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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

I can’t see the repugs saying the same thing about Dolly Parton for example. She crawled out of poverty and became a superstar. I’m sure she had similar issues with sexism. Her philanthropy is exceptional (like Oprah’s). But you know her skin color is the right shade.

If anything you would hope Oprah should sing the same praise as Dezi Arnaz. Of someone who came from humble beginnings who was given a tremendous opportunity for achievement. But that is more of a conservative republican type of message which is why I wrote in the OP she should just shut up.
Ah, so the conservative Republican Cuban who comes from humble beginnings and creates a huge entertainment empire gets to say whatever the fuck he wants, but the Black woman who does the same should sit down and shut the fuck up?

That's the crazy part here. You say you don't begrudge Oprah her success, while at the same time insisting that she must be silent unless she says things you think she should. That's quite the intersection of racism and misogyny you've got going there.! You're not mad at her for being rich, but if she gets "uppity," suddenly the gloves are off!

But it's really about her liberal politics, isn't it? A white guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who shits in a golden toilet can tell you that unemployment was 400 percent under Obama, his crowd size on J6 was the biggest crowd in the history of crowds, and you'll swallow that whole because he is (or at least claims to be) conservative. A black woman who came from nothing and is worth arguably as much as that guy publicly espouses liberal politics and you shudder and scream that she should sit in the back of the bus and keep her damned Negro mouth shut.

What - as the kids nowadays say - the fuck?
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
Her home continent would be North America.
Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
Wait, are you currently slurring Kamala Harris or Oprah Winfrey? Or have you completely lost track of what you purport to be talking about? And what the hell business is it of yours how or why anyone characterizes his, her, or their ancestry?

I didn't read the thread; and thus am probably making points others made.
You have completely missed the point someone with a straight face actually advertising how they have been oppressed by the US while at the same time given opportunity's to succeed beyond what most would consider filthy wealthy. Even if she were right about her supposed oppression, why should we listen to a billionaire preaching about it.

Otherwise known as hypocrisy
If anything you would hope Oprah should sing the same praise as Dezi Arnaz. Of someone who came from humble beginnings who was given a tremendous opportunity for achievement. But that is more of a conservative republican type of message which is why I wrote in the OP she should just shut up.
Ah, so the conservative Republican Cuban who comes from humble beginnings and creates a huge entertainment empire gets to say whatever the fuck he wants, but the Black woman who does the same should sit down and shut the fuck up?

That's the crazy part here. You say you don't begrudge Oprah her success, while at the same time insisting that she must be silent unless she says things you think she should. That's quite the intersection of racism and misogyny you've got going there.! You're not mad at her for being rich, but if she gets "uppity," suddenly the gloves are off!

But it's really about her liberal politics, isn't it? A white guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who shits in a golden toilet can tell you that unemployment was 400 percent under Obama, his crowd size on J6 was the biggest crowd in the history of crowds, and you'll swallow that whole because he is (or at least claims to be) conservative. A black woman who came from nothing and is worth arguably as much as that guy publicly espouses liberal politics and you shudder and scream that she should sit in the back of the bus and keep her damned Negro mouth shut.

What - as the kids nowadays say - the fuck?
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
Her home continent would be North America.
Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
Most likely because she is not a Native American Indian.

I didn't read the thread; and thus am probably making points others made.
You have completely missed the point someone with a straight face actually advertising how they have been oppressed by the US while at the same time given opportunity's to succeed beyond what most would consider filthy wealthy. Even if she were right about her supposed oppression, why should we listen to a billionaire preaching about it.

Otherwise known as hypocrisy

I actually missed Oprah’s speech, so just now I read a transcript of it. And a fine speech it was. So far as I can tell, there was one mention of her personal experience with discrimination, no doubt an utterly truthful claim that you have blown up into a huge racist slur against her and indeed against the continent of Africa, even though she was not born there. She said:

I’ve seen racism and sexism and income inequality and division. I’ve not only seen it; at times, I’ve been on the receiving end of it.


That is all she said. What she said, is no doubt TRUE. And there is NOTHING hypocritical about telling the truth. And on this slender reed, you, RVonse, shamefully build your titanic labyrinth of ugly falsehoods and race-baiting slurs. Absolutely pathetic.

Can you help out and explain who it was that made you believe Oprah was from Africa?
Where do you think her race came from....Europe?

People are not fucking races!

You clearly implied that she, personally, came from Africa — which is absolutely false. Do you never tire of living in a Trumpian horror show of hatred, fear, manufactured grievances and manifest falsehoods?
Trump? C'mon, if he wins, he wants to institute a WH team to investigate discrimination against white people. And, before trashing the Dept. of Education, they'll no doubt 'adjust' the history curriculum of any state that they fund. Did you know Robert E. Lee was a freedom fighter?
That's the MAGA version of a post-racial society, through the magic of amnesia.
I can’t see the repugs saying the same thing about Dolly Parton for example. She crawled out of poverty and became a superstar. I’m sure she had similar issues with sexism. Her philanthropy is exceptional (like Oprah’s). But you know her skin color is the right shade.

If anything you would hope Oprah should sing the same praise as Dezi Arnaz. Of someone who came from humble beginnings who was given a tremendous opportunity for achievement. But that is more of a conservative republican type of message which is why I wrote in the OP she should just shut up.
Ah, so the conservative Republican Cuban who comes from humble beginnings and creates a huge entertainment empire gets to say whatever the fuck he wants, but the Black woman who does the same should sit down and shut the fuck up?

That's the crazy part here. You say you don't begrudge Oprah her success, while at the same time insisting that she must be silent unless she says things you think she should. That's quite the intersection of racism and misogyny you've got going there.! You're not mad at her for being rich, but if she gets "uppity," suddenly the gloves are off!

But it's really about her liberal politics, isn't it? A white guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who shits in a golden toilet can tell you that unemployment was 400 percent under Obama, his crowd size on J6 was the biggest crowd in the history of crowds, and you'll swallow that whole because he is (or at least claims to be) conservative. A black woman who came from nothing and is worth arguably as much as that guy publicly espouses liberal politics and you shudder and scream that she should sit in the back of the bus and keep her damned Negro mouth shut.

What - as the kids nowadays say - the fuck?
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
Her home continent would be North America.
Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
Why do you care?

I didn't read the thread; and thus am probably making points others made.
You have completely missed the point someone with a straight face actually advertising how they have been oppressed by the US while at the same time given opportunity's to succeed beyond what most would consider filthy wealthy. Even if she were right about her supposed oppression, why should we listen to a billionaire preaching about it.

Otherwise known as hypocrisy

I actually missed Oprah’s speech, so just now I read a transcript of it. And a fine speech it was. So far as I can tell, there was one mention of her personal experience with discrimination, no doubt an utterly truthful claim that you have blown up into a huge racist slur against her and indeed against the continent of Africa, even though she was not born there. She said:

I’ve seen racism and sexism and income inequality and division. I’ve not only seen it; at times, I’ve been on the receiving end of it.


That is all she said. What she said, is no doubt TRUE. And there is NOTHING hypocritical about telling the truth. And on this slender reed, you, RVonse, shamefully build your titanic labyrinth of ugly falsehoods and race-baiting slurs. Absolutely pathetic.
Maybe RVonse simply doesn't understand what hypocrisy is?

Yes, Oprah is fabulously wealthy now, but she came from humble beginnings. Three strikes against her (poor, Black, female) and yet still managed to become successful. One could argue that she "pulled herself up by her bootstraps" as conservatives like to say is the classic "American Dream." Meanwhile, the current GOP candidate (and former President) grew up wealthy and had his fortune handed to him by his daddy. His predecessor did not have that advantage, to put it mildly. The President before Obama (and his President father) came from generational wealth. Meanwhile Bill Clinton was the son of a single mom in a poor Arkansas town. Weird, isn't it? Every Republican President for the last 35 years has been a child of wealth, while every Democratic President since then has been a "self-made" success story. The current race is between a "billionaire" who's never known want in his life and a woman who became successful on her own merits. Her running mate is just barely a millionaire as far as net worth is concerned, and grew up solidly middle class.

Or to put it another way, the Democrats mentioned above became successful despite their humble beginnings, while the Republicans simply cashed in on the family money.

Yet here comes RVonse whining loudly that it's the former who are the problem. Huh?
Can you help out and explain who it was that made you believe Oprah was from Africa?
Where do you think her race came from....Europe?

So this is a racist thing to say.
Are you oakay with that, or was it an accident? Serious question. Are you okay with saying racist things?

Oprah can’t “go back” to a place she’s not from. And that is what makes what you said a deplorable thing to say.

Yes, all of us originated in Africa, ancestrally. You, too.
And our ancestors all made stops in various places along the way to where we are now.

But where we’re all “from” is places we have personally lived. Where WE are from.
Saying that because someone is Black they should leave their own country is a racist thing to say.

You are complaining left right and sideways about how awful this country is, to you. Should you be told to “go back” to Africa?

And, for that matter, what is it that makes you sound so fearful about the speeches given at the DNC? You sound like they terrified you.
So this is a racist thing to say.
Are you oakay with that, or was it an accident? Serious question. Are you okay with saying racist things?

Oprah can’t “go back” to a place she’s not from. And that is what makes what you said a deplorable thing to say.

Sure she can. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the term “African American”?
So this is a racist thing to say.
Are you oakay with that, or was it an accident? Serious question. Are you okay with saying racist things?

Oprah can’t “go back” to a place she’s not from. And that is what makes what you said a deplorable thing to say.

Sure she can. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the term “African American”?

Is this a joke, or do you really not know?
So this is a racist thing to say.
Are you oakay with that, or was it an accident? Serious question. Are you okay with saying racist things?

Oprah can’t “go back” to a place she’s not from. And that is what makes what you said a deplorable thing to say.

Sure she can. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the term “African American”?

Is this a joke, or do you really not know?

He knows. And sadly, it’s not a joke.
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