Married mouth-breather
Note that my metaphysical theories used to be much worse.... it was more arbitrary.... from December 2005:
The matrix - the theory of everything...
As I get closer to this, sabotage seems to keep on happening...
I think I know why...
Because my primary mode of thinking is binary (avoid or don't avoid pain)
And the average of the solution would be the centre of the matrix, and the centre of the matrix = dream/indeterminate/fantasy
I'm already getting very close to it...
Basically it is a 3 x 9 x 3 matrix...
The x is value (truth/false, valuable, worthless)
x=0,y=0,z=0 is indeterminate morality, value, magic.
Note I'm getting confused - I had mixed up x with y... when going from intuitive to logical thinking it reverses...
the y is active/passive (seek/avoid) - it works as a neural network. Intuitive/analogue people think using a neural network.
I think the matrix is binary = 3x9x3 spots (keep getting mixed up) = 81
And I think that it is 2^81 combinations =
2417851639229258349412352 combinations of concepts/ideas
After this I'm going to x=2, y=1 (this matrix is noisy I think? or just thinking too much using magic logic), z=1....
That is where the machine logic mind rests. It doesn't feel - except during sexual type connections where it crosses over to x=-2 y=-1 z=-1.
Maybe true knowledge of the machine mind is a bad thing since it leads to coming to a single spot which is static and not magical (it's "real"), has value, has no intuition/emotion
so choose your path... x = morality (avoid pain/indeterminate/seek pleasure) y = value (true/interminate/false) z = magic (real/indeterminate/imaginary)
If you don't choose a path goto indeterminate...