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Mueller investigation

Your messages are written in perfect English but can be understood only in Chinese.
I can't remember. Is that from Jabberwocky?
What a confusion of thoughts in your messages...
Yes, asking you to provide some evidence for your absolute claims has to be confusing for you. Obviously, you never asked your sources to back up their bullshit...
What the fuck did I just read? I have read shit written by Tommy Wiseau that makes more coherent sense. We go from it's all Clinton's and Obama's fault to evil liberal Hollywood elite to some crap about Pelosi with a conclusion that seems to be channeling Charlie Sheen. What do you do for an encore, zombies fighting robots?

Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...

It is the responsibility of the administration in charge to prevent any intervention of a foreign government in the US affairs. It appears that the Obama administration knew about attempts by the Russians to interfere with elections.

If any attempt happened and the Obama administration didn't verified first but just acted in base of rumors, then this administration is guilty of abuse of power when started an investigation on the opposite party in bases of gossip. Lol.

By the way the investigation is progressing, it appears that slowly but surely Democrats involved will be next to be interviewed. This might include the State Department and other agencies from Obama administration.

Somebody started the big lie, and lets see if the ones who were part of the conspiracy are finally caught.

Also, Obama imposed sanctions when it was verified that a Russia was meddling with US elections - something Trump doesn't seem willing to do.
One can only imagine the howls from Rethuglicans, had Obama shouted from the rafters that Russia was backing Trump prior to the 2016 election.
Now, in typical hypocritical style, they are complaining that he didn't do that.
So... He thinks your post is incoherent because he wanted Hillary to win.

Still waiting for any sort of support for your various claims, or an English translation.

Your messages are written in perfect English but can be understood only in Chinese.

What a confusion of thoughts in your messages...

Well, I have actually encountered material written in English but which could only be understood in Chinese.

It was a letter from my father-in-law (native Chinese speaker, limited English) that I couldn't make heads or tails of but my wife (native Chinese, decent English) had no difficulty at all understanding. (The problem was literally translated expressions.)

I can't image what perfect English that could only be understood in Chinese would be, though.
Here ▲ is one of the dudes who bought thousands of colored balloons to celebrate Mrs. Hillary Clinton's election that night but now he doesn't know how many family birthdays will have to wait in order to use them. ha ha ha ha...

Dude, I'm not even idealistic enough to beat the drum for the politicians in my country. I just think Clinton is not as reckless or as much of a vile human being as Trump. I don't believe that opinion is controversial either.

Sit down Humbleman, we need to talk about your writing skills and overall ability to communicate and comprehend. I've spoken to your parents and quite frankly we are all a little bit concerned.

If any attempt happened and the Obama administration didn't verified first but just acted in base of rumors, then this administration is guilty of abuse of power when started an investigation on the opposite party in bases of gossip.

Because you used you word didn't, the verb verify should be used, or the expanded form "didn't have it verified first". And the pronoun it should have been used in the part "when it started. And in the context of the sentence, it is spelt "basis", not bases. Your sentence length is also absurdly long and affects the coherency of your statement. The total absence of facts is also worrying, but we'll leave that for another time.

Humbleman this is starting to be a very real problem. Your classmates are confused by the nonsense you spew that has no link to reality, and when asked about it your answers are meaningless. I'm skeptical about your ability to put a coherent idea to paper, much less provide facts to support any contention you make. It is pretty clear your last teacher let you get away with this, and I suspect it is because you shared similar sentiments with them. This is not how the real world works, and a disservice has been done to you for encouraging such a belief onto you.

Moving forward, the school has two very clear expectations:
1) Any ideas you put forward must be clear and concise and not require a babelfish translator.
2)Any absurd claims or contentious issues are to have a semblance of supplementary material to support such a claim.

That's all Humbleman,you can go to lunch with the other children now, I hope we don't need to revisit this issue.
Sit down Humbleman, we need to talk about your writing skills and overall ability to communicate and comprehend. I've spoken to your parents and quite frankly we are all a little bit concerned.

Don't mind the syntax and grammatical errors - that is typical for Russian-backed trolls. I bet his English is better than your Russian (or Macedonian). :D
If this administration knew of a collusion and did nothing, then they are guilty. They knew about the crime and did nothing.

You are really not up on what's been going on here.

Obama had a meeting with Mitch McConnell about Russian interference and collusion and McConnell agreed at was going on. What McConnell wouldn't agree to do was agree that it was going on publicly. If Obama did it on his own, it would have been seen as highly partisan and would have deeply affected the election.

McConnell's a douche bag.
McConnell's a douche bag.

Without having a horse in the race (I'm Canadian), but looking on curiously and learning about the players involved, This point has become very clear - Mitch McConnell is certainly a douche bag.
, who had no other choice but to look for a job in Canada because he didn't want to move back to California as a loser.

LOL. Yeah, not a single other thing he could do. :hysterical:
They still don't know, just pretend to know.

It was confirmed there was Russian interference with the elections.
By whom? By the same people who call American citizen Blavatnik a russian oligarch?
By 17 agenicies? it was a lie , there was no 17 agencies, and "high confidence" is not worth a shit in terms of confirmation. By people who call russian ambassador a spy?
They still don't know, just pretend to know.

It was confirmed there was Russian interference with the elections.
By whom? By the same people who call American citizen Blavatnik a russian oligarch?
By 17 agenicies? it was a lie , there was no 17 agencies, and "high confidence" is not worth a shit in terms of confirmation. By people who call russian ambassador a spy?

The CIA, FBI! Foreign intelligence agencies, Facebook, and twitter all tell me different. Go to Fox News right now and check the IP of the pro Trump trolls in the comments section.
By whom? By the same people who call American citizen Blavatnik a russian oligarch?
By 17 agenicies? it was a lie , there was no 17 agencies, and "high confidence" is not worth a shit in terms of confirmation. By people who call russian ambassador a spy?

The CIA, FBI! Foreign intelligence agencies, Facebook, and twitter all tell me different. Go to Fox News right now and check the IP of the pro Trump trolls in the comments section.
No, you do that. I am not doing your job.
And no, there were no 17 agencies. It was a lame attempt to trump up significance of the "conclusion" of biased "research". Try going to court and convict anyone with "high confidence" claim - "Your honor, we have high confidence that suspect did it. Judge: case dismissed"
That "high confidence" is all based on the same biased "research" democrats ordered and paid for. It's ironic that democrats are now saying "Oh no, FBI did no base their work on our research" They admit that their research is useless as far as justification for investigation.
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