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Multi-Billionaire Oprah Whines About Sexism & Income Inequality At DNC

Granted, that is what any news organization does, because they have to. Space and time are limited for journalists, of whom it was once said that they “write the first draft of history.”

So here is a fuller account from the University of Illinois. It contradicts nothing in the AP story, fleshes out details, and puts Lincoln in an even more flattering light.
It also includes the quote from Lincoln I supplied, which AP did not, though he actually used the word “hang” rather than “kill,” as I had it.
I can’t see the repugs saying the same thing about Dolly Parton for example. She crawled out of poverty and became a superstar. I’m sure she had similar issues with sexism. Her philanthropy is exceptional (like Oprah’s). But you know her skin color is the right shade.

Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
You need to broaden your mind a little! She has always embraced both her black and Indian heritage. Just google it. Here is her celebrating her Indian roots in 2020:

RVonse is talking about Oprah Winfrey, not Kamala Harris, btw.

Yea, I'm confused because there is no Indian ancestor in Oprah's past.
I can’t see the repugs saying the same thing about Dolly Parton for example. She crawled out of poverty and became a superstar. I’m sure she had similar issues with sexism. Her philanthropy is exceptional (like Oprah’s). But you know her skin color is the right shade.

Then why does she call herself a black African American instead of an American Indian?
You need to broaden your mind a little! She has always embraced both her black and Indian heritage. Just google it. Here is her celebrating her Indian roots in 2020:

RVonse is talking about Oprah Winfrey, not Kamala Harris, btw.

Yea, I'm confused because there is no Indian ancestor in Oprah's past.

Which is why, when I saw this particular slur of his, I wondered whether he was confusing the targets of his slurs, or even knew what he was talking about at all.
So this is a racist thing to say.
Are you oakay with that, or was it an accident? Serious question. Are you okay with saying racist things?

Oprah can’t “go back” to a place she’s not from. And that is what makes what you said a deplorable thing to say.

Sure she can. Otherwise, what is the purpose of the term “African American”?
So you are likely European American, so perhaps you should go back to Europe.

No, I’m not a “European American”, I would never present myself as a “European American”. I am a naturalized US citizen so I could go back to my country of origin which is in Europe.

I don't normally scrutinize Mr Swizz's posts, but this sequence reeks of both incredible ignorance and incredible racism. Swizz need not go back to Europe because "he would never [so] present himself." But Ms. Winfrey is bound by the term "African American” which is now the standard term for "black" whether Ms. Winfrey prefers that term or not.

I know Mr. Swizz will think I've not even outlined the case for "both incredible ignorance and incredible racism;" but why should I expound on this truth? Even if I composed an essay so thorough that even a dullard could understand, Swizz would pretend not to, and level more insults to boot.

My readings here have become more enjoyable as I allow my I list to grow. The List does NOT include Mr. Swizz: His rants are invariably far too stupid even to annoy: They simply amuse.
The level of stupid in racism is hard to parse.

They see the adjective of a category as the category. So "African American" becomes "African", instead of what it is - one of a number of varieties of American. Maybe this helps to "other" the Americans that aren't "from Europe".

They see themselves as the guardians of European civilization. They feel they're the inheritors of European culture. And somehow they tie it into "bloodlines" so the inheritors of European culture are also the genetic descendants of the European continent. Whatever the connection of culture and "blood" is, takes a degree of stupid I can't seem to muster in myself.

It's all kinda funny coming from stupid-as-fuck talentless nobodies who are the antithesis of Europe's enlightenment values.

Oprah Winfrey is as much an inheritor of European culture, and MORE a proponent of Enlightenment values, than these people.
No, I’m not a “European American”, I would never present myself as a “European American”. I am a naturalized US citizen so I could go back to my country of origin which is in Europe.
You are a European American then.

Geographically I was from the region, I guess. But I don’t identify as European, just American. I’ve lived here 30 years, why would I identify as European American? Because it suits you? Nah.

Oprah is a citizen of the United States she was born here, not naturalized like you so why would she go back to Africa?

I don’t know why she would go back to the country of her roots. I doubt she would ever leave this hell hole fascist country of the USA to go to Africa but she certainly could if she wanted to.
I never said Europe was a country. I was clear about Europe and my country of origin not being the same thing.
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No, I’m not a “European American”, I would never present myself as a “European American”. I am a naturalized US citizen so I could go back to my country of origin which is in Europe.
You are a European American then.

Geographically I was from the region, I guess. But I don’t identify as European, just American. I’ve lived here 30 years, why would I identify as European American? Because it suits you? Nah.

Oprah is a citizen of the United States she was born here, not naturalized like you so why would she go back to Africa?

I don’t know why she would go back to the country of her roots. I doubt she would ever leave this hell hole fascist country of the USA to go to Africa but she certainly could if she wanted to.
Exactly! Just because there is a label of African American, it does not mean they are not American Citizens.

Learning is a good thing.
No, I’m not a “European American”, I would never present myself as a “European American”. I am a naturalized US citizen so I could go back to my country of origin which is in Europe.
You are a European American then.

Geographically I was from the region, I guess. But I don’t identify as European, just American. I’ve lived here 30 years, why would I identify as European American? Because it suits you? Nah.

Oprah is a citizen of the United States she was born here, not naturalized like you so why would she go back to Africa?

I don’t know why she would go back to the country of her roots. I doubt she would ever leave this hell hole fascist country of the USA to go to Africa but she certainly could if she wanted to.
Exactly! Just because there is a label of African American, it does not mean they are not American Citizens.
This is so silly. I never said Oprah wasn’t a US citizen. Are you going somewhere with this?
No, I’m not a “European American”, I would never present myself as a “European American”. I am a naturalized US citizen so I could go back to my country of origin which is in Europe.
You are a European American then.

Geographically I was from the region, I guess. But I don’t identify as European, just American. I’ve lived here 30 years, why would I identify as European American? Because it suits you? Nah.
Let me get this straight. You've lived in the US for 30 years but you don't know the purpose of the term "African American"? And I thought I was clueless.
I don't normally scrutinize Mr Swizz's posts, but this sequence reeks of both incredible ignorance and incredible racism. Swizz need not go back to Europe because "he would never [so] present himself." But Ms. Winfrey is bound by the term "African American” which is now the standard term for "black" whether Ms. Winfrey prefers that term or not.

I don’t know what Winfrey’s preferences are. I’m not obsessed with race like most on here.
Attacking a woman's credentials and character are all part of the course for Repugs. It goes against their fear based living.
Yeah, having a bunch of successful Black women talking on a national stage sure has 'em triggered.
So to the two of you, none of the criticism is about the apparent hypocrisy of her statements and all of it is only about the race and gender of the speaker?

There are so many ways I could respond to that, but you would just deny my lived experience as a minority if I did so.
For me the claim that her statements even ARE hypocrisy is, yes, about racism and sexism.

Why do I say that? Because there are hundreds of speakers at both conventions and along the campaign trail who are making statements about inequality, while being notable enough for a spot on the stage - wealth, fame, whatever - and hence not currently inhibited by it, and the people who are complaining that Winfrey’s statements are hypocrisy do not highlight them. Donald Trump being the most obvious. We’ve never heard RVonse complain about Trump’s hypocrisy - all of the vast examples of it - or the hypocrisy of men voting in congress about women’s health rights, or the hypocrisy of wealthy white men complaining about how high their taxes are. I can go on and on with an obvious list.

The fact that RVonse decides to pick a woman who very definitely and very obviously did face discrimination, but managed to break through and reach a position where, while it still exists for her, doesn’t hurt her any more, is one more piece of evidence in a long line of observing who he and other rightists choose to complain about. And yeah, the pattern is racism and sexism, and it’s not even subtle.

It’s the pattern. And it is clear as day. Yes, him calling out Winfrey and calling her speech hypocritical is all about racism and sexism, and is not about anything she said that could honestly be called hypocrisy.
There are a few problems with your analysis.

1. Republicans are far less concerned about income inequality. Their paradigm is "a rising tide lifts all boats" and if one person increases by a little and another increases by a lot Republicans will say "both increased" while those who focus on inequality will say "one increased more than another". So the fact that Republicans aren't focused on the fact that Trump is wealthy isn't a significant fact.
Then explain why RVonse (trump supporter) disses on Winfrey for doing the same thing Trump uis doing.
Hence my point. You’ve just discovered it.

2. You are committing a tu quoque when you say "How dare they
You misread the tone; I never said anything to create the vibe of “how dare they”, which implies outrage and surprise.
I’m not surprised. This is what they do. Projecting. Accusing others of the things they are doing. I have no shock at this, no anger. It is 100% predictable.

point out that a wealthy person is talking about income inequality, they have men voting on women's rights." You're not actually addressing whether or not there is hypocrisy in Oprah's statements.
Oh, sorry you missed that. It was there, but I’ll spell it out for you more clearly. Oprah’s statements are not hypcritical because she has herself been the victim of significant racism and sexism. This provides her with deep empathy for those who suffer from its effects. While the racism and sexism directed at her no longer have the capacity to create the harm that it did when she was poor, she has great compassion for others, as can be seen in her philanthropy and her speech at this convention.

And falsely accusing her of hypocrisy is itself hypocrisy since the person who did it has no complaints about Republicans doing what he falsely accused her of, as your point #1 validates.

Personally I think the charge of hypocrisy is overblown because, as has been pointed out, she does donate large sums to trying to help others. All that's left is the appearance of hypocrisy, but you won't even address that and fall back to the default of "well they're just a bunch of racists."
I did address it, and have explained again above.
This does not erase the fact that the rant in the OP of this thread is definitely racist, as are the admonitions to “go ‘back’ to Africa” to someone who was never from there.

I mean, it’s not subtle.

Is it your position that they are using criticism of content to disguise the fact that they are racists?
I don’t think they are trying to disguise it at all, do you? It’s right out there in public.
Or, maybe they are and they are just achingly bad at the disguise.

Do you think it is possible to criticize the content of a minority speaker, the way you just did to me, without it being race based?
Sure, yes, so do you. THis thread’s OP isn’t one of those cases, though.

First they’d have to start with a valid criticism of content. And it will not include the rather piteous complaint that because a poor person made it big, that means they never faced racism or sexism. There was no other criticism. Just that; that Oprah Winfrey doesn’t know what racism or sexism feels like, because she now a billionaire.

So is that a criticism of her content? Or a criticism of her being an acceptable (to the conservatives) messenger for the content? He didn’t criticise her content, he criticised HER.

3. Aren't you infantalizing minorities by saying "oh you poor thing, they're not actually criticizing your content, they're just a bunch of mean racists"?
This does not follow.
Especially since I never said, thought, or implied, “oh, you poor thing”.
Oprah Winfrey is a major philanthropist. She opened a $40 million school for disadvantaged girls in South Africa.
I actually consider that a negative. When you try to do good in corrupt places it gets sucked up in corruption. Might feel good but does little.
Yeah, we know that conservatives consider education a negative.
Consider education a negative?? No, I'm saying that little of that money actually accomplished education.
Oprah Winfrey is a major philanthropist. She opened a $40 million school for disadvantaged girls in South Africa.
I actually consider that a negative. When you try to do good in corrupt places it gets sucked up in corruption. Might feel good but does little.
Yeah, we know that conservatives consider education a negative.
Consider education a negative?? No, I'm saying that little of that money actually accomplished education.
Do you have a source for this?
The fact that some women do extremely well in a sexist society or that some blacks do extremely well in a racist society does not mean the sexism in the former or racism in the latter is not a problem for most women or blacks. It does not make Ms. Winfrey a hypocrite for pointing out for what she sees as a problem.
Anyone remember the Tulsa Race Massacre? There were a lot of successful black people that were murdered there.
Consider education a negative?? No, I'm saying that little of that money actually accomplished education.
Based on what evidence?
Seems like Lindiwe Tsope is happy with the education she got. But I’m sure Loren can point us to the statistics indicating how badly Oprah’s schools have failed the South Africans. He wouldn’t have claimed that otherwise, right?
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