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Mueller investigation

Contrary to what Russians experts believe, president Putin is in trouble.

Russians commentators assume that the offer of president Putin to release the disclosures of this current administration with Russian diplomats is a sign of a "superiority feelings" by the Russian president.

According to their opinion, Mr. Putin as president of Russia should have total control of the situation while the US president doesn't know what to do.


MOSCOW — Asserting himself abroad with his customary disruptive panache, President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday jumped into the furor over President Trump’s disclosure of classified information to Russian diplomats, declaring that nothing secret had been revealed and that he could prove it.

Mr. Putin, who has a long record of seizing on foreign crises to make Russia’s voice heard, announced during a news conference in Sochi, Russia, the Black Sea resort that has become his equivalent of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, that he has a “record” of the American president’s meeting at the White House with two senior Russian officials and was ready to give it to Congress — so long as Mr. Trump does not object.

The release of such documents which are "classified" for the US government is a clear desperate movement by president Putin.

President Putin wants to talk with president Trump.

Putin ass is in trouble.

If the current investigation reaches the point of having the Russian government using corruption to obtain Uranium from other countries, this official charge against Americans involved in the scandal will also close many door internationally to president Putin.

Investigations of the same kind will be demanded in other countries and Russia will be in huge problems.

The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries, and these covenants are broken solely when one of the parties is desperate to come out clean from a situation which accuses of corruption.

Regardless of the threats made by president Putin, this Mueller investigation must focus in this scandal of the Uranium deal, because finding out that Russia indeed used corrupt ways to obtain Uranium, it might start the end of Russian deals around the world.

Everybody is righteous until is caught. Corruption in business is a daily routine all around the world, but as long as the parties involved are not caught,then the world keeps rotating without problems. But now, when in this Mueller investigation there is the opportunity to kill two birds with the same shot, it should be a good idea continuing with it.

Without wanting it, while trying to prove that candidate Trump's campaign was involved with Russians to win the elections, this part of the investigation of a more direct accusation against Russians involved in a scandal while obtaining Uranium, has more credibility because papers will talk.

President Putin may offers not to show his papers in exchange of not reviewing the papers of the Uranium deal.
Contrary to what Russians experts believe, president Putin is in trouble.

Russians commentators assume that the offer of president Putin to release the disclosures of this current administration with Russian diplomats is a sign of a "superiority feelings" by the Russian president.

According to their opinion, Mr. Putin as president of Russia should have total control of the situation while the US president doesn't know what to do.


MOSCOW — Asserting himself abroad with his customary disruptive panache, President Vladimir V. Putin on Wednesday jumped into the furor over President Trump’s disclosure of classified information to Russian diplomats, declaring that nothing secret had been revealed and that he could prove it.

Mr. Putin, who has a long record of seizing on foreign crises to make Russia’s voice heard, announced during a news conference in Sochi, Russia, the Black Sea resort that has become his equivalent of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, that he has a “record” of the American president’s meeting at the White House with two senior Russian officials and was ready to give it to Congress — so long as Mr. Trump does not object.

The release of such documents which are "classified" for the US government is a clear desperate movement by president Putin.

President Putin wants to talk with president Trump.

Putin ass is in trouble.

If the current investigation reaches the point of having the Russian government using corruption to obtain Uranium from other countries, this official charge against Americans involved in the scandal will also close many door internationally to president Putin.

Investigations of the same kind will be demanded in other countries and Russia will be in huge problems.

The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries, and these covenants are broken solely when one of the parties is desperate to come out clean from a situation which accuses of corruption.

Regardless of the threats made by president Putin, this Mueller investigation must focus in this scandal of the Uranium deal, because finding out that Russia indeed used corrupt ways to obtain Uranium, it might start the end of Russian deals around the world.

Everybody is righteous until is caught. Corruption in business is a daily routine all around the world, but as long as the parties involved are not caught,then the world keeps rotating without problems. But now, when in this Mueller investigation there is the opportunity to kill two birds with the same shot, it should be a good idea continuing with it.

Without wanting it, while trying to prove that candidate Trump's campaign was involved with Russians to win the elections, this part of the investigation of a more direct accusation against Russians involved in a scandal while obtaining Uranium, has more credibility because papers will talk.

President Putin may offers not to show his papers in exchange of not reviewing the papers of the Uranium deal.
It is so adorable how they try to spin this into: "No seriously, we need to investigate Clinton... I mean Putin. Clinton Putin is a bad hombre and can't be trusted which is why Mueller needs to change his investigation from one of Trump and Putin to Clinton.... I mean uranium, because that Clinton deal... I mean uranium deal is definitely Clinton... suspicious.'

Also, seems odd to cite an article from mid-May regarding Trump apparently loose lipping intel that would tip the Russians on a leak within ISIS... after Trump, on tape, said he let Comey go over the pressure of the Flynn investigation. Yes, that would be the meeting where only Russian media was allowed into the room, and once US media were allowed in, the two Ruskies were gone and old school 'We won Vietnam' dude was there. Almost as if the Trump admin was purposing fucking with the media... and America in general.
Contrary to what Russians experts believe, president Putin was in trouble back in May..

And what have you disclosed for us lately, humbles?
"The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries..."

That'd be the information (not American originated, but Israeli) that Trump released likely via a tipped hand. But we need to investigate the Russians for the classified intel they released that they originally had leaked to them by Trump. Except, the Russians (to the best of my knowledge) never released that transcript. But you know... *look a duck!!!*

This really is incredible how the right-wing is making a shift like this. Okay, now the Russians are evil, BUT we need to investigation Uranium because... you know, national security and stuff. They are so full of shit.
Contrary to what Russians experts believe, president Putin was in trouble back in May..

And what have you disclosed for us lately, humbles?
"The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries..."

That'd be the information (not American originated, but Israeli) that Trump released likely via a tipped hand. But we need to investigate the Russians for the classified intel they released that they originally had leaked to them by Trump. Except, the Russians (to the best of my knowledge) never released that transcript. But you know... *look a duck!!!*

This really is incredible how the right-wing is making a shift like this. Okay, now the Russians are evil, BUT we need to investigation Uranium because... you know, national security and stuff. They are so full of shit.

This is a "Russian initiative": the releasing of documents considered classified to the US.

Mr. Putin wants the OK from Mr Trump.

Mr. Putin wants to talk with Mr. Trump.

This is not an initiative of the "right-wing", this is coming from desperate president Putin.

It is worthy to investigate the Uranium deal, this reaction of Mr. Putin means that the investigation of this deal is leading to some obscure actions made by the Russians and some American politicians and private banks.
"The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries..."

That'd be the information (not American originated, but Israeli) that Trump released likely via a tipped hand. But we need to investigate the Russians for the classified intel they released that they originally had leaked to them by Trump. Except, the Russians (to the best of my knowledge) never released that transcript. But you know... *look a duck!!!*

This really is incredible how the right-wing is making a shift like this. Okay, now the Russians are evil, BUT we need to investigation Uranium because... you know, national security and stuff. They are so full of shit.

This is a "Russian initiative": the releasing of documents considered classified to the US.

Mr. Putin wants the OK from Mr Trump.

Mr. Putin wants to talk with Mr. Trump.

This is not an initiative of the "right-wing", this is coming from desperate president Putin.

It is worthy to investigate the Uranium deal, this reaction of Mr. Putin means that the investigation of this deal is leading to some obscure actions made by the Russians and some American politicians and private banks.

"desperate president Putin"
Desperate president Trump quakes in fear of Putin and the pisser tapes, ooooh nooooes!
Why are we quoting an article that is over twenty Scaramuccis* old as though it is somewhat relevant today?

If the current investigation reaches the point of having the Russian government using corruption to obtain Uranium from other countries, this official charge against Americans involved in the scandal will also close many door internationally to president Putin.

Ever heard the phrase "if your aunty had balls, she'd be your uncle"? This is about as credible as Pizzagate.

This is not an initiative of the "right-wing", this is coming from desperate president Putin.

Why would a guy whose next election is already in the bag be desperate?

"Mister Putin, we are concerned that outspoken critics of you are dying under suspicious circumstances."
Putin: I don't give a fuck
"Mister Putin, the sentinment is that Dmitry Medvedev as president is a cynical ploy on your part to remain in power whilst skirting the democratic and constitutional process"
Putin: I don't give a fuck
"Mister Putin, the unprovoked annexation of Crimea is a destabilising action, and is compared to the cynical land grabs of the Soviet Union of the 1930's"
Putin: I don't give a fuck
"Mister Putin, US intelligence agencies have determined that your government engaged in acts specifically to disrupt the 2016 US Presidential Elections. As a result, President Obama is going to endorse sanctions against Russia
Putin: I don't give a fuck

Yet Humbleman would have us believe Putin is desperate because Trumptards are flinging anything and everything into the fan in the hopes something will distract the general public on the appalling nature of the Trump Administration. I agree that desperation is evident; it's just not coming from Putin.

*A Scaramucci is an S.I unit used to measure acts by or involving the Trump Administration. A Scaramucci (or mch) is time something that is truly moronic from the Trump Administration stays forefront in the media cycle, which is ten days. Or to put it another way, 1mch = 240hrs
"The release of "classified" information by Russians breaks several covenants of trust between countries..."

That'd be the information (not American originated, but Israeli) that Trump released likely via a tipped hand. But we need to investigate the Russians for the classified intel they released that they originally had leaked to them by Trump. Except, the Russians (to the best of my knowledge) never released that transcript. But you know... *look a duck!!!*

This really is incredible how the right-wing is making a shift like this. Okay, now the Russians are evil, BUT we need to investigation Uranium because... you know, national security and stuff. They are so full of shit.

This is a "Russian initiative": the releasing of documents considered classified to the US.
Trump hand tipped the Israeli intel, not the Russians.

Mr. Putin wants the OK from Mr Trump.
Putin is playing a bunch of Americans for the political fools they are. Putin has been the de facto leader of Russian for decades. He is a monarch of Russia. He has no fear.

Mr. Putin wants to talk with Mr. Trump.

This is not an initiative of the "right-wing", this is coming from desperate president Putin.
The right-wing is seeing the walls caving in on them... so they order the other to 'keep digging'.

It is worthy to investigate the Uranium deal...
...because it is *hey look... a duck!!!*
I was doing some reading. It was always assumed that if Mueller got let go, the investigation would fall to the State of New York.

All FFvC has to do to end the investigation is have Uncle Vlad flip the New York State Governor and the Attorney General this November then wait until they are sworn in then fire Mueller. With the new governor shutting down the state investigation, Cheetolini would be home free.

I was doing some reading. It was always assumed that if Mueller got let go, the investigation would fall to the State of New York.

All FFvC has to do to end the investigation is have Uncle Vlad flip the New York State Governor and the Attorney General this November then wait until they are sworn in then fire Mueller. With the new governor shutting down the state investigation, Cheetolini would be home free.


There is some question about that order of succession, for one. and for two, I don't see a fake news social media campaign having much of an effect on NY. Us New Yorkers know all about Don the Con.. nothing new here. He got, what, 9% here?
I went to the same grade school that he got kicked out of for starting fights and carrying around a knife. I grew up in a house that was literally around the corner from the house he grew up in. There are LOTS of people all over NY that have had LOTS of interaction with Trump. We know all about that piece of shit. Nothing is "flipping" NY.
Well here is a nothing-burger:

Mueller indicts 13 Russians for interfering in US election.

TheHill said:
The indictment says that the goal of the entities and people indicted was to support now-President Trump's campaign and to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton's, and that some defendants while posing as U.S. people communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

"Unwitting" = no collusion? Maybe for these indictments. But there is that other little concern about obstruction of justice.
Well here is a nothing-burger:

Mueller indicts 13 Russians for interfering in US election.

TheHill said:
The indictment says that the goal of the entities and people indicted was to support now-President Trump's campaign and to hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton's, and that some defendants while posing as U.S. people communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

"Unwitting" = no collusion? Maybe for these indictments. But there is that other little concern about obstruction of justice.
The no collusion would apply to those in the Trump Campaign and these 12 Russian nationals. It does not speak to higher level collusion.
The no collusion would apply to those in the Trump Campaign and these 12 Russian nationals. It does not speak to higher level collusion.

Well, those individuals were not colluding with Russians.

But if there were collusion, then the Russians would not have contacted 'witting' individuals while posing as US people...

Sure, that is why I added "for these indictments." Trump Jr.'s emails show that he colluded. They questions now is "What did the President know and when did he know it?" If he knew that campaign members had coordinated with Russians even unwittingly and still fired Mueller to stop the investigation then the crime of obstruction of justice was even stronger than we realized.
The no collusion would apply to those in the Trump Campaign and these 12 Russian nationals. It does not speak to higher level collusion.

Well, those individuals were not colluding with Russians.

But if there were collusion, then the Russians would not have contacted 'witting' individuals while posing as US people...

Sure, that is why I added "for these indictments." Trump Jr.'s emails show that he colluded. They questions now is "What did the President know and when did he know it?" If he knew that campaign members had coordinated with Russians even unwittingly and still fired Mueller to stop the investigation then the crime of obstruction of justice was even stronger than we realized.

Trump's ignorance knows no bounds. Perpetuating that ignorance has been a lifelong pursuit. The best that prosecution will be able to prove, is that he "should have known" X, Y and Z. He definitely knew from the start that he'd be "unpresidented" should it be proven that knew anything about anything.
My check from George Soros cashed, so now I'll comment.

Some quick background; the Russians actually paid a guy to do this.

Check this the fuck out:


This is like having a feast with every kind of the best food in the world and not knowing where to start.

Trump tweeted that this proves there's no collusion. It obviously doesn't prove that, but it does prove that he's been either wrong or lying about it the whole time. Either way, his supporters are still showing up with orange powder caked around their blowholes.

If I owned a restaurant, the top item at the top of the burger menu would be the Nothingburger. It'd be a triple decker, triple cheese, with onions, tomato, Russian dressing, lettuce, mushrooms and a fried egg.
Wow. Just... wow.
Well worth a read.
Must be a ton of work to get such granular information.
The level of detail is amazing enough to make one wonder how much of a conspiracy case has already been assembled against the Cheato regime, or El Cheato himself.
Help me clarify a few things:

Is this indictment “from the justice dept” from Mueller’s Grand Jury?
Is Mueller still clearly doing additional work? (I mean is there evidence/statement showing he is still at work?)
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