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Movement for Black Lives releases its agenda

Nah, I don't need to prove your red herring.

aka you can't.

I'm sure that doesn't mean there are problems with your argument.

I'm sure it doesn't since sometimes there exists situations where what's true for a group isn't necessarily true about a particular member of that group.
aka you can't.

I'm sure that doesn't mean there are problems with your argument.

I'm sure it doesn't since sometimes there exists situations where what's true for a group isn't necessarily true about a particular member of that group.

Perhaps this "it doesn't apply to some members of the group" problem is why our court system requires individuals to actually demonstrate they have been harmed by other actual people. In ways that are protected by law.
Why are you bringing up the court system? I don't remember reading anything in my OP or the posted graphic about wanting to solve these issues in court.
Why are you bringing up the court system? I don't remember reading anything in my OP or the posted graphic about wanting to solve these issues in court.

The court system is where people in our society who have been wronged by others go to present evidence they have been wronged so they can be compensated.
That's nice.

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Why are you bringing up the court system? I don't remember reading anything in my OP or the posted graphic about wanting to solve these issues in court.
You are being trolled dismalized.
Don't you understand court systems are as close to perfection as you can get?

They are never corrupted by the politics and wealth of the day.
In other words, a very typical far-left agenda. Very poor strategy indeed since only a relatively small minority of the population supports such far-left policies. This will simply cause them to further lose support among moderates, which is necessary if they actually want to have a chance in hell of getting some real reforms.

A lot of it has nothing to do with liberalism. It is mere identity politics.
It has become ridiculously transparent. They do want fair treatment, as well as free stuff, but only for themselves. They dont gibe a fuck about Hispanics or natives or homosexuals, and they view Indians and asians as all being privileged overlords along with white people.
Militarization of the police is pretty self-explanatory. It's the change in focus of police forces from training to be officers of the law that are part of the communities they help police to training like they are an occupying force in a warzone that they are not part of. It includes local police forces receiving military grade material and equipment for deployment against civilians.
When civilians riot like they did in Ferguson and Baltimore police do need some heavy duty equipment.

They can be demilitarized by taking their military grade equipment away, refocusing their training away from acting like an occupying force and holding them accountable for their actions. Even members of the military are held more accountable than US police forces are.
There is a difference between normal policing and extraordinary actions like during a riot.

The alternative is going back to a community policing mindset rather than an occupying force mindset.
Again, there are different approaches that work under different circumstances. Officer Friendly is not very effective when hundreds of people are destroying property, setting fires etc.

I don't find it vague at all. Which part are you having trouble with? Economic harm has been done to the black community from slavery to Jim Crow to redlining. Normally when economic harm is done to someone the offender is expected to make it right.
It's not vague at all. They want special rights and extra money just because they are black. Reparations are different than regular restitution in that they are based on race rather than actual wrong with real victim and offender.

It doesn't seem too much for a community to ask that society shift funding that ends up oppressing that community to funding that helps raise that community up. One of the things they ask for is more local control over spending in their communities. Normally the Right is all for local control. The more local the better . . . usually.
But that cuts both ways. When the majority black Fulton County commission gave the northern part of the county (majority white and where most tax revenue is generated) the short end of the stick in term of spending many parts incorporated as cities to keep control of their own tax revenues. That is "more local control" but I doubt #BLM types are in favor of things like that.
The thing is that police is already under local control on either city or county levels. Should each city block have their own police force now?
Maybe you're not aware of the recent attempts at voter suppression that have been going on?
Like what? Requiring an ID to vote is common sense and requires the same of both black and white voters.

And the issue raised isn't that they have less rights. It's that roadblocks have been put into place to hinder them from fully exercising those rights.
The issue is that they want more rights.

From the website under the heading "political power".
#BLM said:
We demand independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.
That sounds very much like separatism to me. Independent political power implies a separate political system for blacks.
We envision a remaking of the current U.S. political system in order to create a real democracy where Black people and all marginalized people can effectively exercise full political power.
They can't do that now?
An end to the criminalization of Black political activity including the immediate release of all political prisoners and an end to the repression of political parties.
There is no "criminalization of black political activity" - otherwise Obama would be in prison. I am not aware of any "political prisoners" in the US. And no, committing crimes and claiming political motivation for them does not make you a "political prisoner".
Protection and increased funding for Black institutions including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s), Black media and cultural, political and social formations.
Black colleges are an anachronism and merely foster separation.
Removal of Assata Shakur from international terrorist lists.
Rescind the bounty on the head of Assata Shakur.
#BLMers really love this cop killer.
Immediate release of all political prisoners in state custody. Most freedom fighters incarcerated due to COINTELPRO are elderly and currently eligible for parole. Some political prisoners have served more than four decades in prison;they are now grandparents, elderly and prepared to live the remainder of their lives at home in the communities they come from. Although they meet the parole criteria determined by the state, when they go before the parole board, they are repeatedly denied. The parole boards routinely state the reason for their denial as, “the nature of the crime.”
I guess they mean people like those associated with the Black Liberation Army who murdered cops. Those are not political prisoners and they should not be released. Being eligible for parole does not mean one should necessarily receive it, especially if they still espouse the same kind of racist radicalism that led them to murder in the first place!
Imam Jamil Al Amin (formerly known as H Rap Brown), captured in 2000
This one is from Atlanta. Brown murdered one deputy and tried to kill another while they were serving an arrest warrant on him.
Kamau Sadiki, captured in 2002 for a case from 1971
Another case from Atlanta. Hilton (aka Sadiki) and another man murdered a police officer in 1971. There is no statute of limitations on murder though.
San Francisco 8, indicted in 2007 for a case from 1971
Yet another case of murder of a police officer.
Nice people these creeps are supporting!
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It has become ridiculously transparent. They do want fair treatment, as well as free stuff, but only for themselves. They dont gibe a fuck about Hispanics or natives or homosexuals, and they view Indians and asians as all being privileged overlords along with white people.

Are you talking about the platform?
Geez. What proportion of murders are committed by persons over 35.
What's your point? Should we parole all murderers once they reach 35?
And, as for heavy duty equipment why not use less lethal and more available fire department resources like pumpers and fire hoses.
They need fire hoses to fight all the fires #BLMers are setting. Besides, they are easily sabotagable.

In all seriousness though, US police can be rightfully accused of being too aggressive and militaristic at times. However, a riotous protest like at Ferguson and Baltimore, where police cars and stores are torched, is not really a place for kid glove treatment.
When civilians riot like they did in Ferguson and Baltimore police do need some heavy duty equipment.

They can be demilitarized by taking their military grade equipment away, refocusing their training away from acting like an occupying force and holding them accountable for their actions. Even members of the military are held more accountable than US police forces are.
There is a difference between normal policing and extraordinary actions like during a riot.

The alternative is going back to a community policing mindset rather than an occupying force mindset.
Again, there are different approaches that work under different circumstances. Officer Friendly is not very effective when hundreds of people are destroying property, setting fires etc.

I don't find it vague at all. Which part are you having trouble with? Economic harm has been done to the black community from slavery to Jim Crow to redlining. Normally when economic harm is done to someone the offender is expected to make it right.
It's not vague at all. They want special rights and extra money just because they are black. Reparations are different than regular restitution in that they are based on race rather than actual wrong with real victim and offender.

It doesn't seem too much for a community to ask that society shift funding that ends up oppressing that community to funding that helps raise that community up. One of the things they ask for is more local control over spending in their communities. Normally the Right is all for local control. The more local the better . . . usually.
But that cuts both ways. When the majority black Fulton County commission gave the northern part of the county (majority white and where most tax revenue is generated) the short end of the stick in term of spending many parts incorporated as cities to keep control of their own tax revenues. That is "more local control" but I doubt #BLM types are in favor of things like that.
The thing is that police is already under local control on either city or county levels. Should each city block have their own police force now?
Maybe you're not aware of the recent attempts at voter suppression that have been going on?
Like what? Requiring an ID to vote is common sense and requires the same of both black and white voters.

And the issue raised isn't that they have less rights. It's that roadblocks have been put into place to hinder them from fully exercising those rights.
The issue is that they want more rights.

From the website under the heading "political power".
#BLM said:
We demand independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society.
That sounds very much like separatism to me. Independent political power implies a separate political system for blacks.
We envision a remaking of the current U.S. political system in order to create a real democracy where Black people and all marginalized people can effectively exercise full political power.
They can't do that now?
An end to the criminalization of Black political activity including the immediate release of all political prisoners and an end to the repression of political parties.
There is no "criminalization of black political activity" - otherwise Obama would be in prison. I am not aware of any "political prisoners" in the US. And no, committing crimes and claiming political motivation for them does not make you a "political prisoner".
Protection and increased funding for Black institutions including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s), Black media and cultural, political and social formations.
Black colleges are an anachronism and merely foster separation.
Removal of Assata Shakur from international terrorist lists.
Rescind the bounty on the head of Assata Shakur.
#BLMers really love this cop killer.
Immediate release of all political prisoners in state custody. Most freedom fighters incarcerated due to COINTELPRO are elderly and currently eligible for parole. Some political prisoners have served more than four decades in prison;they are now grandparents, elderly and prepared to live the remainder of their lives at home in the communities they come from. Although they meet the parole criteria determined by the state, when they go before the parole board, they are repeatedly denied. The parole boards routinely state the reason for their denial as, “the nature of the crime.”
I guess they mean people like those associated with the Black Liberation Army who murdered cops. Those are not political prisoners and they should not be released. Being eligible for parole does not mean one should necessarily receive it, especially if they still espouse the same kind of racist radicalism that led them to murder in the first place!
Imam Jamil Al Amin (formerly known as H Rap Brown), captured in 2000
This one is from Atlanta. Brown murdered one deputy and tried to kill another while they were serving an arrest warrant on him.
Kamau Sadiki, captured in 2002 for a case from 1971
Another case from Atlanta. Hilton (aka Sadiki) and another man murdered a police officer in 1971. There is no statute of limitations on murder though.
San Francisco 8, indicted in 2007 for a case from 1971
Yet another case of murder of a police officer.
Nice people these creeps are supporting!

didn't read any of that
Geez. What proportion of murders are committed by persons over 35. And, as for heavy duty equipment why not use less lethal and more available fire department resources like pumpers and fire hoses.

Because neither pumpers nor fire hoses are bulletproof.

You have to remove the shooters before you can fight the fire.
It has become ridiculously transparent. They do want fair treatment, as well as free stuff, but only for themselves. They dont gibe a fuck about Hispanics or natives or homosexuals, and they view Indians and asians as all being privileged overlords along with white people.

Actually if you go into the detailed web pages there is an extraordinary level of concern for LGBT rights. A surprise, given, black people in general skew more anti-gay than most people.
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