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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

Quite the juxtaposition for the democrats. Brandon and Bernie and many democrats say they want to tax these billionaires out of existence but when they take to stage, they cheer like giddy teenage girls at a Sean Mendez concert. And when their rich donors buy the $500k box suites they accept the check with a cheery smile, a nod and a wink. And the plebs in the cheap seats think things are going to get better for them, lol. They won’t know what has hit them if Harris wins.
To be fair, we didn't support the Citizens United decision.

I'm hoping with the relative success of this campaign launch for Harris, that maybe, just maybe... we can truncate this damned 11 month election cycle.
Too many parasites are making too much bank to put a stop to the perpetual election cycle
Quite the juxtaposition for the democrats. Brandon and Bernie and many democrats say they want to tax these billionaires out of existence but when they take to stage, they cheer like giddy teenage girls at a Sean Mendez concert. And when their rich donors buy the $500k box suites they accept the check with a cheery smile, a nod and a wink. And the plebs in the cheap seats think things are going to get better for them, lol. They won’t know what has hit them if Harris wins.

Ah spewing more stupidity I see.
Quite the juxtaposition for the democrats. Brandon and Bernie and many democrats say they want to tax these billionaires out of existence but when they take to stage, they cheer like giddy teenage girls at a Sean Mendez concert. And when their rich donors buy the $500k box suites they accept the check with a cheery smile, a nod and a wink. And the plebs in the cheap seats think things are going to get better for them, lol. They won’t know what has hit them if Harris wins.
To be fair, we didn't support the Citizens United decision.

I'm hoping with the relative success of this campaign launch for Harris, that maybe, just maybe... we can truncate this damned 11 month election cycle.

It's weird how the billionaire issue only became apparent to conservatives when Oprah took the stage. Almost like they only take positions when it's convenient for them and also they have no understanding whatsoever of dissent within the democratic party itself which happens routinely if they paid any attention whatsoever, which they never do. There's even dissent happening right now with the Israel/Palestine issue. Not to mention support for taxing billionaires across the board.
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I can’t see the repugs saying the same thing about Dolly Parton for example. She crawled out of poverty and became a superstar. I’m sure she had similar issues with sexism. Her philanthropy is exceptional (like Oprah’s). But you know her skin color is the right shade.
If anything you would hope Oprah should sing the same praise as Dezi Arnaz. Of someone who came from humble beginnings who was given a tremendous opportunity for achievement. But that is more of a conservative republican type of message which is why I wrote in the OP she should just shut up.
Ah, so the conservative Republican Cuban who comes from humble beginnings and creates a huge entertainment empire gets to say whatever the fuck he wants, but the Black woman who does the same should sit down and shut the fuck up?

That's the crazy part here. You say you don't begrudge Oprah her success, while at the same time insisting that she must be silent unless she says things you think she should. That's quite the intersection of racism and misogyny you've got going there.! You're not mad at her for being rich, but if she gets "uppity," suddenly the gloves are off!

But it's really about her liberal politics, isn't it? A white guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth who shits in a golden toilet can tell you that unemployment was 400 percent under Obama, his crowd size on J6 was the biggest crowd in the history of crowds, and you'll swallow that whole because he is (or at least claims to be) conservative. A black woman who came from nothing and is worth arguably as much as that guy publicly espouses liberal politics and you shudder and scream that she should sit in the back of the bus and keep her damned Negro mouth shut.

What - as the kids nowadays say - the fuck?
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
Her home continent would be North America.
Oprah did give us Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. That's my problem with her.
Don't forget her goddamn book club. Oh, that book club. Every time I made the mistake of following up on some book she was hawking, it sucked the big wazoo.
You’re probably not the target audience for the selections of her book club.
Really? You don’t think that Winfrey faced a lot of discrimination based on her sex, her color and her poverty?
No. Certainly no more than the average white male from West Virginia. And if she did it surely did not prevent her from rising to the status of a deity or God.
Why would you think that the average white male from West Virginia would face discrimination?
I’m certain that they do. It’s more related to class and the assumptions by the very sophisticated and erudite urbanites that people from West Virginia are ignorant rubes and hillbillies who probably are the product of incest.
Perhaps I am just ignorant, but I would not know that a white male was from West Virginia unless he told me so. I've been in WV and the people I've heard and seen don't look any different than those from PA or Ohio or many other states.
Surely you are not asserting that the US is a society composed of a single class? That Ivy League graduates do not look down their noses at the sons and daughters of coal miners? That there is no sniggering about accents? Ertaiy their parents note a distinct action and generally the kids come around. Qm
i don’t understand how this addresses my question or observation. The existence of snobbery or discrimination by some group or class does not necessarily mean discrimination on average.

It seems to me that you and RVonse are making tacit assumptions about “average white men from West Virginia” which differ from mine.
Really? You don’t think that Winfrey faced a lot of discrimination based on her sex, her color and her poverty?
No. Certainly no more than the average white male from West Virginia. And if she did it surely did not prevent her from rising to the status of a deity or God.
Why would you think that the average white male from West Virginia would face discrimination?
I’m certain that they do. It’s more related to class and the assumptions by the very sophisticated and erudite urbanites that people from West Virginia are ignorant rubes and hillbillies who probably are the product of incest.
Perhaps I am just ignorant, but I would not know that a white male was from West Virginia unless he told me so. I've been in WV and the people I've heard and seen don't look any different than those from PA or Ohio or many other states.
Surely you are not asserting that the US is a society composed of a single class? That Ivy League graduates do not look down their noses at the sons and daughters of coal miners? That there is no sniggering about accents? Ertaiy their parents note a distinct action and generally the kids come around. Qm
i don’t understand how this addresses my question or observation. The existence of snobbery or discrimination by some group or class does not necessarily mean discrimination on average.

It seems to me that you and RVonse are making tacit assumptions about “average white men from West Virginia” which differ from mine.
Growing up in small town/rural America I am keenly aware of the derision which urbanites heap on rural folks. It’s on these very pages quite often. Even more for southerners. Lord knows I used to have a large catalogue of Kentuckian jokes.

Sure, one can move to the big city, lose the accent and leave all of that behind, unlike persons of color. But that dues not mean that there aren’t a lot of ugly assumptions about people from rural areas or the south.
Oprah did give us Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. That's my problem with her.
Don't forget her goddamn book club. Oh, that book club. Every time I made the mistake of following up on some book she was hawking, it sucked the big wazoo.

She recommended Cormac McCarthy, who alas died last year, and even did the first television interview that the author ever gave, back in 2007. For that alone, for me, she is forgiven Dr. Oz and all the other BS she touts.
I have no problem with Oprah's massive wealth but I sure have a problem with her hypocrisy. 40 years ago black female Oprah owned her tv station and now she is whining about sexism? So we have had sexism for 40 years now while she made billion's? If she is so worried about income inequality maybe she could donate to the homeless in skid row Los Angeles? Or if she does not want to deal with icky poor people she could at least donate to another worthwhile cause like Rockefeller and Carnegie did and Buffet and Gates do today.

No, its just easier for her to be a celebrity for the DNC. And a big fucking hypocrite. Same with Michelle Obama.

How stupid are the Democrat supporters to actually fall for this shit?

I didn't read the thread; and thus am probably making points others made. The utter ignorance, stupidity and ... yes ... HYPOCRISY of the first post stunned me.

Rich people have money. That's a well-known fact. Asking them to give it ALL away until they have no money left is not only stupid, but HYPOCRISY unless you've done it. RVonse, how much did you give to charity last year? No, we're not counting political donations to Trump or the "LP."

Oprah Winfrey is a major philanthropist. She opened a $40 million school for disadvantaged girls in South Africa. The Oprah Winfrey Charitable Foundation, has donated $400 million in grants. Et cetera. I suppose right-wingers and those of related Ilks are unhappy that much of her charity is aimed at blacks. Should she instead donate to museums and charter schools that cater mostly to whites, like right-wing "philanthropists" do?

How much does Elon Musk give to charity? Zuckerberg? Why in Hell are we picking on Oprah Winfrey??
Ms. Winfrey received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her good works. A REAL Medal of Freedom, not one of the so-called "Medals of Freedom" issued 2017-2020 to criminals, professional liars and bigots, and Trump's big campaign donors.

I recoil from OP in disgust.
I'm just disgusted by the massive amount shit the DNC hopes we will swallow. And you should be too.
This is such an interesting comment. I don’t think the Demicratic National Convention, or the Democratic National Committee is trying to get you or anyone to swallow anything. NOne of the speeches that I heard (admittedly, only a small fraction) seemed like the goal was to tell anyone what to think about anything. They were telling stories, opening up, inviting listeners. Well, except for the one bit where they were telling people how to correctly pronounce Kamala’s name.

What do you think they were trying to get you to swallow?

That everyone who knows Tim Walz loves him to pieces?
That we can create a nation where opportunity can be equalized?
That we can help poor people gain capabilities and afford what they need?
They’re trying to get you to “swallow” that 32 other countries manage better health care systems than ours?
Are nthey trying to get you to swallow that a lot of people feel hope for the future?

What exactly were they trying to get you to swallow that you are instead choking on?
That racism still exists but we have the power to diminish it?

What is it that you think you are being asked to swallow?
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
There really is no bottom for you is there? Steven Crowder and Tucker Carlson could not be more proud of your argument.
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.
There really is no bottom for you is there? Steven Crowder and Tucker Carlson could not be more proud of your argument.

Indeed. Nothing Oprah has ever said about anything even remotely resembles this vile, racist caricature of her.
"I'm the big shot Oprah who has made it big in the US. Bigger than any of you peons and low life creatures. And I want to tell all of you how repressive the US was to me... and how wonderful my home continent Africa was in comparison. I own palaces all over the US but would not dream of moving back anywhere to Africa even though I easily could at this point... because my home continent of Africa is so great and with the women's rights which would be so good for me."

I'm not convinced at all.

Hi RVonse,

Can you help out and explain who it was that made you believe Oprah was from Africa?
This is a perplexing post, because She has neverf lived in Africa as far as I know, so whoever made you think she had is someone you should consider dumb as a stump and not listen to any more.

It sounds like you’re saying, “she seeks change, so she should be kicked out.”
Well, don’t you also seek change? Aren’t you whining here about how oppressive the US is to you?
Where should you go back to?
Oprah Winfrey was born in Mississippi. The blatant racism of these attacks on her is disgusting.
Moreover, had she emigrated from Africa and succeeded in the U.S., more power to her. What point is RVonse trying to make with this vitriol, apart from what seems so obvious?
Oprah did give us Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil. That's my problem with her.
Don't forget her goddamn book club. Oh, that book club. Every time I made the mistake of following up on some book she was hawking, it sucked the big wazoo.

She recommended Cormac McCarthy, who alas died last year, and even did the first television interview that the author ever gave, back in 2007. For that alone, for me, she is forgiven Dr. Oz and all the other BS she touts.

I dunno about that.
Can you help out and explain who it was that made you believe Oprah was from Africa?
This is a perplexing post, because She has neverf lived in Africa as far as I know, so whoever made you think she had is someone you should consider dumb as a stump and not listen to any more.

I can see where there can be some confusion where the term “African American” is invoked constantly.
Really? You don’t think that Winfrey faced a lot of discrimination based on her sex, her color and her poverty?
No. Certainly no more than the average white male from West Virginia. And if she did it surely did not prevent her from rising to the status of a deity or God.
Why would you think that the average white male from West Virginia would face discrimination?
I’m certain that they do. It’s more related to class and the assumptions by the very sophisticated and erudite urbanites that people from West Virginia are ignorant rubes and hillbillies who probably are the product of incest.
Perhaps I am just ignorant, but I would not know that a white male was from West Virginia unless he told me so. I've been in WV and the people I've heard and seen don't look any different than those from PA or Ohio or many other states.
Surely you are not asserting that the US is a society composed of a single class? That Ivy League graduates do not look down their noses at the sons and daughters of coal miners? That there is no sniggering about accents? Ertaiy their parents note a distinct action and generally the kids come around. Qm
i don’t understand how this addresses my question or observation. The existence of snobbery or discrimination by some group or class does not necessarily mean discrimination on average.

It seems to me that you and RVonse are making tacit assumptions about “average white men from West Virginia” which differ from mine.
Growing up in small town/rural America I am keenly aware of the derision which urbanites heap on rural folks. It’s on these very pages quite often. Even more for southerners. Lord knows I used to have a large catalogue of Kentuckian jokes.

Sure, one can move to the big city, lose the accent and leave all of that behind, unlike persons of color. But that dues not mean that there aren’t a lot of ugly assumptions about people from rural areas or the south.
That's okay. When I moved to the South, I had to take all kinds of insults from native Southerners about people from the Northeast. I took it with a sense of humor, and eventually we all got along. And, if you're from New Jersey, dare I say Joisey, it's even worse. Remember the old SNL joke, "You from Joisey? I'm from Joisey too. What exit?" Even people from NYC make fun of people from Jersey. There is a difference between looking down on someone and simply joking about where they live, and it works both ways.

I always loved my rural patients, both Black and White, when I worked in home health. They were the ones who introduced me to Turnip greens and taught me that bridges could just be a little tiny crossing over a tiny stream. They were much more willing to care for their elders in their homes, compared to my urban patients. We should all appreciate our cultural differences, even if we joke about them at times.....said by a "Jersey girl" who was taken out of Jersey, but will never get Jersey out of her completely.

And, billionaires like Oprah, who I've never been a fan of, and Warren Buffet for that matter, do support much higher taxes on the wealthy. Actually, I know Buffet does, assume that Oprah does too. Buffet is a humble billionaire who has always lived well below his means, has lived in the same home since early adulthood and only owns one other home, gives away most of his money and has said many times that people like him should be made to pay much higher taxes.

And, btw, what makes me sad about the rural South these days is as soon as we drive 10 miles from our little city, we are bombarded by Trump signs, not to say there aren't any near me as well, but my Jersey sister told me that she is also seeing them in front of mansions. I guess it takes all kinds to be part of the cult.
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