gene or a shared physiological pattern, that feature evolved for a specific reason. Sometimes the reason was dumb luck; sometimes the reason was that the feature was adaptive. The shared pattern of producing one gamete or the other but not both evolved because it was adaptive. Pointing this out is not imputing intent to evolution, and you don't have a reason to think it is.

Emily deduces that the existence of some situation implies that we should leave that situation as it was without further intervention.
Jarhyn deduces that the existence of an opponent saying ((P and Q and R) implies Z) implies that Jarhyn is legitimately paraphrasing when Jarhyn claims Jarhyn's opponent deduces (Q implies Z).

You are not going to be able to divorce her statement's ties to the Naturalistic Fallacy, because they stand on the naturalistic Fallacy.
Show your work.

I didn't say it informs ethics; I said it created ethics
Social darwinism is not ethics, not for anything more capable of communication than inflected grunts.
Why do you do that? Why do you make up some stupid nonsense that has nothing to do with anything the other person said and impute it to him? I didn't advocate social darwinism; I didn't imply it was correct; I didn't say a bloody thing about it. When somebody expresses a concept you find difficult to understand because your cognitive prejudices didn't prepare you for it, ask for further clarification. Don't thrash around blindly until you recall some other random concept you're better prepared for and then make believe that's what he said.

If you think sexual reproduction creates ethics, you are fairly well lost.
That's not an argument; it's just an ad hominem attack. Sexual reproduction created brains, lungs, immune systems, everything more complicated than bacteria. If you think sexual reproduction didn't create ethics, show me a bacterium with ethics. Evolving high levels of complexity requires sexual reproduction -- deleterious mutations accumulate too quickly in asexual reproduction for the information in a large genome to persist. Sexual reproduction makes it possible for copying errors in one parent's contribution to be replaced by unaltered data from the other parent.

I get that this offends your creationist sensibilities -- that you prefer to think of ethics as springing forth fully formed like Athena from the brow of your philosophical axioms. If it helps with the negative emotions, I'm not saying sexual reproduction directly created ethics; I'm saying sexual reproduction created embryological development, and embryological development created animal brains, and animal brains created ethics.

The point is that if your ethical claim -- that unilateral actions which create goal conflicts are unethical -- were believed, then ethical people would have only one child while unethical people would go on having two children on average, and since we are a sexually reproducing species, this would cause the human inclination to care about being ethical to die out. You claim to be a "Game Theoretic Ethicist". Well, apply game theory to your ethics.

Why does the concept stop at a point of consent?
Because at that point, people are getting what they want.

If you are about violating people's consent, you belong in jail.

You are at this point wholesale endorsing the very core of what people call "evil".

It's nice that you took the mask off so we can all see it, and now you can focus on how everyone who sees it will counter you at every step in winning the meme reproduction game.
I didn't endorse a bloody thing besides "Show your work." Are you some kind of cult-leader wannabe, a new John Calvin or Ayatollah Khomeini but with fewer followers, that you'd define me as evil and an appropriate target for government violence simply because I blasphemously asked for an explanation for why anyone should believe the source of ethics is whatever some self-appointed authority says it is?

J: You make a stunning and foolish declaration that means/ends logic fails to ever become a statement of ethics in any framework wherein there is a methodology for reducing the set of all goals to the set of ethical goals.

B: Um, reducing the set of all goals to the set of ethical goals necessarily involves identifying some goal as unethical. To identify a goal as unethical is to determine that it's a goal an agent ought not to have. But according to your theory, "oughts" depend on goals. Your theory has an infinite regress problem.

J: There is no such infinite regress as you claim because the concept stops at a point of consent but again, that's a M&P topic, not a PD topic.

B: Why does the concept stop at a point of consent? Because you have a goal of avoiding nonconsent?
Feel free to justify your claim that there's no infinite regress with an actual argument instead of by impugning the character of whoever is uppity enough to follow the chain of regress one step further than you want him to.

"Satan comes to every one of you and says, 'Who created this and that?' Till he questions: Who created your Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah and keep away from such evil thoughts." - Muhammad​
Evolution happens because of genetic mutations. The vast overwhelming number of mutations are deleterious: they are fatal outright or inhibit the fitness of the individual for survival and the opportunity to pass on its genes. The vast overwhelming majority of mutations are not passed on to subsequent generations.

According to what I've read, the vast majority of mutations are neutral and the average human is a mutant forty times over.
An individual person didn't evolve
Every individual person is a single iteration in the process of evolution. Every individual person is the evolution from their parents in terms of genetics, the evolution of their educators in terms of communicable memetics, and in each moment is the evolution of connectivities and networks even in their own brain.
I didn't advocate social darwinism; I didn't imply it was correct; I didn't say a bloody thing about it.
Darwinistic Evolution did not, does not, will not, and never has "created" ethics.

Ethics is a product of the function of survival, whether or not things reproduce and is not created but rather emerges anywhere where it makes sense for the survival of things, regardless of how or why they reproduce.

It provided, at best, one viable platform for it to be exposed, but it did not create it.

So from my perspective you are either wrong or not-even-wrong. I was just trying to give you the benefit of "just wrong". But you are not-even-wrong.

I didn't endorse a bloody thing besides "Show your work."
I have shown my work in more appropriate threads than this. If you wish to dig them up or ignore that it happened, either way it is up to you, but I'm not about to rehash it here.

Literally the very basis of our perception that evil exists in the universe is that things happen to us which we object to, which we do not consent to.

That's the very most primative concept that evil originates as a consideration of.

You are like DBT asking me to justify my definition of "will" or "freedom". I'm pointing at a real phenomena and seeing what may be built from that real thing as corrolary. That you do not like where it may take you is your own issue.

But what I can say is that if you wholesale disregard that there is a concept of evil that derives from some failure to operate within the consent of others, then that absolutely makes you someone who ought sit outside the fire.
You don't have any right to fear all people with penises any more than anyone else has a right to fear all people who are poor, any more than people have a right to fear all people who are black.
Ought implies can. Fear is an involuntary emotional reaction. Therefore all statements of the form "You don't have any right to fear X." are imbecilic.
Should I be required to accommodate the behavior or wishes of exhibitionists who wish to display their genitals in public?
Should I be required to accommodate the behavior of women who wish to display too much and not wear a burka in public?

How are the cases different?
Requiring women to cover their faces is oppressive; and it's discriminatory to boot. Requiring men and women to cover their genitals is neither oppressive nor discriminatory.
You're wrong. In so many ways you're wrong. People who have been forcibly penetrated with objects against their will don't fear the objects, they fear the type of person who forcibly penetrated them. And in 99% of cases, that person is a male.
You're tarring all who share a characteristic with an evildoer.

If it's ok to keep men out it's also ok to keep blacks out.
You keep saying that as though it were a logical implication. It isn't. It's perfectly possible for it to be okay to keep men out but not okay to keep blacks out -- all it takes is for your parallel to break down in some way. For example, if ladies' rooms had been instituted by the matriarchy to keep the female rulers and their ingroup from having to rub elbows with the powerless men they oppress, that would make your parallel quite a bit better than it in fact is.
You are the one who poses a baseless belief that people born with a penis, and with NO mechanism whatsoever, not even significant brain differences, are somehow magically more likely to commit some form of ... behavior.

The much more reasonable perspective is to say "if there is a mechanism, it is observable, so let's figure out what and if there is such a mechanism".

We did that.

It is the mechanism of a brain tensor which is not "sex locked" even if sex-correlated , and a hormone which is additionally interdictable.
What are these "brain tensors" you keep talking about? Do you mean diffusion tensors? If so, what's your evidence that differences in geometrical diffusion patterns in the brain are the mechanism causing men to commit more crimes than women? You appear to have latched onto them because transwomen's diffusion tensors are more female-like than cismen's; but that isn't evidence feminine diffusion tensors are the mechanism keeping women from committing crimes. Corellation does not equal causation.
Pretty sure a flat ballsack is a pretty big indication for adults, and medical documentation for the school of hormone blockers or HRT treatments for teens is much more than 'none at all'.

As I said, once we're done talking about how we CAN accept those folks, THEN we can discuss what to do or expect of the rest.

You're demanding that women relinquish their boundaries and have their right to consent removed from them, all on the basis of a hypothetical. And in return for that tyrannical demand, you give us a wishy-washy promise that "oh, once you've had your rights removed, then we'll maybe give some thought to how much of your rights you get to have reinstated after the fact".
Logic dictates the needs of the men outweigh the needs of the fem.

Actual data from UK shows that transwomen have a higher rate of sexual offenses than men in general.
MOJ stats show 76 of the 129 male-born prisoners identifying as transgender (not counting any with GRCs) have at least 1 conviction of sexual offence. This includes 36 convictions for rape and 10 for attempted rape. These are clearly male type crimes (rape is defined as penetration with a penis). Here is the number compared with figures for sex offending rates in men and women over the same period.
Comparisons of official MOJ statistics from March / April 2019 (most recent official count of transgender prisoners):
76 sex offenders out of 129 transwomen = 58.9%
125 sex offenders out of 3812 women in prison = 3.3%
13234 sex offenders out of 78781 men in prison = 16.8%
That's not a reliable sample. There are 129 prisoners known by the MOJ to be transwomen, but there are surely hundreds more thieves and drug dealers and whatnot who are also transwomen but who've very sensibly kept in the closet about it to avoid making themselves targets to all the macho jerks they're locked up with. Moreover, some of those 129 are probably cismen who lied to the prison authorities about being trans in order to get special treatment. Whether transwomen have a higher rate of sexual offenses than men in general can't be determined from this data.
I gave her an example of a trans girl who had NEVER experienced life on testosterone, and she rejected that. That's not a compromise. That's hard-lining.
What the heck are you talking about? There is no such thing as a transgirl who never experienced life on testosterone. Male babies have testosterone
So do female babies, and gonadal babies. You don't really have a point.
Yes, I really have a point: female babies have a lot less than male babies; and female fetuses have a whole lot less than male fetuses. It's kind of why male babies have penises and female babies don't. Your example of a trans girl who had never experienced life on testosterone is a counterfactual fantasy you made up to support your baseless notion that taking a boy off testosterone for a couple of years is all it takes to resolve his testosterone-induced characteristics that give Emily good reason not to want him in female-only spaces. You might as well accelerate your car up to 90 mph and then declare the car no longer a danger to pedestrians because you took your foot off the gas for a couple of seconds.
And it's something your side completely ignores. You're effectively saying you can't safely be trans in a red state. Outlaw it by vigilante rather than by law.
No one is supporting vigilantism. We are merely saying that it, and sexual aggression, does exist. That is by no means the same as supporting it. You cannot be safely trans in a red state until red states take strong measures to protect trans people.
No, you're simply setting up a situation where it's bound to happen and pretending that wasn't the desired outcome.
Good grief! Let's try that "reasoning" on you and see how you like it. You're effectively saying you can't safely be female in the ladies' room. You're simply setting up a situation where voyeurism and sexual harassment are bound to happen and pretending that wasn't the desired outcome.
AFAIK, everyone here supports trans rights
The point here is that Emily and Bomb very much do not.
Of course we do. Trans people are human beings and trans rights are the same rights as human rights. I take it what you're claiming I do not support are rights that trans people have but that other people don't have, rights you believe in because you see rights as conferred on people not by their humanity but by your idiosyncratic ethical theories, and/or by their rank on the progressive stack.

Maybe an example will make this clearer. There is no such thing as a right to gay marriage. The law does not take notice of the sexual orientation of the persons applying for a marriage license. What there is a right to is same-sex marriage. Straight people have every bit as much right to a same-sex marriage as gay people. Millions of wealthy men and poor women enter "marriages of convenience" with no intention of copulating, giving the man an all-purpose assistant and the woman an assurance of financial security. Wealthy women could in principle make the same sort of bargain traditionally, but that was only a mirage of equal rights -- the reality is that very few poor men would agree to become a de facto housewife. The Obergefell decision made the promise of equal rights a reality, because now a rich woman can find a poor woman to make that bargain with, the same as a rich man can. Same-sex marriage is a human right, not just a gay right.

Because I argue this, you will no doubt claim I do not support gay rights. Yes, I bloody well do.
Some recommended topic titles to discuss without losing your way in a global argument:
Trans people and childhood medical care
Trans People and responsible age of consent for transition
Trans people and protected spaces
Trans people and public life

There is not one answer that fits all of these questions. And if someone brings in a side topic, you could direct them to that topic.

We women have known this all our lives regarding what’s appropriate at different ages, what’s appropriate in trauma, what’s appropriate in a workplace, what’s appropriate in a public venue. It’s not one global conversation for all. If you knew ANYTHING about the women’s movement and what its been like to live through it, you would be able to predict reactions and learn from our struggles, and develop ally-ship. Many trans women do this successfully. You - so far - have not.
I think this thread has been a good exercise for showing good and poor arguments in support of a position.
I take it what you're claiming I do not support are rights that trans people have but that other people don't have
Like the right to use the same bathroom other people use, to participate in sports alongside people with the same general steroidal/hormonal profile as themselves.
female babies have a lot less than male babies; and female fetuses have a whole lot less than male fetuses. It's kind of why male babies have penises and female babies don't
No, the difference is caused by a specific moment in which DHT specifically is released by the mother's body.

At any other point in a pregnancy, and without the DHT in particular, a penis doesn't happen no matter how much testosterone there is or is not later on.
Maybe actually read up on how the phallus is triggered to develop?

There's a reason prepubescent females are in fact generally bigger and stronger And more physically developed than males on average prior to puberty.
During development of the male fetus, the testes release testosterone, a steroid hormone which is converted to 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the genital tubercle, helping to ensure that this primordial structure develops into a penis, rather than into the female clitoris.
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