(1) How many spheres are in the diagram? (six rows of seven is 42)
(2) What position in the grid does the Earth occupy? (42)
(3) The barcode on one of the spheres is the number 42 as an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode
(4) Considering red-hued spheres (red, purple, orange, black) as a '1' and those without as a '0', what number does each line represent in decimal form? (In binary, each line reads '0101010', or '42' in decimal form.)
(5) What number do the blue-tinted spheres (blue, green, purple, black) spell out? (Similar to a colour blindness test.) (42)
(6) What number is represented by Roman numerals spelled out by the yellow-tinted spheres (yellow, orange, green, black) in the first three rows? (XLII = 42)